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Test v1

2 years ago
3 years ago
So this is my first grow in maybe 12 years? I’m fully expecting it to fail to be honest as I’m about to head overseas for nearly 3 weeks and had to bang up a solution for fertigating for all but one of my seedlings (I have a proper solution being tested for that one) But fail fast as they say! I’ve got some more seeds for when I return in the likely event it goes bad in my absence. Potential issues are the irrigation failing, the humidifier is sure to run out of water a few days in but hopefully they’ll have an OK root system by then and the temps are on the low side anyway. The main concern is that even though im running a drain to waste and not recirculating my nutrient I can not for the life of me get the ph to settle and it keeps rising every day to 7-8… :/ But no time to fix or worry about that so if my res doesn’t settle I’ll get to see what happens to seedlings when the ph is way too high, yay!! 🤦‍♂️
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
1 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
45 %
16 °C
20 L
70 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 4
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.5 mll
All photos are exactly a week after I first set the seeds. Been testing irrigation so coco is absolutely saturated and the seedlings show it a bit. Can’t really control the humidity or temperature at this point but at least the temperature is fairly stable at the values at 16-22 night and day. Ph res is continuously rising. Blame the cal mag and hope it settles but if it can’t in the next 24 hours before I leave then it’s game over pretty much. So much can go wrong, should have just did a soil grow and kept it to watering only while I was away but wasn’t expecting the ph issues I’m currently facing. Wish me luck! hydro fce6500 set at 430W
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Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
3 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
45 %
17 °C
23 °C
16 °C
20 L
0 L
70 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 4
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.5 mll
I’ll label the pics when I get back in 2.5-3 weeks but all roughly the same with the auto ultimate and a couple of auto aks slightly in the lead. I hope I’ve rectified the ph, dumped my reservoir, started from scratch. Even though it was pitch dark had some sludge growing, they were new containers so I didn’t sterilise them but in hindsight should have. Heat sterilised my lines but will remember to clean properly with peroxide next time. The seedlings seem to be healthy and starting to shoot now, hopefully the oversaturated medium won’t slow them down too much but honestly I’m just still hoping to keep them alive in my absence. Set up my irrigation for every 2 days at 5 mins (approx 250mL) sadly my actual job has been taking up all my time so only one of the pots has proper remote control and sensors to match, the others are a bit half arsed but better than nothing. I’ve been watching the evaporation rate of one pot and have been losing a steady 180-190 mLs a day so my irrigation is calculated on a slow reduction of the soil moisture content until I get back with 2-3 days to spare before it gets bone dry. But as anyone who grows knows all biological systems are inherently unpredictable if you can’t control all the variables! I’ve got a pan and Tilt wifi camera set up so will use this and my sensor data to track their performance over the next 3 weeks and also have an emergency contact in place if I desperately need it but they have limited experience so hopefully I can avoid calling them. Ok, time for a glass of red while I wait for my Uber! Will only post my ip cam photos for the next few weeks which are not the greatest quality so maybe read some other grow diaries until after then 😂🤦‍♂️
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
850 PPM
65 %
17 °C
23 °C
16 °C
20 L
1 L
70 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 3 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 3 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.5 mll
So… I was fully expecting to come back to dead plants but WOW was I impressed. Besides the nutrient sitting there for 20 days and the ph rising to around 7.2, having no oscillating fan, 5 being on an untested irrigation system and having critically high VPD for most of the time. Just shows you don’t need to over care for cannabis! When I got back after nearly 3 weeks of being overseas I went into overdrive correcting the minor problems that were developing and got a fan. Dumped the remaining nutrient and mixed a new batch. Performed some LST, a bit of HST, leaf tucking and minor defoliation. Also flushed with the new nutrient so they were showing symptoms of overwatering but after 24 hours that’s mainly subsided. Hoping to see some explosive growth over the next few days as a result of all the recovery work. All in all, I was amazed with how well they all went for the nearly 3 weeks of looking after themselves 😎
Used techniques
Leaf tucking
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
30 cm
19 hrs
25 °C
950 PPM
65 %
17 °C
23 °C
16 °C
20 L
1 L
60 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 4 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 4 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1.5 mll
A few days late on my week 5, photos are day 37. They had a rough week and a half. Mistook light burn for iron deficiency thanks too sky high coco ph readings. Anyway, recovered now but lost a lot of time. Did defoliation to all of them. One auto ak and the auto ultimate has started properly flowering, the other auto ask are just starting now. The ultimate was moved to a different tent. I hope they start to grow a bit more now, was hoping for 2ozs each from the aks and 4 from the auto ultimate but will be challenging now I think. Quickly remembering all the lessons of the past but after 12 years or so it seems I need some reminding… Happy growing everyone!
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
40 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
1000 PPM
70 %
17 °C
23 °C
16 °C
20 L
1 L
80 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 4 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 4 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1 mll
Thought seeing as I learn so much from other grows on here I’d do a better job this week posting. The auto ultimate looks like I never defoliated it at all, it’s crazy dense again. In fact they all are. One AK is ahead of the rest but the others are starting to get into proper flower. I badly burnt a few AKs with too much light and did an experiment. One I topped all the burnt tips and leaves off, the other I let go. Lesson for everyone, no matter how badly burnt they are just leave them on! The topped one is going to pump about a ton of small buds but won’t match the yield or appearance/ bud appeal of the other is my guess. Been struggling to keep my VPD in check, humidity is sky high so I ordered a dehumidifier last week but unfortunately didn’t realise it was a pre-order and the keep pushing the date back, won’t get it for minimum 2 weeks if I’m lucky (can’t afford to buy another 🤦‍♂️). Anyway 🤞 it arrives before the buds bulk up…
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Agtechtesterstarted grow question 3 years ago
I have a question regarding EC runoff. I’m growing in coco and perlite, various ratios from 100% to 67% coco. My DLI is currently maxed out, my plants have less than a mm of tip burn, some have none. EC in is 2, EC out is 0.6, guessing this means I can start increasing EC in? Ta
Feeding. Schedule
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NobodysBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
2ec is too much... you should probably back off before you add more.. .but plant dictates such things.. this is a generalization. due to evaporation, ec should be higher over time, mathematically, physics, laws of physical world being proof... the plant's roots are not selective. it cannot pick and choose what fits through... it is either physically small enough or is not... any nutes for coco that aren't chelated and readily useable are the wrong nutes for coco. Sorry, roberts, but i gotta contradict you on that because it's not true what you said is occurring. don't take it personally if you read this like the last time. (though i was more of an ass last time, bwahahaha) potential reasons with cause and effect... some microbes are possibly eating it. There could be some sort of chemical reaction taking place and a precipitate forms or otherwise no longer a molecule that impacts EC. It doesn't disappear like a fart in the wind just cause EC dropped. they don't evaporate. they don't grow legs and walk off. (relative to resolution of this context and never grows legs, obviously) So, i'd be a little concerned that the runoff is oddly lower. if the plant isn't showing deficiencies, that's great. you have some various symptoms present, but nothing crazy... rate of progression will tell you more than i can from a picture. (some twisting of new growth, maybe a bit thin too, not sure? maybe heat or light stress with the slight tacoing?) good thing is it's slow moving if it is something to worry about or not. I wouldn't feed more based on what i see. it's a lush plant as is. Maybe, try a h2o2 drench? but then you have to re-inoculate with any microbes you added previously. lol, wonder if it is any of those products causing this... you don't need microbes as you do in soil.. i'm sure there may be some benefit, but the primare one is not relevant for coco/hydro nutes. your nutes are already chelated and ready for uptake and use.. maybe, try one put without the re-inoculation and see what happens with runoff after a h2o2 drench... 1-3% concentation is safe. go dilute some 3% 1:1 in next fertilization for one pot. try to keep all other factors the same. if you are indeed feeding too high like i assume, you'll see a progression of issues in canopy over next 2-3 weeks... the plant is much more sensitive when growing buds compared to elongating stems and growing leaves. usually all i have to drop is 10-20ppm of N in flower to avoid overly lush leaves (too dark)... what ppl "boost" p/k to i feed from mature vege on, i'd wager... lol. if i add any more the plant burns. becaue i track ppm of of each molecule fed, i can say this with confidence. check out my soilless ppm breakdown (it's usually 5-10% higher than what is listed in screenshot used in any diary)... use an online nutrient ppm calculator to resolve this better... learn the parts and the learning curve is drastically reduced, plus you can make adjustments with greater knowledge.. infer things more easily when you see multiple symptoms etc etc... thngs become cut-and-dry with zero difficulty in resolving what is actually going on because you know what you feed it. Environment and water used may have impacts on what works best for you. my tap is very hard.. so yu may need more Ca than i use. my mix works on 95% of plants with no tox/def symptoms of note before harvest is ready. At this point i don't need to break my ppm down anymore... familiarity is enough once basics are hammered out / learned. Also, if you ever switch brands, you can do the math and adjust dose to match your previous ppm breakdown, or nearly match it... . and expect same results. you should feed how the plant tells you to feed it... starting with a properly balanced 1.3-1.5 EC mix. you should fertilize every single irrigation in coco with 10-15% runoff.. this will ensure there is no buildup.. also will show that if the runoff continues to be lower in this context, that something else is definitely at the root of the loss of dissolved nutes. Wait for at least some dryback before fertilizing again... the 10-15% runoff eliminates possiblity of buildup. still have to worry about your root health, of course. "boost" if you think that rhetoric is real... it's untested anecdotes from what i've seen so far. lots of confirmation bias/ego involving small samples and even sometimes overtly different methods used on plants for comparison (which makes comparison absolutely useless). i'm a fan of pushing limits, but "boosting" that involves major leaf damage i wouldn't bet any money on being beneficial. phtosynthesis is 10x weighted factor to results than simply providing nutes. nutes are 5% impact of the total picture. it's more a matter of not stepping on our own dicks than doing anything special or different. we can't play mad scientist and convert a pig to a princess. boosting is like putting lipstick on a pig... prolly should have been feeding the elevated levels before that point if it didn't cause any damage. you can tell you are matching aplant's metabolism well if you do't have toxicities or deficiencies... overfeeding doesn't make it work faster or better. Coco is best 2:1 or 70/30 perlite... sphagnum peat is better at 50/50 for a soilless grow (check out bugbee's maximizing yeild video on youtube). the difference is due to capacity to retain water... one holds quite a bit more than the other and it's all about proper drainage and more accessible o2 in root area. going beyond this will just increase rate of irrigations... which might be part of a larger plan, but on its own is not necessary or beneficial.. feeding on demand or frequently tends to have better results than 1 ever 3-5 days etc... but the dryback+drinking must allow it to be non-detrimental as far as overwatering or dangerous microbes growing on your roots -- if perpetually too wet. save yourself the experimentation.. someone has done it in a lab-precise environment. (watch a bunch of bugbee vids... devoid of nonsense and ego-drive dreck.. great source) the fce light has fairly accurate spec sheet, so you probably have an accurately calculated DLI given area of coverage too. still use plant behaviour to fine-tune, if you only used math to start. just in case....
Agtechtesterstarted grow question 3 years ago
Thanks for your help, it’s given me more videos to look at and more research to do. Sadly it’s irrelevant now as I’ve found seeds forming. The light stress was too much for them. I’ve searched for hours and can’t find the nanner/s anywhere. How long do they stay? I’ll keep goin…
Buds. Other
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
this question and description doesn't match the diary pictures... those plants are too immature to hae fully formed seeds. they are barely into flower. you asked earlier right? someone said it was knocked up cause the preflowers had colored pistils? but, preflowers are much older than the newly forming buds at nodes and coloration naturally occurs when it is 'old'. The diary images were updated 4 days ago.. nothing could have changed in 4 days. i don't think you have a pollinated plant. pistils are white all over... and only in early bud formation.
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
45 cm
19 hrs
25 °C
700 PPM
70 %
17 °C
23 °C
18 °C
20 L
1 L
80 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2.5 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1 mll
So had some bad news during the week, a few seeds forming 🤦‍♂️😭 This would have been in response to the misdiagnosed light stress they were under for a while but hey, new to autos, LEDs, this garage, this medium and haven’t grown in over a decade so I guess it figures.. Anyway I have decided to let them finish for a few reasons: I’m still tweaking my setup and would rather test it on these girls than a new batch. Also my replacement plant that’ll go in next is far from ready for the large tent (a photo period ‘the ultimate’ shown in this grow diary. Furthermore there’s some back end stuff I’m testing too, heading off for another week today so another chance to test remote monitoring and control systems. The only real downside of letting them continue is the electricity bills… but I’ll absorb that I guess. They’re looking really healthy, just wish they’d stop growing though… ran out of space and given the whole impregnated thing I decided to scrap one plant, which I’d come to hate anyway as it was the failure of an experimental pair. Happy it’s gone to be honest. So that leaves 3 auto AKs and an auto ultimate (photoperiod ultimate in another small tent). One of the AKs is lifting off, the ultimate is a big sluggish in flower though, hope it picks up while I’m away. The dehumidifier came just before I left so that’s having a really positive effect on the VPD, as such I’ve lowered my EC to a more reasonable 1.4 Plenty of orange hairs probably mainly due to pollination but I think also the light and over dosing on nutrient. I’ve raised my oscillating fan but it’s still hitting the top of all the plants. I’d like to get my new pistols white again.. I’ve searched for hours for the sacs or nanners and couldn’t find shit so hoping that was an early flower thing when they were stressed and they’ve fallen off or been overwhelmed by the female buds and won’t keep seeding??? And did some more defoliation, the auto ultimate in particular just keeps spitting out leaves and it’s dense AF. I think that’s all my news!
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
45 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
700 PPM
70 %
17 °C
23 °C
18 °C
20 L
2 L
70 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1.5 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1 mll
Starting to pick up
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
45 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
600 PPM
55 %
17 °C
23 °C
19 °C
20 L
2 L
65 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 5
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1.5 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1 mll
Yeah so going ok. The auto ultimate is proving to be a disappointment so far but let’s see how it goes…
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
50 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
600 PPM
55 %
17 °C
23 °C
19 °C
20 L
2 L
65 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 7
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1.5 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 1 mll
Rush posting so accidentally put in a screenshot from someone else’s grow last week.. whoops. Changed up nutrients as ran out of the canna stuff and didn’t care for it and the $ either… let’s see how it goes. Ordered a microscope but delayed postage so will be borrowing one from a mate tomorrow and gauge where They’re at
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
60 cm
17 hrs
25 °C
450 PPM
55 %
19 °C
23 °C
19 °C
20 L
2 L
65 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 0.75 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 0.75 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.75 mll
The two smaller ones are less than a week from harvest. Slow flush, starting to fade now. Noticed small bits of bud rot on one, my fault as switched to flush I’ve been hand watering and it gets drip that I can’t always shake off. Will be happy when I can give the larger two a bit more space to finish
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
60 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
50 PPM
50 %
19 °C
23 °C
20 °C
20 L
3 L
65 cm
400 PPM
Smaller two have been harvested. Awaiting final weight. Last two have started their flush, probably a week to week and a half from being cut down. The runt has a more indica dominant phenotype than the others but still, from my samples, produced some excellently clear and clean buds. The larger one still alive is looking stunning so will definitely trim it on the plant if I can find the time, the auto ultimate also is fattening finally but the earlier branching has cost bud size. Using the tent inlet to suck air through my drying tent cause the smell is extreme so temps are a few degrees higher and the humidity has dropped down to around 48% without all the evapotranspiration of four plants and pots for the dehumidifier to deal with. Happy days!
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
70 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
50 PPM
45 %
19 °C
23 °C
20 °C
20 L
3 L
65 cm
400 PPM
One AK left! Will come down in a few days. First two are dry so will do harvest report soon. Smashed by targets per plant for the small ones so expecting big things for the last two. Auto ultimate is currently drying.
1 comment
Week 13. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 87 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
269.32 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Hungry
Positive effects

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Very happy in the end! 3.5 and 5.5!
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1 comment
Week 13. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 87 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Just short of 200g from it in the end!
1 comment


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JamesBarrecommentedweek 132 years ago
Très beau travail mon pote 👍
love_2_growcommentedweek 13 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Agtechtestercommentedweek 13 years ago
Thank! Some very impressive grows you both have, 🤞 I can get back to that level soon enough
Balankayacommentedweek 132 years ago
Great job colleague! I wish you super success! Welcome to my new diary, I will be happy to give feedback.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 132 years ago
Hey there, Thank you for sharing your experience with us :) We hope that you liked growing our genetics, and enjoy the harvest! Have a good one
BSG420commentedweek 13 years ago
Hey bud welcome 🙏 Grow Well an Stay Frosty 😶‍🌫️
the end.
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