GrowingGranniecommentedweek 113 years ago
@Xavierfourtwenty, One plant still has nothing but white pistils but the other has tons of orange pistils and that's the one I harvested the top third of ... I'll tell you, once this whole grow is done with, I'm going to go comment on MSNL's website about their seeds - there has been INCREDIBLE inconsistency and I'll not buy from them again. Of five seeds, only 4 germinated (not complaining)... two of the seeds (we'll call them #1 and #2) grew to over 50" and went into flower in week 5... #3 and #4 haven't gotten taller than 22" and went into flower in week 4 ... #1 is the one with all the orange pistils now but #2 is JUST starting to show them... #3 is all jammed up - no stretch at all but flowers look dense and frosty ... #4 stretched a bit, has good flowers but not one friggin' tricome on the entire plant (I'm pitching it)... AND I TREATED EACH ONE EXACTLY THE SAME!!! As I said, the inconsistency is maddening!
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