I give grow caps 3* Overall for this product.
However my rating based on the ease and simplicity is 5*
Full experience:
When starting your grow you must make sure you follow the instructions to the T. Mix GrowCaps properly into the soil and water as directed.
I learned how to grow in soil, although im currently not using it as my primary growing medium I still regard it above all else.
My main reason for this is the way a healthy living soil interacts with a plant. Providing you’re giving the soil what it needs it will look after the plant for you, with very little nutrients and effort. The taste is also best in soil that’s just how I feel.
I am going to experiment with GrowCaps and beneficial inocculants in future, to see if there can be some balance.Maybe even just top dressing with EWC would Be enough. I’ve seen some fine looking plants using GrowCaps since the test release. That’s why im going to run them again soon!
4 years ago