HerbalEducommentedweek 23 years ago
Nice SOG setup, i would personnally prefer 16xplants 6l pots than 25 in 2l but well.
Don't veg for too long with such small pots and plant so close to each others, if it was me i would switch them next week already as your growth the first two week seem as vigorous as what i usually experience with mine. I always take a photo day 11 if you want to compare with yours and have an idea of what stretch to expect in the next few weeks.
I SOG 8 plants in 6l pots in a 90x60x180 and i usually give them 2-4week of veg so they reach 20-30cm and then switch to flowering and they reach 60cm 1m20 depending strains and phenotypes.
Happy growing😃
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