A new week starts, but there's little to report. I picked off another couple of leaves from the second girl. I believe she is losing leaves due to senescence, but then I also can see some slight tip burns (which may or may not be related), so... who knows?
It's tricky to run living soil in small containers, and I will retire this soil when the grow is over. It starts feeling out of whack, and I want to try my new soil blend in the next cycle anyway.
There's nothing new to report as the girls are just doing their thing, slowly bulking up their buds. The situation with the second girl hasn't really changed, but I have decided to give the first girl more light to help her bulk up. Her light is only 95 W and it is already running at 100% so I increased the time from 20 hours to 22 hours. In a few days, I will bump it up to 24 hours and then run the light continuously until harvest. Although the top bud is already experiencing some light bleaching due to being too close to the light, I am willing to accept it in exchange for the overall increase in the bulk of the remaining buds.
The week is at an end without anything special to report. It's late flower and we're almost on the home stretch. I'm convinced that the fade on the second girl is just that, a fade due to senescence, but even so, I'm still feeding her. Because why not. On the other hand, the first girl is sitting snug in her little tent, running on autopilot.
@MrGrowthSpurt, Thank you! The plants might look healthy now, but there were struggles in the first few weeks due to the top dressing I applied. Lessons learned!
@StarLorr, I hope so. I don't have much experience in dealing with nutrient issues, so I'm feeling a bit lost, to be honest. Oh well, it will be a learning experience ;)
Plants are simply too happy in your tents, they don't want to stop growing.
I never knew it's enough to put the mites in a sachet and hang them on the plant 😳 how do they get out?
@kohlrabi, They are so happy that I'm considering playing death metal to them. That should mellow them out.
There's a small hole in each sachet, and the mites will venture out over a period of time.