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First time grower. Zamnesia Runtz Auto

Approved by Zamnesia Seeds
3 years ago
3 years ago
First time grower ! Put the Seed into the soil 3 days ago , today the seed can be seen above the soil and has its first baby leaves. First time grower ! Habe den Samen vor 3 Tagen in dem Substrat gepflanzt , Heute kann man die Pflanze bereits sehen und sie hat ihre ersten kleinen richtigen Blätter gebildet. Im very excited because its my first time ever growing my own weed. 😀 Ich bin sehr gespannt wie sich die Pflanze über die Zeit in entwickelt. Ich hoffe ich werde die Pflanze bis zur Blüte begleiten zu können.
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
60 %
23 °C
21 °C
20 °C
67 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 0.5 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 0.5 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 0.5 mll
Day 1 : The seed has sprouted after just 1 days ! It struggled a bit with getting the seed capsule off itself so i just pulled it off with a tweezer very gently. Day 2 : Not much has happend since day 1 , you can see the first actual leaves forming but it will probably take a few more days. Day 3 : Since day 2 the first leaves have open further and you can see the first true leaves developing , from the stem theres 5 roots coming out of it. Day 4 : Nothing new, the true leaves are growing, and thats basically it. Day 5 : Nothing new. Day 6 : Nothing new, the plant is growing quite slowly but healthy as i think. Day 7 : I just startet feeding my plant yesterday, shes looking pretty healthy so far. Still growing slowly but i hope with the feeding of the last and up coming days, she will have all the nutrients for a healthy and quick growth. And thats actually already it from week 1, we'll see us on week 2 ! I really hope the plant will thrive and that im doing everything right , ive grown ghost reaper peppers before in a old diy tent if mine , i dont really know how diffrent their needs are and generally just think marijuana is a bit more sensitive? Or am i wrong with that ? However , im giving my best and hope the plant will thrive in this environment. If anyone has any tips or think i should do something different please let me know ! 😊 Happy growing and greetings from Jannis.
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hello, my name's Jannis and im a first time grower, at the moment my "Zamnesia Runtz Auto" is growing in aprox. 85% cococoir and 15% perlite, my question is when should i start giving my plant fertilizer and how much at start ? Also, is my plant looking healthy so far?
Other. General questions
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Other
2x2growinganswered grow question 3 years ago
Seedling is looking great! I personally start feeding when my plant is the same size as the one in the pic. I feed a low dose around 250ppm.
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
60 %
23 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 1 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 1 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 1 mll
Week 2 of this plants journey to maturity has begun ! Day 8 : The plant has been receiving feeding for the last 3 days and right now is developing its second pair of true leaves. Day 9 : My girl is looking good and healthy, its growing rather slowly but therefore healthy. As soon as the second pair pf true leaves are a bit more developed i will start feeding it 3x1ml/l instead of 3x0.5ml/l Day 10 : The girl hasn't changed a lot since Day 9, day after day it grows quicker and quicker, it doing big grow jumps over night compared to how it was growing just a couple days ago. Day 11 : The second pair of true leaves too a slight damage of being hit too hard by my fan, i moved the fan so the plants only gets slight air flow in her direction, she seems happier already. Day 12 : The first roots are starting to come out of the bottom of the pot, the damage done by the fan hasnt gotten worse, it seems like the problem was solved by moving the fan. I also transplanted her into a bigger 11L fabric pot because all the roots were growing out the bottom on the last pot. Day 13 : My girl is doing fine and growing good, she didn't show any signs of stress after the transplanting in the bigger pot. She startet developing ner third pair of true leaves and im starting to feed double the dose now, so 1ml/l. Im very happy to see my girl happy and have nothing bad to say against any of my equipment. Day 14 : So the second week has already ended, times goes by like nothing. So far happy with my girl, shes looking healthy and is starting to push its 3 pair of leaves, since yesterday im dosing double the amount of fertilizer and i hope this will give it the push it needs to start growing faster in week 3 and coming weeks. This is my first grow ever and I feel like im not doing too much wrong but for some reason im still not happy with the growth its delivering, when i look at other people's diary's their plants are way more developed than mine while they are the same age... Let me know if i could do something better ! Appreciate any help. And thats it with week 2 already ! If theres anyone actually reading my diary, i'll be starting week 3 tomorrow and im very excited to give you my updates ! Until then have a nice day, a nice week, and happy growing ! 🌱🌱💚💚🌱🌱
1 comment
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
So, my girl now is 11 days old, while i was looking at here i noticed that the tips of the second pair of true leaves is soightly yellow/brownish colored, im worried for my plant. Could it be a wind burn ? I have a ventilator in my tent which was blowing at here. I moved it now.
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
KushGANGanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hello jannis yes it can be due to your ventilator. So the best thing is to have a moving ventilator or to not put it directly in the direction of your plant. If you have moved it your plant will recover soon. Otherwise your baby is nice. Continue your good job. Bye
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
14 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
23 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 1 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 1 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 1 mll
Welcome at week 3 of my "Runtz Auto" diary ! So far im happy with the growth and development of my baby. Day 15 : Nothing much has happend since day 14, she's developing her third pair of true leaves and is growing rather quickly. She looks healthy and happy, so im happy. Day 16 : Shes growing very quickly now. Also she is starting to smell a little... Maybe she needs to go shower ? Jokes aside, from yesterday evening to this morning she suddenly startet smelling, im quite suprised how fast that happend. Im thinking about feeding more once she developed her third pair of leaves. Day 17 : Not much new to tell about. She's developing fast and looks healthy to me. Day 18 : Shes growing fast, shes drinking a lot. I now give her around 1liter of water every 2 days. Day 19 : Growing Quick, start to smell very intense. Day 20 : The Stem is thickening and it growing awesome. I think i will start to feeding double the concentration at start of week 4. Day 21 : For my first grow im very happy with the results so far, im gonna start to double the concentration of the feeding as soon as the fourth pair of leaves is done. Im also gonna do LST very soon. So were at the end of week 3, well see us in week 4 again ! Im more than happy with the results so far, the genetics seem good, my very budget build of just lees than 150€ is working fine so far.
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hello dear growdiaries community, i read and seen in diaries that people Top their plants and do LST, my plant is now almost 4 weeks old and is developing its fourth pair of leaves her stem i thickening, should i Top her at the fifth pair of leaves or when and should o at all ?
Techniques. LST
Techniques. Topping
Techniques. Other
1 like
BostonGirlGrowsanswered grow question 3 years ago
I personally like to save topping for photoperiod plants. When it comes to autos I like to use LST to increase top production 🌱
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hello dear growdiaries community, so on my last question people recommended NOT to use "Topping" for Automatic Strains but infact only use "LST" my question would be how that works, do i just bend down the leaves with the little things on the stem (marked on picture) 😂 thanks.
Plant. Other
Techniques. LST
Techniques. Other
1 like
AndrewCanswered grow question 3 years ago
I use Low Stress clips when they are further along. This early, you don't quite need to start yet, but if you do, use something like this: Then you want to bend the sections that are being blocked, so they are seeing light. At this point judging by your pictures, you don't need to start yet. However, when you have a few nodes, I have started using clips like this:
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
14 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2 mll
Day 22 : The Plant now has its fourth pair of leaves so i starting to feed 2ml/l Day 23 : Yesterday i did LST on her, shes doing great, smells very strong and i saw the first tiny little flowers. Day 24 : I couldn't be happier, the plant is looking absolutely gorgeous, the LST is actually showing first success, she is smelling super strong now. Day 25 : Not much has happened, shes doing great, growing good, no issues. The LST i did on Day 22 actually turned out sick ! Shes super flat and all the leaves gain much more light than before, the nodes are growing up, while i didn't have the LST they weren't growing at all, im absolutly stunned how interesting and beautiful these plants are, if im gonna be honest i would put these in my house even if the flowers didnt have the use they do. The Smell is very strong already, its not a sweet or any special smell, just how cannabis smells even tho its taking a slightly sweet note. Happy growing everybody ! Day 26 : She keeps growing and growing, the smell is getting stronger and stronger, the stem is getting thicker and thicker, the leaves bigger and bigger, im very happy with this plant and its genetics. Das 27 : The Week has almost ended and my plant has grown a lot since then, shes doing super great, due to the LST i did she has grown very wide spread,bushy and made alot of new growth, the nodes which havent been growing at all before i did the LST have already reached very far to the light, i also think i might up the feeding for one, so instead of giving 2ml/l ill feed 3ml/l. I noticed that two of the oldest leaves have gotten a bit crispy/dead on the corner, but because its only the oldest leaves the plant has im not worrying too much yet, but if it keeps spreading upwards to newer growth im gonna have to do something. Have a nice day everybody ! Day 28 : Nothing new to report about expect maybe how awesome she grows, how the nodes are growing sooo fast and hoe beautiful the plant is ! Thats it with week 4 actually already, time is going by so fast right now... Well i hope i will see you guys again when i update my diary to week 5 and i hope she starts to flower soon 🤞. Happy growing and a nice day everyone !
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
LST done right ? Should i do anything different ? Should i maybe not do LST yet ? Thanks for any help
Plant. Other
Techniques. LST
Techniques. Other
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Your pulling the plant at an angle, you need an anchor wire so your main is coming up then it starts to bend over, other then that it's fine.
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
So these are the oldest leaves my plant has, the rest is fine.The edges are dying off and i don't know why, can anyone help ? The Edges aren't really crispy/dry. Is it maybe too much wind ( Windburn ) ? The Plant is receiving a slight breeze and the leaves are all shaking a bit.
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Pale
Plant. Other
1 like
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi. I wouldn't worry about that. It could be from the leaf touching the coco when in rest. If it starts showing on higher growth then jump back onto questions.👍
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
25 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 3 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 3 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 3 mll
Hello fellow Grower ! Welcome at the beginning of Week 5 of my Runtz Auto Diarie ! I hope you enjoyed it so far , this week is going to be wild, i think... Happy growing ✌️🤞🌱 Day 29 : She is growing super Quickly at the moment, i hope she start to flower this or next week, but apart from that nothing to talk about today ! Day 30 : Today when i took the the picture i saw her for the first time like this, she was hanging her leaves, she looked exhausted but i figured out that she was just a bit exhausted, it was aprox. 30 minutes before the lights turn out, the next day she looked great again. Day 31 : So as i was watching my plant i saw that one of the leaves had dying edges/tips, not 100% sure what the cause is i simply cut off the the leaves that weren't looking to great with an disinfected pair of leaves cutters and i will watch the plant a bit closer the next day and see if it will return on leaves that are a bit higher positioned. I also moved my oscillation fan so the plant is being ventilated more,better and stronger.At the Moment she is growing rapid growth and especially the nodes are doing a lot of progress, i pulled down the nodes actually again because they were growing too close with the normal leaves., so i basically did LST again. I will add a picture off that very soon. Day 32 : I increased the concentration of the fertilizer per liter water to 3ml/l. Day 33 : I redid the LST on the nodes so basically i bend them down again to make them grow longer and then higher to make sure they all get a nice amount of light.
1 like
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
So i had this problem with the leaves before but it was only the ones on the absolute bottom, and it kinda is still that way but the leaves above the ones which originally had it now have it aswell, the leaves further up like fine. And it only affects the edges and tips of leaves
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Tips - Die
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
Jannis_Botanicumanswered grow question 3 years ago
could it be some sort of mold/fungual infection and it only affects the old bottom leaves because they arent being as ventilated ad the bigger ones above, should i try giving it more ventilation?
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
So my plant has grown pretty big in last few weeks and theres just alot of leaves ans nodes that i think are useless to the plant because they barely get any light, and bending them towards the light doesnt work because they grow too slow. CAN and/or SHOULD i cut them off ?
Leaves. Too many
Other. General questions
Plant. Other
1 like
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Either try bending the main stem away from the centre to let better light hit lower growth or remove a couple of big fan leaves. Good luck
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
30 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
65 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 3 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 3 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 3 mll
Welcome in Week 6 of my Runtz Auto diarie, i hope you enjoyed my diarie so far, im actually very happy with this plant to this point, aswell as with my budget setup.After i harvested this plant and a new one is gonna come i have to get a filter so my whole house doesn't smell like weed. Day 36 : Growing absolutely ginormous the last few days, absolutely going crazy ! No signs of flowering soon tho :(. Day 37 : Getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger... I cut off a lot of fan leaves so the nodes below would grow better and get more light. My recommendation: use fresh cannabis leaves to make tea ! Tastes good and has a slight effect. Day 38 : Im starting to have problems properly watering this beast because it has grown all over the pot already. Day 39 : So yesterday i forgot to add pictures... Sorry about that but therefore you get triple the amount than normal ! I did alot of work on the plant and documented that so here we go... So at first i redid the LST a bit and then removed a bunch of bad, shaded and bigger fan leaves. Then did it again and ended up bending all the nodes down again and better. This will probably be the last time working on the Plant for some time because she is starting to produce flowers and i believe she will be in full flower in ~1 week. Very happy with this 'herb'.😀
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
When i look at other peoples diaries i see that their plants most likely start flowering at Week 5-6, some even flower earlier but mine doesnt look like she is flowering any time soon. Am i doing anything wrong ? What does this mean for me in particular. Mine is in week 6 +3 days
Buds. Other
Other. Other
Plant. Other
1 like
kitchenserveranswered grow question 3 years ago
Don´t worry too much! The little white pistils show that you are doing well. Nice LST training btw. Don´t switch anything, it´s an autoflower, no 12/12 please ;) Remember, plants are no machines. Some take longer, some are faster. Just go with the flow. Like Braveheheart said, in one week you see a difference, think about slowly switching nutrition too bloom later.
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
40 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
55 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 3 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 3 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 3 mll
Welcome at Week 7 of my "Runtz Auto" Diarie, she is finally starting to produce flowers !!! Im so excited on how she will develope the coming days and weeks. Day 43 : She has grown so, so, so, so, so big, its crazy. If put her in the middle of my grow box she almost fills out the entire 60x60 tent ... WOW... She is finally starting to flower and im just soo soo excitet. Day 45 : She is now hard going into flowering, everything is happening really quickly and the flowers are developing well, i did one last defolation... From now on all i will do for her is watch,water,feed and thats it ! Day 49 : She now fills out the whole Grow-Box if not even more ... Shes looking great, flowers are developing very well. This big girl is drinking around 1,5-2 liters of water a day now....
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hello again, my plant is finally flowering and i did a few defolations already, but leaves grow back very quickly and i have the feeling i have to defolate again ? Should i remove more leaves already ? Is the Plant looking healthy and good ? What do you think should o do now ?
Leaves. Too many
Other. Other
Techniques. Defoliation
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Cheeba_Inuanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi there, just like for your other grow question, this plant is looking nice and healthy. Dont remove too many leaves. Just fan leaves blocking bud sites. If it gets too dense, maybe clean up a little lower growth and make sure airflow is good. But right now things are looking nice! Happy growing 👍🌱
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hallo nochmal, my Pflanze blüht endlich und ich habe schon ein paar Entfärbungen gemacht, aber die Blätter grow sehr schnell nach und ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich wieder entblähen muss? Soll ich schon mehr Blätter entfernen? Sieht die Pflanze gesund und gut aus? Was denkst du so
Leaves. Too many
Other. Other
Techniques. Defoliation
1 like
Cheeba_Inuanswered grow question 3 years ago
The plant is looking good, don't take off too many leaves in the near future. Wait for airflow to get restricted, or mold risk during flower. Right now the foliage is very nice and healthy, which is needed for making energy and putting on weight for buds. If a bud site is getting blocked by a big fan leaf, maybe remove a leaf for that purpse. You can look at my Euforia journal if you want to see how dense a plant can be while still yielding well. Healthy plants mean big yields, and yours is looking nice so far! Happy growing! 🌱👍
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
50 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 3 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 3 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 3 mll
Week 8 , my plant has grown alot the last few days, she is just getting absolutely massive. The flowers are really pooping out now, they are slightly bulking up already, she smells awesome. Im super hyped for the next few weeks, im cant wait to harvest her, my journey until now has been awesome and its been a lot of fun, my cheap budget setup has worked wonderfull for me, cant complain. I will keep you updated until the moment i do the smoke test. See you next week, until then have a nice day and happy growing ! 🌱🌱
1 comment
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
50 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 3 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 3 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 3 mll
This Week as i believe the buds have startet to swell/bulk up, she is really looking nice, actually the top of the plant which is closet to my led has begun to colour up really nice to mix of a bright yellow and pinkish tips, looks awesome ! So far so good, looking forward to the next weeks, hope the colouring of the leaves will get more intense.
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hello, my plant is now in Week 10, its fourth week of flowering, at the moment im fertilizing her with 3ml/l of each solution (ph perfect micro, ph perfect grow, ph perfect bloom) My question is if i should start giving her less ? Thanks for any answers in advance !
Other. Other
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Deficiences
1 like
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
Good question. With out knowing the EC/PPM of the feed its hard to say. Some plants eat more some less and a lot of the definiteness can look like excess at time. Over all its looking good in some photos but others quite yellow. Hard to tell whats the real colour. Looking at your diary it looks to have been showing a bit of this since starting flower. Monitoring your runoff EC and PH will confirm it does not have a built up of salts in the soil that's causing lockout and will confirm if it is hungry and needs more. When the top leaves yellow first vs the bottom, its a sign its not always nutrition they need, and it could be less of something. The purple blushing on top could also be a bit of Stress from the lights or it got a bit cold in the tent at night, not the main problem though should not worry to much about it. Your going to see a lot of advice but until you know the numbers ec/ppm/ph of the solution going in to the plant and the run off coming out, it is going to be a guessing game. I highly suggest you find this info out before committing to a plan of action. Happy Growing!
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
50 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4 mll
Due to what i think is a developing nutrient deficiency im increasing the amount of fertilizer she is getting to 4ml/l micro and 5ml/l grow and bloom over the coming week. I will also water her daily/ every second day now because i noticed i was kind of lacking frequent watering for her which could have caused the now developing nutrient deficiency... Except that she is looking pretty good tho.
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
50 %
20 °C
21 °C
20 °C
11 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4 mll
Welcome at Week 11 of my "Runtz Auto" Grow-Diarie, she has been doing fantastic, what i thought is developing nutrient defense seemed to be right ! After increasing the fertilizer and watering her more often, the yellowish leaves have not gotten worse. The purpleish color from the buds which were closest to the led have gotten less purple after i hung the led around 15cm higher, seemed to be light stress. Now the flowers are really starting to bulk up, they are producing a ton of trichomes and the flowers look frosty . Happy growing everyone !
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
55 cm
17 hrs
19 °C
49 %
16 °C
16 °C
16 °C
11 L
3 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4 mll
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4 mll
Welcome at week 12 of my "Runt Auto" diarie.... She has been doing absolutely great, buds are bulking up and getting fatter every day, now the pistils are also starting to dry out/ turn brown... If i had to guess, i would say 2 more weeks until i can harvest her, but dont take my word, i have no idea what im talking about 🤣🌱. Well not much is happening else, i corrected the nutrient deficiency that was developing like on and a half weeks ago, soon ill start new diaries with "Zamnesia Blueberry Automatic" "Zamnesia Monster Zkittelz" and due to it getting warmer slowly but surely ill also order some new seeds for the 2022, and my first outdoor growing season ! Very hypes for that. Day 82 : I have noticed rusty brown colored dots in combination with slightly yellowish leaves, i figured it it had to be a magnesium deficiency so now im dosing some Advanced Nutrients "Bud Candy" i read only good about its impact on the tase, aroma, smell and sweetness so i figured i couldn't be doing any bad when i give it to my plants, additional it has the magnesium my plant is missing due to it flowering. Hope she's doing well from now on, if i had to guess, 1-2 weeks left until harvest. But as always, don't take my word, anything but an expert. Happy growing and have a nice week everyone! 🌱🌱🌱❤️
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
55 cm
17 hrs
22 °C
55 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
11 L
4 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
Welcome in week 13 of my "Runtz Auto" diarie Day 85 : Getting closer to the day of harvest every week, the pistills are drying/ turning brown, the buds are still fattening and i beliefe to have seen first trichomes dry / crystallize. Still a bit until the harvest, but not too long either. Very excited ! I also have just installed my exhaust fan, absolutely no smell anymore ! Its amazing, it was a bit hard to find one thats small enough to fit in my tent, and even tho i bought the smallest i found it was still a struggle to install it. But it works wonders, now not even the room its in smells like weed, before the whole house smelled like weed. Still feeding 4ml/l micro,grow,bloom and 2ml/l bud candy, i think im going to lower that now. Day 89 : I have flushed her four times now since my last update, i will probably cut her down and harvest her in one of the following three days. Most of the pistillst are brown and all dried up, i have around 95% milky white trichomes, and around 5% amber trichomes, after doing some research i decided thats the perfect mix for me, i guess i will see in just a few week when its all dried and cured... I will post a last bunch of photos the day i chop her down. Happy growing and have a nice day all.
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
Okay, i took some pictures, not the best ones but i did the best i could, was a bit hard. What do you think when should i flush, should i already flush ? When could or should i harvest for best THC ? Thanks in advance for any answers. Appreciate anyone answering alot.
Buds. Other
Other. Harvest - Curing
Other. Other
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
I think you got a week or so to go. I do not see a lot of amber trichomes. If your going to flush, they say t0 just run water the last 5 days in hydro. If it was soil its just water the last two weeks nothing else. your aiming for 10-30% amber on the buds, not the sugar leaves. this is a good image reference. Keep checking back daily. Good Luck!
Week 13. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Very good strain so far, easy to grow, high yield, took a little long tho. Overall very happy with the genetics of zamnesia and will grow zamnesia seeds in the future again. Will update for smoke review soon.
Show more
Spent 93 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
800 g
Bud wet weight per plant
110 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Giggly, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Berries, Citrus, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Very impressed by how much i got out of this harvest. 800 Grams (wet) in total !! I will update this very soon to give you further information on dry weight, more pictures, smoke review and more !
Grow Questions
Jannis_Botanicumstarted grow question 3 years ago
Am i drying her correctly? The room is dark without any light getting into it, the room humidity is around 50-60% and the temperature at 16-19 degrees celsius. None of the flowers are touching each other. thanks
Other. Harvest - Drying
Other. Harvest - Curing
Other. Other
Fronti89answered grow question 3 years ago
Alles im Grünen Bereich 😂😉


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Y0inkcommentedweek 03 years ago
Good Luck! Wish you the best! 💪🙏
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
LittleJohncommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy growing🌱😋🙏🏻💚
Godesskatcommentedweek 13 years ago
Wish you all the best & happy growing 😍 Love this place!✊
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@Godesskat, thanks, im very excited and cant wait until my first baby will flower. Have a nice day an happy growing.
Patricia_Zamnesiacommentedweek 13 years ago
Looking good so far! 🙌
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 123 years ago
Get those lights closer man ! The plants look lovely lets make sure those buds form up tight and dense and cake up. At this stage lack of light intensity will be your only enemy. Everything else is looking good. Temps are a little cool for lights on you could widen the gap between lights on and lights off to over 10degrees by upping your temps a bit with the lights on. Your lights off temps look great id go 11 degrees higher with them on at this stage & send some extra stress to those ladies and help them chunk up and cake up more. If you get a minute check out my diary & follow my profile. If you ever have any questions or need any help please do not hesitate to ask, Happy growing !
LegacyMarketFarmcommented3 years ago
@Jannis_Botanicum, considering your light is only 100ws and the fact your room Temps are low to begin with, it's a safe assumption to make that you should be able to bring the lights closer with out raising the temp too high on your plant tops. Or giving them too much par. Which will cause them to taco. (Leafs going inwards and shutting off photo synthesis. ) that being said I still will always recommend every grower to get a par meter and a therm gun to read the PAR and Temps on the top of your plants to maximize your light potential use and trains your plants to do more.
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm,Ah, it might be good to mention that i didnt update the height of the light since i started this diarie ! The Lamp is actually only 27cm away from the highest point of my plant, should i get it closer anyways ?
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, Ok... I mean i juts moved up the lights a bit higher because other people said to me that the purple color (see week 10 of my diarie) is light stress, so what am i supposed to so, would appreciate the help due to me being absolute beginner, stress the plant out and get higher and better yield ? Ima check out your diarie aswell. Happy growing
kitchenservercommentedweek 113 years ago
Wow, what a plant! :)
kitchenservercommented3 years ago
@Jannis_Botanicum, wow that’s a great success! gz
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@kitchenserver, thanks ! Im actually quite surprised on how big she got, wasn't exactly expecting it to be this big :) especially because this is my first grow ever. Happy growing and have a nice week !
Doktorhollandcommentedweek 63 years ago
How is possible this plant have 6week veg my every auto from zamnesia flowering on week3
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@Doktorholland, i looked at a few of your, and other peoples diaries, and if im going to be honest, i have no clue why mine flower so late / yours flower so early. If i had to guess a reason it would be that your auto got wrong/too many nutrients too early ?????
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@Doktorholland, i asume some plants just take longer, some take less long ?
JaramnieJazzcommentedweek 13 years ago
Viel glück für dein ersten grow solange du die kleine nicht ertrenkst sollte alles gut gehen
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@Jannis_Botanicum,Ja dann kann ja nichts schief gehen ;)
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@JaramnieJazz, Vielen dank , ich bin bereits sehr aufgeregt und kann es schon kaum erwarten bis ,ein erstes kleines Baby blüht ! Leider wird das bis dahin noch eine Weile dauern 😅, ertränken denke werde ich die Pflanze nicht, habe bereits jahrelange Erfahrung mit Pflanzen und hab ein Zimmer voll mit auch etwas anspruchsvolleren Pflanze, bloß mit Hanf habe ich keine Erfahrung. Grüße, einen schönen Tag und happy growing !
JiggleBudzcommentedweek 33 years ago
Very happy I found this grow - I'm using Advanced Nutrients as well, trying to learn as much about LST before giving it a try. Yours turned out amazing!
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@JiggleBudz, Thanks alot, im very happy i helped you a little bit by sharing my own experiences. Have a nice day, and best of luck with your grow.
HirdoWeirdocommentedweek 23 years ago
Your girl seems happy and healthy, wish you the best ❤️
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@HirdoWeirdo, Thanks alot, so far im happy on how its going for it being my first grow ever. Happy growing and have a nice day !
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 132 years ago
Am giving this 1 a go with 2 other autos from Zam. Looking forward to getting some nice bud. Great job. Happy growing.
RayNicecommentedweek 132 years ago
👍 nice grow!
Blabinacommentedweek 133 years ago
What a super GREAT first Time Growing, Great job, congratz ♥️
CHILLING_RACOONScommentedweek 103 years ago
What a wonderful plant! Keep going, you will harvest holy buds soon 😍😍😍😍 Sweet hugs from us ❤️ If you want to support us take a look to our new diaries. Please leave a comment and tap the weed button if you like our job 👍 It will be appreciated! ❤️ Chilling_Racoons 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾
Kynarethcommentedweek 103 years ago
good grow
kitchenservercommentedweek 63 years ago
Looks really good! :)
Taitocommentedweek 03 years ago
Mis mejores deseos en su primer cultivo compañero💪
lordconcarnecommentedweek 33 years ago
it's look verry good good luck friend
Jannis_Botanicumcommented3 years ago
@@lordconcarne, thanks. You have a nice day and happy growing too.
Grower0commentedweek 83 years ago
Nice grow my guy, stay patient and good luck.
the end.
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