plants have recovered from their topping last week and are growing fast again.
doing some LST to stretch them out sooner than later.
lowered the lamp to be closer to the plants (but it isnt on 100% intensity).
increased the temperature a few degrees in the daytime.
toned down the exhaust to allow a little more humidity.
plants responded positively to these changes.
@roberto420, that's awesome man. The LSD I grew wasn't a tight bud structure, very airy, I may have stunted it at some point, but I also avoided HST on it, so who knows. My LSD is getting at least a month in a jar. It had a zillion sugar leaves compared with the bud structure. Never grown Skywalker, but it's a great strain. Had some Palpatine tonight for some anxiety. George Lucas a stoner?
@@Cannabis_Chris, it is all stable in jars and trimmed. the LSD dried faster than the skywalker, maybe due to shape of buds. skywalker smokes really good already. the LSD maybe could use maybe a bit more time in the jars, it is improving.