Day 29- 35
Bloom 1 - 7
Day 1
Changed light schedule to 12/12
NS still the same as the week before, 25 L left in the tank.
Sanlight running on 60% now
Water Cycle still 1/10 Day 2/30 Night
Day 2
Came home from work to find all my ladies dryed out almost to the point of no return, except the critical in the front right.
The tank didnt have enough water left to fully fuel the pump so the girls didnt get water for about 8 hours approximately.
I had about 25 l in the tank starting the week and didnt realize that chenging to 12/12 would increase their thirst for water that much,
that it would empty the tank in 2 days.
Resulted in a very quick NS change and a 24/7 water cycle.
Day 4
Two days after the mess up, Cookies left back has had the most damage. I had to cut of some of the branches and a hole lot of leaves.
Cookies right back and the BB#3 in the front left recoverd well. and the critical right front did her thing just as usual.
Day 7
Plants are looking strong as ever except for the Left back Cookies. After 4 days they recover soooo quickly, its amazing what aeroponics can do ( both ways unfortunately)