Hey ladies and gents,
Week 4 plus a couple done and dusted and what a week it was!
Early on in the week I pegged down the 3 girls as I was seeing signs of pre-flowering coming on fast. In addition to this, I have been leaf tucking on the regular which has worked to good effect.
These genetics are crazy fast! It's a shame I didn't have everything dialed in for the crucial first 21 days but they are showing signs of rapid growth now.
During the week I lowered the light and gave Root Roids and Fruit Roids on alternate feedings. I also received the humidifier which has been a great help, I wish I got it sooner!
A couple of branches have perked up and are almost in line with the main stem, hopefully putting me in a good place for the stretch phase.
The photos show how I did it please please give me any pointers if you have any! This is my first grow and I've made plenty of small errors so the more helpful comments the better.
Anyways not to bore you any longer enjoy the photos.
Good luck with your first grow buddy. My advice for first grow is don’t over water 💦 feel the pot when it’s dry to gauge when you need to water. 2nd tip is be very careful with nutes , only go half max what the bottle recommends and see how you get on.