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Fastbuds Forbidden Runtz Auto

3 years ago
Teak Wardrobes
Teak Wardrobes
Room Type
weeks 2-5
weeks 2-6
weeks 2-4
weeks 2-4
weeks 2-5
weeks 2-8
Plant Magic Plus
Grow medium
9 L
Pot Size
0.3 L
3 years ago
Nutrients 1
Empathy Rootgrow Mycorrhizal Fungi 10 mll
Waiting for them to drop... then into paper towels in container for root stretch.... [update] after 6 hrs seed was at bottom of glass and bursting - fluid transfer to container for paper towel method - nice root tip @ 18 hrs so I will be sowing this bad girl tonight 😄 great genetics fastbuds 👍 Presoaked soil mix in 2Gal fabric pot & left to stand for 24hrs. [update] Sowed (24hrs from start germination) at depth of 15mm - seed had a perfect 1cm long radicle. Cupboard at a nice 73.5F & 83% Humidity. Got to wait for that Sml ScroG to flower off, BUT it will be going under a phlizon blurple as soon as these babies pop, coz they get dibs on full spectrum MarsHydro 😎 [update] all moved over - ready for Day 1
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5.5 cm
24 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
83 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
8 L
40 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 1
Empathy Rootgrow Mycorrhizal Fungi 10 mll
Just for the record - you will see photos in all my diaries of a megacrop I'm doing on an unknown photoperiod - full story in unknow photoperiod reflower diary. This was in my grow but I moved it into it's own 12/12 so I could get on with all these lovely Fastbuds Autos - will be pushing her ALL THA WAY - so expect more pics of deliciousness 😍 Got my Mars Hydro 1000 dimmed to about 3/4 & FRuntz is in optimum position, 40cm from light. Keep her like that until I think she can handle a little more. I will be doing LST & topping on her. Got v hard water around here, so am going to be using rainwater as I do for all my grows 😉 Day 1 - popped her head up 48 hrs after put her in water - props to fastbuds! 👌 presoaked soil so only misting for humidity now huh! end of day 1 & got probs! Seems little girl lost tip of leaf when germing - not a prob really but the 2cm stretch is... SO. lowered light to 20cm & balanced / dimmed the light level accordingly. Going to go 24hr till can LST. Temp24C Humidity77%. Hopefully she'll settle down Day 3 well that seemed to work. shoulda let them germ bit longer & put more root in the ground BUT they seem happy with the soil & mycorrhiza so must be light stretch - rookie error. The Fastbuds Stardawg Auto germed a littler later & had the lights lower from start - no stretch 😑 Day 4 She is Haaapy! Loving the second leaf set coming up - one thing I've noticed with other 420 seeds [pics on GD] is how you get the first axillary growth at the exact same height of the cotyledons - pretty amazing really - very tight nodes - can't wait to get to work on her! Gave her pot her first 100ml today but mainly to keep soil moist and lively & keep the humidity up. Plant Magic Soil is renowned for aerating well and so far the only twisting I'm getting from leaves is phototropism or keenness to get bigger - no water stress at all. Still misting. Day 7 Lights back at 40cm & they are all handling full power nicely. She is 6.5cm but that's fine - the mainline height will be about 6cm and she has Great internodal spacing. Big fat 1st leaves. She had her 1st spray today under leaf with a little 1:1000 grow big. RH75 23.4C. Still misting 😎
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Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
6.5 cm
24 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
65 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
8 L
40 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 2
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1 mll
Day 8 1:1000ml grow big in 150ml today Day 9 This sweetheart has had me from the start. Nothing to say except a little stretch but expect the mainline to be H6.5cm. She is looking ready 😃 expect to top her in next 24hrs or so. Day 10 Yeah thought so - I predicted 24hrs but more like tomorrow or even day after - no point rushing - fimmed bottom axils & pinned the leaves down below top two axils - as soon as secondary growth on leading stem looks long/thick enough & top two axils have nice bit of stem to them... it's top no1 time 😎 misting Day 11 Topped. She has picked up already - she had 1:1000ml grow big in 150ml today Day 12 Happy bored whistling kinda day 😘 nothing to doooo - she looks happy though 😁 Day 13 Finally seeing some secondary growth on those axils - think I made a small error... I watered same day as a top 😕😣 doh! never mind stalled her for 24hrs (didn't help that also forgot to turn light dimmer back up for 12hrs) but she is still looking lovely. Will give her 24hr before bending
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Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
6.5 cm
24 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
65 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
8 L
50 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 2
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 3 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2 mll
Day 14 So, I measured axil length y'day @10am - 15mm... today @9am - 17mm, Those axils are getting a bit thick to bend so lst now. Will finish mainline tonight - just trying get a little more stretch today I would prefer a longer mainline and could have waited another day, but I am only using 2gal and these girls can't get too big. Just the confines of the grow really. Got a tsl600 arriving this wk to sort light probs before flowering. Not having blacknwhite or light reflective tent really noticeable in veg growth: Nothing to do with medium (though could be a bit lighter weight) the growth is lush - mild heat stress in fan leaves, nope I put it down to light & plant hormones/mycellium - They are growing as well as the environment allows. The period is amazing though, whilst I may not be getting the full extent of the genetics, they are still superb... Text book timing on training - very happy. Misting 1:1000ml grow big 4hrs later - 4mm growth 😄 Day 15 Ok - we're going to talk about od'ing on nutes today... I fed her just after topping - dumb ... Plant Magic Plus is a for lifecycle source of nitrates... this is why my feeds are so weak & I dovetail plain rainwater with nutes&rainwater, but I cocked up and fed soil as well as misted tender axils & now have some tasty nute burn on leaves - will get closeups - also will check ph just in case. Could be N toxicity, pH, minor chemlock (copper) but not worth worrying too much, as these leaves have so little time on the vine - just gotta watch my feeding!!! That said she could not give a stuff - strong and happy. Gave her just plain old rain water today 100ml Ok - it's in all plants 😨 so at least know prob & solution - no more foliar feeding - check - (dumbass) Only other consideration to check on is calmag levels - didn't realise you up the qty for LED's - now I know. Def going to ph check now but gotta wait on delivery. Still, it is not that serious and a week of plain H2O can't hurt. Seedlings need v little feed for 1st three weeks, but under 24hrs I calculated that would be less & started feeding wk 2 - and I forgot to incl soil in calc and container size - total utter dumbassery Finally I see the leaf curl in all my plants, got a heat prob - due to wild rH fluctuation due to growing in leaky wooden cupboard AND coz lights are too low. So, when Big bud is a week older - this prob should be history - lights go up to 50cm for the duration of these four. Then when I get more kit I will raise seedlings to light rather than other way around. Day 16 She is very forgiving and recovering well. Nothing to do today 😀 The fan has been moved from near Stardawg / Big Bud to other side of grow and Light raised Day 17 Ok. for weeks I have been trying to find: 20cmx20cmx20cm square or round / plastic or wire waste baskets - not a size that is done - but would be perfect for 3gal fabric pots - so don't have to tie off to bag with velcro, but to something that will not disturb soil & yet let bag breath. Nope, so now we have 1x small pink washing basket. I'll take what I can get - found this in local hardware store 😁 yes it was the only one (otherwise I'd have two!) yes that means pink it is. I like pink, especially when Runtz goes pink! So re-organised growroom and tied down neatly for a change. That should keep them going. FRuntz reverted her apical mersitem to one side and that is why she now has a gangster lean - had to treat her rough - good thing I got the pink thing today otherwise would have been a new training design 😬 using velcro ties is great for one or two, but too many and you just pull your bags around - especially widdly little ones like mine. Also my MarsHydrots600 has arrived and will go in here when it has finished my 12/12 setup (only 3 days till harvest - yay!) - so more light for everyone. Taken a lot of crap out of grow (empty tissue boxes used as stacks for electrics) and other junk & got new tray so the girls will have room to grow now. Wish I could afford another ts1000 and daisy chain but it was black friday and I got what i could. Still well chuffed 😎 aaaand I get to retire my blurple - which I hate - hell will be that color, I'll let you know when I get there lol Checked pH soil - a nice tidy 6.5. She had 100ml rainwater again and is getting thirsty now 💪 will give her (and all) a top dress of soil to fill in the edges a bit, but won't overdo - that's where she does a lot of her breathing 😁 Day 19 Got those I've got probs under the soil leaves - just like Stardawg has & I expect Big Bud will as well... suspect the mycorrhizal fungi - shouldn't have added to a premix soil - stupid - evidence/control? didn't add to the purple punch soil and she hasn't had it. If see in it in Big Bud then I know (that I'm an idiot) She got leaves tied down anyway and had 200ml pH6 rainwater of 2:1000 Grow Big & 3:1000 CalMag Day 20 Finally the axils all caught up with each other - good next growth, so fan leaves will be off later today I reckon
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Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
6.5 cm
24 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
8 L
0 L
50 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 2
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 3 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2 mll
Day 21 Little bit of leaf curl saying not happy under soil. Picking up on her growth rate last 24. She had 200ml pH6 plain rainwater last night. Holding off on the feeding for now. Her fans should come off by end of day and hopefully her 2nd top within next 24 Ouch! Hit her hard 3rd top. There is a little dominance on one side (same w Purple Punch) so it's just due to getting more light one side. can't move the tray so shifted the light She had 100ml plain rain water Day 22 150ml plain rainwater. Nothing to report except she's recovering well. Got this weird one sided thing going on again like in Stardawg, maybe I 'm not getting the1st mainline equal - there will always be a lead meristem, so maybe when I get this I give the lead a harder time? not sure. This is my first auto grow really - not used to having to keep up with my plants! You may note not a lot of nutes going in...I've been laying off the Nitrate Grow Big - as letting the premix soil take the load - training plants like this will be less of a drain on soil nutes for veg than if went au naturel - however I am betting they'll be desperate for nitrates + potassium by time they are flowering, hope so. Anyway, I have very easily burnt the girls feeding, so far with no serious effects, so waiting for them to ask. Currently they are all doing fine on their own 😁 Day 23 She is slowly getting better. 200ml plain rainwater Day 24 Well I've been worrying about space and light decisions for days. Done now. Everyone is in max light & without any reflective material - I cannot put another plant in grow... yet. So FR swapped with PP but everyone else more or less where they were. Pink Tub has gone and wire intensive solution created. She had 250ml 3:1000ml grow big in 250ml plain rain water. Happy and recovering that disparity in growth with max light going to weaker side.. Going to go a little less quickly with training these Fastbuds as compared with purple punch - these girls are my heavy hitters, I want them big and strong. Day 25 Well I've started bending four branches but leaving other four to catch up - just a little lst & tucking till other two sets are bigger... hopefully 😏 She had 250 ml plain rain. Dunno what I did to get this lateral weakness in two of the three fastbuds I've germed - best guess - I'm not quite balancing the apical dominance - I'll get there - poss coz I'm leaving quite the stem? I dunno - seems I'm too involved lol Day 26 So that sequential low lstbending actually kinda worked... it shouldn't... Bending actually causes more 'energy' to go to place requiring repair, just like in pruning the side you cut back the most will be the side that grows back the most (unless you scalp), but the weak side here is only a little behind now and could take a bend. So voila. Of course I did all this before I took the Purple Punch out, so until she's had a 24hr recovery not going to retie in a better light position. She had 250ml plain rain. Will be getting some bloom soon. Day 27 Got her into the centre of the light and tied nicely. Gonna have the big fans off as soon as she's settled where she is - next 24hr.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
12 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
8 L
0 L
50 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 3
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 5 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5 mll
Day 28 250ml plain rain. Getting nice shape - she slipped a couple of her ties in the night so just getting everything back in shape and hopefully fans off in 24/48 - and then lots of stretch and sativa - that's the plan. Tomorrow nutes Day 29 Fans off. Better to be recovering than growing in the wrong place. Nutes today - 3:1000 of grow big, tiger bloom & calmag in 250ml pH adjusted rain water Day 30 She looks upset but she's fine. This soil is too rich. Anyhoo I'll sum up the do's and ALL the dont's of this batch at the harvest. She had 300ml plain rain water Day 31 Not so thirsty today 200ml plain rain - cpl reties that's it oops checked pH - 6.9 not good - let that slip. adjusting rest of week she had another 250ml 5:1000 tiger bloom and calmag this evening - hot day 27C 45rH Day 32 Leaving her alone except for a morning feed - she won't get any more for a few days - but she's loving that tiger bloom she had another 250ml 5:1000 tiger bloom and calmag this morning Really need more budsites and wanna open up the end of the lines... Ok posted a Q very kindly answered [thx big up @Dasboof] - got to move quickly - the bends I did this morning were lignified by this evening - absolutely last bend - got enough sites now and enough spread - just leaving her to stretch now. She has a little nute burn coz I accidentally double fed them this week - no biggie - just so excited lol Day 33 300ml plain rain water. Retied one branch - that's it. Happy with the number of bud sites. Defoliate maybe end of wk Day 34 Waiting for the stretch - 300ml plain rain water this morning Day 35 Bit of height but no stretch - 300ml plain rain water this morning
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Scoobiedoostarted grow question 3 years ago
Grow constraints: 3gal is too sml for fabric pots. I shouldn't gone premix soil - can't control nutes. So not got wide plants. 1st wk flower. Getting bloom. no stretch So my Fastbuds autos: can I continue mainlining in early flowering? Can't do it later, but they are a bit small
Techniques. Main-lining
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CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 3 years ago
hey there scoobiedoo, you should really avoid any HST techniques through flower, keep up with the stem and leaf tucking though. the stem is really firm by now, so you need to be extra careful, the stems from autos get stiff quick, so what you need to do , do it now. hope this helps ! 🚀
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
12 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
9 L
0 L
60 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 3
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 5 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 5 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5 mll
Day 36 Nothing to do. 5:1000ml tiger bloom and calmag in 300ml plain rain water Day 37 300ml plain rain Day 38 Getting some nitrate leach in the old fans - letting her do her thing - not taking them off - HAVE given feed to compensate. 5:1000ml of Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Calmag in 400ml plain rain water Growroom addition MH ts1000 - had a move around. Tidied ties ready for more pots - looks good Day 39 Looked at the pics I took and that is potash deficiency - 350ml plain rain this am - nutes schedule going up tomorrow from bi wkly 5:1000ml Tiger Bloom Fert to bi weekly 2:1000ml Grow Big and Tiger Bloom Fert & 3:1000ml Big Bloom - calmag throughout - more nitrates if see signs weak growth or nitrate leach but so far soil mix holding good. This is Fox Farm recommended schedule btw Day 40 Nutes 2:1000ml Grow Big, Tiger Blooom & Calmag in 350ml pH adjusted rain water Day 41 350 plain rain - pretty sure the potassium/phosphorous prob is overfeed - given that I have been over feeding nutes by twice prescribed amount - so giving her a week off - if it gets worse in that time, then I was wrong and will adjust. Hard decision with an auto but hey ho 😐 Day 42 350ml plain rain Well sh*t - prob moved to next set lower fans - to be expected - don't take leaves off a sick plant! anyhoo - only took 5 off - so: Def got calmag probs - overfed that - def got potassium prob - Q is still "Over or Underfeed" A is still F knows Mitigating factors are [A] that she has a lot of flower and could be crying out for nutes [B} I did misread nutes and for first 6wks was overfeeding in conflict w premix soil [C] Stardawg had exact same nutes schedule and is NOT showing signs and [D] mycorrhizal addition to soil caused probs in bot Forbidden Runtz and Stardawg - so it could be chemlock - which would be the worst coz flush only solution and I don't flush! pH 6.9 rH 45-55 Temp 22-27C Solutions: 1] H2O diet for wk and monitor - check - (day2: lower leaves further displaying calmag/potassium/phosphorous signs) 2] Nitrates to solve potassium - top dress may help - but again, I think I've overfed in conflict with soil premix, so... 3] Calmag burn is almost certainly overfeed - minimize and monitor that when nutes reintroduced << OK - basically I must have a chemlock because I have overfed but almost as importantly - the watering schedule [I water every morning under 24hr] does let the soil dry every day - some plants can handle it - Stardawg can as well as Big Bud - FR can't. So Will give her double H2O for cpl days and see. Will also pH adjust - she is in range for everything for absorption but nit if getting repeated daily chemlock - so might as well pH adjust if semi-flushing >>
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
12 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
19 °C
9 L
0 L
60 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 3
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 5 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 5 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5 mll
Day 42 350ml plain rain Well sh*t - prob moved to next set lower fans - to be expected - don't take leaves off a sick plant! anyhoo - only took 5 off - so: Def got calmag probs - overfed that - def got potassium prob - Q is still "Over or Underfeed" A is still F knows Mitigating factors are [A] that she has a lot of flower and could be crying out for nutes [B} I did misread nutes and for first 6wks was overfeeding in conflict w premix soil [C] Stardawg had exact same nutes schedule and is NOT showing signs and [D] mycorrhizal addition to soil caused probs in bot Forbidden Runtz and Stardawg - so it could be chemlock - which would be the worst coz flush only solution and I don't flush! pH 6.9 rH 45-55 Temp 22-27C Solutions: 1] H2O diet for wk and monitor - check - (day2: lower leaves further displaying calmag/potassium/phosphorous signs) 2] Nitrates to solve potassium - top dress may help - but again, I think I've overfed in conflict with soil premix, so... 3] Calmag burn is almost certainly overfeed - minimize and monitor that when nutes reintroduced << OK - basically I must have a chemlock because I have overfed but almost as importantly - the watering schedule [I water every morning under 24hr] does let the soil dry every day - some plants can handle it - Stardawg can as well as Big Bud - FR can't. So Will give her double H2O for cpl days and see. Will also pH adjust - she is in range for everything for absorption but nit if getting repeated daily chemlock - so might as well pH adjust if semi-flushing >> << Decision >> Right, I have got some serated edge tip burn in next level fans - these being last indica factory leaves - those of the lower level I left on are sick as and will come off, but leaving everything else on. She didn't seem to mind the flush - put gallon through in two goes (one was her daily water) - not much leaf twisting - buds looks good and I think that is the point ... they're doing fine from the over nute - but the veg material not so. Going to repeat flush tomorrow am but only 1/2 gal and leave her to dry out and then back to her h2O diet till Day 7 [tomorrow am will be day 3] btw flush pumped rH up to 60 so had to leave doors open all day 😕 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH 😞😠>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just been going over leaves after defoliating and found.... spider mites .... not nutrient based and not WPM thank the stars. Referring to the grow diaries collective - need advice Well - defoliated heavily - now know - it is wk 2/3 flowering and I was holding off on defoliating Just in Case it was chemlock BUT now I know I would be removing the most infested leaves - I went nuts and did a full sativa stage defoliate - irony is if I did it straight away this might not have happened. Gotta give props to BraveHeartGenetics - genius solution and will be borrowing my friends little handheld vacuum - she is a clean freak so will be perfect, Wind power very clean solution. Video in honor of BraveHeartGenetics - I need a joint now. Day 43 Well the spider mites are def under control. Vacuumed plants. was fine - used a dyson handheld with wide hose so could get whole leaf in without it flailing around against sides and getting damaged. Got her hands to the sky for first time in ages - good to see. Hopefully the defoliation also helps get her back in the groove - now know it's not totally nutrient based - that said of course mites screw with transpiration and chlorophyll levels so you know - not great - but hopefully over. Further to this I added a fan and a dehumidifier w 600ml capacity -should be enough to make the climate tough for mites. The last 24hrs can go screw themselves, but got some great advice so grateful as 😊 No water and suspended flushing - she looks happier I will still keep theH2O diet going and of course check for mites regularly Day 44 350ml plain rain water. Hands to the sun! omg she hasn't looked this good in wks! thank the stars 😅 Day 45 300ml plain rain - - pic she's a bit droopy but she's still having transpiration probs and has just been watered - she'll manage Day 46 300ml plain rain she still looked a little forlorn so I got the loupe out and sure enuff - more beasties. <<SO>> Got my vacuum out and cleaned the nozzle - it is an unregulated (sssshhh not v green) 1700W monster about twenty yrs old - Vacuuming your Bud [METHOD] I found it necessary to go at the buds from the side as well as top down (don't vacuum from underneath even though that's where the beasties are - I didn't even try - you will damage the plant) The nozzle was big enough to encapsulate a whole bud and it's leaves - so I repeated this motion [ahem] 1/2 dozen times and moved onto next bud I vacuumed every bud in this manner After, I checked known sites with my loupe I saw no mites - but some larvae still there So I vacuumed all again in same manner After final check I saw no larvae - I'm sure there are some remaining [RESULT] Leaf damage - very little - any heat/nute damaged tips got frayed, but the leaf veins / structure / stomata - underside leaf hairs / trichomes / pistils - no damage at all. OVERALL health condition of plant after vacuuming compared to as found: 9/10 AMMNDMNT << 6/10 >> FEED HER AFTER! Very few mites on plant & bonus: all the leaves are now conveniently 'hands to the sky'. OVERALL effectiveness in removing mites: 8/10 [CONCLUSION] I think the plant thoroughly loves this - provided it is not a routine affair, it is left in it's healthy pose - with most of a parasite removed. That said, I think it is a process that requires repeating, like a course of antibiotics; twice a day for a number of days - or spaced over several days between vacuuming, perhaps in accordance with / dictated by... spider mite life cycle. Finally - I know it sounds counter intuitive but DO use a POWERFUL Vacuum - The handheld Dyson 300 Whilst ok, just didn't do as well as my full size 1700W - result being I didn't significantly affect the mite numbers - thus a waste of time 8 hrs later she is looking fine - will repeat tomorrow Day 47 No vacuuming today - ADDED CONCLUSION - I f you have to do this - FEED her afterwards - with maybe a protracted dark spell She is looking so sick - the upside of the leaf damage you can't see but also expect she robbed her leaves of nutes as she has got lock out Going to put her in the dark for a bit - got photos will update after She had 3:1000ml Big Bloom 2:1000 Tiger Bloom Grow Big 1:1000 Calmag in 400ml plain rain water Day 48 No watering to day She actually looks good - checked her over for mites again - all clear - in evening thought maybe even a bit more color to her - maybe just lights were dimmed lol
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Scoobiedoostarted grow question 3 years ago
hey y'all Scoobie here - need advice on best way to deal with spider mites - chems not a solution coz organic, but also not always able to acquire where I am - only got 60x jeweler loupe - don't think can go over three plants with just that! Pls Help seriously harshing my buzz
Leaves. Other
BraveheartGeneticsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Lots of options from organic neem oil but you have to wash you buds when you harvest to get rid of neem taste. Predatory bugs will help a lot, ladybugs for example. You can also get a sachet of larvae that hatches and devours the mites. Again, you would have to wash your buds after harvest(before you dry). The other option and I still think the best, using your vacuum cleaner hose. I can hear you laughing but, try it. Suck those fuckers off, doesn't damage buds or plant. No residue left over to be washed off....I would clean you hose attachment first. Maybe use a small brush to make sure you get all the larvae too. I hope this helps, good luck and happy growing
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
22 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
39 %
21 °C
21 °C
24 °C
9 L
0 L
60 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 5
Unsulphured Molosses 7 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1.5 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2 mll
Day 49 Well after last week's mite infestation from hell - she is surprising me Moved her to two days between watering - try not to let her get droopy before water again but as near as can - she is drinking and swelling! The color is returning slightly and have trichomes - result I doubt I will be able to push her to 11 12 wks but she'll manage the next 3 I reckon 500ml plain rain Day 50 Just 100ml plain rain - nutes tomorrow Day 51 2:1000ml TIger Bloom Grow Big 1.5:1000ml Calmag 3:1000ml Big Bloom 7:1000ml Unsulph Molasses in 500ml pH6.7 water Temp 24.7C rH47 did some light defoliation of deadish fans and those covering budsites as it is swell week. Couple of amber trichs on top but bottom fairly clear - she has got two weeks in her I reckon maybe more - there is a lot of chlorophyll left in those lower leaves - so tried to expose them more - she smells so elegantly fragrant Day 52 omg they are thirsty now - 400ml pH6.6 rain water Day 54 3:1000ml Big Bloom 2:1000ml Grow Big Tiger Bloom 1.5:1000ml Calmag 7:1000ml Unsulphured Molasses in 670ml pH6.5 rainwater Day 55 Drying soil so 400ml 6.5 rain water - lots of new flower growth 😁
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Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
22 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
39 %
21 °C
21 °C
24 °C
9 L
0 L
60 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 5
Unsulphured Molosses 7 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1.5 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2 mll
Day 56 pH6.7 Day 58-61 Right not been posting for a while coz torn between cropping and pushing for double bubble Both FR and SD had probs with soil, nute burn, mites and they are ambering up bang on 9wks I was really hoping to push them to 13wks (21Jan) but will basically be producing hash by then LOL It's so annoying coz just getting swelling so will try to maximize on what time have left So got 10% amber top and bottom. Got another week of a waning moon so will maximise the swell till the 29th (168hrs more light) and then 48hrs dark. They've been off nutes for over a week. just had molasses today but that is it. So will flush in a few days and wahay 2021 Harvest!
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
22 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
39 %
21 °C
21 °C
24 °C
9 L
0 L
60 cm
2500 PPM
Nutrients 5
Unsulphured Molosses 7 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1.5 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2 mll
Day 63 1.5:1000ml Calmag 7:1000ml unsulphured molasses in 600ml plain rainwater Bone Dry again - 600ml every day at mo Only took pics of bottom bud trichomes today. Lot of cloudy 😋 The smell is awesome - loads of swell Looked at top trichs - hard to tell with fresh new growth - but the creaminess of the colas is obvious to naked eye - lots of amber in there Still going to push for 31st harvest, but might bring 48hr dark period forward couple of days - will keep checking bottom trichs every morning Day 64 400ml plain rainwater The waning moon is slipping away and the swell is slowing but still got growth - still sticking to the plan - she's ready now but 4 more days light n 2 days dark Day 65 Well me growmies and I got together and decided not to buy mystery weed from our local loonie in order to wait for a fat harvest - we need the weed! Might as well be good right? So yeah chopped. Just did a light trim - both so laden in trichs on the leaves bit difficult - I usually leave a little leaf on if it is healthy - just to allow the dry to be even My perfect dry cupboard is 49rH and 15C - but we neeed the weeed So - they are in the other half of my 12/12 cupboard all tucked up in the dark bout 21C day 18C night haven't got the rH yet- farm weed cure method - (old airy shed - hot day / cold night) hopefully should have some dank for New Year's 😁😎 Will let you know how it goes and will do all my props and thoughts when I put the harvest page in - peace btw - accidentally snipped a small nug off when trimming - so... for pic above I stuck it back on in place and it held coz so sticky, but then I forgot and hung it - remembered cpl hrs later and went to see if it fell on the unswept cupboard floor - still stuck there in place 😁 will tell you how it tastes later 😏 tease ... but we gonna be happy when it's cured... v. nice 👍
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Week 10. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 72 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
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Lamp distance
Look I can't really comment on what to do - Definitely do NOT add mycorrhiza to a premix soil - do NOT use premix soil with autos unless SoG do NOT use 2 gall unless SoG and maybe get other source of water which won't introduce pests to the grow Post mites am glad to get 16g dry This was my first grow just autos and gotta say - despite being low yield - the taste and potency are no less than if a photo - in my humble.
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Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy growing my friend! Nice reading your diary! Say hello if you ever visit my profile🌱🥕 Peace & love L.S.T
Legendaryseedthumbcommented3 years ago
@Scoobiedoo, 😁🌱
Scoobiedoocommented3 years ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, Thx LST - 20yrs growing photos under sodium & halides, so I do feel like a newb growing in a cupboard with LED's and only Autos - they're feisty little critters aren't they? All good fun 😎
Spirit4i20commentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with cultivation! that it grows beautiful 🙌👊👌
Scoobiedoocommented3 years ago
@Spirit4i20, thx man 😊 hope so too!
420Highlifecouplecommentedweek 103 years ago
Looks great man.
420Highlifecouplecommented3 years ago
@Scoobiedoo,fastbuds do loving there about to chop my purple lemonade 💜 from 420fastbuds..Mayan they are purple. I love 🎄 Christmas Crops lol
Scoobiedoocommented3 years ago
@420Highlifecouple, Thx boss 👊 scoobie snax imminent 😋
BioBudscommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck and have fun!!!
BioBudscommented3 years ago
@Scoobiedoo, maybe just obsess a little :P but then not touch. When in doubt call in some help here, everyone here is glad to help, just find a grower closest to your system and preference.
Scoobiedoocommented3 years ago
@BioBuds, Thx man 😊 just gotta try not to obsess for 12wks 😎
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 53 years ago
Hey there hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
Scoobiedoocommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Thx man - kinda knew I had to but was worried - you absolutely answered my Q - I've never done high speed training before - it's fun! 👊
Godesskatcommentedweek 13 years ago
Everything is better with a beg of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
Scoobiedoocommented3 years ago
@Godesskat, hey man too true 😚 thx bud 👊
DEVS_GENETICScommentedweek 83 years ago
Looks bomb bro
Godesskatcommentedweek 23 years ago
Everything is better with a bag of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
the end.
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