
White Widow X Big Bud Round 2

2 years ago
white widow x big bud
Room Type
weeks 5-6, 12
weeks 8
Grow medium
Grow medium
worm castings
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 7
12 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
hooolian hooolian
2 years ago
29/05: The first two tents are coming along very well - alot more than the last two - this was likely due to a lack of power in the last two tents - have gave them both their own power source. all seem to responding well to the nirvana nutrient - raised the lights in two tents - humidity kept at an all time low for flowering. coming along nicely
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Grow Questions
hooolianstarted grow question 2 years ago
Any idea how and why these mutant looking colas are formed with multiple bud sites at the top of the cola? From experience they give a good heavy yield despite the ugliness! Any advice appreciated ! Thanks !
Buds. Other
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
You shouldn't have a main cola if you topped it. Are you sure you didn't accidentally Flming her. Anyways, the whole trying to open up the budlets, I have no idea how your gonna do that as they are all grown together, so ye. It'll be fine if just looks like a later staged Flming'ed. She'll make for a nice bud. Just keep RH below 60 to avoid bud rot and good air flow. And before ppl comment I'm not suggesting you should keep it at 60RH for flowering 35-40 is best but to avoid bud rot and nutrient defs keep your RH lower than 60 with good air flow you'll be fine. Good luck.
hooolianstarted grow question 2 years ago
One plant has strong nute burn - i think too much topmax - i have been flushing with plain water - but do you think it is too far gone? can it be saved? any tips on getting it over the line? it is now in week 12 of flower. trimmed leaves - not all of the plant is burnt tho!
Feeding. Deficiences
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Of course it can be saved. I see enough energy leafs there. Clean her up a little. Cut those leafs, not all just the crisp, or not, it's not nes, but if you want to make sure you are out of nutrient burn you'll need to cut back to green to notice any on going probs, now normally I'd say look to new growth, as I burnt the shit out of 1 of my gorilla zkittlez but I have enough new growth to know its been out of danger weeks now but just looks bad but in reality she's very healthy. I see a lot of healthy growth left, (even those burnt leafs, look fine) Good luck pal.
hooolianstarted grow question 2 years ago
three plants in tent 2 are badly nute burned - think using overdrive too soon. have had to trim off all the leaves leaving the big bud sites. at this stage should i just be flushing for the final weeks? are they dead? will it damage the flavour of the smoke and potency?
Buds. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yeah, if I were you, I'd be harvesting those buds now rather than waiting... but JUST those buds.... you can let the rest of the plant go longer if the trichs aren't up to snuff but those look pretty brown/bordering on dead so I'd see what I could salvage from them ... I don't know what "overdrive" is but I'd think very carefully about using it again in a future grow - and maybe, if you DO use it, use it at 1/2 strength and monitor, monitor, monitor!! Good luck!
hooolianstarted grow question 2 years ago
have just looked into my tents - tent 2 is destroyed - tent 1 suffering aswell as the other tents. brown, shrivelled and dead. what caused this? nute burn? too hot? not enough water? just so i know for next time as this is very bad
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
So sad. Well, after looking through your weeks. I think I know the cause of your issues You are using nutrients that are not meant to be given at that stage of growth. And you are mixing stuff up. 1 week nirvana, 1 wk big bud. 5ml, 4ml,4ml way to much of similar nutrients. There is only a few things that help with growth. And what you are doing is overloading on 1 of the same thing but just in a dif bottle. Drop most of that. Or use it as you are meant to. Not with a week here and a week there on this and that. Straight nutrient lock. And as GrowingG said more nutrients doesn't translate into a bigger crop. If anything its the opposite. Less is more when growing. Now, you'll c I use a boat load of nutrients but I use them in small amounts and I break them up into 3 groups. My ppm stays low. I'll be dropping a load of stuff. Focus on what you have. Big bud should only be used in the 1st 3-4 weeks of flowering if I remember correctly. And nirvana is given in the much earlier stages. Also, I find things like Nirvana and big bud from adv nutrients. You have to be careful when adding these things to other brands of nutrients. Be sure to give brands that are of the same together unless you know they work. But I had issues with mixing big bud in with another brand of nutrients. Was going like yours but I caught it after a few rust spots but no doubt if I'd of left I'd of gotten that. Drop a lot of that. Stick with some core NPK +micro + calmag. That's all you need. And when you dial it in, then mess around with adding and taking away stuff. Good luck.

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homerjgangiaweek 0
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Kynarethweek 0
good luck
my god .... you have a really bad evil in this tent ..... those fucking red spiders are deadly .... they will hardly leave your plant friend
@PEAKYPLANTERS, this is interesting - how can you tell? I am interested to hear this ! Is it the leaves ? Are they hiring leaves?
@hooolian, if I understand correctly you have three tents ... in the first tent you have bad visitors .... trust me
@PEAKYPLANTERS there are no spiders in any of the tents
GODSGIFT_2005_JMweek 9
Nice man👍 Check me out bro thanks! 🍍 pineapple express
PremiumBudsEUweek 7
Nice grow , hope big buds buddy 😎
agoraweek 7
Amazing green sea! 👍
MarryJuanweek 5
Looking good 🍀
LittleJohnweek 1
Good luck and hppy growing💚😋🌱
spyderweek 1
good luck with the grow.... enjoy.
McManusweek 0
Wish you all the best lucky growing😍