Despite losing a few days last week they've grown sufficiently big to top and take the tops as cuttings. The plants are going into 11/13 next week with 3 shoots each - leaving one to take another cutting if necessary and at least two to make buds.
I don’t understand why they don’t sell any photo periods that I can find.. they seem like decent breeders but autos are not my cup of tea. Didn’t know they even did photos to be honest. Not enough $ for them in photo strains is my opinion
@Chamalla, well, fast flowerers have ruderalis genes but they don’t auto flower.. so I think it takes a while to refine those genetics. For instance, I bought two fast flowering Blueberry x C99 and one flowered in 18/6 on its own like an auto and one did not. I assume it’s from not refining those genetics
@Ezzjaybruh, their autos are pretty good, I've grown a few. I don't know what the reason is that these fast-flowering photoperiods aren't released yet, maybe they need more testing. The one I've grown so far was really nice, one of my two favourite plants in my garden at the moment. I hope they'll still release them eventually or at least tell us the strains ...
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
@Anonymousgrowing, sorry I spotted this late. You mean the Fecida? I love them, bought two more after the first one. In my DP60 tents I run them dimmed at 60%, in this grow I had half a foot more headroom and ran it at its full 120 watts. Only getting light burn when closer than 2 inches even at full bore. For small spaces like mine these are perfect.