The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
2 years ago
Wet paper towel method for germination, seeds in paper towels on Jan, 16th 2 Hindu Kush, 2 super Skunk and 4 White widow, all are fem seeds. On 1/18 had tap roots on 1 Hindu kush , 2 Super Skunk and 3 White widow these are all placed into solo cups and have popped out of the dirt today. The remaining white widow and Hindu Kush I placed in seed starter pellets they looked to be opening. guess we will see what happens? Using my 18"x36"x 36" starter tent just using small single bulb LED light fixture and small fluorescent grow light till the girls get some size and we get out of the cotyledon stage. This will be my second Indoor grow I did 2 Acapulco gold, 2 Bubble gum and 1 Amnesia last year, give to much love in the beginning and i drowned most of the seeds and had to start over. Last year I started in April figured I would try my indoor grow earlier, I plan on moving the babies into my bigger tent once we get to transplant time.. Then starting some more seeds in March to move outside when the weather permits. 1/23 covered the girls with humidity domes and turned on Blue spectrum of my grow light, this morning, the Super skunk girls are stretching., possibly need some more light? I think the 2 seeds in the grow pellets are duds? 7 days and nothing up yet. going to check on my girls later to see how temperatures is in the tent, after turning on blue spectrum side. Nope LED light heating up the grow tent to much 88 degrees in an hour, going to have to put my exhaust fan in the tent, going to just go with small fluorescent grow light and LED bulb for the rest of the week.
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Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
45 %
19 °C
15.24 cm
Both Super Skunk are really leggy must be genetics' none of the other 2 strains seem to have this problem, it will probably work out with time i hope? I have one Hindu Kush could not get the other 3 seeds to germinate (bad seeds)? The company I purchased these seeds from are replacing them, so I hope for better results when I try to germinate them. I have 3 White Widows that are doing fine so far, all my girls are in solo cups. Running 1 100w Led Light bulb and 2 small fluorescent grow lights, going to let the 6 girls get a little bigger before switching to Vispectra Led. Using Fox Farm seed starter in solo cups, plan on transplanting with Fox farms Ocean breeze when the time arrives. So not much happening just letting the girls do what they do, and a nice dead of winter project for me. Watering schedule is 5 sprays with well water twice a day as needed
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
31 %
19 °C
15.24 cm
I had issues with both super skunk long curly stems both stems failed, I covered the remaining stem with soil there still alive but barely. I germinated my last 2 Super Skunk seeds and put into solo cups this morning, Just in case the first 2 don't make it. 2 New Hindu Kush seeds are up through the soil and are doing good, the 3 white widows are doing fine so far. Lights are on 18/6 schedule, tried using 150W LED light but tent got way to hot going to wait another week or if my girls start getting leggy. Watering with filtered well water 15 sprays every morning, using Fox Farm warrior soils for seedling as starter and will switch to Ocean breeze when the girls need transplant 10 plants if my sick girls make it way more then I planned on
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
31 %
21 °C
15.24 cm
After losing both super skunk and losing 2 Hindu Kush germinated seeds to replace the lost 4, are now up and out of the soil so currently I have 3 White Widows, 3 Hindu Kush and 2 Super Skunk from 1 to 3 weeks growing in the tent. Turned LED light 18/6 in blue spectrum, exhaust fan and internal fan for cooling, the tents running a bit hotter then i would like 84 degrees but the girls seem fine. Using a spray bottle for watering 15 sprays morning and evening. So i guess grow #2 is on now let them grow and help them along
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
31 °C
31 %
24 °C
1 L
15.24 cm
The girls are all growing good, lost Hindu Kush and almost cooked all the girls had left town for 4 days and the girls didn't get water for over 24 hour's my plant sitter had to leave, grow tent was 95 degrees and they were all wilted upon my arrival back home. Going to try a different grow light to see if it will keep the grow tent cooler, I have the exhaust fan pulling in outside room air to keep the tent cool but its apparently not enough. Water perked all of them back up except a Hindu kush, down to 3 White Widows, 2 Super Skunks and 2 Hindu Kush. The older ladies have roots coming out of the bottom solo cups so I will be considering transplanting them into 3 gallon cloth pots in the next 2 weeks, going to have to set up my larger grow tent soon.
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
31 %
21 °C
1 L
0 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
The girls are all doing fine this week started everyone on Fox farms nutrients at 50% strength, all the girls are still in solo cups, and I will be transplanting into 3-gallon air pots when I feel the root systems can handle transplant. I was going to transplant both super skunks over the week end but it didn't look like the root balls would stay together so I decided to wait a few more weeks. I raised the light and I am only using the white spectrum side the girls seem to be doing much better. heat was too much. They are all short and stout with3 to 4 sets of leaves, and seeing as I am using a 36" tall mini tent to start, I was hoping that the girls wouldn't grow to tall and lanky early on. So that it for this weeks update.
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
28 %
20 °C
2 L
0 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
With the addition of nutrients, Fox farm Grow big and Big Bloom, at 50% strength, the girls have really taken off. I transplanted all the ladies from solo cups too 1.5 gallon containers on the 27th. I mixed 1/3 Fox farm Warrior to 2/3 Fox farm Ocean Forest soil. They are all doing fine and no transplant shock, just running 1 Bestva LED on the white side at 18/6 schedule and the girls remain short and bushy, which is what i was hoping for. I am trying to keep them in the small grow tent until the weather gets a bit more spring like here in WNY. I would like to move the White Widows outside in April or May, and keep the Hindu Kush and Super Skunk in my big grow tent. This is my second indoor grow and I am taking this grow slow and easy, it seems I always try to push the sprouts and end up killing some but this grow I lost 2 Hindu Kush and 2 Super Skunk in the seedling stage. The Super Skunks came out of the soils with stems looking like a spring and died a week later, and the Hindu Kush got to warm in the tent. My plan is to start topping and LST training at the end of March, when I also plan to re pot my girls into 3 gallon cloth pots.
Week 7. Vegetation
2 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
22 %
20 °C
2 L
0 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
All the ladies are doing good after transplanting to 1.5 gallon pots, they suffered no shock and all the root balls remained intact during transplant. I am going to transplant one more time into 3 gallon cloth pots right before i move them to the big tent, going to let my little sissy use my little tent after im done to start her babies for an outdoor grow. Giving Fox farm newts at 50% pre-mix, 2 tsp grow big and 2 tsp big bloom into a 1 gallon jug, and every one gets 8oz feeding once a week, probably bump that up to every other watering pretty soon. Im going to top the girls here in the next 2 weeks, and LST training for the rest of the inside grow. I have been trying to bump the humidity up in the grow tent but not having much luck I can get the humidity up for an hour or two but it drops back down, I have sprayed the the walls, used water with fan blowing over it for evaporation and have a small swamp cooler blowing into fan intact with out a significant increase in humidity. I looked at last years frow notes and had the same problem and still had a pretty good harvest, so i'm not going to worry about the humidity to much it will bump up in may. I turned the Red spectrum side of my grow light on this morning I tried it a few weeks ago and the tent just got to warm, so I will jus monitor the temperature today and see if stays in the low 80's. I may have to change my grow light I have a Mars hydro 1000, and a Vispectra 300W to see if they run any cooler.
Week 8. Vegetation
2 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
31 °C
27 %
20 °C
6 L
1 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
The girls did fine after transplant to 1.5 gal pots and were starting to really take off with Bestva light on full spectrum. I topped the ladies on 3/14 they seem to be doing fine, I have some yellow bottom leaves on 1 White widow going to just see what happens I think it may be due to topping. All the other ladies seem fine after topping them. I continue to give the ladies 8 fluid Oz of water every third day, And Fox farm Grow Big and Big Bloom once a week instead of water. Started getting some node growth so I set up my 2x4x5 grow tent today Moved all the girls to the bigger tent tonight. I changed my grow light to a Mars hydro TS 1000, and a Vispectra 300W in the bigger tent, i used a Bestva and my Vispectra in the tent last year together. I need to figure out ventilation system to cold to vent outside yet, but minor smell so really no issues yet. Going to LST the girls but I want wait a few weeks and transplant into 3 gallon cloth pots. All is well with my grow and no major issues to deal with.
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Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
2 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
27 %
20 °C
11 L
0 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
The girls did fine after transplant to 3 gal pots and were starting to really take off so I transplanted them again into 3 gallon cloth pots, due to yellowing bottom leaves on all the girls. I have some yellow bottom leaves on the bottom of all the girls not sure whats going on Light, heat or nutrient lock out? I transplanted the girls in Fox farm Ocean breeze, hoping that the problem might be root related and the cloth pots should allow for air and better soil. I continue to give the ladies 12fluid Oz of water every third day, And Fox farm Grow Big and Big Bloom once a week instead of water. I PH tested tap water and it read anywhere from 7.2 to 6.9 but luckily I have a fresh water creek in my back yard I Ph tested the creek water and it read 6.2, so I will be using creek water for the rest of my grow. going to cut back on Newts to 25% on the next feeding this week Used light meter and PAR was over 900 with the TS 1000 on, Soil PH was reading between 6 and 7 on the meter, so hopefully I fix my lyellowing leaf problems with the changes. Started getting some node growth so I set up my 2x4x5 grow tent last week. I changed my grow light to a Mars hydro TS 100, and shut down the Bestva grow light due to the grow tent getting in the 90's. Just using the Mars Hydro TS 1000 seem to have solved the heat problem only reaching 86 degrees in the tent. Ventilation fan bringing air into tent set on high and both fans going for 18 hours. Im not sure why the lower leaves are dying, but I have left and went out of town twice and the heat problem was really apparent after returning after 3 days to droppy girls. I need to figure out ventilation system to cold to vent outside yet, but minor smell so really no issues yet.
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Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
30 %
20 °C
11 L
0 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1 mll
The girls did fine after transplant to 3 gal pots and were starting to really take off so I transplanted them again into 3 gallon cloth pots, due to yellowing bottom leaves on all the girls. I think I fixed the yellowing leave problem I gave all the girls a half dose of Mag and the transplant seem to help along with using creek water at a lower PH 6.2 versus >7 on my well water. I transplanted the girls in Fox farm Ocean breeze, hoping that the problem might be root related and the cloth pots should allow for air and better soil, so I hope I have the problem under control. I continue to give the ladies 12fluid Oz of water every other day, And Fox farm Grow Big and Big Bloom once a week at 1/2 dose and I just started adding tiger bloom to the newts this week. Used light meter and PAR was over 900 with the TS 1000 on, Soil PH was reading between 6 and 7 on the meter, so hopefully I fix my lyellowing leaf problems with the changes. Started getting some node growth so I set up my 2x4x5 grow tent last week. I transplanted the 3 White widows into 3 gallon plastic pots, My original plan was to move these 3 girls outside to grow but I dont think im going to be able to keep them in veg for 60 days now. The western NY winter just keeps hanging on. I used tomato cages and plant ties started on LST training my 2 super skunk and my 2 hindu kush, I used safety pins and plant ties on the 2 hindu kush in cloth pots, and I like this option better then the tomato cages. So I may change the 2 super skunk to the safety pin plant tie method it seems to give me more places to tie off and hold the girls low. I changed my grow light to a Mars hydro TS 100, and shut down the Bestva grow light due to the grow tent getting in the 90's. Just using the Mars Hydro TS 1000 seem to have solved the heat problem only reaching 86 degrees in the tent. Ventilation fan bringing air into tent set on high and both fans going for 18 hours. I have some weak smell so venting the tent out the window now.
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
2 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
39 %
22 °C
11 L
0 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Everything seems to doing much better after transferring to 3 gallon pots I also think I had a PH problem with my tap water. Started using creek water from behind the house and rain water PH for both these were in the 6.2 to 6.4 range versus Tap water which was reading 7. Finally had a 70+ day here, so hopefully the white widows can move outside eventually. Watering schedule is ever other day 16 oz for cloth pots and every 3 days for the plastic pots, and once a week Foz farm tiger bloom, grow big and big bloom at 50% strength. I am also being pretty aggressive on LST the Hindu Kush and the Super Skunks, trying to tie down any new growth, I only have 5' in height in my tent but the 4 girls seem to be doing pretty good with the LST training. Really not much more to say But I really like the Landrace strains previous grows were Panama red, and last year Acapulco Gold, and I just purchased what I hope are the original Columbian Gold Santa Marta strain? Which I intend to sprout this week for outside grow.
Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
2 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
51 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
This week i had to increase water intake the girls are thirsty I have been averaging antwhere from 24 oz to 32 oz of water, also still using Fox farm newts at 1/2 strength Big bloom grow big and tiger bloom. I moved to girls around this week to rotate them under the 2 different led lights. Defoliated light the small branched and leaves that weren't getting much light. I continue to LST train my girls with the skunks and kush in cloth pots really getting a lot of LST and the widows with tomato cages receiving LST but not as aggressively. I am going to put the girls into 12/12 schedule on May 1 is my plan and hoping to transfer 2 white widows outside but will have to see what the weather looks like?
Used techniques
Week 13. Vegetation
2 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
31 °C
25 %
20 °C
11 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Ok we are pushing the limit on height of my 5' grow tent, going to start 12/12 schedule on May1, I was hoping the western NY weather would get better and i could move the white widow fems outside but nights are still hovering around freezing. last years tent grow I did 5 plants in the 2x4x5 grow tent this year it looks like its going to be 7, its a tight fit but i have give it a go. Everything is going good using rain water for the girls and continue with the Fox Farm newts at 50%. Defoliated most of the fan leaves and small branches under the plant crowns last week. The girls are growing fast and I continue to LST them once a week, there water consumption is double now 4 cups every other day and once a week newts. Started some bag seeds for my sister, and 2 bubble gum for me to start an outside grow by the end of May. Just going to finished up this indoor grow and hoping for a nice harvest in August
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
2 years ago
40.64 cm
12 hrs
31 °C
25 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Week 14 the girls are really thirsty water every day now 2 16 oz cups and more on really dry days. Still using Fox farm trio of newts once a week at 1/2 strength. I went to 12/12 schedule on 4/27/23. 3 months in vegetative state, and due to height requirement in my 2x4x5 grow tent it was now, or they will outgrow the tent. I really wanted to move the 3 white widows outside but weather here isn't looking good for that anytime soon. looking at an end of july or early August harvest. I had to hook up the filter the girls were starting to smell pretty strong, and after my grow last year with out using a filter the house and yard had the pot smell all the time. So venting out a window and the smell is noticeably less in the house today. So its time to let the 7 ladies do there thing for the next 10 to 12 weeks and keep them happy and bug and mold free. My new thing is i have 2 bubble gum fem's in solo cups sprouted up thru the dirt and a Columbian Gold fem that will be transferred outside later this month. I am debating if I should keep the grow tent up and try another grow in August, but I still have qt jars from last year so I will see how my harvest looks in August
Week 15. Flowering
2 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
31 °C
30 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Into second week of flower on a 12/12 schedule the growth has almost doubled in the flowering stretch, I think I'm going to be Ok on tent height I was getting edgy that I might not have the room during the flowering stretch. Still lightly defoliating the the lower fan leaves on the girls and continue with the Fox Farm trio of newts at 1/2 strength, once a week. I'm not to concerned about harvest amount just looking for some nice tasting smoke, mostly a hobby grower and give most of my grow away to family and friends. Just an old school grow in variety and types of cannabis I added another fan to bring in cool air as the tent was pushing 90 degrees last week and it dropped the tent down into the mid 80's. Also the girls water consumption has doubled in the flowering stretch, I've had to water ( 32 oz) every 24hrs or the girls start getting droopy. So I will just keep tending the girls and hope to get to August with no major issues, and August 1 harvest date gives me 12 weeks of flowering
Week 16. Flowering
2 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
30 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Been Busy rebuilding bathroom so not much time spent with the girls besides watering and feeding, Girls are in the last part of their stretch phase I hope running out of height in my 5" grow tent. I was concerned with this happening, I wanted to transplant some of these girls outside, but the weather been cool with some hard freezes this past week. So all 7 girls went into flower 12/12 schedule. I'm starting to get some nice bud growth and the smell is starting to pick up in the tent. I cut out the Fox farm grow big, and currently feeding once a week 2 tsp of fox farm Tiger Bloom and 2 tsp Big bloom. Lightly defoliated bigger fan leaves and all the yellowing lower leaves. The girls are sucking up the water 32 oz every other day and sometimes they start looking droopy and i give them another 16 to 20 oz of water, all the water the girls have gotten since week 1 is rain water or melted snow from my metal roof, my well water was on the high side in PH. Looks like I might be harvesting the girls end of July. Not much more to add this week, but the weather forecast is for warmer temperatures, so I have 2 Bubble Gum seedling and a Santa Marta Columbian that i need to plant outside.
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
Robear27started grow question 2 years ago
I think i may have a hermie plant here not sure it has both buds and these green growths on one of the branches this white widow has been a strange grower since she sprouted im in the 25 day of flower and I noticed these growths. this is my second indoor grow.
Buds. Other
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massivetidsanswered grow question 2 years ago
No this is not a hermie, just weak genetics.
Week 17. Flowering
2 years ago
71.12 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
30 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 2.604 mll
The grow is at 34 days of flower, 6 girls left, White Widow 3 was looking strange in the buds thought I had a possible hermie but after posting picture got some input that it was possibly genetics. But rather then worry about it i harvested her, drying her now and a donation to my sisters i guess? All the rest of the girls are getting 20 to 32 ounces of water everyday, next grow im going to go with 5 gallon air pots 3 gallon are just to small. Also giving Fox Farm newts twice a week at 50 %, getting close to the end of this grow, thinking the end of June or Mid-july harvest. Buds on all the girls are growing nicely, and I continue to lightly defoliate yellowing and big fan leaves. Also have started an outside grow with a Bubble gum, Columbian gold and Hindu kush, into the dirt that are 3 weeks old.
Week 18. Flowering
2 years ago
71.12 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
30 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 2.604 mll
Just keeping the ladies happy watering and newts, the girls are 5 weeks into flowering, Giving 1/2 dose of newts twice a week and 32 oz of water every other day, with an additional 16 oz if the ladies look and feel dry. Buds are getting big with a little yellowing of the pistil's, had to make some supporting structures for the super skunks and Hindu kush buds were bending down the branches which is a good sign. I'm quite happy with this grow so far, started with 7 girls in the tent, and had to remove one white widow that actually gave the other girls more room. 5 weeks into flower, harvest window is looking like the end of June or early July. Thats it for this week, all I have to add is that i continue to remove any yellowing leaves and that I have a Bubble Gum and a Columbian Gold growing outside that don't look to healthy. Pretty thick smoke from the fires in Canada has been really thick here in the Northeast sun has been orange and hazy for the past week.
Week 19. Flowering
2 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
38 %
17 °C
11 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 2.604 mll
The ladies are almost ready to harvest? lots of trichromes on all the girls that are starting to turn white. Thinking harvest is 2 or 3 weeks out when I start seeing on these ladies trichromes, getting some amber colors. The buds are big and heavy. on all the ladies I've had to put stakes in the super skunks and the hindu kushes to support the stems, the white widows i had put tomato cages around them early on in the grow. I just purchased some plant yoyo's and hooked them up last night they seem to be working quite well so far this morning. They really seem to support the buds just a pian trying to get the lines and hangers through fans, lights and exhaust system I stopped the Fox Farm newts yesterday going to do a 2 week flush. If I have no issues in the coming weeks, I think im going to quite happy with my second indoor grow? And the couple of girls I put outside have just withered up not sure if they are going to make it.
Week 20. Flowering
2 years ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
45 %
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nothing new here just letting the girls buds get ripe, smell is strong and pungent. had to buy plant yoyo's my buds are getting to heavy for the stems to support them. We have lots of milky trichomes, pistils are mostly amber and turning in on all the girls this morning, 52 days in flower. I quit giving newts last week and just water to flush the girls, 16 oz one day and 32 oz the next day is my watering schedule now. I am really close to harvesting July 1, should be the day but there no rush to harvest, I can wait. I now have a MAC 1 clone and a cheetah piss clone that I am going to use for my outside grow. Another fun grow this year and the end is near, harvest drying and curing, not sure what to do with 2023 harvest? I am still loaded with jars of 2022 harvest but I guess thats a good problem to have
Week 21. Flowering
2 years ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
45 %
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Well this will be my last pictures of the girls in flower, I think we are really close to harvesting the ladies. 9 weeks in flower trichomes are all milky, still waiting on a little amber color, all the leaves are turning yellow and dying and I have had in flush mode with just water the past 2 weeks. the buds got so heavy that I had to use plant yoyo's a few weeks ago to assist with keeping the ladies up. My plan is to harvest this weekend, but if they don't seem ready I will wait another week or two. So far its been an easy grow after dealing with germination and sprouting problems, I always seem to have problems with seedling and trying to rush the process. I had to get rid of one white widow it wasn't looking normal right after putting the girls in flower, thought i had a hermie, decided to just get rid of it. Im pretty excited to try smoking some of these buds in the future, after harvest drying and curing. i will have some happy family and friends when I start giving it away. I have a MAC 1 and a Cheeta Piss in pots outside , I bought a couple of clones just to have something growing outside. Had a shitty spring here in the northeast none of my seedling made it past a month before damping off and dying.
Week 22. Flowering
2 years ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
45 %
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Ok 10.5 weeks in flower the ladies were ready for harvest, 22 weeks of growing. I think i will be happy with my harvest trichomes were all cloudy and beginning to amber. My second indoor grow and with topping and LST training have provided me some thick long buds. FF newts at 25 to 50 %, again this grow and they seen to consistently provide me with beautiful plants and sweet tasting buds. A few popcorn buds fell off during removal from tomato cage support system, going to let them dry and give them a try. Late this morning all the girls were harvested and hanging in the grow tent. I will update in a few weeks after they girls have time to dry
Week 22. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
works like it should, im not into the whole its tastes like
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Spent 158 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
42.52 g
Bud wet weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Hindu kush is trimmed and curing, I ended up with 3 quart jars full more then happy with the results
Equipment Reviews
Week 22. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
i have only smoked a little from the lower buds as i am only into the second week of curing, nice buzz and i haven't tried the top buds yet
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Spent 158 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
56.7 g
Bud wet weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
buds were heavy and had to use plant yoyo's on them to hold the girls up. I ended up with 4 Qt jars full and I am curing the buds its in the second week of cure. Buds were super sticky and I am more then happy with my harvest
Equipment Reviews
Week 22. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 158 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
56.7 g
Bud wet weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
this is my first time growing white widow indoors, I tried growing it out doors last year but lost most of my grow to bud rot, Indoor grow allowed for some heavy sticky large buds. I had to support the 2 girls with tomato cages and yoyo's and these girls almost out grew my tent.
Equipment Reviews


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mcflowcommentedweek 82 years ago
Looks great! Good luck growing🍀
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
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