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Ntsh ntsh

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1
weeks 1-3
weeks 4
weeks 4
Grow medium
Clay and sand
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
11.36 L
Week 1. Flowering
4 years ago
14 hrs
36 °C
30 %
32 °C
24 °C
13 °C
8 L
11 L
Nutrients 2
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
Crystal candy first week of flowering All cc are around 3ft tall 1 cc fim and setup like a scrog lollipop (lolliscrog) Gorilla girl just starting to flower 2x gg are 3ft 2x gg are over 5ft Tropicanna poison should begin this week. All tp are around 3ft tall 1x tp was lolliscrog without fim Watering is done multiple times a day (up to 5x) Morning watering is 1 tsp per gallon Tiger Bloom Second watering is 1tbs per gallon big bloom All middle waterings are 1tsp per gal tiger bloom Last watering is Plain water Soil is Miracle grow Open to desert sand/clay Plant pots Plants were planted in 1 gallon nursery pots. After a few weeks holes that fit around 2 gal of dirt were dug. Bottoms of planters were cut off and planter placed to rim in the ground. All plants are & have been rootbound for quite some time. Location info Off grid desert grow. Northern latitude Weather 90f - 115f daytime 50f - 70f nigh Wind 15 - 60mph Seeds planted May 18 4x Gorilla girl f1 fast 4x Crystal candy f1 fast 4x Tropicanna poison f1 fast All seeds sprouted by May 24 Pests are Grasshoppers Cutworms Mormon crickets Leaf cutter bees Beneficial predators are Assassin fly Assassin bug Frogs Preying mantis Lady bugs Problems so far and how resolved Cutworms: used diatomaceous earth on soil top and killed visible ones at night. Frogs moved in and helped take care of the rest Grasshoppers: predator assassin flies moved in. Leaves on gorilla girl were lime green: used 1/2 tsp miracle grow all purpose to 2 gal water for two weeks resolving nitrogen deficiency. Info on initial cutworm problem. The miracle gro soil that was purchased was infested with cutworms. Once the first seedlings popped out of soil all seedling containers were put under 24/7 light. Unknowingly this saved every plant I had as it kept the cutworms under the soil for the first 2+ weeks of the plants life. I did not know my mg soil was infested and without the constant light the cutworms would have surfaced and began eating the stalks/leaves. Picture info will start being posted here to reduce self commenting. 8-9-21 Added pics of all the crystal candy f1 fast & gorilla girl f1 fast. 2x CC are packing on the size like mad. Gorilla Girl f1 fast are just starting to form. GG is going to have some huge buds as the sativa dominant trait makes some very tall plants with large internodal spacing (in flower) resulting in light coverage to pretty much every flower. STOPPING nutrient use for a few days in preparation of using more nutrients in the coming weeks. Just being safe as my environment leaches away each watering very fast and this can cause unwanted buildups that I would rather not have mid flower. Camera is Moto e6 crap phone but seems to be ok for pics. CHECK BACK DAILY FOR NEW INFORMATION AND PICTURES..
Used techniques
Week 2. Flowering
4 years ago
14 hrs
36 °C
30 %
32 °C
24 °C
13 °C
8 L
11 L
Nutrients 2
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
Please refer to week 1 flower for grow details.. Week 2 start date 8-10-21 This comment will be updated daily during week 2 with all relevant information. 8-10-21 Nutrients have been stopped for the next few days. 8-10-21 Crystal Candy f1 fast pictures added. 8-11-21 Added Crystal Candy f1 fast full plant photo 8-11-21 added crystal candy f1 fast flower pics 8-12-21 added crystal candy flower pics 8-12-21 added full plant crystal candy pictures 8-12-21 Gorilla Girl full plant pictures 8-12-21 Assassin fly under crystal candy killing grasshopper. (Yes I see the yellow leaf :( lol) 8-12-21 Predator and pest update. Lady bugs have taken up occasional home in my garden but so have leaf cutter bees. Not sure if there is a case of them burrowing in marijuana stalks but they have been known to borrow into rose stalks so I'll have to keep an eye out for that. 8-13-21 Started nutes back up 8-13-21 Added a few Crystal Candy pics 8-14-21 2tbs big bloom per gal, 2 tsp tiger bloom per gal all but last water that will be 1tsp Epsom salt per gal (Crystal Candy and gorilla girl only). GG and TP are tiger bloom only for the moment. 8-14-21 added crystal candy pics 8-14-21 will add other pics later 8-14-21 Added garden picture 8-15-21 lady bug on crystal candy added 8-16-21 crystal candy pic added CHECK BACK OFTEN AS PICTURES AND COMMENT INFORMATION WILL BE ADDED DAILY. .
Used techniques
Week 3. Flowering
4 years ago
14 hrs
36 °C
30 %
32 °C
24 °C
13 °C
8 L
11 L
Nutrients 2
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
FROST. WEEK OF FROST.. FROST 8-18-21 Have had Frost's the last few days. Day 2 of frost. Frost is expected the next few days so I'm x'n my fingers. 8-18-21 pics added of Crystal Candy 8-18-21 TROPICANNA POISON tba later 8-18-21 pics of Gorilla Girl added 8-20-21 Crystal Candy pics after another frost added 8-24-21 Dropping Fox Farm nutrients and swapping to Miracle Gro bloom booster at 1/4 tsp per gallon starting tomorrow. It's late in the game for such a drastic change but I'm doing it. Usually go cheapest everything in my public grows as to show ANYONE can grow anyways. But in 100% honesty this year it's more of the wallet saying NO. I am running a total of 17 plants outside, 12 here in this diary so with each plant eating 3 gallons a day that's 51 gallons of water a day. That's a lot of chemicals every day. DIARY UPDATED DAILY. CHECK BACK OFTEN FOR UPDATES.
Used techniques
Week 4. Flowering
4 years ago
14 hrs
32 °C
15 %
27 °C
24 °C
6 °C
8 L
11 L
Nutrients 1
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 - Miracle-Gro
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 0.326 mll
8-25-21 took pics of Tropicanna poison, Gorilla Girl & Crystal Candy. 8-25-21 Dropped Fox farm and now using mg bloom booster at 1/4 strength. 8-25-21 Doing 4 tsp molasses to 2 1/2 gal water for 2x feedings to help soil. 8-25-21 plants seem to be doing ok after a week of frost. Some yellowing and leaf death but all in all still doing good. 8-25-21 All strains are now flowering. 8-26-21 more pics 8-27-21 morning pic added. 8-28-21 Nighttime temperature keeps dropping into the low 40s (fahrenheit) resulting in massive root damage as I am beyond root bound. Frost's still happening every morning. The Crystal Candy doesn't seem to mind the Frost's or cold nights at all. Thee Gorilla Girl is very slowly taking damage but nothing to be alarmed about. The Tropicanna Poison has taken the most damage loosing most of it's leaves on the bottom portions of the plants. The only exception is the lolliscrog plant. I am thinking that the mass of plant material so close to the ground is trapping the rising heat from the ground under the foliage. 8-28-21 Crystal Candy pics. I'll post more of others soon. 8-29-21 NO nutrients today. 8-30-21 .5tsp per gallon of mg every watering today except for last watering. Last watering will be plain water. 8-30-21 scrog part of crystal candy lolliscrog taking frost damage finally. Unsure if I am going to remove and let top finish alone. 8-30-21 MG seems to be working out. No noticable stretch or fluffing.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
13 hrs
32 °C
36 %
27 °C
24 °C
6 °C
8 L
11 L
Nutrients 1
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 - Miracle-Gro
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 0.326 mll
9-1-21 Added some Gorilla Girl and Crystal Candy pics. 9-1-21 NO LONGER using nutes on Crystal Candy. 9-1-21 two of the Crystal Candy seem to be farther along then the other two. Probably another week left on them. 9-2-21 giving Gorilla Girl & Tropicanna Poison .5 tsp mg per gal all day except last water. 9-2-21 removed back side of Crystal Candy lolliscrog due to frost damage. Waxed cut ends. 9-4-21 no nutrients to be used on tp or gg until 9-7-21 9-6-21 pics added 9-6-21 killed 1x gorilla girl because it was hermaphrodite 9-7-21 more pics 9-7-21 cold nights and morning Frost's taking a toll on productive leaves. 9-7-21 Crystal Candy leaves have began to loose color. 1x Crystal Candy will be done by 9-10-21. 9-7-21 resuming .25 tsp mg per gal.
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
13 hrs
32 °C
36 %
27 °C
24 °C
3 °C
8 L
11 L
Nutrients 1
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 - Miracle-Gro
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 0.326 mll
9-10-21 harvested 1x Crystal Candy before sunrise 🌞 9-11-21 harvested 1x Crystal Candy before sunrise 🌞 9-12-21 Harvested 2/3 of 3rd Crystal Candy before sunrise 🌞 9-13-21 Added plant pics 9-13-21 Added 4th day Crystal Candy hanging pics. Yes there is still leaf material as I need it to extend drying time. Leaves began to wilt and dry up over night. Hopefully I'll make it to 6-7 days before there ready to cure. 9-13-21 Gorilla Girl being fed plain water now along with last Crystal Candy 9-13-21 harvest and dry weight will be added at dry day. Diary asks for wet weight and not removing buds from stems for weighing while wet. 9-20-21 added gorilla girl and Tropicanna Poison pics. At end of pics 9-20-21 frost was worse than ever last night. Woke up to completely frozen plants with ice buds. 9-20-21 plants recovering but lost loads of leaf material. 9-20-21 Harvested last Crystal Candy 9-20-21 Harvested all Gorilla Girl. All harvests will be posted when drying complete.
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1 comment
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
13 hrs
32 °C
36 %
27 °C
24 °C
3 °C
8 L
11 L
Nutrients 1
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 - Miracle-Gro
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 0.326 mll
9-22-21 added crystal candy and gorilla Girl drying pics 9-22-21 drying room is at max capacity and a make shift room had to be created and filled. 9-24-21 added Tropicanna Poison pics 9-24-21 last of the crystal candy to be weighed and put into curing jars
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
13 hrs
32 °C
36 %
27 °C
24 °C
3 °C
8 L
11 L
Nutrients 1
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 - Miracle-Gro
Ultra Bloom Water Soluble 15-30-15 0.326 mll
Proof of ownership APCDC
1 comment
Week 8. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 57 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
We ended up at around 15lbs total for this garden.


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EpyxZcommentedweek 14 years ago
Added more grow info in main comment. Daily pics will start when flowering gets more interesting
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 14 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with some of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
Sweet_Seedscommented3 years ago
@EpyxZ, I am sorry to hear about this incident. In principle, this type of situation usually appears when the plant presents some type of stress. Some are more sensitive and with a minimum of stress can present this type of problem. In some cases it may not happen with the others, but it is also possible that it could happen again. Sweet smokes, - Apolo
EpyxZcommented3 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, 1x Gorilla Girl hermied. Am I going to have to worry about the other 3 and other 2 strains?
EpyxZcommented4 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, no problem. Thank you for taking the time to check my diary out. Visit back often as my diary will become very picture heavy as soon as flower is more pronounced.
DreamITcommentedweek 14 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🤘🍀🦄
Dingle_Danglecommentedweek 14 years ago
Yooooo, wish you friendly weather and mild temperatures! 🤞💪 Beautiful garden 😍 I love when they get so big 😋 #OUTDOORGANG -DD
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 14 years ago
Que maravilha ✌️ Boa sorte no cultivo e aproveita o desenvolvimento 👍 E no final que tenhas uma grande colheita 🌱🌱 Se quiseres passa pelo meu diário e deixa o teu apoio
Northern_Entcommentedweek 63 years ago
Your weather sounds like mine near Edmonton in Canada. We’ve had five or six nights at 1 C which finished the tomato and potato plants, but the cannabis is fine. Your Crystal Candy is way bigger than mine. Are you really hitting 32C with frost at night, or like me forgetting to update the temp and hours of light? Anyway, cheers to outdoor growing.
Northern_Entcommentedweek 73 years ago
Okay, scratch my comments about weather as I see you’re in a desert. That’s a lot of watering. 😳 In week 1 your “lolliscrog” is pretty awesome. Good job.
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 54 years ago
Good luck with your grow I hope you get the best taste of buds and healthy plants! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page! Peace & Love - L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟
Kynarethcommentedweek 83 years ago
hope big buds buddy
Professor_Chaoscommentedweek 73 years ago
Very interesting! I have yet to try any fast version strains.. Just ordered some Aura Genetics (nothing but fast version strains.. Limited to 100 packs per strain) and can't wait to get one of them going! Been thinking of making some myself with Colloidal Silver.. Very curious to see how fast versions turn out.. Also.. Miracle Grow?!?!? Is it working ok for you? No issues? Not too much nitrogen in flower? Almost every purple strain I grow, I have to completely cut out Nitrogen.. Almost. Leaves start clawing and turning very dark green.. Almost blueish.. But man, your ladies are lookin great! Good job!
Professor_Chaoscommentedweek 43 years ago
Those are some gorgeous pics! 🏜️ very awesome!
the end.
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Ntsh ntshNtsh ntsh
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