July 27: I missed putting this Cheese into the blackout tent. Oops, hopefully that won’t mess it up too much. Forcing started on July 9 for this plant so that 18 days should be long enough. I think Ed Rosethal’s Growers Handbook says two weeks should suffice, but I found that wasn’t long enough last year.
July 28: all plants have gotten so big during force flowering that I’m running out of room in the blackout tent. So six plants that are fully flowering now were graduated outside to natural 16 h light. They were this Cheese, two Bubble OG clones, two 11RosesxTXL and one 11Roses x Purple Mazar.
July 29: now done force flowering. All plants are flowering and won’t re-veg at this point when switching back to natural 16 h conditions. That’s hard work, but very satisfying to see the flowers forming.
July 31: added second round of Power Bloom and malt as top dressing. Started using soluble wood ash as K source. See today’s Gorilla Gelato diary for details.
@GermanGrow182, I might, but I’m also trying to use the same water for as many plants as practical. Easier to do at scale when I can just water everything. My main concern is sugar from the molasses which is great for growing but terrible for smoking. Thanks.