Hi growers!
I´m very glad to see Green Devil in good shape, yeeahh....😎👌🏽🌱✨ She had a very weird start... really like Devil coming out from other dimension😈...twisting leafs & main stem.... really weird😅👍🏽🌱✨
I´m still watering only with root stimulator. From now it´s time to start feeding her.
I wanted to do an experiment in her pot, I get her a sizta " Mazard Auto "🌱, from Eurogrow. Why? well. because i wanted to & due to the weird growth of Green Devil. I was planed to put her in a separated pot but finally i did this, there are other 2 strains on, Skunk Auto🌱 from Eurogrow & West Coast O.G. Auto🌱 from FastBuds. This two last one´s will be planted in her single pots.
So....that´s all for today, see ya next week!
Well... Today I'm finding some issues with my seed. She sprouted yesterday morning but today I found her " dry " ¿? Weather starts to be irregular, sun seems to be beating to hard for her & also the growth of the tap root was amazing....part of the root was out of soil....no bueno 😅.
I covered that part of root with soil & moisten again de area, let's see what happens 🤔🤓🌱