Una semana bastante positiva, la planta a presentado un buen desarrollo foliar, con una bonita tonalidad de verde. Hemos realizado una poda de ramas bajas, para potenciar el desarrollo hacia las ramas de arriba.
De igual manera el frio nos a complicado, veremos la posibilidad de mejorar las condiciones climáticas del cultivo
Looks like a great start on a great strain, good luck 👍
I have a couple of these growing and they are different phenos one looks like an orange strain really pretty, the other tried to grow through the top of my tent 😆 I might be the cause of it because it started a mutant I left it to grow however it wanted to (mistake) it was actually supposed to replace another ghost with a mutation and it actually hermied on me. Long story obviously 🙄 🤪 come visit my jungle it's a mess but it smells awesome 😆
@Kitties_and_Colas, muchas gracias por tu comentario, pero si tuviese las herramientas para incorporar mas datos lo haria jajaja, me pasare por tu diarios!