
Bruce Banner - first DWC

2 years ago
Germination Method
Peat Pellet
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 7%
Bruce Banner Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Bruce Banner Auto - 94%
Commented by
GrowingGrannie GrowingGrannie
2 years ago
09/04 - So I'm germinating in a Root Riot pellet which was soaked in 5.5pH'd water. Should be up in a couple of days - check back!! Thanks so much to @SwissKush and @Hashy for the guidance and the courage to try this new way of growing - at least new to me! For 70+ years, I've only grown things in soil but a day not learning something new is a day wasted... and no, that is NOT a picture of me in that meme! LOL! 09/07 - I HAVE A ROOT!!!! The cotelydon has yet to make an appearance, BUT I HAVE A ROOT!!!!! She will be set on the bucket this morning to continue her journey. And she's now in the bucket, air pump is on, water at 5.8pH.. This afternoon, the seedling broke through and I removed most of the cling film covering the pot... I can't wait to see how much she grows over night!! YAY!!!! Talk about "FAST buds" ... WOW! 09/08 - Added a few more clay pieces and gave the seedling 1tsp water twice today. Bucket only needed about 1/4 gallon to top up to just under the pot... 09/09 - moved her into her new home and all is well. She had been stretching a little too much for my liking when she had to share the light with my other FastBuds grow which are well into flower... moving her to her OWN home now allows me to get the light closer to her and she's appreciative! 09/10 - I didn't get to take a pic of her on Day 3 - completely slipped my mind! She is soon going to take off - her new home is a funky little space that measures APPROXIMATELY 32"x32"x7' - more than enough room for her to grow as big as she wants! 09/11 - Day 5 of this little one's life... and she's getting bigger and bigger... can't wait for her roots to hit the water! I'm loving the Root Riot - gives her good nutrition to help her grow in this early stage.. Shout out to @FastBuds - this one's going to be GREAT!!! 09/12 - Day 6 and tomorrow, I get to add another week to this diary! But what I REALLY want is for her roots to hit the water! I can't wait! I'm ready to replace all the water in my bucket tomorrow and add 1/2 strength of my DaKine420 nutes so that when those roots hit the water, there will be something for them to latch onto and GROW!!!! Love these nutes but can't find anyone who is growing with them here and they don't come up on the list when I'm filling in the weekly nute information. If you want to know more about these nutes, just go to - wonderful product that has saved another one of my grows... nothing BUT Dakine420 from here on out!
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Grow Questions
GrowingGranniestarted grow question 2 years ago
Need to pick the brains of some DWC types... This lady has just had a precipitous drop in her pH... from 6.4 to 5.9 overnight. Same thing happened with my other Bruce (happened twice to her)... EC has remained stable... what would cause this... anybody have any idea?
Other. Other
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Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
The ph is greatly affected by the nutrition level in all growing mediums. Too much and ph drops down. Too little ph goes up. In your case it looks like she is shifting to bulking. So her diet is changing plus there is a connection to the culture in the roots. Same with growing in coco.

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SwissKushweek 0
Excited for this evolution!
Metatronixweek 0
Keep it growing mate, wish you the biggest yields 💐💐💐
@Metatronix, thanks! I need all the positive thoughts I can get! :-D But I'm feeling pretty confident now that I actually have a root and it's in the bucket... just can't wait to see the seedling!
Cyrusdavirusweek 0
The Incredible Hulk 😁🌳🤞 good luck 👍
@Cyrusdavirus, your support is SO valuable to me... you can't imagine... seriously... thank you!
kohlrabiweek 3
All the best, little Bruce! I'm rooting for you! 😁🥦
homerjgangiaweek 0
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
gottagrowsometimeweek 2
Very nice GG. Doing that without a pen, is mind blowing for as long as you did, you are right. She's at to picking up, as if she was still sickly you'd not of gotten that fast growth, 'as u pointed it out" . I went thru 3 PH pens before I found a good 1. Milwaukee PH55 &EC60 PRO, and anything with a diode, if you get a storage solution your pen will last so much longer. As I went through 2 pens before I got a storage solution to keep the diode in when not using, (but them pens where the -20e cheapos so the storage solution cost more. They are a bit expensive but a bottle last long 15e for 200ml i think, unless you are like me, 'I knock my pen over and it spills from the cap all the time' on my 2nd bottle now. 🤣 anyways, enjoy the rest of her, I don't think you need to worry about her not making it through. I put my DWCs thru an awful life, yours look WAY better than mine. Enjoy it, you'll learn a lot either way. It's not my style of growing, but the results when you do it right are great. The bud has so much more resin. And overall much nicer bud. Great job, keep it up.
@Barneysfarmer10, thanks for the tip!
@gottagrowsometime, they say to cut a sponge and soak in solution, and wedge this in the cap …….
@DutchDoobie, awh, and there he is. True colors always shine brightest when it comes from a POS like you. "I couldn't be a bigger A-hole if I tried", so, you win 1st place for that. And last for your grammar, oh, that's right, you probably aren't past 5th grade yet, so maybe they'll teach you how to use "..." next grade. DutchDummie
Barneysfarmer10week 1
I love the detailed update, I love your passion 🤩 Happy growing Nanna
4GLOW20week 0
good luck. 🙏
Ancient_Geneticsweek 0
Good luck with growing!
6ix6ix6ixweek 4
I believe she’ll make it! One of my favorite strains to consume.
SwissKushweek 2
Bruce will be strong! 💪💪
Barneysfarmer10week 0
Good luck with the new medium, I’d love to try hydro. My friend swears by it
@Barneysfarmer10, you know what?! I don't think I'm EVER going back to soil again.... period... end of story....
@Barneysfarmer10, Yeah - at the moment, I'm trying to stabilize the pH... didn't realize that was going to be a "thing" -
@GrowingGrannie, I think you can’t go wrong if you constantly check the waters PH, that’s the impression I get from my friend. I’ll be following this like a hawk…..always pleasure Gran 🤗
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Mazgothweek 1
Good luck,you definitely gonna KILL IT!
@Mazgoth, 😘
@GrowingGrannie,Killing it in a good way always 😌
@Mazgoth, thank you, my friend! I'll try not to ... kill it, that is! LOL!
Enemy61390week 5
Looks like early flower to me. That's what my Bruce Banner did in week 4/5. Others had pistils shooting out everywhere but she was a slower maturing plant between the 3 strains.
@GrowingGrannie, she is showing her sex at the moment. GHE 'preflowering' stage will come in a week or so, you will know it by the pistils from the flower sites you're used to from your other awesome plants. You remember my Bruce, it was super slow to mature!! Bruce is looking great! Bruce 2, wow! 😍
@Enemy61390, thanks! It's been really confusing for me because I've not really been able to see the white pistils that I normally see ... but there ARE white areas... I don't know... she's just been confusing for me from the get-go... most of the confusion stemming from not knowing what the hell I'm doing... And then I've also thought that she's very VERY slow to go into flower... I'm used to seeing pre-flower pistils in week 3 or 4 and flowering a week later... So thank you for your judgement here, AND for telling me you found the strain to be slower maturing... gives me great hope!
Enemy61390week 4
Bruce banner coming back for round 2! 😂 Looking good. Glad to see the recover went well.
@GrowingGrannie, ya know, I was of the same volition on my strawberry banana, but if you go check her out now...yeah she's small (stunted), but she's leading the pack in trich production. Won't be a big yielder for sure but quality smoke nonetheless. If she takes a little longer to flower, might not be so bad. More recovery time IMO. Just a thought. Good luck either way!
@Enemy61390, well, I wouldn't say the recovery went well quite yet... she's really late, imho, on setting flowers... so I could have screwed her up and she'll never produce anything for me... going to give her one more week and then that'll be it....
Ganjafreedombrweek 1
@GrowingGrannie, what do you think about the taste of dwc compared to soil when smoked in a bong or joint?
@Ganjafreedombr, Thank you! Let me tell you what I love about DWC so far.. it's SO easy to adjust the pH or the EC every single day.... if you see a toxicity or deficiency starting to appear (I haven't YET...), it's super simple to adjust that immediately... no waiting to see if your efforts to resolve an issue like that when you grow in soil... I will seriously NEVER grow in soil again! I've got one soil grow still going and I can't wait for it to be done as I want to start more DWC!
Sikkkaweek 9
DWC may be harder from some points of view but it's definitely rewarding. Love them! super frosty
@@Sikkka, you can learn very quickly!! 😍
DeepWaterGrowerweek 2
Go on with 1/4 dose for 2-3 days and if you see your EC drops, you should be happy. Go easy and see how she respons
@DeepWaterGrower, this Bruce is one to see man, her 200w light is a nice one. Im rooting for @GrowingGrannie to get the highest g/watt and g/plant for this strain. I think she will set the bar for @Fast_buds Bruce Banner, which in my opinion is one of the hardest hitting autoflowers Ive ever grown. Good luck @GrowingGrannie we are all here in your corner, ready to see these 2 HULKS!
Whitewizardweek 2
Maybe everything will be ok and maybe for the third time this year you will become grower of the month, I know some people on this page who would kill for just one of your awards.👏👏
SwissKushweek 1
looking so good! Day 7 is done, week 1 was a total success! 😍
@SwissKush, all thanks you YOUR guidance! All the problems that may come will my mine alone! :-D