The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

No messing Grow cap test

Approved by Barney's Farm
6 years ago
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/1200W
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/1200W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
28 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
7 years ago
No Smell
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
trying these out on an easy grow tip. no messing with nutes or mess , just plain old watering for the entire grow on theses ladies. went with the Auto express to try an even lazier approach
Week 2. Vegetation
7 years ago
9 cm
23 °C
No Smell
78 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
i am impressed with grow caps so far. v easy to add a small dose of water ( .25l) as i water the cubes for the main crop. will be moving all her friends out later today for their own new rdwc homes. i am confident in these new toys amd am very interested to see hiw they perform under the 1200w hps. the girls look very healthy green with no additions except water so far. soon be looking at topping the buddha ready for manifold training. welcome any visitors. any advice /questions welcome
Week 3. Vegetation
7 years ago
1 cm
27 °C
No Smell
78 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
A busy week in the room this week. finally got the squatters out if the fabric pots and into their own dwc pots , the girls now have all their own space and are now basking in the 1200w HPS shimmer. i am impressed with the colour of the leaves and hiw simple it is so far with these Two. have now topped the Buddha to start her manifolding soon. lets see how the caps cope with helping her through the stress of topping. no issues so far happy days
Week 4. Vegetation
7 years ago
18 cm
30 °C
No Smell
78 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Very impressive growth and recovery this week with the Grow Caps. tried to tell my local grow shop owner about them but his blank expression said they are not at the point of sale yet. feel special now. lol. on the growing side , the caps are spanking my RDWC and not having to do a rhing besides water with 1/2 ltr of water , is bliss. No stress with mixes ( unlike my rdwc which i am still trying to "dial in" two weeks on) and no worries about ph ect..... just have to watch and wait
Week 5. Vegetation
7 years ago
20 cm
30 °C
No Smell
78 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
another week in the caps passes and still looking good. had a little canooing of the leaves in the smaller pot and discolouration a little but think it was heat stress as had 35° at some points. srill only about 1 ltr water for bigger Buddha and about 1/2 ltr for smalller auto Pinapple. still way ahead of the rdwc grow too. time wise these grow caps are brilliant too. am curious how much they will cost once released. li e em so far. the Buddha is an 11wk flower so will be interesting to see how the longer period is affected . The Laughing Buddha has manifolded brilliantly. i was going to make it an 8 way but have now decided to go with wider 16. ( still to top each manifolded end but tempted to just hold it back behind its lesser bracts). have time with these now as rdwc proving to be a pain to get diallled in so no hurry. Onward and upward
Week 6. Vegetation
7 years ago
20 cm
30 °C
No Smell
78 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
responding and recovering well to the manifolded structure. the tomato cage will hold those coke can tops in place when she is in full swing. the grow caps are a winner for me so far. still only using ph water.( 1 1/2 ltr every 3 days) and no issues to date. all looks healthy but the auto express seems a bit droopy when awake. might dry the medium a little before next water that one. growing ok just looks a little limp so think might have overdone the watering. still leaps and bounds in front of rdwc crap of the same age too.
Week 7. Vegetation
7 years ago
34 cm
30 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
still going strong with just water for their journey. smaller Pinapple looks over watered i think amd never seems to be healthy looking. may be doen to my overhanded watering as these caps use less water than soil alone. living and learning. The Buddha is doing great though and has so many mains to begin training now. She needs to be defoliated too but i am leaving this till the new beans have been put in to flower. she should get an extra few weeks to veg now. wish i had a whole room full of grow cap pots. love their results so far. is an 11 week flower so will be interesting to see how long the caps keep the soil fed.
Week 8. Vegetation
6 years ago
39 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
anither week and another quiet ine from the caps. Buddha has had another litre this week and looks healthy on it. pics are when she was sleeping. Grumpy the pinapple is still drying out from my overwater. Am hoping i havent screwed her right up now. Any suggestions welcome. Still loving the caps and still on just water too. The buddha has some very promising mains growing and i think if managed right, even the popcorn should get some decent light and develop. Not enjoying the soil angle though. Loved the coco grows but soil is not my thing. Dont think the caps can be dobe with coco either??.
Week 9. Vegetation
6 years ago
56 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Besides me overwatering the express and doing her damage , all seems to be going good still with the grow caps. only feeding with a litre of water every 4 days and still feels too much. The pineapple is being given about 1/2 litre following her drowning. Am getting nervous about enough nutes in them to see the coming 11 weeks flowering period but in veg no issues , even getting over the manifold build stress very quickly. kind of miss mixing their nutes lovingly though and feel very lazy with them. A definate bonus if gorilla growing .
Week 10. Vegetation
6 years ago
56 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Well the buddha is going brilliant. she continues to grow bushy and her manifold is good too. no real signs on any deficiency except my over water previously. she is taking about 1 1/2 ltres per week is all and seems happy on that. still enjoying not having to mix nutes and stuff and so looking forward to the flowering session soon. Am confident in the caps doing well now. The auto pineapple is looking rough but my fault early on and paying for it now. very dark and glossy leaves on her . Any thoughts?
Week 11. Vegetation
6 years ago
56.01 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Well they are still alive at least . Lol. Not sure what is happening to them but they dont look happy anymore . No changes on environment at all beside cooler temps now. Any ideas welcome as to what may be lacking here??? .have light , water ,nutes from grow caps ,always ph'ed water to 6.2 Feels like i need to give them some extra nutes as been in this soil so long now waiting for flowering . Am hoping they can use bloom nutes from soil when i switch as seem to have leeched all the veg period nutes ?. The buddha was doing so well with the training too. Dont want to give up in her now so need some advice folks ?
1 comment
Week 12. Vegetation
6 years ago
56 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 1
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
damn it. had to use "stuff" to keep her going now. i think her vegging on the "grow caps" has exhausted any traces of veg nutes now. used some bio-bizz grow(10ml) and golden tree(2.5ml) and a drop of superthrive. This will help her through hopefully till can trust in the flowering nutes in them to take over again. Buddha is a 10 /11 week flower so again will be interesting to see how long the nutes last. This lady had 2 "caps and 22 litres soil with 10 litres of perlite to help drainage. o do think the extended vegging is the issue and the caps can only offer so long , so would suit indica more than hybrids or sativas. maybe they will offer different "Grow caps " for strains , or even tailor make for differing strains needs i.e kushcap , sativacap, indicacap ect.. ? in all these are usable and still have faith in them so far. also some great diaries for this comp ,showing their worth.
Week 13. Vegetation
6 years ago
98 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 1 mll
another week and another update. nothing to really report on and still waiting for the rdwc to catch up so can flip into flower. The Laughing buddha has been struggling with something or othet as the leaves all went a very pale green as though she needed nutes. have decided to add some grow nutes purely to assist the ladies reach the flowering period and different nutes from the growcaps. i think vegging for this long has depleted all the available veg nutes. she did really well up till about 4 weeks on the caps then began slowly showing signs of hunger. note for the future use. The auto had been a waste it seems and i am amazed it never recovered from the single overwater mistake. stem an lower leaves are thick and solid too but zero sign of anything like a bud. if the room gets crowded i will pull it and bin it but while its not in the way , may as well leave it be. jas not put me off the "growcaps" at all and i can see how usefull they can be in some grows
Week 14. Vegetation
6 years ago
98 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 1 mll
still looking less than happy on the veg cycle. adding nutes to hopefully keeping another weeks life in her befor i can flip the room to flowering . the auto didnt make it and never budded . just got thicker and became a pain to move about. allhope now on this lady. hoping hwr flip and the growcaps nutes are still a possibility. too long in veg and am convinced i have exhausted them now. she needs a good trim up now too.
Week 15. Vegetation
6 years ago
98 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 1 mll
still using veg nutes to compensate for the growcaps running out. have cleaned her up a little and will be flowering in a week. she will get though this with help. sorry Growcaps , not showing you in the best light ( my fault) but still going
Week 16. Vegetation
6 years ago
97.99 cm
27 °C
No Smell
46 %
28 L
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 1 mll
Thankfully the buddha is enjoying the plagron now and looking healthier. been using about 2 litres every 3 days and seems good . am relieved that she has survived me starving her out but she is going to be huge after the stretch . i am flipping the room in two days so will be interesting to see if she responds .
Week 17. Flowering
6 years ago
97.99 cm
27 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
22.86 cm
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 1 mll
1st week of flower gone and not too much stretch thankfully. she already towers the rdwc girls so light needs to stay put. Her rwvival from starvation has been slow but am confident she will give a good yield if i can manage her. needs a good defoliate now though and will e able to see where to take her. The grow caps gave her a brilliant start until exhausted and am frustrated i dont get to see first hand , their flowering power. I would use them again for sure but properly and within the given time
Week 18. Flowering
6 years ago
1 cm
27 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
22.86 cm
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 1 mll
trying the app seems to be ok again. fingers crossed. Been a good week for the Buddha. she looks healthy and string now again. i think the growcaps gave jer a brilliant start and why she has such a thick stem too. Shame i didnt get to find out how well they flowered from them though. still glad i had a try though and i would use them again now i know how they work better. This lady is going to be a beast.
Week 19. Flowering
6 years ago
1 cm
27 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
91.19 cm
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 1 mll
she is drinking about 1 lt a day now and seems to be good on it. will dry her a little soon to get the resin production going a little. her stem and mainline base is thick and very strong. am hoping a good indicator of huge buds. her buds are forming over the entire stems so should be long colas hopefully. buds are airy and not densely built it seems so far. have had to move her to a different spot in room now so she can open out a bit more.
Week 20. Flowering
6 years ago
100 cm
22 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
91.19 cm
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Grow Caps - Grow Caps
Grow Caps 1 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 1 mll
day 28 in flower, since flip. She is doing great with a ton of bud sites over her entire structure now. she is a beauty and coming along nicely. i can only imagine her at her full 11 weeks flowering
Week 21. Flowering
6 years ago
100 cm
22 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
91.19 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.07 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 0.07 mll
Update: day 37 since flip and she is packing on the budsites taking about 1ltr every other day now and looks very healthy and green. a defoliation would help out no end if i can get the time to do it. She is smelling sweet with a diesel kick too. handling her leaves makes my fingers very tacky now too. using filters for the pics does not do justice to how they look up close and personal. bio bizz is keeping her well fed now and the golden tree has definitely been a huge help in her turnaround .
Week 22. Flowering
6 years ago
100 cm
22 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
91.19 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.018 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 0.018 mll
This girl continues to amaze and please. She has not missed a beat since the feeding started and i have high hopes for her overall yield. She is super sticky and when needs watering , she gives out a super sweet aroma to entice. I wish i had more room to stretch her right out and get light to all sides ect. I also think one of my bulbs is not working well anymore. sadly its on her side. Once the criticals are done , she will be moving to a near perfect spot for her last 3-4 weeks. cannot wait to sample her final cured, buds.
Week 23. Flowering
6 years ago
100 cm
22 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
91.19 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.001 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 0.001 mll
Update day 51 of 75 flowering : She has still a long way to go until she fills out in girth i think (5 weeks) but her smell is amazing. like fresh pineapple when she needs watering amd entices me in ti do it. heehee. The buds forming are getting lots of orange hairs that get swallowed up by new white ones which i am hoping continues for the next cycle too. As she is only in soil and the growcaps , now fed with bio bizz bloom , i am hoping to see what the difference is between the two mediums. I have a smaller by miles sister to her in the rdwc all the same age in flower so can compare on harvest and dry. She has been a dream plant to work with following all the distress i caused her with the feedings ect... She is called "Barbara" by my wife as she is the oldest lady in there. roll on harvest
Week 24. Flowering
6 years ago
100 cm
22 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
91.19 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 0.001 mll
Golden Tree - Humboldts Secret
Golden Tree 0.001 mll
Update day 63 of 75..She is looking fatter by the day since i moved her under the good light. Once i harvest the Liberty haze she will get a better place for her final push too. She has not let me down at any time during the grow , i expected soil to be a pain with overwatering and less control than coco or rdwc but she has made this easy. surviving the starving and changes to her feeds ect.. have seemed to have no negative affect thankfully. Bud sizes are getting better and she is developing lower down better too now. My broken bulb has a lot to answer for on this whole grow. If i could have had her under the good light for her entire time she would be even bigger now.
Week 25. Flowering
6 years ago
100 cm
22 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
91.19 cm
day 72 of flowering and still she is going strong with flowering. She still has a good few clear trichs but her hairs are starting to redden off and she is eating her leaves for her lack of full strength nutes. She smells so beautiful of pineapples now too. seems there is a lot of truth in the differences of medium used. She did grow well in the caps but i think i might have limited her overall yield with starving her early on. so close to her finishing now
Week 26. Flowering
6 years ago
100 cm
22 °C
560 PPM
46 %
28 L
1 L
91.19 cm
Day 79 Flowering Update:Well that's it, no more can be done for her besides a slow dry un-trimmed and a shirt cure. She looks very ready in her colours now too. Her leaves were going purple from the colder nights and she was eating her own leaves since i stopped feeds. She should harvest with beautiful coloured buds i think and her smell is unbelievable. She gave a good burst of pineapples when i cut her from her pot to try to catch any passing pollinators i reckon. The grow caps gave her a brilliant start . Cant wait to sample her soon.
Week 26. Harvest
6 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
She has produced some beautiful smelling and tasting buds. They are so strong pineapple tasting too. The buds are not the tightest and now dried , she lost a lot of size. i am happy with the final 6.2oz(174.4g) from them both considering starvation time. nice head stone and relaxing
Show more
Spent 183 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
174 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Creative, Relaxed, Talkative
Positive effects

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Pot size
Lamp distance
having starved this girl of all of her grow caps nutes with a 3 month Veg ( unplanned) , she nearly died off and went totally yellow for weeks. I then decided i could not let her die and resorted to using nutes on top of original caps. She ended brilliantly and smells amazing. She was an easy girl to work with and took to manifold well. i should have kept her tied down to get better light penetration but lessons learned.
Equipment Reviews


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Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 86 years ago
nice one. Thought that the nature of coco being so areated would not hold water long enouhh for the caps(being a gel) to soak up enough. Will be following you mate. Soil is so not my thing. Too heavy handed. Lol
Ganjagrandaddycommented6 years ago
I hear you there missflowerpower. Coco is a great first step to hydro from soil too. u could easily do a single 20ltr coco alongside with a basic coco mix nute. I struggle with soil due to being so heavy handed with the water. especially with the caps holding an amount too. I drowned the poor pineapple and now only have a bud site right on top of a metre high stalk "grumpy" . Am Hopi g my dwcr finally takes off now so I know I haven't thrown my money away. Lol. fingers crossed.
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, was tempted by hydro grow but it's daunting lol , defo ol fashion soil for me , n these grow caps are a life saver too coz I'm useless with all the measuring or nutes n it can get overwhelming
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 17 years ago
thanks bobo420. fingers crossed
Ganjagrandaddycommented7 years ago
i have used the orgonite previously larimar. it is made from resin. plan to remove the slate once established. hoping it may avoid "pests" until roots dug in well. wilk use milk foliar afterwards. thanks for the heads up though and am making a Mylar potbase cover soon as rdwc grow gets off ( this week) so should reflect all heat away from pots etc..heat was a pain in uk last few weeks. thankfully last crop was coco so only had to wrestle with foliage and foxtails occasionally. been in the 30°s here so killing our hobby atm. thankyou for your comments. happy farming friend
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 47 years ago
I am very impressed with how green and healthy the Buddha looks even following the topping. she bounced back next day with more growth . so far , i would use them again. i hope they cope with the whole period to flush. will stick to the planned action of just watering , whatever rhe outcome, but fingers crossed
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 47 years ago
it is bliss to be fair. lol
bobo420commentedweek 17 years ago
Good luck with the grow ;)
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 266 years ago
Very nice weight and sparkling buds. Bet you are glad you revived her? 😎🏆
Ganjagrandaddycommented6 years ago
@Puffer_Bill, Thank you Bill. I am more than thankful with her. She was bu far my best lady for taste , potency too. I do put a lot of credit to The genetics though. I am currently prepping some beautiful Barneys strains for my next run. Blue Gelato 41, gorilla zkittelz , Orange sherbet , Ghost og and cookie Kush. ( seedlings now). Have put my other grow on slow down fornthem to catch up.
MissFlowerPower420commentedweek 67 years ago
Looking good bud
Ganjagrandaddycommented6 years ago
do like the caps and she is being so willing to train out so far. Not stripped the popcorn yet either as i am holding her off for a couple more weeks so the dwc can catch up.
Ganjagrandaddycommented7 years ago
still spanking all the dwc ladies too. love these caps
Antarescommentedweek 264 years ago
Look at those trichomes, maan with just seeing it i'm already high
Ganjagrandaddycommented4 years ago
@Antares,it turned out amazing after the cure a bit too. Great strain
JohnnyBlaz3commentedweek 256 years ago
WoW! looks so good I can taste it just lookin at it man. dunno how since I havent smoke it before but damn I hope my girls look like that
Ganjagrandaddycommented6 years ago
@JohnnyBlaz3, even the pygmy one smells beaut. it is perfectly formed but looks bonsai. lpl. this should be final week now !! cant wait to sample her Thanks for the comments
stra1ng3rcommentedweek 206 years ago
so beautiful. :)
Ganjagrandaddycommented6 years ago
thanks , she has had a lot of time vegging , waiting for the rdwc issues to subside so could flip her to flower. am amazed she cane back from the starvation weeks ( went so yellow and lost leaves before i gave in and ditched the" grow caps to the end or death" idea. ) she has so much time left to flower too , alongside her pygmy sister , she looks huge. Fingers crossed keeping moisture at bay
NomNomcommentedweek 176 years ago
Looks TH!!!C, so glad you saved her. Looking forward to her big buds.
Ganjagrandaddycommented6 years ago
@NomNom, me too. lol. thanks
Tazardcommentedweek 176 years ago
When you say monster you are not kidding! Mine didn’t stretch much the first week-10 days but after that’s another story! Unless you have high ceilings you might want to attach some bamboo (or other rigid small diameter 3-4’ long rods) horizontally, maybe 1/2-2/3 up the “tomato basket” build yourself a horizontal scrog. Openings aren’t necessary put the sticks where you need and tie them down.
Ganjagrandaddycommented6 years ago
@Tazard, thanks tazard she is going to be a worthy opponent for "Queen bitch" in this grow i think. have some lively other contenders in my main crop too. she can move around them in her fabric pot though so she might have the advantage over them bitches !. lol "Fight ! Fight ! Fight !". heehee welcome to a ringside seat mate
KuuurRecordscommentedweek 265 years ago
grzesiekcommentedweek 216 years ago
very nice
grzesiekcommentedweek 146 years ago
if there is an award for determination u r the all time champion............................shes ALIVE congrats..............................and check my update pls
BeefWellingtonscommentedweek 116 years ago
Looks like severe Nitrogen deficiency to me, that and overwatering. This is a good time to use your grow will get good responses from more knowledgable folks.
MissFlowerPower420commentedweek 86 years ago
Nice looking ladies bud
Dunk_Junkcommentedweek 86 years ago
Just picking up the GrowCaps and coco thing... I'm growing in coco right now with growcaps. Seems to be working out ok for me. 👍
ToadieKcommentedweek 47 years ago
that sounds awesome... not having to figure out mixes.
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 266 years ago
She is being trimmed and finished this eveni g finally
the end.
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