This was a water change week, so I drained the bucket and replaced it with new nutrient solution. The stretch continued, and I was forced to do some super-cropping in an attempt to keep her out of the lights. I am still a little close, but I think she'll be ok. I also did some defoliation in order to keep the humidity down. That has been a fight. I put two small dehumidifiers in the tent, and have it unzipped at the top on three sides. That seems to be helping. All in all, it's been a fun week.
@Rangaku, I'll know more after the cure, but so far I'm happy with it. It was a very uniform dry, and after two days of curing, the bud smells pretty gassy. I tried a sample and it was a smooth, and potent, hit. I'll know more in a week. Thanks for asking!