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Russian Auto (42FastBuds)

3 years ago
3 years ago
Nutrients 2
Biolcan Rooting and Seedling Agent 2 mll
Micorhizas 0.651 mll
Semilla plantada en el 13 de abril de 2022. Método toalla de papel humedo. Germinación completada 15 de abril de 2022. Paso a suelo preparado ( substrato+ húmus Lombriz + perlita/vermiculite + turfa negra/teca). Crecimiento en superficie de substrato. Los estratos interiores son ya suelo compuesto que ha sido fertilizado en otro grow y tan solo para la fase vegetativa. Adicion de NKP 12-4-6 Autoflowering Supermix Bionova + Melaza Negra sin sulfatos (diluicion 6 ml/L) + Biobizz Fish Mix (1ml/L). El grow del seedling se está haciendo en un horizonte sin fertilización con unos 10 cms y solo con adición de micorhizas en grano.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
11 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
700 PPM
66 %
24 °C
24 °C
24 °C
11 L
0 L
140 cm
900 PPM
Nutrients 6
Biolcan Rooting and Seedling Agent 2 mll
Micorhizas 0.651 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Cambio de outdoor a indoor...creciendo sólida...he estado muy pendiente de lãs plagas que su companera de tienda ha tenido, pero demuenstra genética y resistencia de campeona. Jah Dios en el comando...
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
23 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
670 PPM
62 %
24 °C
25 °C
25 °C
11 L
1 L
84 cm
660 PPM
Nutrients 8
Mycoterra - Pandora 3 mll
Mycoterra Kraken 1.302 mll
Blackstrap Molasses - Vegan / Sulfur free 4 mll
Russian Auto 42 Fast Buds, sin equivociones o percanses. Simple, plan de fertilización sencillo con mineral - NPK Autoflowering Supermix Bionova a media dosis ; organico y con Biobizz - tanto Bio Grow como Fish Mix a partes iguales; solución acuosa de urtigas para protección y aporte de nitrogeno directo y claro, la melaza negra biológica y sin sulfuretos para aportarle oligoelementos. Como sorpresa en el coctél, dos conjuntos de micorhizas de una novedosa marca en el mercado - la Mycoterra y dos de sua suplementos -el Pandora con aporte bacteriano para integrar nutrientes, y se usa dos veces, a comienzo de vegetativo y a comienzo de floración - se echa como 1g/l y el compuesto es soluble por lo cual hace adhesión directa al sistema radicular del grow. El segundo producto del suplemento Mycoterra es el Kraken, producto en granos con el hongo Glomus iranicum var tenuihypharum, que es un aporte exclusivo de protección al sistema radicular...una cucharita corta junto a la base del tallo del grow y tan solo, una vez para um grow de estas características o sea, una automatica con un período tan corto. Ya son visibles los pistilos en la base de internudos y me deja confundido como será el crecimiento del fenótipo ruderalis, pues el grow en este momento saca 20 cms, pero de lo que me entero en los diários de grow de esta cepa, en las proximas dos semanas puede que el grow llegue a un 'tirón' que le haga duplicar su dimensión casi a doble en menos de diez dias y asi y por que mi opinión sobre las automaticas es que se hacen muy rápido pero algo en su calidad pasa factura a esa velocidad entre semilla y cosecha y como no faltaria, ya he encargado el "aporte x" que para mi, es siempre el Delta Nueve de Canabiogen y la he encargado ya muy justo y apurado, pues manana cuando llegue hay que darle ya la prévia de empiezo de floración. El Delta Nueve tiene esa fórmula muy completa que le aporta a los cogollos de 'automaticas' la base para que crezcan como se desea o sea cogollos compactos, pesados y muy ricos em terpenos y resinas, casi como si fuera un "esteróide" botanico. A ver, la Russian es esa cepa que nunca te deja en la sabor a cerezas increible, ese aroma que te llega a la puerta del vecino, un humo dulzón y penetrante y un rendimiento muy único, o sea toda el grow se convierte de la base del tallo a la punta de las colas en un "cogollo gigante", o sea no hay um solo centímetro de planta que no se vuelva um cogollo y por eso, hay que darle um buen vegetativo para que tengamos esa planta que llegue a los 60 cms y sea totalmente compacta. Pero justamente por esta característica única de esta cepa, para mi el Delta Nueve de Canabiogen le dá ese extra que és perfecto para que sea el humo que tendre este Verano para las vacaciones. O sea una calidad de esa que te pone colocado sin dejarte tumbado y el Delta Nueve le dá a esta automatica lo que le falta para ser casi un humo de fotoperiodica. A mi, esta cepa siempre me deslumbrou, por que su genética es muy buena, por que su hierba es para mi, esa que te deja muy bien para que estes en lo social, para que incluso si la fumas por la tarde en la playa o en una terraza te deja tomar umas cervezas sin dejarte, sin acción y tumbado. Es esa cepa que todos los anos como cosecha de Verano, la hago. Rendimiento, calidad de humo y una cabeza maravillosa...y el Dios Jah en el comando, plantando lá semilla de la información, de la Concórdia, de la Paz e Respecto. A mis growers hermanos, ese abrazo de siempre, hasta la próxima página de este diário Tomás - Portugal NOTA ADICIONAL : Dia 40 - 25 Mayo 2022 - he dado hoy la primera aplicación (prévia a la floración que ya casi empieza, o sea que ya tênia que haberle aplicado como hace unos 5 dias), el Delta 9 Canabiogen. 6 ml/L sobre hojas y en riego. Se repetirá en 10 dias y después en otros 10 dias...ó sea 3 aplicaciones al mes y si los cogollos no sean los que espero le dare una aplicación como riego suplementario en 40 dias ...o sea cuando el grow llegue Al dia 80.
Used techniques
Bending Clips RQS
Grow Questions
TommyBVRSA75started grow question 3 years ago
Ya tengo experiencia sobrada con el compuesto, Pero me gustaria saber vuestra experiencia con la aplicación de Delta 9 de Canabiogen en vuestros grows??? Experiencias positivas ó negativas? Trampa o producto "milagro'? Que os parece este suplemento de floración?!?
Feeding. Other
HookahClianswered grow question 3 years ago
Funciona muy bien, pero yo me he pasado a utilizar TricoPlus de Radical Nutrients, es el mismo, pero con menos PK, funcionan muy bien en prefloración y si que estimulan, pero el bote se acaba bastante rapido jeje, milagroso no es, pero si que ayuda.
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
33 cm
18 hrs
670 PPM
66 %
11 L
1 L
50 cm
980 PPM
Nutrients 6
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
So...just one week since last diary entry and some adjusts have been done. First of all, the LED exposure calibration and calculate that exposure on a different set. Try to mantain the vegetative set in order to break one of the most significant handicap of my LED set (Full spectrum- UFO kind -purplish Spectrum lights) that normally during the first weeks of the growth tend to made plants very short and of a splattared kind (almost no space between internodes). The fabric settings say that after the third week normally the growth starts to correct that carachteristic given by the shorten blue spectrum, but after the calibration and the evidencie that after more than a week without a reasonable growth, my solution was to raise the level where i have the growth and i raised around 30 cms that level. So on just four days i noticed a very rapid growth both on height but also on secondary branches. Almost every leaf set and branch insertion on the stalk, have now primary pistils, that indicates one of the most outstanding carachteristic of this strain, that is that the flowering will develop almost on every space of the plant. As i told previously, the "Russian" has a yeld that is composed by a flower that comes from the base of the stalk up to every top to each the whole plant is almost a compact flower and that's why the "Russian" is so spectacular to the sights when is ready to crop. Due to this pre-flowering evidence i have apllied Delta 9 ( Canabiogen) supply both to the leafs, branches and stalk and some on direct root irrigation. This compound for me is one of the most important supplies of pre-flowering nutrition and has a strong and visible impact both on the quality and amount of the yeld. Normally the Delta 9 induces strongly the terpens and resume amount of the growth and for me it is a low budget way to boost a standard "autoflower" quality to an almost "photoperiod quality" of the final "smoke" product. I am still having some problems to adjust my LED set...i am still managing the propper way to work on LED, both calibrating the distance to the plants and to obtain the optimal coverage. My LED set is by the fabric settings, perfectly capable to manage from 60x60 up to 80x80 areas, but i have noticed by experience that from a seedling start and to the third/fourth week of vegetative, the LED covarage shouldn't be more than 70cms apart from the plant top and even with that measure standard, that splattared carachteristic on the plants on the early weeks of growth will happen neverless. I am now checking very closely the evolution on the growth, precisely by noticing that height grow of more than 10 cms. in just 4 days, and checking any posible stress and unbalance due to this Fast development. I will publish a new diary entry on next weekend and hope for the best and give all of you, "grower brothers", the best news about my "Russian" 2022 season. Jah God as always on command, seed the seeds of information, knowledge and Harmony between men. Tomás - Portugal
Used techniques
Bending Clips RQS
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
51 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
710 PPM
68 %
25 °C
26 °C
26 °C
11 L
1 L
29 cm
860 PPM
Nutrients 6
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.5 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 2.5 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2.5 mll
Ok...first a set of problems due to Southern Portugal Mediterranean climate...outdoor days with 39ºC Max and night with 26ºC site conditioner inside my house and an absolute problem having a constant temperature on the growth space between 28 and 27 (no thermal amplitude) and some 65 to 70 RH. So neverless the temperature is high for late flowering stage, the growth is thriving and the buds get dense and compact day by day...but...always but...the cycle is running wildly towards the end and the first leafs started to get yellow and had to be defoliated, but no is normal. The irrigation due to heavy temperaturs happens now each day, not more than 0.7L and fertilization is always given in a 1/3 rd part of the reccomended schedule. Delta 9 and the aplly each 10 days had become a half portion on each 5 days to boost the buds and i AM combining with success organic Biobizz supply and mineral PK 13 14 Bio Nova on a 1/3 rd amount each irrigation. As i told you, the irrigation now occurs on a daily basis 'cause the Algarve (Southern Portugal) summer is perfect to go to the beach but not so good to our growth overall conditions. Analysing the growth itself everything runs smoothly, but the pistils are still very white and so far the sugarleafs aren't so charged as i supposed. As i told you guys my biggest concern is concealing a full bud growth within the cycle of the plant. The Yellow leafs on the base of the growth are linked not only to the arrival of the end, but also to the self imposed N lack, so everything is in Control and my preview for the last week flush will occur on early July, so early August first smoking material will be on the run. Jah God as always on command with wisedom, plantinha the seeds of knowledge, love and understanding on everyone's heart. PEACE...
1 like
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
59 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
610 PPM
58 %
25 °C
26 °C
26 °C
11 L
1 L
29 cm
1090 PPM
Nutrients 7
Blackstrap Molasses - no sulphur 6 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.5 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 3.5 mll
As you can see, the buds are getting to their maximum size and we still have at least two weeks more before the final flush. As you can see i increased the CO2 in the tent, in order to get advantage from the high temperatures inside the growth space (around 27/28ºC with no thermal amplitude between day and nights), Southern Portugal had been register around 36ºC day maximum and 28ºC nights minimum, so without AC it isn't posible to drop temperature, but despite of it, the buds are thriving from day to day and the scent and coloques are impressive (some redish Buds, no foxtails whatsoever, and the terpens are just Delicious. I will let you with a video explaining my growth area process. Jah God on command...Peace!
1 like
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
59 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
610 PPM
58 %
25 °C
25 °C
24 °C
11 L
1 L
29 cm
1090 PPM
Nutrients 7
Blackstrap Molasses - no sulphur 6 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.5 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 3.5 mll
Finally on the way to the end and the Russian "Lady" went to "shower". A nice and refreshing flush, cleaning all the excess of nutrients once very important to growth, thrive and flowering. I am very surprised about density, weight and compactness of the buds and i have for sure a "class A" weed for me and my friends to have a funtastic "smoke" during summer. That's why i always rely on the genetics of the 42FastBuds Russian Auto, there is no mistake at all. A solid yeld both on quantity but mainly in "Skyhigh" quality. And as always, my "winning horse" that is the Delta 9 suplement by Cannabiogen that is mandatory to transform a normal auto quality in an outstanding photoperiodic quality (nature says that autoflowering product cannot be never like photoperiod smoking stuff but with Delta 9 supply during flowering phase, the final stash can be very similar to a great outdoor photoperiod yeld (not on weight but in final "Stone"). Next week i will trim the Russian "Lady" , check the final yeld amount and put it to dry. Final goal is just coming...Jah God on command, with infinite wisedom and planting the seeds of Knowledge, Harmony and Peace on the heart and mind of Brotherly Manhood.
Used techniques
Final Flush
Week 12. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Russian mistaske. Mi favorite shorty ... Always happiness on mind and heart.
Show more
Spent 44 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
58 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
A normal Russian alarms and no surprises. A solid strain, heavy Buds and a myrcene terps scent at the doorstep. The growth was pretty normal, despite of some adjusts on the height from the Led set to the plant during veg Phase. After the Seven week a boom growth from 20 to 60 cm in just 9 days, and after all a yeld around 60 grama and first class quality. Jah God always on command and now some deu on pinewood hermetic locker...and waiting for curing this beauty.


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love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Dingle_Danglecommentedweek 03 years ago
#OUTDOORGANG Good luck 😉🌞
Dingle_Danglecommented3 years ago
@TommyBVRSA75, unlucky situtation, my friend; be discreet
TommyBVRSA75commented3 years ago
@Dingle_Dangle, por un vecino nuevo en mi bloque que és polícia, he tenido que cambiar los grows al indoor y con mucha pena mia, pues he sido "outdoorgang" toda la vida y los grows siguen (dentro o fuera). Um saludo a ti, Hermano Grower!!! Dios Jah en el comando contigo y Tus grows!!! Plantando siempre la semilla de la información, paz y concordia entre Hombres.
CrazyHorsecommentedweek 53 years ago
All the best 😇 Happy growing mate 😇 💪 🙏
Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
good luck
Fast_Budscommentedweek 123 years ago
Hey, Thanks a bunch for running this diary! Hoping that you had a good time with growing our Russian Auto strain! Enjoy the harvest :)
TommyBVRSA75commented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds ,un enorme gusto siempre, trabajar con vuestra calidad y geneticas. La Russian, siempre una vez por temporada, por su calidad clásica, su superior genetica y por lo que este humo me hace, a mi y a mis amigos...introspectiva cuando és necesaria y buena para una rueda de amigos charlando, tomandonos un té y partindonos de la que la bella Rusa algo tiene, que es perfecta...y siempre digo, no siempre la cantidad, significa calidad superior y por ello, esta strain es uno de mis amores de siempre...Gracias por todo, 42...sois perfectos!!!
Drgreen13commentedweek 122 years ago
Great job here mate.
Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bankcommentedweek 122 years ago
Te deseamos mucha suerte en el concurso, ojalá que podamos ver nuestras genéticas en tu próximo cultivo!! 😃🌱
the end.
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