Introduction - Week 11 Summary -
Ensign's log, stardate 100521.02,
A somewhat better week of growing than last. Everyone is recovering from the drastic drop in RH (I think). Two plants have definitely been triggered into bloom. Oh well, gonna keep going and will just go with it!
Basic checkups throughout the week with daily refilling of the humidifier. Also fed a bit of probiotics in the reservoir.
Mid-week, I added another garden yo-yo and defoliated the original grow.
By the end of the week, removed and stopped using the humidity domes for both twins.
Overall, a pretty simple week of growing.
Hoping for the best!
WEEK 11 - Pre-Bloom → Bloom 1
WEEK 04 - Pre-Bloom
WEEK 03 - Pre-Bloom
WEEK 03 - Early Veg
11/28/22 → 12/03/22
This Week's Estimated Goals
DLI: 20 mol/m2/d
PPFD: 308 μmol/m2/s
VPD: 0.8-1.1 kPa
This Week's Meter Readings & Averages
DLI: 18.60 mol/m2/d
PPFD: 287 μmol/m2/s
VPD: 0.82 kPa
Day 01 - Monday - 11/28/22 - Total Days: 075 [030] [026]
Daily Averages
- Temps: 76.6°F [24.8°C]
- Humidity: 73.3%
- VPD: 0.83 kPa
- [09:24]: Morning checkup!
--- All around everyone is looking nice and green.
--- Still sort of bummed about the two that got triggered into early bloom, but oh well. Gotta keep growing and learning.
--- The last remaining plant in veg is the runt of the twins. She's looking nice and healthy!
--- Did not mist any water.
--- Simply placed the humidity domes back onto the twins with vents fully open.
--- At the rate these ones are growing, they will both probably out grow the dome soon.
- [21:35]: Evening checkup!
--- Nice! Everyone is looking pretty happy!
--- The original top on the main grow has seemed to have recovered and is already the tallest node!
--- Going to re-train it lower soon.
--- The rest of the plants looks pretty good!
--- Not going to water anything today.
--- Placed the humidity domes back onto the twins with vents fully open.
--- Also refilled the humidifier with distilled water and a bit of Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
Day 02 - Tuesday - 11/29/22 - Total Days: 076 [031] [027]
Daily Averages
- Temps: 77.2°F [25.1°C]
- Humidity: 71.2%
- VPD: 0.90 kPa
- [09:39]: Quick morning checkup!
--- Looking good!
--- Did not mist any water.
--- Placed the humidity domes back onto the twins with vents fully open.
--- Done!
- [16:15]: Evening checkup!
--- Looking good girls!
--- The original grow has some yellowing leaves. But mostly looks good!
--- The two plants that were triggered into early flower also seem to be growing along well.
--- Kinda funny that the runt is still vegging and looking happy!
--- Keep on growing!
- [16:23]: Checked the soil moisture for both EarthBoxes.
--- First the new EarthBox. According to the meter, the soil was pretty good (with a reading of 4.3 out of 10).
--- The top soil was still hydrated.
--- Don't need to add any water. Great!
--- Checked the original EarthBox. According to the meter, the soil was still off the charts (with a reading of over 10 out of 10).
--- The top soil was still looking dry.
--- Not going to add anymore water.
--- Going to foliar feed some bloom transition nutes to all 3 plants.
- [16:32]: Took PPFD readings.
--- PPFD readings for the main grow was at 407 μmol/m2/s which gives a DLI of 26.37 mol/m2/d
--- PPFD readings for the young plant was at 267 μmol/m2/s which gives a DLI of 17.30 mol/m2/d
--- PPFD readings for the twin bloomer was at 225 μmol/m2/s which gives a DLI of 14.58 mol/m2/d
--- PPFD readings for the twin vegger was at 227 μmol/m2/s which gives a DLI of 14.71 mol/m2/d
--- Decided to increase the wattage of the light to bring the twin's DLI closer to 20 mol/m2/d which is a PPFD goal of 308 μmol/m2/s
- [16:57]: After a bit of tinkering, I increased the wattage from 183.3W to 260.8W
--- Had to adjust the height of the light a bit.
--- Then took new readings.
--- PPFD readings for the twin bloomer was at 305 μmol/m2/s which gives a DLI of 19.76 mol/m2/d
--- PPFD readings for the twin vegger was at 287 μmol/m2/s which gives a DLI of 18.60 mol/m2/d
--- PPFD readings for the young plant was at 335 μmol/m2/s which gives a DLI of 21.71 mol/m2/d
--- PPFD readings for the main grow was at 506 μmol/m2/s which gives a DLI of 32.79 mol/m2/d
--- Great!
--- Both twins will easily be able to stretch into the higher range by the end of the week.
--- DLI levels look okay for the taller plants too!
--- Great!
- [17:32]: Took height readings.
--- The young plant in the main EarthBox was about 8.5" tall!
--- The twin seedlings were both around 5.5" tall!
--- The distance between the young plant and the light was around 25.5"
--- The distance between the twin seedlings and the light was around 30"
--- Rotated the EarthBoxes.
--- The original grow was around 17" tall where I wanted the tallest tops to be (Plan to lower the tallest node tonight).
--- The distance between the top of the canopy of the original grow and light was around 18"
--- Okay time to train the top down!
- [17:52]: Added another garden yo-yo.
--- This will help to keep the original top lower.
--- I gently attached the hook end of the yo-yo just past where the super cropping was applied.
--- The ratchet end was attached onto the same binder clip as the first garden yo-yo.
--- Once everything was connected, I gently tightened the tension on the yo-yo and carefully lowered the top down to just below the desired canopy level.
--- Great!
--- Time to foliar spray!
- [18:09]: Filled a measuring cup with half a cup of distilled water.
--- Added half 1/64tsp of:
----- Quillaja Saponaria Extract
----- Big 6 Micronutrients [+ Humic Acid]
----- BuildABloom
--- Added 1/64tsp of:
----- Horticultural Aloe
----- Mycrobe Complete
----- Bio-Phos
--- Added 1/32tsp of:
----- Pure Protein Dry [Organic Fish Aminos]
----- Horticultural Coconut
--- Added 0.75mL of Yah-Whey
--- Mixed the solution and poured it straight into a spray bottle.
- [18:30]: Defoliated the yellowing and necrotic leaves.
--- Tucked the trimmings under the mulch cover.
--- Wow the terps were loud!
--- Very stoked about the gassy profile!
--- This is a big difference from the sweet grape profile of the last grow. Hyped!
- [18:45]: Misted the top growth of both plants in the original EarthBox.
--- Also misted the flowering seedling with the solution.
--- To prevent accidental misting, I kept the vegging seedling covered with the humidity dome.
--- Waited about 30 minutes.
--- Then misted the top growth for the same three plants.
- [19:22]: Rotated the EarthBoxes back to the default configuration.
--- Only misted the top growth of the vegging twin with distilled water.
--- Then placed the humidity domes back on for both twins.
--- Screw it!
--- Decided to bottom water a cup of water into the new EarthBox.
--- Don't frack this up Ensign!
- [19:30]: Filled a measuring cup with a cup of distilled water.
--- Checked down the fill tube and it was bone dry.
--- Poured the cup of water straight into the fill tube of the new EarthBox.
--- Also refilled the humidifier with distilled water and Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
Day 03 - Wednesday - 11/30/22 - Total Days: 077 [032] [028]
Daily Averages
- Temps: 77.4°F [25.2°C]
- Humidity: 72.5%
- VPD: 0.87 kPa
- [09:27]: Quick morning checkup!
--- Looking nice and happy!
--- Did not mist any water.
--- Placed the humidity domes back onto the twins with vents fully open.
--- Also refilled the humidifier with distilled water and Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
- [21:10]: Quick evening checkup!
--- Growth is looking pretty good!
--- Did not mist any water.
--- Placed the humidity domes back onto the twins with vents fully open.
--- Refilled the humidifier again with distilled water and Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
Day 04 - Thursday - 12/01/22 - Total Days: 078 [033] [029]
Daily Averages
- Temps: 78.1°F [25.6°C]
- Humidity: 69.5%
- VPD: 0.99 kPa
--- [Skipped the morning checkup]
- [18:41]: Evening ladies!
--- Growing along nicely!
--- A few yellowing leaves on the main grow, but the rest seem to doing great!
- [18:45]: Checked the soil moisture for both EarthBoxes.
--- First the new EarthBox. According to the meter, the soil was pretty good (with a reading of 5.1 out of 10).
--- The top soil still looked hydrated.
--- Don't need to add any water. Great!
--- Checked the original EarthBox. According to the meter, the soil was still off the charts (with a reading of over 10 out of 10).
--- The top soil was looking dry.
--- Decided to slightly mist the top soil with a little bit of water. This way the moisture will be more even (I think).
--- Going to foliar feed another round of bloom transition nutes to the 3 flowering plants.
--- Also going to foliar feed the vegging twin with some veg nutes (may also spray the top soil too).
--- Time to foliar spray!
--- Going to use the exact same feeding as last time.
- [18:53]: Filled a measuring cup with a cup of distilled water.
--- Added 1/64tsp of:
----- Quillaja Saponaria Extract
----- Big 6 Micronutrients [+ Humic Acid]
----- BuildABloom
--- Added 1/32tsp of:
----- Horticultural Aloe
----- Mycrobe Complete
----- Bio-Phos
--- Added 1/16tsp of:
----- Pure Protein Dry [Organic Fish Aminos]
----- Horticultural Coconut
--- Added 1.5mL of Yah-Whey
--- Mixed the solution and poured it straight into a spray bottle. Set the bottle aside.
--- Okay time to start!
- [19:24]: Rotated the EarthBoxes.
--- Defoliated the yellowing and necrotic leaves.
--- Tucked the trimmings under the mulch cover.
- [19:48]: Misted the top growth of all the flowering plants.
--- During this time I kept the vegging seedling covered with the humidity dome.
--- Waited about 30 minutes.
--- During this time I cleaned and prepped for the veg feeding.
--- Then misted the top growth for the same three plants.
--- Misted the remaining solution onto the dry top soil of the original EarthBox.
- [20:39]: Rotated the EarthBoxes back to the default configuration.
--- Time to mix up some veg nutrients for the vegging twin!
- [20:42]: Filled a measuring cup with half a cup of distilled water.
--- Added half 1/64tsp of:
----- Quillaja Saponaria Extract
----- Horticultural Aloe
----- Big 6 Micronutrients [+ Humic Acid]
--- Added 1/64tsp of:
----- Mycrobe Complete
--- Added 1/32tsp of:
----- Pure Protein Dry [Organic Fish Aminos]
--- Added 0.75mL of Yah-Whey
--- Mixed the solution and poured it straight into a freshly cleaned spray bottle.
- [21:00]: Misted the top growth of the vegging twin with the new solution.
--- Made sure to coat the underside of the leaves.
--- [30 minutes later]
--- Misted the top growth again.
--- The remaining solution was misted onto the top soil around the grow bag.
- [21:47]: Placed the humidity domes back on for both twins.
--- Will be removing the domes soon. This girls are getting tall!
--- Refilled the humidifier again with distilled water and Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
Day 05 - Friday - 12/02/22 - Total Days: 079 [034] [030]
Daily Averages
- Temps: 76.1°F [24.5°C]
- Humidity: 76.5%
- VPD: 0.71 kPa
- [09:21]: Quick morning checkup!
--- Growth looks incredible! Everyone looks nice and happy!
--- Did not mist any water.
--- Placed the humidity domes back onto the twins with vents fully open.
--- Also refilled the humidifier with distilled water and Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
--- Both twins are starting to outgrow the domes. Plan to remove them tonight.
- [21:36]: Evening checkup!
--- Growth still looking nice and healthy!
--- Okay, time to remove the domes for both twins!
- [21:47]: Misted the top growth for both twins with distilled water.
--- Refilled the humidifier again with distilled water and Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
Day 06 - Saturday - 12/03/22 - Total Days: 080 [035] [031]
Daily Averages
- Temps: 76.3°F [24.6°C]
- Humidity: 77.6%
- VPD: 0.68 kPa
- [07:21]: Morning checkup!
--- Growth is looking pretty good!
--- Both twins seem to be doing well without the domes. Great!
--- The young plant in the main EarthBox is definitely getting taller. She's looking nice and happy! May need to do a bit of low-stress training soon.
- [19:16]: Checked the soil moisture for both EarthBoxes.
--- First the new EarthBox. According to the meter, the soil looked pretty good (with a reading of 4.5 out of 10).
--- The top soil looked hydrated.
--- Checked the original EarthBox. According to the meter, the moisture was still off the charts (with a reading of over 10 out of 10).
--- The top soil was looking dry.
--- Going to bottom water a bit of probiotics.
- [19:28]: Filled a pitcher with 3 cups of distilled water.
--- Added 1/64tsp of Quillaja Saponaria Extract
--- Added 2mL of Yah-Whey
--- Mixed the solution and poured 2 cups straight into the fill tube of the new EarthBox.
--- Then poured the remaining (1 cup) into the fill tube of the original EarthBox.
--- Lastly, refilled the humidifier with distilled water and Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
--- Done!
Day 07 - Sunday - 12/04/22 - Total Days: 081 [036] [032]
Daily Averages
- Temps: 78.4°F [25.8°C]
- Humidity: 76.9%
- VPD: 0.76 kPa
- [07:24]: Morning check!
--- Wow grow this really looking quite happy!
--- The young plant in the main EarthBox is really taking off! Growth looks nice and healthy!
--- Both twins are also looking pretty good too!
- [19:47]: Evening checkup!
--- Nice! Everyone is looking pretty good!
- [19:52]: Checked the soil moisture for both EarthBoxes.
--- First the new EarthBox. According to the meter, the soil looked good (with a reading of 5.5 out of 10).
--- The top soil looked hydrated.
--- Checked the original EarthBox. According to the meter, the moisture was getting drier but still quite saturated (with a reading of 9 out of 10).
--- The top soil still looked dry.
--- Not going to water anything.
--- Refilled the humidifier with distilled water and Hydrogen Peroxide (~20mL).
- [21:11]: Took height end of the week height readings.
--- The original grow was around 17" tall.
--- The young plant in the main EarthBox was about 15.75" tall!
--- The blooming twin was around 7" tall.
--- The vegging twin was around 7.75" tall!
--- Some of the plants are definitely getting taller!
--- Grow strong ladies!
Thanks! Yea, these seeds were a bit pale, but the germinated seed has already sprouted from the soil and I looks healthy. Hoping for the best!
Siiick!! Now I'm no expert but feel free to follow along growmie! I try to post weekly! I'm still learning how to grow in it, but have so far enjoyed using the EarthBox. I recommend checking out the BuildASoil YT channel if you really want great free info on organic growing in the EarthBox.