this plant was chopped at day 61 ,she was ready as fuck and overall produced alot of buds ! very happy with this strain,it feels like smoking something from a priest ,haha incense flavoury and i love it !
whacky concentrations in the nutrients this time ,calibrated TDS meter and still i had to use alot .will try not using them anymore but they are good for the average grower
truly recommend FC-e 3000,a very good light ,removable driver,which helps me in the summer time with the temps ,good light distribution and does wonders for a grower
This run was a blast,she finished with big nice buds on the top colas ,which were plenty enough ! i will definetly want to try this out again in the near future
The weight was done with only the buds branchings,did not scale unecesary plant structure only the good parts..So the end dry results will be nice
Will add more pictures as i was busy af with trimming that bunch of buds,they are still being prepared for jarring in fresh washed containers.