So far this has been a interesting grow. The plant naturally split on its tops to make 2. So a interesting mutation for sure. I trimmed out around base so I can water easier. Not a lot of room to work with all the leaves in the way. Been doing my video, and pictures each week for the tiny Potter contest. I have increased her feed and ph. Working on raising it to 6.0. She should start stretching soon. Curious to how big she will get. I don't plan to do any real training. Gonna let her do her thing. Try to keep her happy. She has been doing good under the Mars Hydro FC4800 light. Thank you Mars Hydro. 🤜🤛🌱🌱🌱.
Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻
Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
I love it buddy 👈 I have had so much fun with mine , I used it as a center peice etc 😅.... she's about to get her chop , I'm really liking that NL X Diesel ⛽️Have fun and Happy Growing
@myrceneCB1, polyploid I dunno. It was a struggle getting started, but it is going now. It was a mutt mix from a breeding project I started years ago, and never finished. I just got tons of beans from different mixes.