I got back near the start of this week and had a mess to clean up. All my fault as I forgot to turn the waste pump timer on at the wall. The grow has done OK really considering its been left to timers to control it. I'm going to invest in some that I can control remotely as there was one feed I could have done without this time.
The Caramelicious is also pulling out some nice colour, still just about my favourite looking plant out of the grow. She is looking like she is going to produce some decent size buds.
Day 57 Saturday 29/10/22
Feed=autofeed 2.5hrs
Est Volume= 17L, Ec= , PH=
Est Left= 10.5L, Used= 6.5L = 1L each
Est total used=19.5L
Est total each=3.25L
Est total Runoff= 1.2L, Ec= , PH=
Est total run each= 0.2L
Day 58 Sunday 30/10/22
Actual volume left= 6L ec1.66 ph 6.7
Used 24L =4.5L more then expected.
Actual runoff= 4.2L Ec2.45 ph 5.4
Runoff 3L more then expected.
Each got 4L =0.75L more then expected
Each Runoff =0.5L runoff
Big mess as i forgot to turn waste pump on at the wall for the timer to work.
Clean up.
Big defoliation on all.
Day 59 Monday 31/10/22
Day 60 Tuesday 1/11/22
Feed=autofeed water 3.5hrs
Volume= 10L, Ec=0.25, PH=6.8
Left= 1L, Used= 9L = 1.5L each
Runoff= 0.5L, Ec=3.33, PH=5.9
#3 H=59CM, D=43CM, DLI=33, PPFD=459
Day 61 Wednesday 2/11/22
Day 62 Thursday 3/11/22
Day 63 Friday 4/11/22
Feed=autofeed 3hrs
Volume= 12L, Ec=1.34, PH=6.5
Left= 3L, Used= 9L = 1.5L each
Runoff= 1.1L, Ec=2.93, PH=5.9
#3 H=59CM, D=43CM, DLI=33.2, PPFD=462
Viparspectra xs2000
65% power 7 days
£0.30 /Kwh = £6.55 for the week.
Thanks for stopping by.
Take it easy.