WELL WEEK 3 AFTER 2 WEEKS i HAVE SOME GOOD STRONG HEALTHY PLANTS AND A CAPS BUTTON THAT IS STUCK ... There thats better My thinking was Im growing pot to stop paying $500 a month for weed and Im poor I havent bought pot since my first harvest. so I got that part covered now I want to grow beautiful plants with lots of THC ,terpenes and cannabinoids the Purpinator is the same thing as Terpinator the main jop it produce more terpenes the purpinator has something that draws out the color making genes so PURPLR RAIN, PURPLE RAIN ! BOTH THE MOONROCKD AND ESPECIALLY BLACK LEBANON ARE BOTH PURPLE PEOPLE EATERS !!👽
i AM TRYING TO FIND SOME BUTT KICK WEED WITH PHOTOGENIC PROPERTIES and a new caps key sry, I know Platinum strains like to pose for the camera , I want to do a Sativa super seed club exclusive grow leaning on the sativa side. any suggestions
I don't have any suggestions for you, sorry - but I really DO want to tell you that I absolutely cracked up at your "and a new caps key.." - I'm STILL laughing! Thank you, I needed that!!
Im sorry I just realized I didn't thank you for your wishes well you will be happy to know it seems like you brought me goodluck
Thxc Savvage
Thx John check it out now 2 weeks from harvest beautiful plant Black leaves with golden flowers what a plant Super sativa seed club has some awesome Genetics Cant wait for my next grow all SSSC strains
You guys Rock
week 3 has begun happy healthy plants I have high hopes of a purple jungle in my tent Black lebanon from SUPER SATIVA SEED CLUB BLACK LEBANON BACKED UP BY 2Black berry moon rocks in a few weeks I hope to post some purple leaves offset by golden colored pistils. Bokashi, Frass and dynomyco enhance the fox farm Ocean forest and creating a tubro charged living soil