Apr 27 Dropped a Aeque Genetics Red Alien cross between Blood Shot Alien & Purple Poison into a warm cup of bottled water in my 2x2 tent a small dark box with a TS600 just above it for heat.
Apr 28 Dropped her in her forever home. Should pop in a couple days. 77f/75
Apr 30 She starting to show herself and turning into sprout once she has her 1set of leafs, I will start Week 1 Most likely Saturday May 7. 80f/67h
May 1 Little Sprout 75f/67h
May 2 little bigger sprout 76f/65h
May 3 Shes has her first leafs. Still a little Sprout 76f/64h
May 4 Looking good starting to develop into a nice girl. 75f/67h
May 5 Sprayed some Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice 2ml/1ltr. 75f/67h
May 6 Shes looking good so far XS1500 lower around 22 inches @70 percent dim. 75f/67h