leaves were turning yellow (specially at the bottom of plant 1) fed in Fox Farms big bloom 4 teaspoons and added 1 table spoon of Grow Big to the water, roughly 3 gal still in from original fill. Plant 1 seems to be responding looks like its grow some with in the last 18 hours since adding! also raised the grow light up to 30" just in case the yellow was being caused by burnung, Although im pretty confident it was lack of nutrients.
plant 2 seems to be doing fine. Leaning to one side a little but leaves look good and it is continuing to grow,
***Plant 1 looks great greening back up and growing vertically again. Just need to not let it get that bad again, and keep adding nutrients weekly now that its drinking more water each week.
PLant 2 looks fine and hopefully will be a little easier for to regulate after learning from Plant 1