Hi growers!
Banana Sherbet from Original Sensible Seeds Bank. Thank you so much Team for the strains sent🎩✨
1st January:
Seed soaked in H2O for 24h, after she past 16h in paper towel with a bit of mycorrhizae.
2nd January:
Seed with enough tap root to pop her in soil. Soil was moistened with H2O with some drips of Top Crop Deeper Underground at PH 6,9.
Added to the hole some Great White.
Now just wait till seedling pops out.
4th January, Day 1 Seedling.
Looking very happy healthy and strong, let there be life. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!! If you have a moment stop by my YOU DECIDE journal and leave me your vote please and thank you.
Thanks 👍🏽 @BarneyRumble420, this is my 2nd attempt, the 1st one I couldn´t finish it. You can have a look to that diary and get more or less an idea, if you want.
I´ll do my best with this classy girl.
Feel free to follow or comment,I appreciate your comment 😉👍🏽🌱