The LSD buds are slowly fattening up. They are still eating and drinking a lot. I'm trying to be more cautious about keeping PH in line.
One of the skywalkers is starting to ripen and the plant eats less. I won't feed this one anymore.
@roberto420, that's awesome man. The LSD I grew wasn't a tight bud structure, very airy, I may have stunted it at some point, but I also avoided HST on it, so who knows. My LSD is getting at least a month in a jar. It had a zillion sugar leaves compared with the bud structure. Never grown Skywalker, but it's a great strain. Had some Palpatine tonight for some anxiety. George Lucas a stoner?
@@Cannabis_Chris, it is all stable in jars and trimmed. the LSD dried faster than the skywalker, maybe due to shape of buds. skywalker smokes really good already. the LSD maybe could use maybe a bit more time in the jars, it is improving.