Apr 13: wow, I’m impressed at the arms on this one.
Apr 15: second Friday foliar with Extreme Blend and FPJ.
Apr 17: still another four weeks at least before she can be outdoors here so I topped a third time for 16 colas. This will keep it a more manageable size for next few weeks.
Apr 19: flushed 5 gallon bag with about 12 L of pHed tap water (250 ppm). Initially about 1400 ppm in the runoff which shows I had some salt build up in the soil happening. Need the 20% runoff with each watering to avoid this.
Added peony ring to keep the colas apart. It is a bit too high for now, but should be a good height as she starts to stretch. Using super cropping rather than LST to control height and location of colas.
@NorthernChemist, yeah, and I’ve stumbled upon this great way to do the staking. Starting poles are at close to 45 degrees rather than vertical and it makes all the difference. Bamboo cross pieces are easily friction fit and not really carrying a load. Seems stable with the peony ring still in place and seems to work.
@NorthernChemist, yeah I like it. Seems like the best way to handle photoperiods both indoors and out. This was a 16 cola attempt, and the later start photoperiods I will keep to 8 colas. This certainly maximizes cloning opportunities.
@MiyaguiOkPolilla; you’re welcome.. Yes, sodium, and going a step further it’s actually the ratio of sodium to Cal-mag (sodium adsorption ratio, SAR). My well water has super high SAR which is very bad for the soil.
@Northern_Ent, oh, muchas gracias por esa info. Nunca me he fijado realmente en los niveles de sodio, pero me imagino lo malo que puede llegar a serlo tanto como para nosotros 🍀🍀🍀
@JohnnyBarrel, yeah it’s looking great. Bubble OG is actually the biggest of the three big manifolds, followed by Candyland and then this one. This is a God Bud cross so it should be good. Cheers.