Day 43 - Starting week 7 today and started her off with her first round of bloom nutes and a full gallon of water. Did some minor adjusting to her pipe cleaners as well.
Day 44 - Did some more adjusting and such today and that’s about it.
Day 45 - Did quite a bit more adjusting to her pipe cleaners today. Looks like she’s getting ready to start her stretching so wanna get her a bit more spread out and try and keep this girl a little shorter and compact.
Day 46 - Nothing to speak of today, she should be ready for some water in another day or two. Did a couple minor adjustments and that’s it.
Day 48 - Did quite a bit of adjusting to her today and getting her ready for the weekend. I’ll be out of town for a couple of days and gonna give her a watering with feed tomorrow and that should hold her over till I’m back.