theWillycommentedweek 153 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks. I'm using an Earth Box so it's watered from below. The top inch is usually pretty dry. I have watered it some from the top at times when adding compost and Bokashi to help with the natural composting. The bugs showed up after using a new compost product, I think I watered it in too so there must have been eggs in it. I'm getting them under control now and ordered Neoseiulus Amblyseius Cucumeris mites, they should be here tomorrow. I'm still not positive on the ID of the bugs though. I'm thinking they may be some species of thrips. They do fly and they're very very small. From my photos I see why others said they're earwigs but they're not, they're just so small my camera can't get a good pic. They don't have pincers and I'm familiar with earwigs, these aren't them.
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