First few days of 12/12 light cycle!! Going to start tracking these ladies a little more now; working on getting the humidity right in the room that feeds the tent air. Dehumidifier on its way as ventilation and ac together aren’t doing the trick. (Mini dehumidifier in tent seems to be overworked and useless lol but will leave it in for now)…
Day 86: removed large watering bin from room and that brought the rh down 10-20 at night so holding off on dehumidifier costs a little longer 🙏🏻
Day 87 : flush
Day 88 :
Day 89 :
Day 90 : fed, pruned a lil
Your first grow looks pretty good! Nice work! I'd ride it out a week or so before you start flushing though. I usually start the 2 week flush when more of the white pistols have turned red/orange. Buds look great! ☺️💪
Amazing grow! Really good job dude! I wish you the best results with the most delicious buds!
Nice to see your journals! I will drop by some times to check your progress!
Feel free to come by and say hello!
Happy growing 🥦🤩
@Legendaryseedthumb, thanks so much bro and to you as well! I will definitely pop on by and check your journals out!! Wishing a bountiful harvest for all and many more 🌱🙏🏻🥦