haven't been consistent with updates at all but these plants have turned out beautifully,
this is a crazy plant
- fruity
- gas
- squat
- littered with medium sized dense nugs
- 5/10 calyx to leaf
- tight internodle spacing
- 7/10 tric production
- Dark green leafs
- minimal fade
- insane magenta color that to pours out of the center of the buds that backdrops a nice dark green
- tons of red hairs
This plant is a manifestation of the resilience of the plant
- earthy
- gas
- Sativa like stretch
- long internodle spacing
- large-ish A buds with shmedium and tight B and C buds with occasional airy buds on the edge of the tent
- tight spacing between trichomes
- frosty af with crystals that leak onto the large fan leaves
- Bright green leaf material
- minimal fade
- green and white buds with hints of purple on A buds
Took T5s from my nursery and added them on the bottom 4 corners of the tent to supply the lower buds with supplemental light to minimize larf