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Learning to grow, at home!

3 years ago
3 years ago
Germination started with paper towel on 10/7. Started seeing sprouts 10/10. Planted into soil on 10/11. Using nested red solo cup method for the initial stages of this grow. Use two red solo cups. Cut the top inch or so off both. Outer cup stays complete beyond that. Inside cup has the bottom cut out for drainage and then cut completely down one side to form a cup taco. The idea is that once we are ready to transplant to the larger 3G pot, we just have to create a red solo cup sized hole in the top of the 3G pot soil, remove the inner cup from the outer cup, peel away the inner cup (open the taco) leaving the soil and plant then drop that into the larger pot. I plan to use 3G fabric pots for their final home. Soil mix in the red solo cup is 100% Fox Farms Happy Frog. Soil mix in the 3G pots will be 50/25/25 Fox Farms Ocean Forest/Fox Farm Happy Frog/Perlite mix. This is only my second grow. My first grow failed unfortunately due to overwatering and overnuteing. Hoping to correct those issues this time around. Feel free to comment with suggestions.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
48 %
20 °C
20 °C
66.04 cm
Seems like most people move to week 1 veg around this time, so I am doing the same. Very little water usage at this point. Maybe a tablespoon or so into the solo cups then a light misting on top every other day. Basically using the weight of the cup to determine how dry the soil is. Will probably have these in the red solos for another week or two until I see a root poking out of the bottom of the inner red solo. Might move it sooner but wanting to let them get a little larger before I do anything at this point. Most of the stats listed above are relative averages. Since I am growing indoors and have some passive ventilation happening due to space, as the AC kicks on and off, temps and humidity fluctuate a bit. For temps, my highest since the grow has started has been 76.3 and my low has been 65.7. For humidity. Top end is 47.1 and bottom end is 42.8. Currently I am running an 18/6 lighting schedule starting at 6:00 and ending at 11:59:59 (midnight). I may change this up as we get further into winter depending on how the temps and humidity go. I still will keep the 18/6 but may have the cycle overnight between 18:00 and 12:00 (noon). With off hours between 12:00 (noon) and 18:00. Update: Watering schedule in the red solo cups has been about an ounce (or a little less) every other day. I usually put the majority of the water in, wait about five minutes and then do a light misting on the top. 24 hours after watering, the cups are noticeably lighter in weight but still heavier. After 48 hours, soil is definitely dry. Day 9 - It is noticeable that my NL lights is a little behind my GSC but only by about a day. She took a little longer to break soil. She was also had a smaller taproot on germination before putting her into soil. I expect to potentially transplant these into their final homes maybe this weekend or early next week. Watering volume is still the same.
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Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
43 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
2 L
66.04 cm
Starting Week 2 at this point. So far, not much has changed from watering schedule from week 1. I stopped misting them at this point and just went about an ounce of water into each red solo cup. Based on the size, I am expecting to transplant them into the 3G fabric pots in about three more days. More to come once that happens. Day 11 - NL is definitely slower than GSC. Not entirely certain why just yet. There's also a little discoloration on the edges of the tiny leaves. Not much though. I did not water her as much this time around and misted her instead. She felt heavy-ish still. Thinking about it though, I did water her a little heavier this last time accidentally. More water came out than I wanted and she got a little more than I wanted to give her. Think this might have contributed. Also explains the heavier cup today. Going to keep an eye on her for the time being. GSC was dry, so I watered her as normal and she seems to be taking off quite well. This is the last water before transplant. I plan to transplant into the larger 3G fabric pot in two days with the 50/25/25 FFOF/FFHF/Perlite mix. Day 12 - NL is still looking banged up. She has brown on her leaves and is definitely stunted. She is not moving nearly as fast as my GSC. Day 13 - NL has gotten a little worse. The brown has creeped up the leaves and her growth has slowed dramatically. Still not sure if that is due to the initial overwatering but think so. Potentially a nutrient def? But it would be weird if that were the case since the soil is the same between the two plants. She started off a little slow. Not really sure just yet. Day 13 - Also transplanted them into their final 3G pot homes. I am hoping that maybe my NL will perk up a bit at this point. Day 14 - After transplant, NL does not appear to be getting any worse at this point. She is stunted though and not sure what happened. GSC appears to be doing fine and is moving along nicely. After transplanting, I poured about 64 ounces of water into each bag. Also, very noticeably heavier from the water weight. Day 14 - NL is done for. I am killing her and starting over with another seed. Leaving this open for GSC and will start a second diary for my other seed. Day 15 - After doing some digging around I found that the PH of the water I was using was WAY off and most likely resulted in the loss of my NL as well as perhaps some issues during my last grow. Jugs and some ph up/down are on the way to hopefully rectify that issue for both this grow as well as my other journal detailing my Durban Sunrise seed to replace my NL.
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Grow Questions
tromus_teh_tranqstarted grow question 3 years ago
Looking for some advice on the browning of the leaves and stunted growth of my NL seedling. It started occurring after a heavy water and appears to continue to creep. Thought it might be too intense lighting, so moved her. Thought it might be overwatering as well. Thoughts?
Leaves. Tips - Die
Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
I would have to agree with the over watering. It looks like you might have some root rot. I would take 5ml of hydrogen peroxide(3%) and mix it with 5ml of water. Then slowly apply it to the base of the plant. This should kill the bacteria causing the root rot( and any good bacteria) which is why you only want to apply around the base. It is an auto flower so it might not be worth the effort seeing at how stunted it is. I would try that, Give it a week and then decide if it is worth it. Good luck with the girl scout cookies, She is looking nice!!!! Happy Growing
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
8.89 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Day 18 - Chugging along just fine. Day 20 - Still nothing to report here. She is looking quite lovely. Still using the veg light only. As a note, I have not watered her since 10/24 as the soil is still quite damp less than an inch down. Humidity has been pretty high though, so suspect she is getting a bit from the air compared to the soil. I am expecting to water sometime in the middle of the week, if things keep going the way they are. Day 23 - The top inch or two of soil has finally dried out. She is still looking good. Not much really to report here. The last watering was when I transplanted her. She is looking beautifully green. She has a faint odor as well but barely. You have to be right up on her to notice. Not seeing anything of concern. Keep it up mama! Will start Week 4 tomorrow.
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Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
16.51 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
39 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
0 L
53.34 cm
Day 24 - 11/4/2021 - Still not much to report here. Her soil finally dried out after the last watering during transplant. I suspect this took nine days for a few reasons. The first that she was still very small. The second is that the humidity in the tent had jumped about 10-15% as the weather around here has been pretty wet. But I've noticed that as she has grown a bit more, the soil has started to dry out much faster. On Monday, the top half inch was dry but beyond that, moist. Tuesday, it was almost an inch and a half. Yesterday, even more. So over the last few days, the top soil has gotten much drier progressively faster. The humidity also dropped back down to 40-45% in the tent as well on Monday. Instead of doing a full 64 ounces of watering today, I only did around 32 ounces. probably more like 36-40 because my watering jug is a 64 ounce jug and I did not measure specifically. Anyways, start of week 4. She's growing like a weed! 11/5 - Day 25 - Still looking good. Soil still damp from watering yesterday. Trucking along just fine still. Started investigating what I need for a nute mix and have some ideas. So far, no additional nutes have been added to the water or soil. Probably in about two more weeks I will start adding nutes. More details to come once that is decided upon. I have also been trying to keep at least one picture angle the same to show growth between days. Now that she is getting bigger, I am also going to take some side shots when possible to show height. Once she gets larger, I may not be able to remove her from the tent as easily, so the quality of those shots might drop since they will be taken inside the tent with the light on. Also, I noticed between yesterday and today, she has blown TF up! Lot of new growth by comparison. So excited! 11/6 - Day 26 - I added a better runoff system yesterday afternoon. Put in a slightly larger drip pan as well as adding an inch tall cooking cooling rack to set the fabric pots on. This should keep the pots out of the runoff when watering next time. I noticed when I watered previously that after about 10 minutes, the runoff would get reabsorbed back into the pot and as I understand it, that is a no-no. That should help with aeration of the pot a bit as well along with the runoff. Hoping that the soil will be dry enough by tomorrow or Monday to water again. I am trying to get to a 3-day watering cycle. 11/7 - Day 27 - Nothing to report. Based on soil moisture and weight of the fabric pot, I will be watering again with 32 ounces tomorrow most likely. 11/8 - Day 28 - Soil is bone dry about two inches down at this point. Gave her 32 ounces again today and since she is not sitting in runoff now, I am expecting her to dry out much faster this next time around. Trying to get to a three day watering cycle and I think this will do it for me for the immediate (until she starts drinking more). I also turned on the Bloom switch on my light today as well. She is well into veg and probably starting towards flowering in the next two to three weeks. Up until today I only had the Veg switch turned on which is a blurple light. The documentation on my light indicates to turn on the bloom and veg light once into veg stage. I am kind of nervous about this change because I also have a seedling in the same tent, but she is moved well off to the side and not getting full brunt of the light. Will have to wait and see. 11/9 - Day 29 - She is still looking happy. I got nervous when I checked on her before bed (around 10 pm) and her leaves were dropping heavily. Since I had just watered her, I probably gave her too much. This morning she is looking much better and happier. I think I will keep going with the 32 ounces for the time being if it can get me three days before the top soil is bone dry. But will play this by ear. Growing steadily. 11/10 - Day 30 - She is still looking good. I have noticed a few small brown spots showing up on her leaves. But it is specifically two leaves and I believe those two leaves had water droplets on them after the last watering ands turning the flower light on. Monitoring those to see if things get worse or not. The spots are very difficult to see in any light outside of the tent. Will try to get a pic of them in case they do change. Checking around in various places in the soil, the outer soil that gets exposed to light was dry but the soil right under her was still damp. After the drooping last time, I think I am going to let this run a little longer before I water her again. I suspect that since I am now pulling her to side for the LST, This may help with drying things out. Picture posted of one of the leaves with brown spots. Just looking around, I suspect it might be the start of a calcium deficiency based on what I am seeing around the interwebz.
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Grow Questions
tromus_teh_tranqstarted grow question 3 years ago
Think this might be the start of a calcium deficiency. Only on two of the older leaves and in similar spots on the leaves. These leaves may have also had some water on them after the last watering. Tried to remove it as best I could. Any thoughts?
Leaves. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 3 years ago
hi there Tromus, yeah you're right about that calcium deficiency. The good news is you caught it early so you can fix it quite quickly. What might have caused it is the pretty heavy light cycle, when you have 18 hours + lights on you simply need to compensate with calmag because the plant is using more of it to regulate its growth . Hope this helps ! 🚀
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
35 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
0 L
48.26 cm
11/11 - Day 31 - She is droopy today. I believe this is because her soil is quite dry. I stuck a finger all of the way down into the pot in various places and nothing. Dry dry dry. I am going to give her the full water cycle this go around. The calmag is in the mail and should show up today but it could be noon or it could be 19:00 tonight. If it were earlier in the day and I knew it was earlier in the day then I'd hold off on watering until I could add the calmag. But I don't feel good about letting her go a full day this droopy. So I am going full 32 ounces this morning. Monitor the calcium deficiency for a few more days and start calmag on the next cycle probably on Sunday morning. *** UPDATE *** She has started to perk up after the watering from this morning and looking much better. Hopefully tomorrow's picture will look more normal. Also, Calmag showed up hours before expected. Expecting to water Sunday morning with just a calmag solution. 11/12 - Day 32 - She has definitely perked up after watering as you can see in the pictures. The calcium deficiency is progressing slightly and still on just those two leaves. It's not progressing super quickly and doesn't appear to be impacting new growth yet. So she should be fine to make it to Sunday when I water next, which will be with the additional calmag. Been adjusting the LST as it goes. Pulled her to the side a bit more today. After she gets a little taller, I want to pull her diagonally around the side of the pot. Going to attempt a cork screw style LST around the edge of the fabric pot. Will see how that goes. Need to do some research on different LST styles. 11/13 - Day 33 - Nothing really to report yet. Calcium def is only showing up on two leaves still. I plan to give more water tomorrow based on how dry she feels today with a 50% calmag solution. I plan to keep the calmag going through the rest of her grow cycle. Adjusted the LST a bit to pull her over to the side a bit more. She's growing a good 5-10% daily and seems happy. Her leaves are a little droopy and not sure why. Maybe too much water as a whole, but she is drying out after 2.5-3 days it seems. Maybe not as dry as I think deeper down? Will monitor. 11/14 - Day 34 - Calcium def still on two leaves only. I am debating watering today except that she is still a bit damp about an inch down and the pot does feel heavier. She looks healthy otherwise. A bit droopy though. Based on how things have been going today should be a watering day, so I am going to go with that and see what happens. Going to give 32 ounces of calmag and see how she does. 11/15 - Day 35 - Not much to report today. She is definitely growing. The calcium def has shown up on a total of three older leaves now. I am keeping daily tabs on that to see if it continues to spread or not. Hopefully with the addition of the calmag watering this time to start heading that off and continuing with that going forward, it will help handle that. I plan to continue adding calmag every other water at this point as well as adding it into my nute solution when I begin to start that up. I adjusted my LST to be further up on the main stem right under the first major node and pulled it further down a bit. This opened up the sides a bit as well. She does feel a bit small, though. I mean, her main stem is a good 12 inches long and maybe because of the LST she just seems shorter than expected. I don't know. She looks healthy otherwise. I think I have been overwatering her a bit, so plan to let her dry out extensively before giving another water. 11/16 - Day 36 - Not much to report today so far. She looks like she is doing okay. 11/17 - Day 37 - She is looking droopy again because she is dry! I have been watering every three days with 32 ounces and that seems to keep her happy for three more days. Giving her 32 more ounces today of standard water. Next watering will be another calmag watering. The calmag solution I made was a little weak because I did not want to entirely overdo it on the first go around. The instructions were 3-5 ml in a gallon of water, I put in 3 ml. I then split that gallon into two gallons, thus making it 50% of the original solution. This might have been split too much, not entirely sure as I am in new territory for me. But at this point I plan to keep going with calmag every other watering. Once I start nutes, I'll be adding calmag to my nute solution as well. Beyond that, tossed up a few pics of the calcium def progression. It seems to have slowed a little bit, maybe. But am going to just keep an eye on it. Still just on two of the older fan leaves and does not appear to be progressing much beyond the spots drying out that were already impacted. Adjusted my LST a bit as well to pull some of the extra nodes away from the main cluster. *** Update after watering. She has perked up dramatically and is looking mighty nice once again. Should show in the pics tomorrow.
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Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
35 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
0 L
45.72 cm
11/18 - Day 38 - She is moving along quite nicely. The calcium deficiency does not appear to be getting any worse, which is good. I did notice on one of her lower leaves that there is some yellowing in the one leaf's folial. Could be the start of a magnesium or nitrogen deficiency based on the fact that the leaf I see this on is a fairly small leave down near her main stem. Which would make that I would need to start adding nutrients at this point. She is getting pretty big and is probably only a week or two out from flowering. If it's a magnesium, then I am currently addressing it already with the calmag I watered with the other day. If it's nitrogen, I need to start adding nutrients to my next watering cycles. I am concerned with that though as the rest of the plant is looking very green already and I don't want to overload other nutrients in the process. I've got a few days before her next calmag watering and see from there. 11/19 - Day 39 - She is starting to look a little droopy again which makes sense based on our previous record. Today is day 2 and tomorrow day 3 when she will be dried out and ready for some food. I am expecting to water her tomorrow. She is still a bit damp in various places about an inch or two down. I mixed up a nutrient solution last night for the next watering. I did 10 ml of FF Big Bloom, 6 ml of FF Grow Big, 6 ml of FF Tiger Bloom and 3 ml of Calmag in a gallon of water. Got that mixed up, split in twain between two gallons to reduce the solution and then filled up and PH'd both jugs. I found that because my tap water is fairly alkaline (8.1-8.3), adding the nutes drops things down in a single gallon to about a PH of 5.9-6.1. From there, adding more tap water to fill the jugs back up brings my PH to almost dead on 6.5-6.6. Both gallons of the 50% solution came out that way. I plan to water her with 32 ounces of that solution tomorrow. I've noticed that the one leaf that looks like it might be a nitrogen deficiency has progressed further to encompass the whole leaf at this point. So I am hoping this will start helping alleviate that. The calmag leaves are progressing only a little. So thinking it is time for some nutes and we will see how she handles that then. 11/20 - Day 40 - She is sad because she is hungry. Because she has started drooping so early, I plan to give her more water today, probably 48 ounces or so. This watering will also be the 50% nute solution I mentioned in my previous note. Hopefully this will perk her up a bit more after that happens. Also expecting to start seeing flowers start forming here any time, which is why I think the nutes will help here as well. 11/21 - Day 41 - She loved the watering and the nutes! It is also looking like she might be getting ready to start her flowering stage. The timing would be about right and I can see the stigmas showing up in a few places. I've adjusted the LST a bit on her main stem as well as some of the smaller stems to try and move them around a bit to open up the lower leaves. The calmag deficiency appears to have stopped and not gotten any worse. But what I think is a nitrogen deficiency has taken hold of a few of the lower leaves. Interestingly enough the leaves impacted by the calmag deficiency are the same leaves impacted by what i think is the nitrogen deficiency. There's a total of I think three leaves impacted amongst the whole plant for both. I might remove the worst leaf at the bottom of the stem. Will do some research before doing that since she is about to start flowering, I think. Otherwise, she is looking mighty keen! 11/22 - Day 42 - I think I need to water her more. She drank 40 some odd ounces and is starting to look droopy again and the soil is drying out much faster. Going to go in a full 64 ounces tomorrow morning and see how she takes it. Otherwise, she is looking good. 11/23 - Day 43 - Super droopy and dry again. I watered her with 64 ounces today to see if that will perk her up for more than two days. Trying to keep her somewhat perky by the morning of Day 2 and that is a struggle. Depending on how she responds to this, I may continue with 64 ounces or might increase to like 90 ounces and see what happens. This watering was plain water. Next water will be with nutes again. The three leaves that had issues are still problematic and I may trim them off here soon. 11/24 - Day 44 - I feel bad because I have been underwatering her and I realize that now more than ever. I am keeping an eye on her to see how the 64 ounces goes and where it puts her. I may go 96 ounces this next time if she still looks a little droopy around day two or so and see how she does. This next water will be a nute cycle as well. I have probably stunted her a touch because of that and the underwatering might also be part of why I am seeing nute problems on a few of the leaves. But overall, she looks great. Only three/four leaves at this point are showing issues and they are really buried under that canopy. Most of the leaves that are also showing problems are the ones that showed the calcium deficiency as well. I adjusted her LST as bit as well to try and keep her low. She is handling that really well. I am trying to kind of move things in a circular pattern around the edge of the pot. Not overextend the pot too much due to space issues, both height and width. Because she has been low on water, I am only adjusting on days where she looks healthy to avoid the possibility of injury. Especially since you can start to see some early flowering signs showing up. Exciting times!
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Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
30 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.321 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 0.793 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 0.793 mll
11/25 - Day 45 - She is perkier today than she was last time, so I think I am going to water with 96 ounces tomorrow and see if that holds her through until Day 3. I am trying to get her to be happier on Day 2 and on Day 3 start to look sad. Instead of looking sad on Day 2. So far, she is coming along though. the LST is doing well and there are a lot of bud sites showing up. Added the nute solution I have used the past few times to the journal. Forgot I could do that in previous weeks, so have added that now. I went conservative but tried to base it around the FF OF feeding scheduled that they provided. Seems like she is liking it so far. But I have only fed her once with that solution. Tomorrow will be the second time and see how things go. Excited as we're only a few more weeks away! 11/26 - Day 46 - She was dry again and the pot was lighter. It wasn't as light as I would say I usually water her at but then again, I feel I have been underwatering her, so am gambling a bit with this but hoping it will pay off since she is pretty big at this point. She was also drooping again pretty bad as you might be able to see from the picture from today. Since I think I am underwatering her, I went in a full 96 ounces today to see how she handles that. The watering today also included the nute solution which she seemed to like so far. I plan to keep giving her this for another week or two and then will probably adjust the solution to remove the FF Grow Big. Will just do Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom and Calmag. Watered until 10-20% runoff as well, or so it seemed. Hopefully she liked this. Will know in another day or two. 11/27 - Day 47 - As expected, she perked up quite a bite after the watering yesterday. Her pot is also still very heavy from that. Hopefully she lasts a little longer this time before getting super droopy. Trying to make her not be droopy by day 2 of no water and start showing signs of droop on day 3 when she does need water. She is still looking pretty nice. Took a picture of a few of the pre-flowers because they looked pretty cool. Adjusted some of the LST spots as well to make sure things are at a fairly level height. Next watering will be pure water. 11/28 - Day 48 - She is a little droopy today but not bad compared to how she was typically looking on Day 2, which makes me think I have the adjusted water amount more correct this time. She was still a little heavy in the pot when I checked her out but not like she was after the initial water. Hoping that things are lighter tomorrow and if so, will give her 96 ounces of pure water. She is still looking good. There's a few leaves under her canopy that are a little busted up and one of her big fan leaves that showed the calcium deficiency early on is also looking like it is having issues. But the ret of her foliage looks nice and green. 11/29 - Day 49 - As you can see, she is droopy again but about what I expected based on previous weeks. I gave her 96 ounces of water/nutes last time and that got her cleanly through day 2 before getting droopy. Start of Day 3, droopy. So I am giving her 96 ounces again today of just pure water, no nutes. Otherwise, she seems to be coming along fine otherwise. No other major issues to note. 11/30 - Day 50 - She is doing pretty well today. Looking a little droopy but not too bad. Will check her again tomorrow. Not much more to report. 12/1 - Day 51 - She is still coming along nicely and has quite a few bud sites. She is definitely still growing. I've been adjusting the LST every few days to try and keep her around 12 inches in height, which puts my light exactly where it should be for flowering. There's a couple of dead leaves down near her base that I am waiting for them to drop off. If they don't in the next day or two, I will probably trim them off. They are REALLY deep under her foliage. Also noticed a water spot on one of her larger leaves, or what I think is a water spot. I realize I may need to fill the pots up further next time to avoid having to go digging under so much foliage to get to stuff. It's been a bit of a hinderance really. I thought the one picture of that one bud looked really nice with the colors and all.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
30 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.981 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.321 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.321 mll
12/2 - Day 52 - She was droopy and the pot was drastically lighter compared to watering, so i gave her 96 ounces of nutes again this morning. I have been chasing the droop a bit to try and see if I can determine what is going on. I think my light may be too much for the space. Yesterday I rearranged things a bit and was able to raise the light another 4 inches or so and then was also able shift the plants around a bit so that they are not directly under the light. Not sure if that has helped much. She seemed to perk up a bit after all of that shifting yesterday but also she started to droop again because she was probably getting hungry as well. Will see how things progress after this feed. More leaves have started to show signs of deficiencies as well but again, its only a handful of them and I believe that is also expected come flowering time. Not terribly worried as about 95% of the rest of her leaves are still very green and lush. This next grow I will likely change my light to something better for the space. Looking at a Mars Hydro TS600 right now. I will keep this light in case I do get a larger tent as I believe this would work well in that tent. 12/3 - Day 53 - She has definitely perked back up again after feeding yesterday. She is definitely a thirsty girl. Will wait to see how the drooping looks over the next few days but am expecting again by day 3 for her to look droopy again. She is definitely still growing. I've been having to adjust the LST every day or every other day in minor ways here and there. Some of her leaves are still problematic but as a whole, still looking very green. Most of the leaves that have problems have been having problems for the last two/three weeks. Still unsure about the lighting adjustment just yet. Giving it a few more days before deciding if that has made any difference at all. 12/4 - Day 54 - She is still mostly perky still. Her pot is definitely lighter today compared to after watering. I honestly think she is just a very thirty girl at this point. Will likely be giving her another 96 ounces tomorrow if she keeps up like this. I didn't need to adjust much LST today as things looked fine still. Not much else to report. 12/5 - Day 55 - Dry and droopy again today. Gave her 96 ounces of pure water again today. Otherwise, she is mostly looking good. Definitely having some nutrient issues as you can see on some of the leaves but I am giving her nutes. I may increase the nutes a bit next time. After looking back at things, I think I am going to do another week or two of this nute solution and then will move specifically to flower nutes. I will probably go 10 ml of FF Big Bloom, 5 ml of FF Tiger Bloom and 3 ml of Calmag. 12/6 - Day 56 - She perked up after the watering and is looking good for the most part. The fireworks have started and her buds are starting to come into swing. I can also see the start of initial trichomes starting up as well but they are very small. Didn't really need to adjust the LST much today as everything was still at around the same height. Otherwise, coming along decently. 12/7 - Day 57 - Not much to report here really. She is doing mostly fine. There's issues on some of the leaves but she's also flowering so I think that is expected. 12/8 - Day 58 - She was droopy and thirsty. Gave her 96 ounces of a slightly adjusted nute mix. I did a full 15 ml of Big Bloom, 10 of Grow Big, 10 of Tiger Bloom and 3 of CalMag, then split that by 50%. She seems to be doing okay and honestly I probably could have gone a little heavier in the nutes earlier. I was being conservative and I think that is noticeable in the leaves that you can see are yellowed. Her pot is also VERY tight. I think she might be rootbound in that 3G fabric pot. Or close to it. But since we're into flowering, we're gonna suck it up and move on with it as is. She is smelling spicy too. She's been spicy since veg but it is definitely coming out more now in her general odor.
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Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
30 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.981 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.321 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.321 mll
12/9 - Day 59 - She perked up again after watering with nutes. She liked it, I think. Moving along swell. Next watering will be pure water. No LST adjustments needed. 12/10 - Day 60 - Pot is lighter but she looks to be doing well still. Will be watering tomorrow with pure water. 12/11 - Day 61 - Still coming along nicely. She was very light/dry today so I fed her another 96 ounces of pure water. At this point, I will feed her once more with the current nute blend in a few days. Then I will switch over to pure flower nutes and see how those work for her. 12/12 - Day 62 - Not much more to report here. She is coming along still. Buds are looking nice. I'll be watering her once more with the current nute solution next Tuesday, 12/14. Then I will be switching her over to flower nutes. For flower nutes, after thinking about it a bit more, I think I will be doing 15 ml of FF Big Bloom, 10 ml of FF Tiger Bloom and 3 ml of calmag, split by 50%. I noticed that some of her leaves do have a small amount of nute burn on them, very tiny and only on a few leaves. Most of the leaves already had issues as well that are experiencing that. So think the 50% of recommended appears to be doing well here. 12/13 - Day 63 - Not much to report here. She is a little droopy today, as expected. Planning on watering tomorrow with the current nute solution. 12/14 - Day 64 - Still not much more to report here. She is coming along. Gave her 96 ounces of the nute mix. As noted previously, will be moving over to flower nutes this next nute cycle. 12/15 - Day 65 - Not much to report here. She is coming along still. Tried to get a good shot of one of her main buds because it looked pretty. Also starting to really see the frosty trichomes forming. Even more reason to move to flower nutes at this point.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
30 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.981 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.321 mll
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.66 mll
12/16 - Day 66 - She is still coming along nicely. Her buds are slowly filling out. I plan to be watering tomorrow with a different nute solution of 15 ml of FF Big Bloom and 10 ml of FF Tiger Bloom, split by 50%. Most likely, 96 ounces of all of that if things remain the same as they have been. You can see the trichomes really starting to show up and certain parts of the buds are starting to get frosty. I grabbed the super close up because I felt like it reminded me of Cthluhu. Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn! 12/17 - Day 67 - She was thirsty as well. I am glad both plants are on a similar watering cycle now. I can just do both at once and be done with it. I changed up her nute mix to be more flowering specific. Went 15 ml FF Big Bloom, 10 ml FF Tiger bloom and 5 ml Botanicare Calmag, split 50%. She is filling out still quite nicely and moving along. She. smells. amazing. As a side update to this, I noticed some of the leaves have purple folial coming in. Doing some digging, I think that is a K deficiency. I think the additional nutes this time around should help with that. 12/18 - Day 68 - Not much more to update here. She is progressing. 12/19 - Day 69 - Not much to report today. Still moving along. 12/20 - Day 70 - She was thirsty so I gave her 96 ounces of pure water. Still coming along. It looks like she has a bit of a potassium deficiency which I am hoping the nutes are helping with. But it does seem to be progressing. Will need to research that a bit for future reference. I think at this point though, she is far enough along that it might be too late to try and fix that. Maybe. 12/21 - Day 71 - Not much more to report here. She isn't growing much. Tucked some of the leaves out of the way of some of the smaller buds nestled down in the foliage so that they could get light. 12/22 - Day 72 - I thought her leaves turning purple might have been a potassium deficiency. But think it may be environmental and expected. Unsure to be totally honest. A lot of her leaves are turning purple and are not having any other issues. Will ride that out instead of adjusting nutes at this point. She is only a few more weeks out, I think.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
30 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.981 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.321 mll
12/23 - Day 73 - Watered her with 96 ounces of flower nutes. She seems to be coming along still. The purple in her leaves is somewhat unexpected. I don't think that is a phosphorus deficiency but maybe it is? I don't really know. The temps have been cooler, low 70's. So maybe that is where the purple is coming from? I don't rightly know. 12/24 - Day 74 - Not much to report here. She is coming along. 12/25 - Day 75 - No pics today. Busy with the holidays. Nothing to report. 12/26 - Day 76 - Watering today with 96 ounces of pure water. Buds are filling out quite nicely. 12/27 - Day 77 - Not much more to report at this point. 12/28 - Day 78 - Not much to report. Will definitely be watering tomorrow. Removed some of the dead leaves that were floating around. Tucked a few of the leaves away as well. Buds are coming along nicely. Trichomes are still clear as far as I can tell. 12/29 - Day 79 - Watering her with 96 ounces of flower nutes as detailed this week. Dropped the calmag out of the nute solution at this point since she isn't growing as much as is really focusing on flowering.
1 comment
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
30 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.981 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.321 mll
12/30 - Day 80 - She is still coming along. Removing dead leaves as they happen. Her trichomes still look pretty clear from what I can see. 12/31 - Day 81 - Not much to report today. 1/1 - Day 82 - Watered her with 96 ounces of pure water. 1/2 - Day 83 - Not much more to report. Continuing to defoliate as leaves are loose. 1/3 - Day 84 - Still not much to report. I think she is approximately 20% ready to harvest. I am using a combination of the pistil ambering and trichome clarity to decide on harvesting. Most of her trichomes are still fairly clear at this point and her pistils are about 15-20% amber. Thinking maybe two or three more weeks. 1/4 - Day 85 - Fed her with 96 ounces of water today. Cleaned off some more dead leaves. Not much else to report here. Still tracking pistil and trichome coloring for harvest time. 1/5 - Day 86 - Not much to report. Removed more dead leaves. She is still coming along. *** Update *** After doing a bit of looking at her trichomes, it looks like her primary bud has trichomes that have just started turning amber. Across her smaller buds, these trichomes are a mix of clear and milky, depending on age of the bud. At this point, I plan to do just pure water for the next two weeks or so as a mild flush and then plan to harvest either the weekend of 1/15 or 1/22. Likely, the weekend of 1/15 based on how she is progressing right now.
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
30 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
1/6 - Day 87 - She is ripening. At this point, I am going straight water and no nutes for a bit of a mild flush before harvest. I am expecting to harvest on 1/15 at the rate things are going. About 10-25% of trichomes on her main stem bud has started turning amber, which is probably like 5% of her total trichomes. I figure between now and the 15th that will give her another nine days to continue to ripen and use up whatever is left in her stores. This is probably a bit of an early harvest but I am going for the more cerebral anyways and less body. I could probably wait a bit longer but we'll see where this puts her. 1/7 - Day 88 - Removed more dead leaves as I find them. Watered her with 96 ounces of pure water. Not much else to report. I am very excited at this point. I want to harvest sooner. But I think the additional week or so will help fill things out a bit more and let some of the smaller buds ripen. 1/8 - Day 89 - Removed some more dead material. Otherwise, not much more to report here. 1/9 - Day 90 - Removed more dead material. Still planning on 1/16 harvest date. 1/10 - Day 91 - Watered her with 96 ounces of pure water. 1/16 is looking perfect for harvest as some of her other buds have started the cloudy to amber transition. 1/11 - Day 92 - Removed some dead leaves. 1/12 - Day 93 - Nothing to report.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
30 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
1/13 - Day 94 - Watered with 96 ounces of pure water. Last watering before harvest time! 1/14 - Day 95 - Nothing to report. Harvest happening in two days. 1/15 - Day 96 - Nothing to report. Harvest happens tomorrow. About 10% over her overall trichomes are amber that I can tell and the majority are milky. I am harvesting a bit early because I kind of want the sativa-ness to come out. Also, because this is my first decent harvest, I don't know what I am doing. :-P
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 14. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
As a whole, this was pretty easy to grow. This was my second grow ever and it came out decently. I had some issues but those issues were my own inexperience. As a whole, it came out pretty well I think. Now comes the drying and curing and I cannot wait to get into it! I enjoy GSC as a whole and have had it many times. I am very excited to see how my own grow comes out compared to what I have had in the past. I will definitely be growing this again.
Show more
Spent 100 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
420.84 g
Bud wet weight per plant
61.88 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Stress
Medical effects
Citrus, Diesel, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I plan to do a dry trim because the humidity right now is not very high. So I am trying to keep a large chunk of the plant material around for a few days to try and slow down the drying process. A lot of that wet weight is mostly stem, which I get. Will weigh things again after drying and trimming and will come back to update on total bud weight. 1/19 - Still drying.
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Equipment Reviews


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homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Fast_Budscommentedweek 03 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
Wackytabacky_420commentedweek 03 years ago
Best of luck and Happy Growing!😎🌱💚💪💪
420Highlifecouplecommentedweek 83 years ago
Looks great man,enjoy🌱
Godesskatcommentedweek 63 years ago
Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction 😎 good luck😍
Y0inkcommentedweek 53 years ago
Good Luck! Wish you the best! 💪🙏💚
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 43 years ago
hey there, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
Godesskatcommentedweek 33 years ago
Everything is better with a bag of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
123Growcommentedweek 23 years ago
Wait wait wait!!!! I have an idea Take solo cup and poke holes in it. I mean at least 12- 15 holes Place the sad one back in the cup. DO NOT ADD water please. Place a glad bag over the cup to make a humid dome. Place on heating mat and wait 5 days. Don’t touch it, don’t look at it, don’t smell it, don’t move it, don’t think about it, 5 DAYS 120 hours straight NOTHING. Watch the magic
Kynarethcommentedweek 143 years ago
lovely plants
Balankayacommentedweek 113 years ago
Wonderful work mate! It's a joy to watch your garden, keep up the good work!
Godesskatcommentedweek 13 years ago
good luck
the end.
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