Soil setup (same for both plants):
- 10 % pebbles at the top (for top soil protection against water evaporation)
- 50gr / 1.75oz of RQS Easy Boost
- 70 % Plagron Grow Mix
- 20 % pebbles at the bottom (for draining and preventing the roots from digging into the fabric pot + prevents root bind)
- 7L / 1.85gal water (initial watering, should last some weeks till they grow bigger)
On temperature: there have been a couple of "hot and humid" days. All in all no biggy. Pretty good conditions overall for a growing phase.
Regarding the germination process:
The Runtz hatched quicker, hence the longer stem compared to the CBDV.
I did had to help out the CBDV strain with hatching (nothing out of the ordinary), hindsight I should have kept her 1-2 days longer inside of the incubator in order to let her develop longer roots.
The rolls will be removed once the stems are stronger. They mainly function for a bufferzone in order to let the plants grow without pressure or heat from the pebbles.
I will keep the topic on tent preparation in next weeks journal. See you guys soon!