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Maine Outdoor 2023

Approved by Barney's Farm
a year ago
Room Type
weeks 11-12, 15-23
weeks 9-14
weeks 6-8
Grow medium
Grow medium
114 L
Pot Size
2 years ago
Seeds were ordered through New England Seed Bank. Despite a mixup of address (my fault) they were able to intercept the package and I received it in a couple days. I am using the paper towel method to germinate these as that is the method I have the most success with. I usually grow clones but am sick of having to rectify issues right from the beginning so I chose reputable breeders, good genetics and early finishers. Paper towels are placed inside ziplock plastic bag with some air. After germination and the have a nice long taproot I will be putting them in peat pellets for their seedling life. I plan to change a lot of my grow this year. I cannot take another year like the last one. That being said on appearance the seeds I got from Barney's farm were very small. Nothing like the big healthy looking seeds I got from Ethos. I've been waiting for this for a while. Pray with me to the growing gods that I at least get my 90% germination rate! 4/10 Seeds have all popped and have nice long taproot. I transplanted and labeled thr seeds in peat pellets (I know it's not the best way but it's the way I'm used to). They are in a mini greenhouse under an Aerogarden for light on an 18/6 timer. I did not use the super thrive packet that came with the peat pod setup as I've never used it before and have had no problems starting seeds this way. So far I am super happy with North Atlantic Seed Company AND both breeders. Ethos and Barney's farm. I can't wait to post a puc of them popping out of the soil! 4/11 I woke up this morning to all but three seeds breaking ground! I saw a purple punch seed on top of the soil twice yesterday and second guessed myself thinking I didn't put it deep enough so I'd sprinkle Peat over it lol then a few hours later it's was up again. I'm really hoping I can keep all this ladies alive throughout this process. I checked the moisture which seemed OK and misted the dome. Now it's time to hurry up and wait. UPDATE as if noon time all the girls are poking up pretty good. A couple have dropped their seed! Super Excited! 4/12 We have reached veg with seedlings! They are growing extremely fast. I need to buy soil today and wash pots as they'll be wanting a transplant soon. I'm excited! 4/13 I didn't listen to my intuition after I saw a mouse last night. Somehow it got through the vent and ate a 20th planet seed. I thought they would survive at least one night! I brought them to where they will be going outdoors. I'm transplanting today into happy frog and putting them under two 150HPS lights.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
152.4 cm
4/13 SEE LAST ENTRY on germination BEFORE READING THIS WEEK. Like I said I didn't listen to my intuition and a rat got to one of my ethos 10th planet. All plants have been transplanted into solo cups with mycos with happy frog as the medium. The peat pods were all dried out it seemed. Must be were the humidity changed when i moved them last night. Substrate will change to a mix of roots organic, hf, and ffof when I plant up. I hope I have these lights high enough. I am using two 150 hps lights to grow these seedlings as best I can before they go outdoors. Rh outside today is like 36%.Forgot my timer but I'm coming back. Hopfully this will go alright I'm excited. 4/14 Aerogarden lights are way to weak. Plants have stood right back up after I put them under the two hps lights. I was worriedcabout damping off but so far everything looks good. Lights turned on perfect. Rh is 70 temp outside is 50. It reached 75 but well probably get another noreaster. Hope the good weather keeps up amd I'll have am early planting season. UPDATE PLANTS LOOKED GOOD AT NOON TIME. NO WATER. ILL Be here tonight and check again tomorrow. The plants get quite a bit of light from that window 4/14 and 4/15 plants seem to be doing better. The solo cups that were light I dipped the very bottom of the cup in a cup of water about an inch. The cups that were lighter I gave two reasons of water around the edge of the cup. No more water I guess until it dries out. I'm not used to doing seeds. Kinda depressing looking at my last few diaries during this time and seeing huge clones not seedlings. Whatever at least they won't have tons if shit wrong with them. It's been beautiful. I'm really looking forward to this season. UPDATE I CHANGED THECPOSITION OF MY LIGHT FIXTURE. I LOWERED THE LIGHT AS SOME PLANTS SEEMED TO HE STRETCHING. AFTER VIDEO CHAT WITH A COMMERCIAL GROWER I CLOSED THE BLINDS. I HAVE AN ANXIETY DISORDER SO I WORRY A LOT. I AM USING HPS BULBS BUT ITS ALL I HAVE FOR NOW. IM CONSIDETING PICKING UP A CHEAP LED LIGHT. HOWEVER, THE COMMERCIAL GROWER ALSO TOLD ME TO DO "WHAT I NORMALLY DO." WHICH I AM. I KUST GOT A LITTLE LATE START ON AN EARLY SEASON. 4/16 Despite the cups being a little dry I'm going to wait to water. When I do I think I'm goingvti soak the cup from the bottom up. Plants are really starting to take hold. Stretching a bit due to the hps bulb but that's just going to give them a strong stem. Plus I have the sky as the limit. I need to say these things as I feel like I'm behind. I have some autos I might run too. UPDATE: I watched several videos on watering seedling in solo cups. I weighed a Dr cup of soil and it was 196 grams. I weighed wet soil and it was in the 300s (hadn't totally drained). My seedling security os weren't much more than the dry soil. 207, 220 ect. Some were a little higher. I TRIED to water from the bottom up earlier by sitting the cup in a bowl but it didn't seem to work as well. Instead I phed my water and watered all the cups. I used two regular water bottles (16oz?) For the 14 plants. I'm glad I came over to check. Soil was dead dry on some and breaking away from the cup. I got run off in the trays and dumped it. I did this multiple times but im unsure if i got it all I'm just worried about dampening off or over watering. Plants look good though and are starting to take off. I'm hoping for the best. UPDATE AGAIN LOL. I got the feeling I wanted to check things out again so I went over and shut all but one if the shades. Why I didn't do that one I have no idea but since that deep watering earlier today the plants have SHOT up in size! And it's not like they're stretching. It looks it but the stalk is fucking strong looking and thick lol. The colors on the leaves have taken a much better tone and the tertiary leaves have now begun to develop at a pretty good rate! Using this scale is going to make watering much easier! 4/17 One light is brighter than the other. I can tell. The four under one light were drier on top and weighed less. I just plan on rotating the trays that way they will have what they need. Stopping at a commercial grower to show footage and ask questions. If I need to I will buy another light bur this had worked good for me in the past. I can't believe the plants shot up that much! I even say tertiary leaves on some of them! They went into a paper towel like the night of the eight so they aren't even week old seedlings. However, my cousin had seedlings later than this last year and he still had some plants that were bigger than mine! I weighed my cups again and everything seems OK. I think. I may need to water more often. I'm keeping a close eye on it. A fan is blowing GENTLY from far away. UPDATE: Went back over around five and I'm not sure it's one light brighter. I think maybe those big fat Ethos seeds are just drinking more water. Got the scale out again and used a different scale to measure. 180 for a dry full cup of soil. Yesterday was 196 dry cup? Soaking wet its like 350. Soil that looked dry and weighed like 220 240 got a little bit of water. I checked and there was no run off. Plants are stretching due to the HPS bur the stalk looks thick and strong. Healthy. They have a great vibrant green color and tertiary leaves are starting. 4/18 The 10th planet seedlings seem to bexdrinking more water than the others. Everything looks good and healthy. I didn't have much time this morning but topsoil was dry and cups weighed low 200's so I watered the seedlings a little bit. They probably need a full watering which I'll do when I get back. I used one bottle of water on the plants that needed it. I need to keep an eye on the soil on the solo cups. The two 150hps lights def dry the soil out faster. 4/18 Plwnts are doing great. Everything has tertiary leaves now. Stretching a bit but that's probably due to the HPS. I'll be lowering it soon. One bottle of water gives each ofvthe 14 seedlings a shotglass of water. I'll keep an eye on them and when they need a bigger drink I'll give it to them. Those Etho's 10th planet seeds are off to the races! I took pics but I did it in "work" mode and since my email is at a university I have difficulty uploading the pictures. If they don't come out I'll just put some up tomm. Also I noticed a piece of seed stick below the pool of one seedling. I wantedcto make sure it wasn't a scale but but its not. I sprites it and hopfully it will just fall off. I'll keep my eye on it. Pots are washed. I need to wash grow bags and my structure. I also need yo poison the area the ear wigs live.
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Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
152.4 cm
4/20 HAPPY 420!! Plants looked great this morning. Soil was dry but big weighed the cups and they were around 220 heaviest 240. One was closer to 200 but it has a little less dirt. I watered each with a shot glass yesterday. They seemed to do great with that. I'm going to tapj to my commercial buddy and get his advice. I'm planning on lowering the light tomorrow and possibly giving them a bigger drink. Otherwise everything is progressing nicely. UPDATE: I had to go to my grow location (next door) for another issue so i checked the plants. I should've taken pictures. They are stretching some and one looks a little top heavy bur that's probably due to the fan. I was going to water but I consulted my commercial friend. I weighed a dry cup of soil again before weighing each plant. It looks dry as a bone but EVERYTHING is at least 20 grams over dry weight. The 10th planet seedlings seem to be taking off the quockiest with the tip of their "true" leaves almost to the edge of the Solo cup. I took his advice and I'm waiting until morning to water with a shot glass. I should've taken pictures. I will in the morning. I also plan to move the lights closer. 4/21 Plants were super dry this morning. A few are stretching more than they should i think. One was bent over like a sunflower but I assume it's from the soil drying out. I took my commercial friends advice and only gave them each a shot glass of water. I'm going back to check on them in a little while and we will see how things are going. UPDATE: Went back over and everything was standing up nice and tall. Except one seedling that was REALLY stretching. It looked like it might be damping this morning. Looked much better when I checked though at 11 after watering at like 6. I put more dry soil in the cup around the stem and it seemed to help greatly. Everything else seemed to be standing tall and doing good. I see signs for clones and I know they're big bastards too but I need to remind myself they always come with problems I have to fix. These seedlings will finish just as well. I have high hopes. 4/22 Plants looked great this morning. My commercial buddy said they're getting big fast. It's been a while since I grew seeds I cared about. Soil looks like it's dry as a popcorn fart but lowest weight was like 199 so I'm holding off on watering until tomm then they'll get a shot glass. I'll check again later on. UPDATE: Checked on the seedlings again and everything looks great. Will water tomorrow. Plantsxare not within 20 grams of dry weight and look to be doing great. 4/23 Watered all plants with a shot glass of oxygenated water. They were all standing up looking good. Glad I held off the watering. I think the shot glass every two days is good for now. Got my first multi-fingered leaves starting. Tiny little leaves coming out to form a three pronger. I'm excited 4/24 Seems like the 10th planet seedlings are using slightly more water I weighed some cups and the lowest reading I got was 189 so they're alright I think. I hope I'm not underwatering. They all look good though. Oh and the original cup I soaked to get a good idea of "wet" weight (about the same as when I transplanted) and it still had some moisture at the bottom of the cup! Granted it was in the dark and not under hid lights but still. Makes me feel better about the watering. 4/25 Watered everything with a shot glass of water. They're getting there. All healthy looking. The first three finger leaves.are appearing
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
152.4 cm
4/26 WATERED EVERYTHING WITH A SHOT GLASS. WOW. They've exploded in growth in after watering. I came to a plant that was a little limp as it got bigger top heavy. I weighed the cup and it seemed to be in range. I just mounded up soil around it and "spritzed" the soil I just added (as it was dry as fuck. That worked for the other one and it's doing great now. Im wondering if this plant is drinking less water than the rest of the plants. I think I may have given it slightly less water due to its weight. Either over or underwatering (it would HAVE to be underwatering) OR the taproot might be caught in that jiffy pellet net. That was my only thought. I didn't do a very good job of ripping thos nets at transplant and with these little amounts of water I could see it taking longer to degrade. I'm waiting until morningvto check on it. Girls are taking off! UPDATE: Went back over at 3pm and everything was even bigger. The one plant that was drooping that I added soil too is doing fine. I weighed a dry cup of soil then weighed that plant and it was within 40 grams. I think everything's good. I was going to slow the water down on that one but I'll check tomm when I water. 4/27 WATERED EVERYTHING WITH A SHOT GLASS. Everything is exploding in growth. I filled in some more soil on my 10th planet cups. They are growing very fast. I have one purple punch that seems to be growing at a much slower pace. It may get culled or given away if it doesn't pull out. I have an idea it probably has something to do with the netting on the jiffy pots not degrading or something because I'm giving so little water. I'll start nutes once they get bigger (at half dose). That piece of seed is still stuck to the stalk of the plant that is behind in growth. I sprayed it and I'll keep an eye on it. I don't want to damage the stalk if I can help it. UPDATE: Went back over at seven and everything looked great. I don't know how but it seems they get significantly bigger I'm a matter of 12 hours. I think I'm going into 3's with these next. I'm picking up the soil for that tomorrow. I'll wait a little bit before I give them anything. Even silica. If it's not broke don't fix it. 4/28 Plants are exploding in growth. The other one I thought might be dampening is completely fine. I'm going to hold off on nutes. I'm unsure whether to transplant to 1's or 3's. I'm leaning towards 3's but I want them good and rooted before a transplant. I asked my buddy amd he said to hold off on the silica, or other nutes. Frogs got plenty especially since I'm only wateringva shot glass every other. I can tell they're goingvto need more soon. Grabbing soil today but won't be wins plants until I cam squeeze the cup and feel it full of roots. Next time clear cups in solo cups 4/29 WATERED EVERYTHING WITH A SOLO CUP BUT THE LITTLE PLANT. That plant has a piece of seed stuck to the stalk and I was wondering if that could be tge problem. After no results spraying for several days I attempted to remove it. Plant fell side ways. I propped it up but I'm probably gonna cull this one soon. I think roots may be caught in jiffy net. Everything elsecis FLOURISHING! Grabbing soil fircthe next transplant Monday. I just want to make sure everything is rooted REAL GOOD before any transplant occurs. 4/30 Holy Shit!! Plants literally grew at least an inch overnight after watering! Things are going great. One purple punch seedling is behind but that's ok. It will either catch up or it won't. I poisoned the inside of the cage where thecearwigs were and applied a 12 month barrier spray on the wood. Hopfully this will solve my earwig problem. Man I'm getting excited! I don't have HUGE clones but I've got GREAT GENETICS and no pests! I'll take it 5/1 It's been raining for days. I wasn't going to water today after my conversation with a friend but I DID water each plant but the small purple punch with a shot glass. They have taken off at an incredible pace. It's like they're growing inches in a day. Planning on grabbing soil and the remaining pots I need. Also need to take everything out of grow cage, sterilize bags and move the cage itself. 5/2 Plants are growing at an incredible pace. Even the little purple punch that was stunted is standing up all on its own looking strong. Zoom in on the stalks. They're thick af. Must be the HPS light lol. Oh well they'll be going in 3 gallon pots in a week or so. And then to their forever home. Man I love growing weed.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
152.4 cm
5/3 WATERED EVERYTHING WITH A SHOT GLASS. STUNTED PURPLE PUNCH THAT TOTALLY SRIED OUT GOT HALF A SHOT GLASS. Doesn't seem possible but the plants look bigger and better than they did yesterday. Cups are really drying out fast. Takes a while for it to drink up that little shot glass of water. Sits right on top for a while. I know they'll tell me when they're ready to transplant but I'm planning about a week week and a half until transplant to the 3's. I'm moving my cage and getting supports setup ahead of time. Soil is properly stored. Need to sanitize grow bags and tools. I'm super excited for this year. At least this year I don't have to start out fixing others problems from clones. 5/4 Plants still continuing to grow at a rapid pace. Stunted purple punch is doing better. Plants seem like they are using more water. Soil seemed dry. Ill stop qnd ask my buddy but everything LOOKS awesome. UPDATE: I stopped and showed my buddy some pictures and videos and after getting some advice I'm considering increasing water intake on the 10th planet and the blueberry cheese. He said I could go up to 1 1/2 shot glasses or even two and he didn't think I'd see problems. Just watch for run off. I figured I'd weigh the dry cup of soil and see what the other plants weigh before I make my decision. This dude has definitely helped in the past and hasn't been wrong. I think either way it would be fine. I got a QUICK peak at them around 3pm and they were all "praying to the sun" and their was company so I didn't weigh the plants considering in that glance they looked even better than before! 5/5 SOMEWHERE HERE I MESSED UP THE DATE AND I CANT SEEM TO FIND WHETE SO IM JUST CORRECTING IT HETE AND MOVING FORWARD. I weighed a dry cup of soil which weighed about 180-190 grams today. One of the 10th planet seedlings weighed in at like 190 so they definitely are getting a dry cycle and need more water. Same with the Blueberry cheese. They were light and are growing like crazy. Thing is they look so perfect I don't wanna change anything. I spoke to my commercial buddy and he said I could increase to two shot glasses without issue he thought. I decided on a shot glass and a half for the 10th planet and Blueberry Cheese Cake. I talked to another grower (my buddies mom whos very familiar with the strain) about Barney's purple punch and I guess they look good and take a while to really "take off". When I weighed some of the purple punch the weight of a small plant was in the 220's. I decided to try 'half a shot glass' instead of a full one for the purple punch. UPDATE: I watered between 5am and 6am and went to check around 11. It's 11:11 right now! I wish for a successful harvest and healthy plants! This morning the plants seemed a little droopy. It could've been in my head but looking at them after watering and they look substantially better. Leaves up! Praying to the sun! It's not going to be long until the 10th planet and Blueberry Cheese will need to be transplanted. I just want to make sure I've got a solid rootball before I even think of transplanting. 5/6 WOW. Adjusting the water made the plants take off faster! I felt the cups and they want more room! Unfortunately I left my soil in the garage. I'm wondering how long it will take to warm up otherwise these girls would be on their new temporary 3 gallon homes. Purple punch REALLY took off. Might be good to give the soil a day or two to warm up. Tomorrow's my wife's birthday though....hope she likes transplanting cannabis....that was a joke. UPDATE: I sanitized a tote and mixed 3 part soil fox farm ocean forest, happy frog and 707 in a bin. I then chose the blueberry cheese cake to test for transplant. I was afraid plants were dry but I stupidly went ahead anyhow. I tried the cut the solo cup method and it wouldn't cut down all the way. Anyway u thought i lost that first one but I didn't. Not yet anyway. 45 mins later and they looked great. Still I had put everything away and decided to give the others a few more days. Plus my wife's birthday is tomorrow. I did get some outdoor prep done. 5/7 NO TRANSPLANT SHOCK. All 5 blueberry cheese are in their new homes and loving it. It's my wife's birthday so I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow to transplant the 10th planet and maybe a couple more for the purple punch. We'll see. Watered the plants in solos. Purple punch got half a shot glass. 10th planet got a full one. Soil should be nice and moist for the transplant. Oh and that ripping the solo cup tip sucks. It NEVER goes all tge way to the bottom and it's like thicker or something down there. Important to have slim scissors or something to snip that tiny bottom piece at the end where it tapers. 5/8 Blueberry Cheese Cake is doing great and doesn't seem like it has any stress. Didn't water. Successfully transplanted 10th planet. Nice white roots. Looks like it's going to be a good year. More wotlrk to do. 5/9 10th planet is looking GREAT! Transplants have gone great this year. Purple punch will be transplanted tonight or tomorrow. I watered the purple punch with less than a shot glass. I'd like to get them transplanted today. I have an idea this is going to be a good season. UPDATE: Went to the house around 6 and brought in a couple more bags of soil so that I can finish my transplants tomorrow. Team #nowater lol seems to be doing great lol. I'll give then water tomorrow. As long as they aren't doing so good. With everything that's going on seeing these succeed feels great. Healthiest plants I've grown so far.
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 years ago
How long does it take for soil that's been in stored in a dry concrete garage (bagged ffhf ffof 707) to warm up im a 70 degree room so I can use it to transplant? Outside CAN get to upper 40s. A day? Two?
Other. General questions
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Oh silly goose! Who knows! I wouldn't keep the bag whole, personally, since it will take MUCH longer to warm up... if you're going to be using it in pots, get the cold soil into those pots and it will warm up much faster.... But I thought you grow in the ground? It's been awfully cold here in this daffy State... and I don't personally plan to set my plants out until nighttime temps stay at least in the 50s which might be for another 2 or 3 weeks the way we're going.... Good luck this summer! May the gods protect both of us from the disasters we suffered last summer!
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
152.4 cm
5/10 Got up super early for wife's appointment at 7 came home and transplanted 4 of the purple punches. Transplants went good. Soil was too dry and a couple fell right in the hole but I was messing around showing my dad. It just got dropped in the hole a little harder lol. The other that happened to is fine though. Definitely make sure your soil is moist enough before transplanting. My transplanting technique for 3 gallon is to put soil on bottom. Set cup in at appropriate distance then replace cup with plant with soil filled cup and fill around it. Leaves the perfect hole. Then you just snip the cups twice on each side, peel it down and fold the cup down and cradle the bottom and in the hole it goes! Holes have mykoscand a little like water. I water a little after transplant. I misted soil whole mixing it up. 5/11 Dad left the windows open last night "because the soil smell was bothering Lynda." I couldn't ficking believe it. They were all fine when I got back but still. Everything is transplanted into 3 gallon containers bit that 1 purple punch that is a little bit dwarfed. I looked at the bottom of the cup and drainage wasn't as good. Must've been the last cup and the jail didn't go all the way through in a couple places. I increased the drainage on that little dwarf and I'll transplant it when I get time. We are going to have some good weather coming up. I need to get my cage moved, my bags sanitized and get on a good watering routine. UPDATE: Went back over at four and everything's dry as fuck but the leaves are uo and every one of them looks happy so I'm holding off watering. I'll start with a quart probably tomorrow. Also cleaned out tge cage and secured the handles to move it. Only thing left is cleaning and sanitizing. These girls have a south facing window and they LOVE it. It was 80 today. I hope we have an early season. 5/12 Transplanted the last purple punch today. I could easily tell the problem was drainage. It was the last cup I had stacked when I drove the nail threw so it didn't pierce all the way the the other slips and tac holes apparently weren't enough. Used mykos and same soil mixture. Soil was extremely dry. I lifted a pot with dry soil and these were heavier. Commercial buddy said to start with a quart a pliant and see how it goes but I kind pussed out and only gave them 24fl 0z a plant. Half the quart. I asked if I should water more and he said to just wait and see how they like this water and up it to a quart next time maybe quart and a half. Im just leery of overwatering. When i watered SOME of them the water literally just sat there and took forever to absorb. Plants werent wilting though. Soon theyll be going outside during the day and in mdoors at night. UPDATE: Went back over at two and everything looks AMAZING. Healthiest looking plants I've grown. Leaves all pointed up. I'm taking my commercial dudes advice and hoping the water next watering. For now, they're doing amazing. 5/13 Everything is doing greatcso far. Gotta figure out when to start nutes. Considering adding silica but don't want to raise ph to much. I'll consult with others but my the soil blend I'm using is full of nutes. 5/14 Rushed morning and I wanted to water bit the plants looked great still. Sticking my hands deeper I can feel a little moisture deeper down or in the drain holes so I decided to give the blueberry cheese and the 10th planet a "touch of kindness" which was a small circle of water from a small watering can around the outside edge of whete the rootball should lid be. I'm working on getting a watering g schedule down. UPDATE: Went back over at five and everything was looking good with leaves praying. Maybe my half measure helped. Doubtful but still. Tomorrow I plan to water. Since the soil has tons of nites ill probably hold off a little while longer before starting the nutrient schedule. I want to make sure I've got the watering down first. One thing at a time. 5/15 The 10th planet and Blueberry Cheesecgot their first REAL watering since transplant. Still being cautious I watered 28fl Oz a plant. I phed the water with an indicator solution and ph down. I gave the purple punches a "cup of kindness" which was a circle of water around the transplant hole. Can't waif to get a watering schedule down. I wanted to start nutes but my soil is full of them and i believe it's too early. I didn't see ANY run off from this watering. I think that's good as I'm not looking to wash away the nutes in the expensive soil I use. I need to start HST as well but I'm doing things proper and "one at a time". That way if I run into a problem I'll know what I did and how to rectify it. At least I hope. UPDATE: Went back over at 3 leary that I may have "overwatered" but the plants ALL looked AMAZING and had shot up like an inch! Looking into hst and will probable fim a few. Top a few and leave one to grow naturally. Can't wait to see how these girls do outside. 5/16 Wow. Just wow. Plants are doing phenomenal! Since the watering went really well I watered the purple punch bit I only used about 16fl Oz as the plants were a little smaller than the others. I'll up it to a quart next time like I did with the others. I want to USE the nutes in my soil so im not washing them all away by watering to run off. I topped 2 10th planet's and FIMed one of them. I want to see how the respond then I'll begin training the others. Off to a Great Start! 5/17 Glad I held off watering. It's raining today. Just showers. We haven't gotten any of that extreme wind we usually do. I have the plants supported but I still worry. Definitely more than I should. Plants are still doing good and acclikatimg to their new homes.
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 years ago
When I should start feeding small amounts of nutes (ff big bloom or ro ancient amber or also silica?) to my plants? They are in a 1/3 mix of ffof ffhf and 707 full of nutes and recently transplanted.
Feeding. Schedule
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GMSgrowsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Anytime I grow in soil, I wait until I see signs that a deficiency is starting, and usually the sign is your older leaves will start to fade. This is when I start introducing nutrients. Always better to be underfed than overfed. Easy to fix underfed plants my friend.
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
152.4 cm
MAY 17th I'll water the 10th planet again tomorrow. Things are going amazing! I topped one of the blueberry cheeses and fimmed another. I'm not seeing any stress. If they seem good I'll hst some of the others. This doing ONE thing at a time helps figure out problems. It's 75 right now but it was 39 this morning. UPDATE: IT STARTED FUCKING SNOWING TODAY. Forecast looks good and others are putting plants out. I'll hold off. They'll go to the garage soon for hardening off. Looking at other diaries I had much bigger "clones" but they always come full of problems (see last year). These plants are the healthiest ivecever grown. I'd rather have a healthy plant half the size than a clone with a bunch of issues. Tomorrow I'm planning to wash my stakes and grow bags. I'll get the palletts in position and move my cage. I also am considering either putting a small pvc cover on my cage or finding a way to attack something to the trellis system for heavy rains. If anybody has ideas I'm all ears. 5/18 DIDN'T WATER TODAY. Soil was dry but the pots were heavy. I could feel some moisture through the drain holes. I think it would've been alright either way but I'm erring on the side of caution. I'll check again later in the day. I topped one and fimmed anotger of the blueberry cheese. The purple punch is quickly catching g up to her sisters. I HAD to add a small ring around one of the purple pounce plants as it was WAAAAY lighter than the others. It's possible it could've gotten less water than the others last time due to its positioning. I'm also considering adding silica next feeding. So much left to do before they go outside. Oh and it was fucking snowing here yesterday! May 17 and it was snowing middle of the day. Morning temp wad 31 this morning so I'm staying cautious and making sure I have all my ducks I'm a row before I go outside. I'm also weighing options to either add a pvc hoop on top of my cage or look into protecting plants individually come late fall with our horrible weather. I'm leaning towards the pvc top. I think that would greatly help things. UPDATE: Went back over at four and everything's looked great. Leaves praying to the sun. Topsoil is dry as fuck but I can still feel a little bit of moisture through the drain holes plus they have a little heft left to them. I plan on watering tomorrow and see how that goes. I wanted to add silica but I'm afraid of changing to much or raising the ph of the soil. 5/19 Found out that my scale will actually weigh the three gallon pots! I don't have an empty one to fill with dry soil to compare though. WATERED everything today. Topsoil was totally dry. Some plants had some heft to them. However I last watered on the 15th so I decided to cut back on the amount of water and see how that goes. Instead of the full 28oz powerade bottle I gave them a little over half. I tried for approx 16fl Oz per plant. Everything is looking great. Other than the little runt. I don't know whatcthecdeal is with that one bit it may get given away or culled. I also FIMed a purple punch. UPDATE: Went back over around 11 and boy weren't the plants looking good. I'm moving my cage and sanitizing my pallets tomorrow. I sanitized my grow bags. I vleaned them with the baking soda and water and a scrub brush but since I had that problem with fusarium last year I then soaked them in a h2o2 solution for 20 mins before rinsing them off and letting them dry. I am so stoked for this season. Wondering about the pvc top and whether it's necessary 🤔. I have TONS of heavy equipment (well dad does) but the smallest thing we have is a backhoe and a bulldozer neither which I'm to inclined to use to move big plants. I thought that since the door to that garage is large enough to drive a front end loader in than if I could find a way to make my pallets mobile I could bring them in if storms are coming. I worry to much. I also got rid of anything that could gave spires on it. Ilk need to wash my plastic trellis netting and the bamboo as well but better safe than sorry. 5/20 Plants are still growing like weeds and are the ones I HST are recovering nicely. Soon they'll go out to the garage and spend their days outside in the sunshine and their nights inside the garage while I harden them off. Having trouble uploading stuff right now. 5/21 Topped two blueberry cheese and one purple punch. Plants are still doing great. We are getting close to go8ng outside in tye forever homes in smart pots ranging from 10gal to 50 gals. I still need to sanitize the pallets but this week I plan on hardening these girls off fully. 5/22 I weighed a couple of the plants and they were different. I think I got a couple 7lbs one that was 6 something and a heavier one that was 8. Looks like I've found the right amount. I plan to water tomorrow. They'll be moved in the next couple days to the garage and I'll let them fill the 3's before they go in their final homes. Plants are recovering from HST great. Still getting cold nights here. Honestly if I didn't have a major life event happen they'd be outside hardening off now 5/23 Watered everything with approximately 18oz of water. I am either going to move plants outside today to indirect sun (even though they've handled full sunlight from an open window) in the garage and keep the light going for a little longer. They need to fill their pots before they go in their forever homes. I've got some work to do but it will pay off. EDIT: Cage has been moved to its new home. A huge pallet takes up most of it but I have littler ones that will fit in. I just haven't had a chance to disinfect these. I'm probably going overboard but I'm not fucking around with that fusarium or other any pathogens this year. I'm going to use the systemic organocide once I go outside. It's going to rain tomorrow amd might be cold but I still move the plants to the garage in the morning.
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Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
13 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
11 L
152.4 cm
5/24 Woke up on payday to find that my father is in the hospital. My house was robbed a few days before so I guess the hits keep coming. The plants are doing good though. I'm glad I kept them in as we had a frost last night. I moved my cage yesterday onto the asphalt and put the big pallet in. I just need to sanitize the others before they go in the cage. I'm being super cautious. I think tomorrow will be the day I make the switch to the garage while they fill out these 3's.OK. 5/25 Plants were all moved to the garage with the door open for indirect light. It's 54 degrees. At night I'll pull them back in and give them a few more hours under the hps which will also help with heat. Knocked a stem sideways but it'll pop back. Feels good to get things moving. HST seems to being going good. UPDATE: Went back over at one and noticed that the plant I hit with a wire (or something I didn't see what happened) was almost sideways and really loose. I had tied it to a clip with flagging. That didn't work. I asked a friend and I ended up pinching off the first true leaves then mounded happy drug up around it to keep it upright. It LOOKS much happier. Of course that shit happens to your biggest healthiest plants. Oh well all the 10th planet are doing phenomenal. Can't wait to move these girls to there final homes. Plants went under lights at seven. I'm acclimenting them to the right light schedule. I don't want to jump from 18/6 to 15 hours. They did really good in the cold Temps and wind. The big one I had to fix looks like it's doing great. Once they are hardened and fill these pots they go in their final home. 5/26 Plants did great being in direct sunlight for a few hours and staying in the garage at night. They look super healthy. I'm planning on watering tomorrow. Wondering if I should start to add some silica to strengthen the stalks. Also wondering if I should add more soil to some of the pots like I did to the other one as the stretched a little. This is something I may do tomorrow before I water. Went back over to switch the lights on and pull the plants back and lock up at 7:30. Forgot my phone of course and these girls were looking amazing. I have to water tomorrow. I coukd add more soul to some of the pots but I'm reluctant due to stem rot. They'll get buried much deeper in there final homes. Don't want to mount up soil and then water and promote rot. Anyway plants are adapting amazing. Dialing the light closer to normal here. This is a great transition place for them to he. I've noticed a few wrinkled leaves but thats to be expected. Oh, I got my free pure Michigan seeds from premium cultivars!!! 5/27 WATERED EVERYTHING TODAY WITH HALF A Powerade BOTTLE APPROX. 16OZ. Plants are in direct light in the mornings and I haven't seem any burning yet. I noticed a small spot on one of the first true leaves but I think it's just a bite from an insect. Everything is green as hell. I'm wondering if I should add fresh soil to the pots but I didn't want to do it on a watering day. Plus the plants will be going in there final homes shortly. Very happy with progress this far. UPDATE Went over at 1230 and everything looked great. I sanitized the cage AND the pallets. Also bought 3 more 30 gallon grow bags. Once they go in there they will explode! I can't wait. I'm considering ordering netting for moths. Depending on price i might get some. If not I'll keep using the BT. UPDATE: Went and checked around 430. Temps were in the 70's and they had a few hours of direct sun. No burns evident as of yet. Pallets fit in the cage like puzzle pieces. Now I need to sanitize my grade stakes bamboo and trellis and setthat stuff up. I'm going to screw the grade stakes to the pallets and attach garden rods and bamboo with zip ties and I'll have a horizontal trellis. Once branches are a little bigger I'll begin LST. The plants that I topped AND the ones I FIMed are doing great. The FIMed ones with at least three colas some have four. Hoping the plants took that time growing roots. 5/28 Plants are all standing up tall. They loved that water. Haven't noticed any burns and they get direct sunlight in the mornings. Soon I can put them in the cage and start setting up my trellis and supports. Fan leaves on soms are bigger than my hands. These girls are probably the healthiest plants I've grown. I usually do clones and end up starting with problems. This is great starting with seeds and have no problems. UPDATE: Went back around two because Temps had reached 92f and rh was only 20%. Nights cool off greatly so it's a dramatic temperature shift. Plants looked great. All standing up looking great. Put plants in at 7:30 ,and continue the light until 9 and have it turn on at 4am. Then they are out by sunrise. Did notice some burning on one of my plants a large fan leaf. What can I say? It was extremely hot. I'm surprised they did as well as they did. 5/29 Everything standing up perfectly looking great. Plantscget an extra hour of sun at night and morning and are on 19/7 with the extra added light. Trying to acclimate and finish hardening off this week. I'd love to be able to at least put them in full sunlight for the day. I think they'd be fine. I'm really impressed with how they are growing. Second guessing not HST all of them. However I think I might light dep a couple. We'll see. I've still got work to do. UPDATE: put the plants in around 7. One of my lights shit the bed. They are just 150 watt hps but I was using them to finish hardening off my plants and slowly adjust them to the natural light. The on/off switch fell off. I'm sure my cousin can fix it bit the one is pe9bably fine as I'm only going fir a few more days. The thing about having this many plants to choose from is that I can pheno hunt and put the VERY best into the final containers and if I decide too I could light dep. 5/30 WATERED EVERYTHING TODAY WITH HALF A POWERADE BOTTLE. My cousin can probably fix the other light but I don't think it will matter. Within a week I'm going to have these girls in their final homes. I just need to sanitize the trellis and posts and then screw them to the pallets. I'll have this all taken care of before the plants go in the hole. I did notice another burn on a leaf. Def glad I'm taking the time to do this right. UPDATE: I put the girls in the barn around 7:30 and flicked the one 150 watt HPS light I have working on. I added a half hour more of darkness to try to acclimate them quicker. Light stays on until 9 qnd came back on at four but i changed it to 4:30. I'm usually there by 5. I'm looking through my surveillance cameras and it doesn't even look like the light is on. Of course its super bright out but I should be able to see from that image. Luckily the building the go in has massive windows up top to let light in and windows on every side so the light is probably unnecessary. However due to my bullshit luck last year I'm being as cautious as I can. Tomorrow is supposed to be extremely hot again as is the next day. I think I'll leave the door down a little, open the other and move the plants back so they have no direct sunlight and adding a fan. That way they can continue to recover. They seem bigger everything I see them. 5/31 Another hot day. I figure a few more days (under a week) and I can transplant these girls! Supposed to be 85 today and 90 tomm. It was 45 when I got here. These girls are doing well handling this bipolar weather. UPDATE: IM AN IDIOT AND THIS IS AN 8 DAY WEEK lol. Maybe I'll do a six day week next time to get back on track. Went back over at two and noticed some burns. Sent a video to a friend andcwith the sun we've had and the weather in the 90's he agreed the damage was minimal. However there was someone there working who opened more doors which let a lot more light in. It's supposed to be in the 90s tomorrow too. I may leave the doors shut. There are windows on everyside and an enormous cone at the top so the get plenty of sun. He also grows and I've been careful to not let anyone that grows go around my plants. I'm going to have to talk with family about this. To be honest I'm kinda pissed. Next watering I may add some kelp me kelp you and start a small nute regimen. UPDATE Went back over at seven after having a panic attack. Half stoned half asleep. Stupidly I was looking at a plant and thought "shit" the FIM must not have took but in reality I was just stoned and tired so I topped a plant that had already been fimmed so we'll see how that goes. Purple punch is so far behind everything else it's not even funny. There might be one that's doing pretty well and that of course is the one with no HST. Branches on the other strains are thick and ready for LST though. What I think I'll do is transplant the 10th planets and the blueberry cheese ones that are ready and hold off on the rest for a while. Hopfully I'll be able to show plants in final homes next week.
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 years ago
For those of you that use Organocide Plant Doctor (systemic fungacide) when do you typically apply it? How many times a season do you apply it and how much do you use? How old should the plants be before you apply it. Questions for the future.
Techniques. Other
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DoughHeadanswered grow question a year ago
I see this was months ago. Please select me as the answer so I have a chance to win grower of the month contest, I would truly appreciate it growmie!
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Also, if you need a fungicide for newborns., sprinkling a pinch of cinnamon around the babies and watering in, is all that's needed. Very cheap
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 2 years ago
Anyone other opinions on the product? I'm growing outdoors in soil and I have no symptoms of a fungal infection I was just curious about using it preventatively as I live in Central Maine where humidity gets very high and Temps fluctuate greatly. However I grew clones before and I have an idea they may have been infected from the start.
Week 8. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
13 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
11 L
152.4 cm
6/1 I'm anxious to get my plants in their final homes. Another 90 degree day today and then it will be cooling off with some showers. I plan to take advantage and utilize that to make the transition. I have some small burns on a couple plants bit considering the weather we've had its nothing. Temperature swings 50 degrees. I hope these girls do OK outside. I was tired and stoned last night and I accidently topped a plant I had already FIMed. Oh well. Transplants soon. Supports screwed in after the heat. Plants have been handling this weather like a champ. Big thick healthy stalks. UPDATE PUT THE PLANTS IN AROUND 730. Cutting down on light hours I'm poverty close to where we are. It was 95 today. Plants have suprisingly little burning. My fan was taken so they go without that tonight too. In the next few days it's going to cool down and that's when I'll transplant. Only thing left before transplant is sanitizing trellis and supports. Easy peezy. Especially if it's supposed to be in the 50s. And people dent climate change lol. I'm hoping that all this adversity makes my flower a higher quality. I'm glad to have the quantity to pick the best phenos for the BIG POTS. Im trying to stay excited but it's just so dumb hot. Oh well. If the plants can do it so can I. I'm planning to give them some kelp me kelp you next watering and may start some light organic nutes. 6/2 Phone doesn't like uploading my videos. Broke record high temp yesterday 95 and tomorrow we will break the record low 50. Plants withstood the heat well and are doing great. Transplant soon. They were a little light but I held off on the water. Plan on it tomorrow. May transplant tomorrow. I have several videos that haven't uploaded. I thought they did but I was wrong. Oh well. UPDATE: Forgot to water. Some were light and others could've held off. Did the half a powerade bottle ahain. A litt ke less on the heavier ones. However I'm looking to transplant into final homes tonight and into this weekend. I sanitized a fifty and a forty so my bags and two pots are sanitized. Cage is sanitized and ready and pallets are sanktized and in place. The 40 and 60 fit PERFECT in the small space left from the pallets. Plus the plants always lean the opposite direction so things should go smooth. Only thingvleft is sanitizing stakes, bamboo, plastic garden stakes and all the other plastic training stuff. I'll just soak it while I transplant. Gotta mix the soil first too though. UPDATE. Heat went higher than expected and hit 90. I figured I'd go back around three and screw in suppirt stakes and begin getting everything ready for transplant (i.e. supports, mix soil, sanitize trellis) before I transplanted tomorrow MORNING was what I had planned. Unfortunately we got a huge thunderstorm with a shot ton of rain and it's gonna continue throughout the night. I think this is God's way of telling me to take a break. I can get up early and get those support stakes screwed in. Then when I get back from the wife's doctor's I can do the transplants. I'm trying to break the labor up into manageable chunks. Looking at my other diaries I can see that my plantscare fine in their three gallon homes. It'd a little disheartening seeing such big clones that I started so much earlier on the other diaries. However I always was fighting SOMETHING (usually more than one thing) and last year was a shit show. At least this year I stay away from anyone else's cannabis any clones and I'm extremely cautious. I've seen my cousin out perform me multiple times with healthy plants like this I'm excited to see how it goes. I really needed the break anyway but tomorrow morning the stakes will be in. Hopefully they'll be outside. 6/3 Broke the record for low days after breaking record for highs. I saw it 94 yesterday and the day before. On the way to my grow at 6am it was 44 degrees and it's not warming up much. Fifties at best. Rainy. I left the door closed. The big door on the otherside got opened as the other end of the garage neededcto he used. If the rain let's up I'm going to set up the grade stakes so I can transplant in the morning and throughout the day. I think I'm going to light dep a couple of them and leave them in the 3's. We'll see. UPDATE: At 12:30 the temp today was 44. Yesterday it was 94. I can't believe this. Plants are doing great though and are in the garage under lights for the day. The BIG door was open part of the day. Didn't take any pictures (or even enter the grow area) as I sanitized the last 40 gallon pot and a bunch of grade stakes. I drilled the grade stakes to the pallets in the front. The first row is done. Just need to sanitize the plastic trellis itself and finish attaching the other grade stakes. I don't need the fill trellis up by transplant. I just need the bags to not knock over and have SOME support. I'll be back over there either to tonight to put more supports in or tomorrow when I actually plan to start transplanting. I'm getting excited. After dealing witb the stiff that I sanitized I didn't dare go fuck with my plants so I looked through the window. I'll finish sanitizing the net tomorrow. These plants look great. I'm wondering if doing the two diagonal I poles with zipties actually works. It would save me some kone for sure. I'll definitely update in the morning. 6/4 It's warmed up to a balmy 44 degrees. My plantsxare in the garage still. Weather sucks this whole week but after this heavy rain it should be perfect weather to transplant these girls. A little to chilly but it will warm up and I need to get this shit done. I'm trying to do to much at once. I need to just out dirt in bags and get them outside. I'm glad I waited until after this craziness. Breaking temp records for high one day then breaking it for low the next can't be good for the plants. I'll update what gets done today. I may mix soil or I might wait until tomorrow. It will let up some then. Plants still look fabulous 👌 6/5 50 degrees still raining like hell. Rain until Friday. Plants are inside under the onecworking light. Lots of indirect light through the massive windows though. I'm planning on mixing soil today and tomorrow and getting bags and pots half filled. Just trying to break the labor up into manageable pieces. It's probably a good thing I didn't put them in their huge containers before all this rain. UPDATE: MIXED SOIL 1/3 of each (FOX FARM OCEAN FOREST, HAPPY FROG, AND ROOTS ORGANIC 707). I prepared I believe 11 containers for transplant. I need to sanitize two more containers and I'm good. I got a lot done. Might go back over. Set up extra cams too. I'm excited. Talked to my commercial buddy amd he motivated me. No reason my plants can't handle this shit. I've just had massive personal shit going on. Friday is the next GOOD day but these girls might go out earlier. I'm checking the forecast. I'll sanitize the other containers in the morning and fill them. 6/5 Today is usually my watering day but shit still seems heavy so I'm going to hold off. Despite that i need to transplant. I think they're wet enough. I could do it today. Plants are looking good and weather takes a better turn Friday. It's not raining hard though. It's just sprinkle right now. I may transplant some today depending on how things go. I'll keep the diary updated. UPDATE: I went back over with the intent to just mix soil and let it acclimate. I decided to try to transplant one. I grabbed a 10th planet and started to go. I had done a bunch of manual labor already so i wasn't thinking. Of course the fucker was dry and didn't wanna come out ofcthe pot and the root ball pretty much decintigrated in my hand so I'm not sure how that will go. Tried again with the Blueberry Cheese Cake. I thought the roots just might not have been rootbound abdcthat could've been the case. After having another rough transplant I recognized I was tired, all the hard stuff is done and it's gonna keep raining until Friday. I wanted to transplant three and put them outside but with the wind and rain and the difficult transplant I let them sit under the light in the garage in indirect light. I had the doors open for a while. Should be open now but i don't want to have to go back over and shut it. Plus I'm not to keen on getting water on my light. Let's hope for a better day tomorrow. This was the only thing I had going good. Phrple punches are still behind. I've decided I'm oing to light dep ttwo of the plants in the 3 gallon pots. The two shittiest or smallest plants (probably purple punch will be light deped. WENT BACK OVER AT FIVE AND IT APPEARS EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT. WILL HAVE CHECK IN MORNING. Vid won't upload. Tried multiple times. I'll try again tomm. 6/6 Waiting for a doctor's appointment when I should be transplanting buy whatever. Everything is looking really good. Despite me disint9grating the rootball in my hands the two transplants look great! When I get back I'm planning to get some more work done. It's still lightly raining off and on but the door is up. I'm lettingvthe soil mix acclimate a little bit too. Hard labor is mostly done. Now the intricate part. Wish me luck. Not sure if it will be today bit I'm hoping. WENT BACK OVER CAUSE IT WASNT RAINING BUT AS SOON AS I WAS CLOSE IT STARTED POURING SO THE PLANTS ARE UNDER THE ONE WORKING 150HPS AND THE AMBIENT LIGHTING FROM THE WINDOWS. TOMORROW IS TRANSPLANT DAY. I WONT HAVE A VEHICKE SO IT WILL BE TRICKY BUT IM GONNA MAKE IT HAPPEN. Opened doors at 530. Video still didn't upload 6/7 Still raining. It's off and on and a nice rain though. It's 53 degrees at noon. I transplanted two 10th planet's into 20 gallon pots. I transplanted these two a little differently. I put the bags in there final spot I side my cage andctransplanted in the misting rain. The first one came out and seemed to be heavier on the bottom and broke off. I tend to "throw" them in the hole before they collapse. With my anxiety I suck at transplanting. Plus these plants haven't filled the 3 gallon pots with roots yet but i want hem in their final homes and its time to go outside. I transplanted the other two plants indoors and let them have days in the garage with the door open and the light on then protection from the elements at night. I've been doing this for awhile. They would all be outside if the weather wasn't so shitty. This rain is supposed to stop. I'm curious as to what will be the fate of the two plantsci transplanted and left outside. I'm praying and hoping for the best. I also put my back tarp up so I have a wind break between rhe buildings. I stopped working because I didn't want to fuck anything up. Anxiety disorders suck. TOOK A BUNCH OF VIDS BUT THEY WONT UPLOAD. GOES FROM 9% TO 65% BUT ALWA7S TURNS RED "FILE FAILED TO LOAD". I'LL KEEP THE DIARY UPDATED. ESPECIALLY IF I GO BACK OVER. WAS ABLE TO LOAD A COUPLE VIDEOS. I GUESS ITS NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT. AT LEAST I HOPE. WENT BACK OVER AT 3 AND CHECKED THINGS OUT. THE TWO REXENT TRANSPLANTS I LEFT OUTSIDE SEEMED TO BE IMPROVING. DESPITE THE FACT I DUMPED A SHIT TON OF SOIL ALL OVER ONE OF THEM. IT SNAPPED A LITTLE BRANCH CLOSEST TO THE SURFACE. ITS STUFF I'LL REMOVE ANYWAY BUT STILL. IM REALLY CROSSING MY FINGWRS AND PRAYING THESE GIROS WILL MAKE IT. With everything i have going on tjis is my respite.IM GOING TO TRY TO SEE WHAT I CAN ACCOmplish TOMORROW. SOME OF THE PURPLE PUNCHES ARENT READY FOR TRANSPLANTING THOUGH. I ALSO ADDED TEO TARPS TO THE CAGECTO COVER THE WIND TOWER BETWEEN THE TWO BUILDINGS. THIS IS GOING TO BE A GOOD YEAR! Shut the door at seven. For some reason the two 10th planet's I transplanted (that fell all over the plant and I thought mightve broke it) look awesome lol. Despite the ridiculous pouring rain. It's going to let up soon and we are do fir some good weather. I'm trying to get everything (that isn't getting light depoed) into the cage. Four transplanted. Ten (I mean 8 more) to go.
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
6/9 I can't believe it but I had faith. The transplant yesterday LOOKED like it was fucked. I cleaned it up though and left it outside. This morning it was standing straight up. Both transplants were! I put tarps up to block the wind tunnel between buildings. It's still overcast and rainy. Sun isn't supposed to come out for a couple poke days. Chance of thubder storms tomorrow but I'm going to try to get everyone in their forever homes today. Or at least most of them. I plan to light dep a few right in the 3 gallon. I'm sure I'll be updating this after I get some work done. UPDATE: I WENT OVER AND GOT THREE MORE TRANSPLANTED. THAT MEANS FIVE ARE OUTSIDE IN THE CAGE. TWO 10TH PLANET, 2 BLUEBERRY CHEESE AND A LITTLE PURPLE PUNCH. THE 3 GALLON POTS WERE RELATIVELY HEAVY SO I PICKED THE LIGHTER ONES TO TRANSPLANT. I LEFT THE ORHER TWO 10TH'S IN THE GARAGE WITH THE DOOR OPEN WITH THE REMAINING PLANTS. I ALSO ADDED WIND BREAKS AND SUPPORTS TO EVERYTHING. I WANTED TO GET EVERUTHING DONE TODAY BUT THERE MAY BE A THUNDER STORM SO IF I DONT GET IT DONE ITS NOT A BIG DEAL AND ILL FINISH TOMORROW. TRANSPLANTS WENT SMOOTH. I THINK THEY'LL GO EVEN SMOOTHER IF THEY DRY OUT A BIT. STILL HAVE THE 50 AND 40'S TO FILL. Took a bunch of videos but the don't want to load. I'll have to try tomorrow or later tonight. UPDATE: I TOOK TONS OF PICTURES AND VIDEOS BUT THEY DONT WANT TO SEEM TO UPLOAD. IVE GOT SIX IN THERE FINAL HOMES OUTDOORS 20s and 30 gallon smart pots. Still have massive plants but I'm going to out those in the 50 and the 40. I'll finish this shit up tomorrow and get all the girls in their forever homes and if I don't have room for some I was planning on doing a light dep anyway so that will work out good. I learned a lot and transplanting went a lot smoother todsy than before. I feel really proud of myself. The last Transplant I did break a few leaves off that I didn't notice but whatever. I used tomato cages for suppirt on two and bamboo poles and string on the others. I'll add the vertical trellis as they grow. I'm proud of myself. 6/10 I got a lot done yesterday. Six are outside already. Two are in 20s in the garage. I'm planning on transplanting the rest today or tomorrow. I'll update later. Accidently uploaded lots of stuff on the wrong week. UPDATE: I TRANSPLANTED THAT SUPER TALL PURPLE PUNCH THAT I DIDNT TOP OR HST AT ALL INTO A 40 GALLON TUB. ROOTS WERE DRY AND THIS TIME IT ACTUALLY LOOKED LIKE THEY FELL AWAY. THE PLANT HOWEVER STAYED STANDINGVUP FINE. I THINK THIS PHENO IS GOING TO BE A TOUGH ONE. LOOKS GOOD LIKE AN HOUR LATER. I HAD THE 50 READY TO TRANSPLANT THIS MONSTER BLUEBERRY CHEESE I FIMed BUT THE POTS WERE SUPER HEAVY AND I FIGURED I NEEDED TO SLOW DOWN AND THINK. WE HAVE THUNDER STORMS COMING TONIGHT. TOMORROW IS GOOD. I MAY TRY TO FINISH UP TONIGHT BUT WE SHALL SEE. THE GOOD THING WITH DOING IT A FEW AT A TIME IS THAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS OUTSIDE IVE STILL GOT A CROP INSIDE LOL. WHAT IM PLANNING TO DO IS EITHER LIGHT DEP THAT BIG BLUEBERRY CHEESE OR PUT IT IN THE FIFTY BUT IM PLANNING TO LIGHT 3 RIGHT IN THEIR 3 GALLON CONTAINERS. HAVENT DECUDED FOR SURE BUT IM THINKING THATS WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN.......of course videos won't upload and the ones that do are old videos. Damn. I need to sharpen my computer skills....and my growing skills. Especially transplanting. I suck at transplanting. I decided not to out all my eggs in one basket and left the 10th planet amd Blue berry cheese in the 20s in the garage. I pulled them out for light further but I'm ousting them back a little tonight. That way I'll have a back up if something catastrophic happens. I doubt it but better safe than sorry. I'm proud of what I've accomplished thus far. I've successfully uploaded my 1 minute plus video several times but it won't appear. Oh well. I'll try to load the videos tomorrow I guess. Just started raining. Just a light rain. Probably what fresh transplants like. 6/11 BEAUTIFUL outside. Today is the day. Most is done and I'll add the supports as trellis as they grow. This new grow space gets about twice as much sun as my old spot. The tar stops the burrowing insects. I'm getting everything out today. I just need to decide if I'm going to light dep that MASSIVE blueberry cheese or bite the bullet and put it in the fifty. Maybe I'll try to get some help from my cousin. Plants withstood the thunderstorm like Champs. I'll update as the day goes on. I planned better this year so I SHOULDN'T have an unmanageable jungle. UPDATE: WATERED THE 3 PLANTS LEFT IN THE 3 GALLONS (1 10th PLANET WITH GREAT BRANCH STRUCTURE AND TWO PURPLE PUNCH THAT WERE THE SMALLER ONES. IM GOING TO LIGHT DEP THEM. EVERYTHING IS OUTSIDE NOW IN A MIX OF 1/3 FOX FARM OCEAN FOREST, HAPPY FROG AND ROOTS ORGANIC 707 IN EQUAL PARTS. TRANSPLANTED WITH MYKOS. EVERYTHING IS OUTSIDE NOW. FINALLY DECIDED TO GET The MONSTER BLUE CHEESE I FIMed INTO ITS FOREVER HOME A 50 FALLON POT. IT WAS TGE EASIEST BEST TRANSPLANT OF THEM ALL. JUST LIKE AETTING A POT IN THE WHOLE. I DONT EVEN THINK THE PLANT NOTICED. ONE OF THE PURPLE PUNCHES HAD ROOTS OB ONE OF ITS LEAVES WHEN I LOOKED BUTVIT WAS STILL STANDING UO STEAIGHT. I KNOW SOME OF THE PLANTS LOOK DROOPY BUT WEVE HAD SEVERAL DAYS OF RAIN AND A MASDIVE THUNDER STORM. I BROUGHT OUT THE EARLIER TRANSPLANTS AS WELL. THEY ARE OUT OF THE SHOCK. WIND IS PRETTY HIGH BUT I DONT WANT TO ADD MORE TARPS. I THINK THINGS ARE SECURED GOOD ENOUGH FOR NOW. IM SUPER STOKED THAT TRANSPLANT WENT SO GOOD! Went back at 7:30pm. Some plants have a little bit of transplant shock and a little bit of burn but it's negligible considering they've been through a thunderstorm with pouring rain and extremely high winds. That blueberry cheese in the 50 transplanted so easy and still looks like it didn't even know the difference. I'll start light dep once I get a plan. Plants are recovering nicely but should something happen to one I could replace it. I'm interested in the light dep though and I've got a pretty good idea how to start. 6/12 The plants that had a little transplant shock are coming out of it. We had a thunderstorm and pouring rain the day of some of the transplants. Wasn't forecasted. High winds moved the plants around a bunch bit they are tough as hell. Everything is out now. Suppisedcto have showers the next few days. I'm putting together a feeding schedule abd setting up a spit to start light dep on the three plants I decided to flower early. The cage now gets twice as much sun as before. This is going to be a good year. Went back over and plants are perking up and doing even better everytime I see them. I took a video but it might not upload until tomorrow. I may start a new diary for the light dep. I have a few places I'm thinking to use for light dep. I need to make a solid plan before I start so maybe a day or two. Trying to upload again but I doubt it. 6/13 Had a rushed morning but I watered the plants in the 3 gallons as they were dry. I had added more soil to a couple of the bags. The top soil is startingvtj dry out but the plants look good and we are supposed to get rain so I don't really want to water if it's going to be raining. I think I've found my light dep spot and schedule. I'll update after I do something. WENT BACK OVER AND SPRAYED A LITTLE BIT OF WATER ON THE EXTREMELY DRY TOPSOIL THAT I HAD TOPPED SOME OF THE PLANTS OFF WITH. SHITTY THING IS THAT WAS ADDED AFTER THE THUNDER STORM SO IT MAKES IT HARDER TO JUSTE THE PLANTS WATERING NEEDS. I CAN TELL THAT ONE OFCTHE FIRST TEANSPLANTS IS STILL HOLDING WATER. I MEAN WE GOT A DOWNPOUR AND I DONT WABT TO WATER IF WE'RE GOING TO BE GETTING RAIN ANYWAY. IM GOING TO LOOK BACK OVER THE DIARY. THATS ONE GREAT THING ABOUT THESE. YOU CAN GO BACK AND CHECK YOUR WORK. 6/14 Glad I held off watering. It's raining today. Just showers. We haven't gotten any of that extreme wind we usually do. I have the plants supported but I still worry. Definitely more than I should. Plants are still doing good and acclimating to there homes. I have not started the light dep with the 3 gallons but I think I've found my spot. Once I start it will just be staying consistent putt8ng them in and out. I need to train them anyway. I have some research to do and a joint to smoke so I'll update later.
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1 comment
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
6/15. Glad I listened to my intuition and held off watering. IT Rained andctheb again last night. Plants seem to be doingvreal well. Slight burn on lower leaves where it was before from being in the garage and I found on spot that LOOKED like it could've been caused by a pillar but it's right on a burn. I sefoliated one leaf. This is minor stuff. Next watering I'll be adding silica. I'm not giving nutes until the plants tell the need them. The 3 gallon ones may receive nutes first as they'll run out. I'll update as I progress. Went back over at 8:30. It's just overcast with showers. Plants seemed to like it. They all look good. Noticed a chunk out of a leaf and a POSSIBLE pillar spot. I'm going to have to get the BT out and and give the girls an application. I'm waiting until they settle in a bit more though. I need to start LST as well AND the light dep. Unfortunately "life" has made things difficult. I'll get back over there today though and I'll start the light dep. Kinda makes me wonder though. The 1pth planet I wanted to light deo is tge same size as the others in the much bigger containers. The thought came that maybe I should just hold on to them as extras in case something happens. I also am going to start silica next watering but it will be a few weeks before any nutes are given. UPDATE: WENT BACK OVER AT FIVE AND TOOK ACSHOT TON OF PICTURES. IM TRYING TO UOLOAD NOW. THINGS ARE POPPING OFF AND IM GETTING A NICE SWEET SKUNKY ODOR. WHILE I WASCTHERE WE GOT A QUICK SHOWER. DIDNT LAST MORE THAN TEN MINUTES BUT IT RAINED HARD. I FOUND A TEMPORARY SPOT TO LIGHT DEP THE TWO PURPLE PUNCH AND THE ONE TENTH PLANET. I DONT SEE ANY LIGHT LEALS AND ITS SURE AS HELL DARKER THAN IT IS AT NIGHT. I'LL SEE HOW IT GOES LEQVING THE COVER ON ALL NIGHT. IF IT DOESNT WORK I MAY JEED TO ADD A FAN OR CHANCECTHE SPACE. I ALMOST DIDNT WANT TO DO THIS AS THE 10TH PLANET IS KEEPING PACE WITH ITS SISTERS, DESPITE THE SMALLER POT. OH WELL I WANT TO GIVE IT A SHOT AND I DONT WANT MY CAGE OVER CROWDED. I'M LOOKONG TO DO A 6:30 TO 6:30 SCHEDULE. 6/16 First night of light dep for the three little ones. I won't be able to call them that soon. I'm currently trying to upload a video. My grow buddy mentioned the droopiness of a couple of my plants in this video and how I hadn't been watering. This kinda scared me so I ran over and checked the too few inches on the two that had a little droop and came out dry. I had some water already phed ready to go (I'm hoping that the ph doesn't change if it's stored a day or two) and used the gallon to moisten the dry topsoil. Looking back over my diary we have had nothing but rain. I then tried the "lift the pot method" and came to the conclusion that these bags were indeed still holding moisture. I assumed they would be considering the thunderstorms we've had. I held off on fullt watering because the weather said the next dry day is going to be Monday. Today is Friday so thats two solid days of rain. Three if you count today through the night. I concentrated my watering of the one gallon on the couple plants that appeared to droop. If it doesn't rain like they say it will I will need to water. I need to set up a decent watering schedule but I need it to hold off raining long enough to do so. UPDATE: I WENT BACK OVER AND PUT THE 3 GALS IN FOR BED AND CHECKED OUT THE REST OF THE GARDEN. I WATERED THE 3 GAL GIRLS A LITTLE MORE SINCE THEY WONT BE OUTSIDE. THE BIT OF WATER I GAVE SEEMED TO HELP LIFT SOME OF THE GIRLS. AT LEAST I THINK IT DID. THE RAIN SHOULDVE COME ALREADY. I WOULDVE WATERED MORE HAD THE BAGS NOT BEEN SO HEAVY. 6/17 Rained all night which is good. Brought the three transplants out but left them under the overhang so they. Dont get soaked. So far light depoing is going good. Well its only been two nights but we'll see. I'll update as I go. Not feeling well today. Went back over and checked on the plants and did a video. Probably won't get uploaded until tomorrow. I'm giving it a shot. It's raining in good shape. Plants looked fine when I was there. I need to get my supports and my trellis in place. Video won't upload. No suprise. I'll get it tomorrow. 6/18 Uploaded videos if they fuck up from me editing I'm gonna be pissed. Anyway it's still pouring with high winds. I added a couple supports where it looked like it needed it. I need to put my trellis up. I've been able to keep up with the light dep and those plants haven't been used and abused. They stay in the building facing the sun when the weather is this bad. I think they're looking great. I may start a new diary just for them. Sun came out around four. Trying to upload a couple videos but doesn't look like it's going to happen. Tucked the three little ones in at six. It had stopped raining and the wind died down some. If adverse conditions create good plants then I'm on the way to a great harvest. Minor bleaching and burns on a few lower fan leaves and some wrinkling on some from wind burn other than that plants seem to be acclimated. Did a video but will have to wait until tomorrow to upload 6/19 It's not raining! We got four inches this past storm lol. Having the bags raised on pollens I believe has greatly helped. As did the high winds that help dry the soil in the bag. Had to add a few temporary supports. Light dep is going good. Adjusted amd found a better spot. I'm considering getting "pool noodles" or some other thing like a Hulu hoops or pvc pipe and making either a frame on the roof for the entire cage or on top of each individual plants posts so I could roll clear plastic over it when it rains. I'm thinking about later on in the fall when this could really help. I found a roll of plastic. Also thought about putting that up on the back wall but I didn't. What I'm doing right now is working. I just need to keep up with it. I also need a solid watering schedule to stick too. It's hard when each plants needs are different. Oh well. I'm just happy to be growing again. I pray to the cannabis gods and the Lord above himself that I'm not plagued with the problems of last year. 6/20. I'm sick as fuck but I got the little girls out in the sun. Light dep is going good. Plants look great. I'll update when I feel better and if I do anything. Still feel like shit. Luckily I looked up just in time to get to the grow and put the little ones to bed. They were thirsty (especially the bushy 10th planet so I gave them about 3/4 of a gallon of water. Got lots of run off from 10th planet. Didn't notice as much from the others but I was hurrying. I'll upload later. Still sick. 6/21 Plants seem to be doing great. I removed some lower growth on a few just to see how they respond. I'm going to do some defoliation down low and I want to see how the plants respond. I'm planning my first full watering Thursday as we have a real good stretch of weather after that. Grow bags are still heavy as hell so they have sufficient water. I'll be adding silica nextcl watering. Not time for nutes but I think it would be okay to start the silica and in another week I might start small doses of nutes. The light dep on the little girls is go8ng great! It's cool I'll get to sample some of these strains before fall. I'll update after I do something. Tucked the girls in at 6. I might need to think about transplanting that 10th planet in the 3 gallon. I watered until runoff yesterday and it's light as hell today. Plus I fimked it and it's bushy as hell. I've Bern turning it si it gets all angles of the sun. I have a bag of 707 left and a 5 gallon bucket with holes drilled all over it like an air pot and a ten gallon grow bag. This will take some thought. Hot af today. I wad able to lift the grow bags so I decided tomorrow will be the girls first real watering. I think I'll be adding silica and possibly kelp me kelp you due to the heat stress I've been noticing. Nothing bad just a few tacoed leaves. I've had several people that have seen my grow in person tell me that this is by far the healthiest (not biggest I've had bigger) but by farcthe healthies5 crop I've grown. They believe I'll have my best year ever this year. I hope they are right. Vid won't be uploaded until tomorrow. 6/22 WATERED TODAY. I'm still a little gun shy with watering. That fusarium last year pretty much traumatized me. I left the container plants alone. I gave them a little water but not enough to do much. I used a pump sprayer on a mist setting and went one by one and back around gently watering the entire medium. This took forever and I'll be finding a different way to water. I hope this was enough water. I'll check later on and if they look like they want more I give it to them. I started LST on the light dep 10th planet and tucked some branches of a another under the tomato cage. I had missed that earlier. I also went around and cleaned up the bottoms on most. Getting rid of things that will amount to nothing. I noticed what looked like thrip damage on ONE leaf on ONE plant. I also saw a chunk missing from a grasshopper bite and a finger of a fan leaf petiol was broken so I'm going to need to get my ipm up and running. I'm unsure whether I'll be using chemicals or predators. Probably BT and spinosad. That's what I've had the best luck with. I also noticed bottom leaves dying off on the bottom of a couple plants. It was where the burns were though so I'm almost 100% its just related to the light burns they got when i first put them up. I'll be updating the diary as I do more stuff.
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
71 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
Nutrients 2
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.43 mll
Kelp Me Kelp You - Fox Farm
Kelp Me Kelp You 0.651 mll
6/23 Due To The Two 8 Day weeks this week will only consist of five days to get me back on track. SEE LAST WEEK FOR DETAILS. I DID ANOTHER EIGHT DAY WEEK. I'LL DO THIS WEEK AS SIX DAYS. THAT WAY IM BACK ON SCHEDULE. WATERED 6/22. WENT BACK AT NIGHTCAND WATERED ANOTHER GALLON WITH 1/3 TSP Armor Si. I mixed the solution with kelp you kelp me but I dumped it out. I've mixed silica with other nutes before but I had read something earlier about bioavailability issues and I didn't want to risk it. My plants are the healthiest I've ever grown. I'm considering transplanting the large 10th planet that I'm light depping. I also need to develop my ipm and my nute schedule. Still gonna have to keep an eye onvthe water situation. Luckily I have a buddy in my corner that's co tinualkt Bern a great help. WENT BACK OVER AROUND NOON. BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE AND THE PLANTS WERE LOVING THIS SUN. I DEFOLIATED SOME BURNED LEAVES AND MIXED A SOLUTION IF KELP ME KELP YOU THAT I PLAN TO FEED TO THE GARDEN TODAY. IM HAPPY WITH HOW THINGS ARE GOING. WE HAVE SOME RAIN AND THINDERSTORMS COMING. I NEED TO GET MY IPM UP AND RUNNING AND THE NUTES ONLINE. I ALSO NEED TO DECIDE IF IM GOING TO TRANSPLANT THE LIGHT DEP 10th PLANET. Went back over to put the girls to bed at six and if was still 90 degrees. The water from yesterday had dissipated. The tops were dust dry. I mixed two gallons of kelp you kelp me and fed it to the garden. Afterwards I pointed qbd found a couple plants that were more open to the wind were a little lighter. I know tomorrow will be very hot. Maybe quarter inch of rain. However after that it will rain (showers) off and on for days. I wanted to make sure the girls had what the needed to make it through tjis heat wave until they get that rain. I had another gallon mixed up and I'm thinking I should've given it to them. Oh well. I'd rather underwater than overwater any day. I did notice a burnt top on the plant furthest from the tarp that the sun JUST BARELY TOUCHES when the rest are in shade. I'll just raise the tarp a little. These are tiny problems. Can't upload video until tomorrow. 6/24 Good thing u gave the plants that water. I know it wasn't much but we didn't get any rain. Suppised to get a qtr in today and another qtr in tomorrow. Then rain a couple more days. It's working our really good for my watering schedule lol. Yesterday the girls got there first dose of a bottled nute. They got two gallons of kelp me kelp you (1/3 tsp per gallon) and another gallon of just phed water. I was going to do another gallon but held off due to the threat of syring rain. Didn't get it bur it looks like the plants loved the kelp. It had reached 90 yesterday. They look better today. It's 70 at 9 today. I LST the 10th planet in the 3 gallon. It's getting huge. I should start a separate diary for those three light dep plants. Its cool as hell watching this. One of the purple punches is flowering pretty good. I probably should start another diary for them. I'll be starting to feed my plants soon. Wondering if I should pinch plants again. TUCKED THE LITTLE GIRLS IN AT SIX AND SHOT A VIDEO AND TOOK SOME PUCTURES. PLANTS LOOKED PHENOMINAL! GOT HOME AND AROUND SEVEN IT JUST STARTED RORREBTIAL DOWNPOURS! THE TYPE OF RAIN THAT BREAKS STEMS. I SHOULDVE PUT MY OTHET TARP UP BUT I DIDNT. I WISH I HAD. IM A LITTLE NERVOUS. I KNOW THESE GIRLS ARE STRONG THOUGH! TOMORROW. ILL ROLL THE RARP UP AND SECURE THE BOTTOM FOR FAST ACCESS. IM ALSO GOING TO KOOK INTO FINDING A TOP FOR MY CAGE I CAN USE IN INCLIMENT WEATHER. 6/25 That little qtr in of rain we were supposed to get turned into torrential downpours and high winds. Luckily no REAL damage. If you watch the video you'll see what I mean. I'm going to havecto be cognizant moving forward. Noticed a few chunks from leaves butvplants are still healthy. I'm surprised how well these girls withstood this storm. They are certainly resilient. The 2 purple punch 1 10th planet that I'm light depping are flowering nicely now. They missed all the commotion from the storm as they were inside. It's smelling good. I'm happy. 6/26 It's what a friend would say is "maineing") out. That mistcthe plants love. I'm surprised the plants are doing as good as they have been considering the wind. Will be adding nutes soon. Need to add extra supports too. Light dep 6/27 Brief periods or torrential downpours. Light depped 3 gallon 0lants are under an overhanfcwhete the hatsxrain can't hurt them but they still get sun. They are really starting to flower now! I'm going to begin feeding with a base nute and a flower nute I think. I'm thinking about giving the light dep some open sesame or something similar. I need to set up a nute program soon but the plants ALL look so healthy! And it's been raining! I've only watered like once or twice since they've been in the big pots. I've seen zero pests aside from a chunk missing from a grasshopper. Usually by now I'd have battled half a dozen things and be battling another half dozen. However I was posing from clones. These are seeds and boy don't I see the difference!
1 like
Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
21 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
Nutrients 3
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.43 mll
Kelp Me Kelp You - Fox Farm
Kelp Me Kelp You 0.651 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
IVE MADE MORE VIDEOS BUT THEY JUST DON'T SEEM TO UPLOAD AND IT'S FAR TO SLOW TO DO IT FROM HOME 6/27 Made last week a five day week to get back on track. It's still overcast and rainy. It's not raining a lot bit it's consistent. Despite the weather the plants are doing phenomenal. I'll update later. It's 1pm. It's been raining consistently since 11. Just a sprinkle but it's steady. I'm going to begun uploading the weeks weather on my diary. I may start a new diary for the plants I light depped as they are flowering pretty good. Rain stopped and it's just overcast for now. I looked at some videos and did a comparison of videos one week ago and videos today and HOLY SHIT! WHAT A DIFFERENCE. Especially the light depped 10th planet. Well everything but that was the most significant difference. I'm astonished at the health and growth despite the crummy weather. Continued to rain. Just got harder. Plants are taking it but it's flooding underneath the pallets a little but it will be fine. The light dep however has me concerned. The 10th planet is looking spectacular. The bigger purple punch I'd looking good too. The smaller one though looks to have a pollen sack coming off one of the branches. Considering its not on the otherside I assume it's not just a swollen calyx. I don't mind chucking it especially if that means I don't hurt my other girls so I want to make sure. I sent videos to a few other growers and I'll add a question on here. Those three plants have been isolated from the rest for a few days due to rain. I have the suspect isolated alone until I can confirm. It sucks cause the light Depp was going good and the6ve all got little flowers. 6/28 Well that fucking sucks. ALL THREE plants I tried to light depp hermed on me. I could see male flowers. Luckily I had been keeping a really good eye on them and it was preflowers mostly. At least I caught it. One or two stamines on each plant. Would've been really easy to miss. Only one had STARTED to elongate into a stem so I think I caught it early enough. Plus since all this rain they've been kept in a different location then my big girls. Glad I did that now. Boy the roots looked good on those plants. I just grabbed the stalk and lifted and it came right out of the pot. I held it there admiring it for a minute. This sucks. At least the real plants are doing good. As far as I know. No male preflowers that's for sure. I've got some feedback from other growers and the videos are a little blurry but I had found a light leak and I'm certain these plants hermed. I know I could've tried to save them but I didn't want to risk it. I compared what I was seeing with Google photos and other websites. Aside from the larger ball with its stem, there were also several little bumps besides developed calyxes that were weaving into little buds. Trust me that I wouldn't cut down my plants if I wasn't 110% sure. I might've been able to "save them" but to me it's just not worth the risk. 6/29 I was second guessing myself pretty hard last night due to some responses I got on my light dep and messages I got from other growets. Made my anxiety horrible but I looked on several video's I'd taken again and I know what I saw. I felt better after that. This was after I researched and waited THREE days until I saw the ball on the stem and the groupings of small nubs under a fresh yellow flower. These plants were flowering good and it sucks to lose them. One MAY have been ok but one was a runt and had all the characteristics of a true hermaphrodite. They were only in 3's and I couldn't risk my harvest for an experiment. Still sucks. Oh well. Sun is starting to come out. Plants seem to be doing fantastic. I have one spot on a leaf that looks like a pillar munched on a leaf so I'll probably get the bt out soon as I have a dry day that I can apply it. I'll have to check the weather. I need to start a nute regiment but the plants aren't telling me they need anything yet. 6/30 I fucked up dates or dodnt do it yesterday or it didnt save right so I'm leaving this blank today is the 1st. 7/1 I have still only watered s couple times and I haven't had to feed. This week I'm going to start nutes. I had some external ersonal situations that have kept me from my plants. I'm hoping to get back on track. I noticed some pillar damage so I'll need to dig out the BT. This morning I saw this giant ground hog by my cage. Hated too but had to get rid of him. Of course some of the blowback landed on the leaves of one of my plants. I tried to clean it as best I could. Better than that fat bastard eating everything in one night. I broke a branch either falling around it or bulling through when I was pissed or I LST it the wrong way and the wind broke it against the tomato cage. Nice big branch too on top. I tried to fix it with duct tape but we'll see. The plants need me to spend sometime with them. I need to clean them up. Apply bt and give them their first feeding. I'll update as I go. They don't seem nutrient deficient by any means but I don't think it would hurt to start the nutes. 7/2 Bags were lighter today and if it wasn't going to rain tonight and tomorrow I'd he watering. Plants look great so soil isn't depleted yet I guess. They're growing rather rapidly. The branch I broke didnt make it. Had an idea it wouldn't but I had to try. I waited on the BT on account of the rain. I may go back over and change my mind and water with silica or a mild nute solution or maybe apply the BT. Depends what time I get back. I have some work I need to do over there. There's a few that I need to clean up the bottoms on. Pest damage is minor and limited to one or two plants and a leaf or two only. 7/3 More rain. It was supposed to rain this morning too but it didn't. We got .33in yesterday and through last night so I thought that was ok. Looking back on my previous diaries I'm doing things significantly different than before. I had used a lot more nutes earlier on. This morning I mixed two gallons of 2tsp of big bloom and fed it to the 9 plants in smart pots leaving the container plants as they have much more water in them. Looking back at other diaries I previously had, WPM and septoria by this time not to mention a shit ton of other pests I was fighting by this time. Since I poisoned where the cagexwas multiple times and sprayed the cage before it was moved I luckily don't have that problem yet knock on wood. I'm planning to apply BT tonight to deal with the moth larvae if there are any. I'm looking at plants around this area and im seeimg SOME septoria and pm on raspberry bushes and burdock so it is around. I made sure my cage is not by any other vegetation this year and is sitting on asphalt with the bags on raised pallets. Good thing I did or I guarantee they'd be flooded by now. I've been seeing multiple complaints from maine growers online (AND THEY HAVE HEALTHY PLANTS!) saying this is the worst year ever. Maybe they need a dose of fusarium oxysporum to keep them humble. This is maine. If you don't like the weather just wait five minutes. Meanwhile I'll be doing my sun dance hoping for sun. "Hard to grow cannabis with no sunlight" said another grower on my forum.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hey growmies! I had a few extra plants and decided to light dep them. One looks like it may have developed a pollen sac. I was just hoping someone could confirm that for me. I have a video as well bur internet is slow here. No other spots on the plant
Plant. Other
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 2 years ago
I uploaded the wrong video for this question. It was an earlier one. I thought I had uploaded a photo to begin with but I guess not. What happened was I found out that I had a light leak in the place I was depping my plants. Upon further inspection I marked several spots on the three plants. I monitored them over a three day period. Pistols were already abound and the "preflowers" (tiny puff balls) had little nubs underneath them that looked identical to what I had researched. I still waited. I then found the same on the large 10th planet AND I found a large male pollen sac that I had watched develop. Had its own little stem. As much as I would like to think they didn't herm and I was wrong, I can't because I know they did and I know why. I may have been able to save those three plants in 3 gallon containers some way but I'd be risking the ones in 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s to do so. Easy decision. Even if I had these opinions earlier.
Week 13. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
Nutrients 3
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.43 mll
Kelp Me Kelp You - Fox Farm
Kelp Me Kelp You 0.651 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
7/4 SUN was poking out a little bit. Plants loved that little feeding and seen to he noticeable larger this morning. I'm considering starting the nutes. At least the organic ones as well as upping the water intake I've been scared to water with all this rain and my experience last time. I plan on applying BT this afternoon and doing some work on the bottoms of the plants. I also saw a chipmunk in my cage so I have some spots in my fence that need to be patched. I know I can't compare this year to orher years as these are seeds and all the other years were clones. I CAN say for certain that my plants are healthiest they've been out of any of my journals. Previous plants were much larger but I was fighting numerous fungal, pathogens and pests at the sane time. Ear wigs would've lollipopped most buddies by now but I've seen no sign of them. I'm going to apply more poison where they were and add some rat traps inside the cage for the chipmunks. Once I fix the cage I think I'll be good. UPDATE: Went back over and fixed the holes on my cage from high winds. I found an old wire trap or cage and just cut sections and ziptied them to the existing wire and to the structure thus covering any open holes. I'll need to put lathes aroubdvtge outside because if a rodent REALLY wanted in they could get in. My belt had been wearing thin but I use shit until it breaks (yesterday the heal came off my shoe lol) so I was working hard sweating my nuts off and my belt gives out totally. At least ive got the major stuff done. I took a few videos too. I'm imagining it was this little bit of sun that gave these plants that boost of growth but I'm wondering if the added nutes had anything to do with it. Bags weren't light and I could feel moisture in the soil so I didn't water. I'll check again tomorrow morning. Since I didn't see many plants or even leaves for that matter with damage I decided to hold off ob the BT and the plant doctor. Only time will tell if that was the right decision. 7/5 Plants look fantastic. I see a few more holes in leaves sporadically amd I'm hoping it's pillars. I've seen lots of lightning bugs on my camera though and grasshoppers are abundant. Not one growth shoot has been chewed (knock on wood) which is what the earwigs had always done. I watched a video from last year and by nowcthey had lollipopped all lower leaves. It may not be the best weather growing season wise but despite the rh consistently in the 90's I still don't have pm or fungal pathogens. Need to get the BT out. Didn't water as we've had all that rain. I'll water either tonight or tomorrow morning. Sunny high in the 90s low is 66. Tomorrow looks good too. UPDATE WENT BACK OVER AROUND FIVE. IT WAS 88 DEGREES SO I WANTED TO CHECK THE GROW BAGS. THE POTS ARE FINE. IT WAS HUMID AS HELL. ONE PLANT WAS SLIGHTLY DROOPY BUT VERY LIGHT AND DRY. I FOUND TWO OTHERS THAT SEEMED LIGHTER THAN THE REST BUT HADNT DROOPED. I MIXED TWO GALLONS OF WATER WITH 1TSP KANGOROOTS AMD PHED IT CLOSE TO 6. I FED THE 3 PLANTS THAT WERE SUPER DRY LIKE A HALF GALLON AND SPRED THE REST OVER THE OTHER EIGHT PLANTS. THEY WERENT DROOPING BUT THEY WERE VERY DRY. I PLAN ON A FULL WATER TOMORROW. I WOULDVE DONE IT TODAY IF THE TEMPS WERENT SO HIGH. ITS RAINED A MONTH STRAIGHT SO I HAVENT HAD TO WATER. I MADE A COUPLE VIDEOS BUT I'LL HAVE TO UPLOAD TOMORROW. 7/6 Another super hot day. I hefted the pots and they still had some weight but I could tell they were dry. This rain has messed up my watering schedule. Well it made it so I didn't NEED to water. These are big plants now. I need to get a schedule to stick too. They're going to probably need a gallon a piece at least. I'm still nervous watering. Right now I'm just reading the plants. I added .5tsp kelp me/you to 1 gallon of water to help with heat stress. I fed an additional two gallons to the garden this morning including the two container plants in the back. They were dry on top too but I know they have water deeper down. Next watering I'll be more consistent and try to give them there 10%. It's great having the bags elevated. I can finally see when I start getting run off. I could even measure the ph of it instead of relying on that meter. Ill check the ph when I go back over. Still a few 🐛 holes but they are few and far between. I really don't want to spray for such a small problem but if I cant find them at night that's what I'll do. UPDATE: Another 90 degree day. I went back over and gave the garden a gallon of water as they were dry and it didn't rain. Tried to use a soil ph meter to check ph. First couple were 6.4, 6.5 then I got 7.3 and I accidently dropped it. Then I got somethings that were high eights and even one 9! Obviously the Meter shit the bed. I'll lower the ph of the water slightly when I fully water tomorrow and I'm going to measure the runoff. 7/8 I must've messed up the journal again as the dates are off. GAVE PLANTS A FULL WATERING. Each girl got a gallon. I couldn't upload my videos this morning as I had to break up a fight. 3 on 1. Didn't give me a chance to put the videos up. I'll take some stills then I can upload them. I took stills and they all uploaded but didn't fucking save. I'm nit going to keep trying to upload if it's not going to. Noticed a few more holes in leaves and one skeletinized leaf so I need to either spray the bt or something more versatile. I'm putting more poison around the cage and de between the bags. I'll go check things out tonight. Sick of writing a book and uploading to just hace them disappear 7/9 Did a quick video today. Noticed the bags were fairly light despite the plants being soaked amd the pallets wet. I was pressed for time. I gave two gallons to the entire garden. I hope that will hold them over until tomorrow. I'll need to up how much water I give them. Going with a gallon and a half next time. I see more pillar spots and a moth took off when I shook the plants this morning. So I'm gonna have too apply the BT. I figure if I go over before dark tonight I might be able to see aju nocturnal insects around. Luckily my dad feeds the birds and they are always there. I think they help with pests. UPDATE IT WAS A LITTLE COOLER TODAY BUT MICH MORE HUMID. I WENT AROUND SIX TO MAKE SURE THE GIRLS WERE OK WITH WATER AND TO GIVE THEM A TREATMENT OF BT. I WENT THROUGH THE GARDEN ANDCGOUND THREE LEQVES TO DEFOLIATE AND LITERALLY A COUPLE LEAVES ON TWO PLANTS WITH PILLAR HILESM WHEN I ARRIVED TWO BIRDS FLEW OUT. A HORNET CAME IN WHILE I WAS THERE. THIS DO LESS APPROACH SEEMS TO BE REALLY WORKING. I DODNT SEE NEARLT ENOUGH DAMAGE TO WARRANT SPRAY8NG MY EXTREMELY HEALTHY GIROS WITH ANYTHING. ILL KEEP AN EYE ON THEM AND CLEAN THEM UP A BIT. I DO NEED TO INSTALL THE VERY8CAL TRELLIS FOR SUPPORT. THEYRE PRETTY HEALTHY THOUGH. ONE PLANT IS ABOUT AS WIDE AS IT IS TALL. STILL......PLANTS ARE EXPLODING AND ITS GETTING TIGHT IN THERE. I NEED TO GET THE TRELLIS UP THOUGH. 7/10 I went over and was planning to water. Plants were wet and it's raining. Top of the medium was moist but the bags were light. ONE bag was super light but seeing that we are having showers all day and an additional half inch of rain coming tonight so I didn't water them. Especially since they looked great. Decided to to spray BT yet as the damage is so small and i think the birds have been taking care of the pillars for me. Now I'm wondering if I should've gave that ONE plant a little bit of water but it will be find. Did a video. I'm being careful not to over water. Last year this is when all my buddies were devoured by earwigs. And no senescence like the years before. I think it was hust those earwigs. I haven't lost shot for leaves. Even the stalks are bright green and look amazing.
Used techniques
Week 14. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
7/11 Got half in of rain last night. Glad I didn't water. Ph of rain water is very acidic. Added supports to the blueberry cheese in the 50. I just used string and went diagonal and attached to the cage. Wrote a ton but it disappeared. Anyway looking at previous diaries I was wrong about senescence. It wad the life cycle of those earwigs that did that to my plants (see other diaries). This soil mix is amazing. These plants gave only gotten like two small feeds of big bloom. I showed my commercial buddy and I'll keep it between us what was said but it made me feel really good. I'm considering either expanding the cage in one direction with some lumber I already have or moving a couple outside tge cage. That way I have more room. He said he's seen plants structurally similar reach huge heights (14f) so I'm just trying to avoid future problems. I at least need to get the trellis on. I hope poor that's food enough. Did a real nice video this morning but nothing wanted to upload and it just uploaded the same one twice. I'll try again and hopfully it will go up. If not I'll put it up tomorrow. 7/12 Dad has surgery this morning. I did a quick video and took some pictures. I need to do some rearranging with the plants and cut a pallet to fit in the back. Then I can put a vertical trellis up. Haven't decided if I'll add on to the cage, remove a couple plants or just rearrange things but I'm leaning towards the later. They will need water again and I'm wondering if I should start nutrients but everything looks so good. By this time on past diaries I'd be losing all my leaves bu now. MI think it wad part ear wigs and part to many nutes. This soil mix is taking these plants through veg. I'll probably do a feeding soon but it will be organic and it will he small like a big bloom or ancient amber. Im leaning towards not using growbig this year as my plants seem to be doing great without it. We'll see. I'll keep this updated. UPDATE: Went back over and gave plants a full watering. Some were slightly drooping. I was going to add nutes but decided against it as I didn't see any deficiency. So far NO Earwigs! I comed through the plants and I did find a jpn beetle which I happily killed. I mixed up 8 gallons of water and gave it to the 11 plants so it wasn't quite a gallon a plant. I need to rearrange the plants so I have room to move around. I also need to cut another pallet and use the spaces I'm not. Trellis needs to go up. 7/13 I think I've got the watering amount down. Now just to find how often which will depend on weather. I've watered very little this year. They loved that gallon. I was going to use big bloom and kelp me/you but looking at my garden I decided not too. My buddy asked what i was addingvthings for and to wait fir what i added to do what I wanted it to do. I see no nutrient deficiencies so why add anything? I think this soil mixture will get me all tgexway through veg. I dont plan on using much in fliwer either. Definitely good genetics. I really need to cut that palley and move the 1 10gallon to the far back coener. It will open thibgs up so much better. The garden looked so beautiful this morning. Getting very aromatic. I started untangling trellis netting but had to leave. I'll update what I do. Happy growing folks UPDATE: Went back over as I had a slight intuition that I needed to check the garden. I found and killed at least 7 jpn beetles. That's what's been making holes. They tried to escape and bounced off a tarp but I got it. I went through the interiors and found two pillars. If these beetles are gonna be around I'm ordering a net. I'm also close to positive I'm going to extend my cage in the back a few feet. Things are getting unmanageable in here. My buddy said I'll be having problems soon if I don't do something. I'll document what I decide to do. 7/14 Found ONE jpn beetle in the garden this morning. I can manage those well enough. The birds help too. I check my garden multiple times a day so I manually remove many pests. However I've noticed some thrip damage on a leaf and a leafhopper damage on "A" leaf so there are "some" pests around but not enough to spray shit. A couple wasps were doing there job while I was there. Supposed to get thunder storms after three and tonight. Supposed to get over a half inch of rain tonight. I lifted the bags and decided to hold off and let mother nature take care of it as the bags weren't totally dry. Only problem I really have is space. I AM moving that 10gallon (that's the same size as some 20's) in the back. There's 27in not being used and a few feet the other way. My buddy cautioned me that I'm going to have problems since my plants are so crowded. I agree with him. I spoke with me father and we have most materials to extend my cage four feet in the back. I think that's my plan. I'll extend the structure before the stretch then I can put up the supports. We'll see how this goes. UPDATE: Went back over to check the girls as I had a feeling I ought to. When I got there I saw that a couple of the blueberry cheese were pretty light (liftng the smart pot) but the others seemed to be fine. ONE 10th planet was light like that and the purple punch in the 10 gallon was as well. Each plant thar needed it got at least a half gallon of water. I'm waiting to see if we get the thunderstorms and the half inch of rain. I watered the MASSIVE blueberry cheese in the 50 but I only gave it 1 pitcher which is like 1/4 gallon or so. Don't know why I even gave it that. Looked fine but the soil WAS pretty dry. Next year I'm giving myself way more room. I was running trying to chase these jpn beetles. This time I have the dawn and water and a measuring cup to knock them in. This ain't my first rodeo. I did notice some bright yellow streaks on a leaf edge and I'm hoping it's not septoria. I doubt it but I have an anxiety disorder and I worry. I hope I can get the cage extended sooner rather than later. It's getting hard to move in there and more importantly I can't take any more plant pathogen problems. I'm considering starting a plant doctor regimen just to be safe. 7/15 Got a bunch of rain last night. No jpn beetles in the garden and not really much damage. I did notice this (I think it's leaf hoppers) that leave those dots close together on a leaf so it appears I've got a variety of pests. I'm considering how to approach this. I mean the damage is very minimal but I don't want it to get out of hand. Another thing I need to look out for is leaf septoria or any other fungal pathogens. I believe that has been part of my problems in the past. I think that's what caused my earlier grows to drop all their leaves so quick. I think I'm being overly cautious but its very crowded in there. With my father just getting out of surgery the girls will need to wait a little bit before before I can extend the cage. I could still cut the pallet and move the 1 10gallon and that would give more room. I rearranged a LITTLE BIT so they have a little more room but I've really got to get this cage extended. UPDATE: IT Rained so hard I had to pull the car over. We hydroplanned the whole way home. After working ob my house I went to see what the damage would be like. NOT A SINGLE BREAK THAT I COULD SEE. I took a video but since the wifi here sucks I'll have to upload it tomorrow. Walking around in the cage even if I cant get it extended I think I'll be OK. It obviously will open me up to lots more issues but at the very least I can reorganize before I build on. The 10 gal purple punch would fit perfectly in the back and I have a pallet I can cut to fit it in place. Putting that one back and pulling the others forward will be much better than what I've got going on now. I'm also thinking about running an extension cord and putting fans under the canopy or at an angle to keep the wind moving. Just thinking outloud. However after that storm the girls looked as happy as I've ever seen them. All happy praying to the sun, thankful for the much needed rain. Mother nature does a pretty good job with out me messing with it. I've noticed a couple interior lowest leaves turn yellow and die like a nitrogen deficiency but everything else is fine. Also noticed a leaf that looked like a p deficiency but again, it was the VERY bottom leaf on ONE plant. Again the rest of everything looks fantastic. I'll keep an eye out for anymore nutrient deficiencies and if anyone that reads this sees some please let me know. I should've taken stills since they looked so good but I got it on video. 7/16 It POURED last night and throughout the day. TORRENTIAL rain. The branch breaking sheet rain that us outdoor growers learned to fear. My plants aren't trellised currently. I know what I need to do now. I have a pallet to put in the back corner and I'm moving the purple punch in the 10 there. And pulling others forward where there's more room. Then when I extend it (it's gotta be done this week) everything g will be in their proper place and I can just throw on a vertical trellis. I also noticed more (leafhopper) damage on a leaf. Different leaf of the same plant so I'm considering spraying something. I have a number of products but I was trying not to use them. Luckily I have these diaries so I can look back and see certain plants reactions to certain nutes or fungacide/insecticide/nutes and the doses used. I haven't been using much but if my plants will remain cramped I'm going to start the plant doctor. I'm seeing more pillar damage too but BT is super narrow so I'm thinking when I fo spray for pests I might use cap jack and be done with it. Then I can apply the BT in flower if it's necessary. I took a video but I have to wait until tomorrow to upload. I took a quick snapshot though. 7/17 Despite the torrential rain I don't have any breaks. I'm noticing more pest damage though. Another leaf on the same plant had those closely shaped round circles. I forget what pest it is but it's there. Caterpillars are there I'm sure so I may do a preclcentative spray. Just unsure what I'm going to use. I lost a COUPLE very bottom interior leaves that look like they just got used up. After this rain I think think the plants might benefit from a feeding. Probably next water after they dry out. I REALLY need that cage extended. I expressed that today and it should be done this week. I'm looking for pallets today. I have the little one that I can put in the back which will allow me to move the 10 gallon and move the other forward. That will help some but I need more room. I'll update as I go. UPDATE: GOT A SMALL PALLET AND IT FIT PERFECT IN THE BACK ROW. I MOVED THE PURPLE PUNCH IN THE 10 GALLON ONTO IT. I SHIFTED A BUNCHVIF THINGS AROUND. I ROTATED ON BLUEBERRY CHEESE 180 DEGREES SO IT WOULD FIR BETTER. CROP ROTATION IS GOOD ANYWAY. I TOOK VIDEOS AND YOU CAN NOW SEE THE ROWS MUCH BETTER. 2 WITH 3 and 1 WITH 4. IT'S SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER THAN IT WAS. I CAN GET AROUND ALL SIDES OF EVERY PLANT NOW. GRANTED THE LARGE 50 IN THE BACK IS GOING TO HAVE SOME TROUBLE BUT ILL JUST STAKE IT TO THE CAGE. IT WILL GROW TOWARDS THE SUN ANYWAY. IM SUPRISED I DIDN'T LOSE A BUNCH OF LEAVES AFTER THIS RAIN. MOVING THINGS AROUND AND LOOKING ON THE INTERIOR OF PLANTS I FOUND A COUPLE LEAVES THAT HAD BEEN USED UP. I REMOVED A COUPKE LEAVES THAT HAD DONE THEIR JOB. I'LL UPDATE AS I GO ALONG.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 15. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
Nutrients 1
Kelp Me Kelp You - Fox Farm
Kelp Me Kelp You 0.651 mll
7/18 Plants are looking great. I was able to rearrange the plants so they have a little bit more space and so I can get around every plant. I have small random pest damage (i.e. I caught a four lined plant bug while hunting jpn beetles) but not enough h to warrant treatment. I will probably spray before flower. Sun's out amd plants were praying. I rotated a couple and it only took a few hours for them to "straighten out." I went to look again rhis morning and made the final determination to expand the cage. I'm looking for the 2x4's and the wire in the next couple days. The work that ive done now will but me sometime. I wonder how this rain impacted my soil. 7/19 Plants are looking fantastic. The stretch is starting. One purple punch looks like it's beginning to flower. I think I'm entering the transition period. Jpn beetle damage is evident but not significant. I defoliated a leaf with a a leafminwr or something in it. It's so much easier to get around the plants now. I'm seeing some chunks missing sporadically though. Went to the roses out back and found TONS of jpn beetleson top of each other reproducing. They destroyed that rose bush. I'm going to keep it as a trap plant. My dad's girlfriend wanted to spray it but that doesn't make sense as theflowers are all gone. Dad's grabbing the materials to extend the cage today I think. Right now I can get around every plant but the two big ones in the back. I just cant get to the backs of them and they are huge. Almost reaching the top of the cage. A 4'-6' extension will do wonders in flower. Can't wait. UPDATE: Dad got the 2x4's and we assembled the extension and attached it. He's grabbing the wire as I type this. This worked out beautifully. I had no idea how big the blueberry cheese in the 50 gallon was! This extension (4ft i think) is PERFECT! Then I can get a little extra wire and pull it out if I wanted to. I think I have another 2x4 that I'm going to use in the middle. Lots of great pics and a video I'll upload tomorrow. Hot af today and humidity still super high. Even the commercial dudes was surprised I don't have wpm l and that judging by some of my plants structure that I may do better than I think. I certainly hope so. I WATERED 3 GALLONS OVER THE WHOLE GARDEN. The blueberry cheese in smart pots were drooping. They drink far more water than tje others. I would've given more but we are supposed to have thunderstorms. I left my back tarp off for the night. It will increase airflow and wind is down. I feel like this is going to be my year. 7/20 I updated and loaded everything on the app but notjing would save. Did it again in the website hopfully this saves i didnt put it all up. Didn't water the plants today. Bags seemed okay weight wise. Good thing I did the extension yesterday because those three plants were drooping they were so thirsty. I focused most of the water yesterday on those plants that needed it. The others were somewhat dry but still had some weight. Like i said the blc drinks much more water than any of the other plants. I'm impressed with the growth I'm seeing. Especially since I have been being very stingy with the water and I've only fed like twice and that was just the kelp me/you and big bloom in negligible amounts. I'm watching for deficiencies. I'm just not seeing them. I'm picking up the wire and finishing the extension and then rearranging things. I'll update. UPDATE: WATERED 4 GALLONS CONCENTRATING ON THE PLANTS THAT WERE DROOPING THE MOST. FINISHED ENCLOSURE AND INCREASED PLANT SPACE. TRELLIS WILL GO UP THIS WEEK. VIDEOS WILL BE UPLOADED TOMORROW. 7/21 I should've watered more volume last night. I noticed two plants that seemed much lighter than the rest. After some deliberation I gave them each a half gallon of water. One was the purple punch in the 10 that's huge amd the other was that huge blueberry cheese. I think I'm going to swap places with them, take out a pallet and get some other way to elevate that ONE plant and I'll have even more room. Then I'll add my supports. It's a dream working in there now. I noticed some small interior leaves being used up and dieing. I defoliated them but it was only a couple. I'll need to start nutes at some point. Doesn't need it yet though. I'm going to add some kelp me/you for the heat stress. I need to get the watering down better but it's more difficult when they each have different needs. I kinda have to read the plant. I'd rather be overwatered than underwatered. I tried to upload what I could but some won't. UPDATE: I went over to clip off some fencing that was doubled up AND just to check on tge girls. Found two caterpillars (small but hairy so they were older not the inch worms and possibly what has been contributing to damage on those plants. Things are spread out so it will be harder for insects to move from plant to plant and I have better air flow. I worry that leaving my tarp off might lead to high winds and plants not able to take it buf I digress. I'll add supports later. Plants are huge and drinking far more water than I've been giving them. When I got there several were drooped right over and dry as a bone. The bags are essentially all roots now. I mixed up 8 gallons of water and split it between the plants. I gave less to the two Co trainer plants that weren't drooping and the 10 I watered yesterday that wasn't drooping but for the most part the ones that needed if got at least a gallon or more. The others a little under a gallon. It might rain A LITTLE tonight too. Oh, and since it's been so hot I added 1/2 tsp per gallon of kelp me kelp you to help the plants deal with heat stress. I also noticed that some of the very bottom interior leaves are being used up. I have a feeling ill need to switch to nutes pretty soon. Plus I need to suppirt those plants if I'm going to leave that tarp off and Gove them air. Took a video. But it won't upload here. I'll have to wait till tomm. 7/22 Didn't have much timevthis morning bit I dod a video. Boy those plants loved that water and that kelp. This morning everyone was standing straight up at attention. Supposed to get rain last night but didn't. Good thing I watered. I think I'm going to up the water next watering and then again to the 10% mark if necessary. Especially with the Blueberry cheeses. I'm noticing that a FEW INTERIOR leaves are showing nute deficiencies so I'm probably going to have to start feeding soon. I'll update later. UPDATE: Went back over and cut off the extra wire. I'm going to need to water more volume. Specifically on two plants. The two huge blueberry cheese in 20 gallon smart bags dries out much faster than the rest. I'll have to out that on a different schedule or increase the amount given. Next watering will be 1.5 or 2 gallons a plant and it might be tomorrow from what I was seeing. It's super hot and with the added airflow the bags dry out faster. I also went through EACH plant looking for pests and defoliating old leaves that needed it. Plants are still nice and green but a VERY few older interior leaves are showing deficiencies. I know this is Normal especially since they are trying n g to transition to flower. I also saw pest damage on a couple plants. Four lined plant bug. I already found the one on the other plant and killed it but I'm considering doing a spray before flower. I'm thinking either captain Jack as a "catch all", BT which works great but mostly just on pillars or the organocide bee safe 3 in one pesticide. I also have pyrethium and other things. Thus far picking things off manually has been good enough. At the very least they will get an application of BT very soon. 7/23 Held off on watering this morning. Supposed to get thunder storms I DID split a gallon with two blueberry cheese that were the lightest in the 20 gallon smart pots. Thet drink way more. My water volume is going to need to increase. We haven't had nearly enough rain. I'm going to bump it up to 1.5 to 2 gallons each plant which will be 10% for the 20s and a little less for the others. I'm still seeing various pest damage. Nothing bad but I found another couples leaves that were chomped on by a four lined plant bug so I'm debating applying something tonight when I water. I'm also noticing old leaves being used up and some interior leaves showing slight deficiencies. It will be time to start nutes soon. I'll update as I go. UPDATE: GOT THE FEELING I NEEDED TO CHECK THE PLANTS. SOMETHING DODNT LOOK RIGHT ON THE CAMS. WENT OVER AND EVERY PLANT BUT THE TWO I SPLIT A GALLON WITH AND THE PLANT IN THE 50 WERE DROOPED RIGHT OVER. LIFELESS. I SHOULD'VE WATERED THIS MORNING BUT I DIDNT HAVE TIME. I FIGURED THEY COULD WAIT UNTIL NIGHT. EACH PLANT GOT 1.5 GALLONS AT LEAST. I USED SIXTEEN OR SEVENTEEN GALLONS ON THE GARDEN. I GAVE EACH CONTAINER PLANT ONE GALLON AND GOT RUN OFF FROM BOTH. IM NOTICING SKIGHT FADING IN LEAVES BUT IM NOT INTRODUCING NUTES TO UNDERWATERED PLANTS. I THINK 10% IS GONNA BE TGE MAGIC NUMBER. 2 GALLONS EACH. EVEN THE 10 GALLON SMART POT. ALMLST AS BIG AS THE 30S BUT DRIES OUT QUICKER. 7/24 Plants looked fantastic this morning. Defoliated a few leaves that needed it. Showed my commercial buddy and he said things looked fantastic. Since the soils still holding nutes and I'm not seeing many deficiencies I may hold off on feeding. I'm starting early flower now. I will be using nutes soon. I think ive got the watering schedule pretty much down.
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
2 years ago
50.8 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
4 L
7/25 Did two videos this morning. One where I was only going to water the 3 gallons I had mixed up but it's going to be very hot this week. Didn't want to make the same mistake as last time so I watered everything AT LEAST A GALLON. I need to bump up the volume during these really hot, humid days abd it doesn't get worse then this. Things are getting dusty. Found an inch worm and some minor pest damage. Once it cools down ill spray something. Also noticing small nitrogen deficiency that takes a leaf and moves up the plant a little bit. I'm going to need to start nutes this week. I'll keep this updated. Went back over around one and everything was looking fantastic! Took a few pictures and defoliated a few leaves. UPDATE: I GOT A MESSAGE FROM DAD SAYING MY PLANTS LOOKED DROOPY. I HADNT MADE IT OVER FOR MY NIGHTLY INSPECTION BUT HAVING WATERED YESTERDAY I WAS THINKIBG OF SKIPPING IT. GOT THERE AND SAW THE FIRST 10TH PLANET DROOPY. ALL THE TENTH PLANETS LOOK RELATIVELY THE SAME BUT ONE OF THEM IS MY "CANARY IM A COAL MINE" AS IT DROOPS WAY BEFORE THE OTHERS. THE TWO BLUE CHEESES IN 20S THAT DRY OUT FASTER GOT TWO GALLONS AS DID MY 10TH PLANET CANARY AND MY BIG BLUE IN THE 50. ITS BEEN 90S AND SUNSHINE AND ITS ONLY GOING TO GET HOTTER. I HAVE THINGS GOING ON IN THE MORNING SO I WONT HE ABLE TO WATER. I NOTICED MORE NITROGEN DEFICIENCY RISING IN THE BLUECHEESE THAT DRINKS ALL THE WATER. OBVIOUSLY ILL NEED TO ADD NUTES SOONER THAB LATER CONSIDERING IM IN FLOWER BUT THE PLANTS ARE STILL A NICE GREEN AMD ONLY LOSING VERY FEW LEAVES. I ACTUALLY SAW A COUPKE BURNT LEAF TIPS ON A COUPKE PLANTS AFTER I WATERED WITH THE KELP ME/YOU. THIS SOIL IS AWESOME. WHAT IS THIS? WEEK 16 AND STILL GOING STRONG. WHEN I DO DECIDE TO START NUTES ILL TEST IT ON THAT BLUE CHEESE THATS FURTHER IN SENESCENCE. I TOOK A QUICK VIDEO ILL UPLOAD TOMORROW. 7/26 Had a bear come around my cage and getting into out bird feeders. Bent the iron shelerds hook all the way to the ground! Getting AMMONIA now to try and keep him away. Bags were heavy this morning but it's going to be really hot again. It'll be on the 90s the next few days so I need to be very careful. After we get through this I'll do an app of BT. Garden looks fantastic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lants are looking FANTASTIC this morning. Soil is still damp this morning and bags are heavy as hell. They look super happy. Obviously my watering situation depends on the weather. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be the hottest days so I wanted to make sure the plants had sufficient water before this. I'll let them dry out totally before watering again. There's another four lined plant big somewhere that sat there and destroyed another leaf. I'm AT LEAST spraying with BT after this heat wave. Supposed to rain a little today with thunderstorms. I haven't got my supports up yet but if i need to I coukd throw my tarps up real quick. Don't think I'll need to though. These are some tough freaking plants and I am super proud of how they've turned out thus far. UPDATE: WENT BACK OVER AND RE APPLIED BLEECH TO THE RAGS AND ON THE PERIMETER OF MY CAGE. I TACKED A FEW MORE DRYER SHEETS UP. REASON I DID THIS WAS BECAUSE WEVE BEEN GETTING HORRIBLE THUNDER STORMS WITH TORRENTIAL RAIN. THE WEATHER MAN HAD BEEN WRONG SEVERAL TIMES WARNING OF THUNDER STORMS AND WE WOULDNT GET SHIT. THIS TIME IT WAS PRETTY BAD. TOOK A SHORT VIDEO. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE HOTTEST DAYS TODAY AND TOMORROW. I DIDNT NOTICE ANY BREAKAGE AND I DONT SEE ANY ON MY CAMS. IM SURE ITS NOT THAT MUCH RAIN AND THOSE NAHS WILL DRY OUT SOON. I NEED TO GET MORE PH DOWN AND DECIDE WHAT IT IS IM GOING TO DO FOR NUTES IN FLOWER AND MAKE UP MY MIND. 7/28 Huge thunderstorms all day yesterday and through the night with high wonds. Plants made it through unscathed despite the lack of a trellis. Today is supposed to be the hottest of these days. I think the hear wave ends today. I really need to get my supports up. I'm super lucky to not have had any breaks during the storm. I have a couple of videos I did but I didn't upload them earlier and now that I'm back in the woods I doubt they'll upload now. I'll give it a shot. If not I'll put them up tomorrow. OH! I found that four lined plant bug that had been fucking up my leaves and squished him. Well I hope it was him. If not I killed a sibling at least. UPDATE: JUST WOW. This morning all drooped over from the storm went over at 4 and its still 90 and they seem to have grown sic inches and jumped forward WAY more into flower. I am amazed. I'll upload a photo or two but I took a video I'll put up tomorrow. Super stoked. Oh and you can give me a red smile face for not using nutes every week @growdiaries but you point out the deficiency then I'll fix it. 7/29 Plants looking fantastic this morning. UPDATE: PLANNED ON NOT GOING TO THECGROW TOMOGHT SEEING THAT IT HAD RAINED SO HARD AMD THAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO GET RAIN TONIGHT. I GET THERE AT ABOUT FIVE AND MY CANARY AND A FEWCOTHERS WERE DROOPING! IT WAS IN THE 80S ALL DAY. I GAVE EACH PLANT A GALLON OF WATER. THE GROW BAGS ON THE TEO WORST PLANTS WERE SUBSTANTIALLY LIGHTER THAN THE REST. I HOPE IM NOT OVERWATERING. THE PLANTS SEEMED TO PICK BACK UP AFTER WATERING BUT ILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW TO UPLOAD MY PICTURES AND VIDEOS. I NEEDED TO ADD TEMPORARY SUPPORTS TO A COUPLE DIFFERENT PLANTS. IM CERTAINLY GLAD I GOT THE URGE TO GO OVER. WHAT A CHANGE IN A FEW HOURS 7/30 Plants are really growing fast and transitioning quick to flower. We got almost no rain so I'm glad I watered like I was supposed to even though the bags had some heft to them. I'm noticing more pest damage. I'm thinking a bt spray tonight might be beneficial. I'll look through what I've got on hand. I may just give them an application of spinosid but we'll see. I still need to move things and put my supports up. Medical problems have slowed me down. UPDATE: Went to check the plants around 3 and they looked great. Bags were still heavy and a little bit moist. I think with the added rain some of the plants may have been overwatered. I should have only watered tue bags that felt light. There is only one plant now that looks a little overwatered and even that is looking good. I found some more minor pest damage. Winds were fairly high. I wondered about my trellis netting but it hadn't been sanitized and my plants are very healthy so I decided to wait. I watched them dance like willows in the wind. I know it won't be like that with big ol colas on them but for right now it's working out just fine. Goal for next week is to move the front row back and move things around to better utilize space, possibly spray for pest and add supports for final flowering after I get the plants situated how I want them. If I do it right I may be able to lst some. Also took a 2 minute video but I cant upload until tomorrow. 7/31 I'm wondering about my watering habits. This morning I watered a couple blue cheese and purple punch plants with just a half gallon as they were light and looked drooping. I'm wonderingvif I'm overwatering. Some plants still seem heavy while others are light? I think the plants may have been overwatered due to the torrential rain and my taking less time hand watering. Hopefully I won't come home from this doctors appointment to wilted plants but I really doubt it. 10th planet requires far less water than the two other strains. Even specific phenos require more water and its difficult with the different size containers but im working with what ive got. I need more ph down and I've gotta get these plants supported. These are some massive plants. Store was closed. Dispensary was opened. Showed my buddy the video then it started raining. By the time I got there the plants looked horrible. Everything was droopy but a couple were really bad. A few weren't bad at all. Actually the one in the ten needed it. I think I just need to give more water at a time and document how I water each plant individually. I also need to take into consideration the weather. Hard to do when it's so unpredictable. I'll wait for them to dry out and then I plan to start low doses of big bloom and grow big but I need to wait for them to dry out first. Then next watering they'll get some nutes. It's sunny now so I may go check my plants. I may also put a fan out for a while on the bags. That might help them out.
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
2 years ago
187.96 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
6 L
Nutrients 3
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.651 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
8/1 Took another video but didn't upload either videos when I was in town. I'll have to upload later. I have a lot going on and I need to consult my diary more often. The Temps dramatically changed. I watered yesterday just a few that were light but then it poured all night. This morning things looked SUBSTANTIALLY better. I think as long as I can get some sunlight the next few days things will be alright. That streak of weather in the 100s really did a number on me and my plants. Everytime I go they seem to be looking better so I hope that they bounce back and I don't lose anything after all this work. Plants seem "strong" though. They appear very healthy. This just seems like a mistake I made that was substantially worsened by severe thunder storms we weren't supposed to get. If they don't come back before rain I may move the plants that haven't recovered yet inside the barn for the night. It really depends. I want them to dry out. I'm thinking of going and putting a fan in the cage on the smart pots. I just need to keep an eye on them. UPDATE: I was worriedly watching my plants from the cams and got a message from my father saying my plants were "REALLY DROOPY." I got there and noticed they were WAY worse then earlier and it was sunny and 70's. I got my dude on the phone and sent him several pictures. Luckily I had a second opinion also from my father. A 3cu ft bag of 707 is 22 gallons. These pots were light like that. They just have a seven foot plant in them lol. I'm so happy. I was planning on bringing them Inside tonight in case of ANY rain, luckily I was able to ascertain THE REAL problem, consult my diary and askother growers. Things are looking good. I'm so happy I'm not overwatered. 8/2 Thank the Lord! And my father for his constant vigilance and my commercial buddy for always being there for me. I went over this morning and everything is back up. Plants definitely got stressed though. I think I was OVER and UNDER watering during those days where it was 100 degrees. It'd 68 today. I say this because as soon as I watered the plants they started picking right back up. Luckily I had a dry bag of 707 to pick up and compare with my 20 gallon grow bags and had my father check the weight as well. He's a forester and told me the weight was about tge same. I gave the big blue cheese in the back closer to 2 gallons until I saw some water coming out the bottom. The reason I think I may have overwatered is that the water evaporated as i had watered during the day or at night but not the 10% that they needed. I didn't QUITEgive them all their 10% last time more like I split the difference and did a gallon amd half. Some did get two though. I noticed some light yellowing going up one of the plants that I've watered the most. These plants are transitioning fast to flower. I think I've got the watering schedule down better and that's "don't water them on a schedule". I'll have to individually take note of the plants. Also on that plant and a few others I see minor nute deficiencies so as soon as I can feed I'm going too. I'm going to show my buddy all my info and ask his advice before i take the next step though. I can't believe they made it through this. Talk about anxiety. Wow. UPDATE: Talked to my commercial buddy. He advised to pick off any of the dead leaves, (which I mostly already have there weren't many) and to wait until next water to feed. He broke it all down in a way i could understand. Then he broke the feeding down further for me so I now know where to start. He did say he thinks my only problem this year will be, "finding a place to store it" lol. I thought he was joking but he went out back and brought out five gallon buckets with screw top lids lol. This back and forth dialogue (with a professional) is seriously lowering my anxiety and giving me confidence that im doing the right thing. Hes never led my wrong and hes always been there. So has my dad. He said to take the old man out for coffee because he saved my ass! I opted for the bottle of whiskey instead. I'll be checking them later. I'm waiting to feed until next watering and I'm waiting to apply BT. I don't want to do anything to a plant that has been that stressed. I'm giving them a few days to chill. Then the twenties will get a quart of grow big, big bloom and calmag and I'll convert that measure to the same amount for the 30's, and 50's. I'm not sure EXACTLY how big that tote is but I think it's closet to 30 than to 40. So I've got a solid plan for the week. I think what I'll be looking to do next is get my supports up. The wind has been crazy but these plants (even when stressed) seemed super strong! Still no fungal stuff knock on wood. UPDATE: Had to take the car to the mechanic and snag my wheeler to make it home. I sefoliated quite a few bog yellow fan leaves and some smaller leaves down low. Plants went through some stress thats for sure. I HAD to leave my phone with the wife as she had a telehealth appointment so I couldn't take pictures. I wish I could've because things are looking great. I can't wait until things dry out a bit and I can feed! I'm STILL in awe of how my plants look RIGHT NOW and how the looked yesterday. Another buddy said If I didn't see it (and I didnt know you) I wouldn't have believed it was even the same garden! I'll check AGAIN later if my car is ready. I'm anxious to feed and get my supports up. Plants are STRONG though. 8/3 Plants looked great this morning. I did notice what looked like nute deficiencies on the plants I've watered most. After speaking with a few local growers I decided to water. I watered everything a gallon. The containers got more. The 10 got less. Then i mixed up a feeding solution of 1 tsp grow big 2 big bloom and .5 calmag and fed the 20s approx 1.5 pints. A little less for the 10 and a little more for the bigger pots. I'm going to go back over and if I see no negative effects from earlier I'll use the rest of the solution. I'm hoping this was the right decision. It hasn't been enough time but the bags were light. Not SUPER light but last time I waited it didn't work out well for me. Two local growers have told me theyve been watering daily and they have plants in raised beds and right in the ground. I want my watering to be in the morning anyway. Hopefully this works out. I'll update. UPDATE: Went back over and everything was standing up nice. They loved that water and the small dose of nures hasn't burned them so ill be able to use more next time. I used a Gatorade bottle thats 1.25 pints amd went from there. A total of two gallons was used on the garden. Things look amazing. Things are changing on the daily. I'm losing some leaves now. Well they aren't dropping off but I'm plucking them before they yet that far. I need to water in larger volumes I think. Plants are drying out too quick. Others are saying they are watering much more often as well. It really hasn't been raining and these plants are huge. I have lush green leaves but this transition and the added watering I think has leeched a lot of the nutrients from the soil. Since I have the fox farm that's what I'll be using. I still have a couple leaves that are destroyed by a fourkined plant bug. It's very identifiable so theres another I need to find. Also seeing chunks missing from leaves. I need to up my ipm game. I don't want to do more than one thing at a time though so I know what happened if anything goes wrong. Since i did the nutes today the spraying of BT or captain Jack's I'd going to have to wait. Despite losing these old fan leaves my plants are dense. Defoliating really helped with airflow. I also noticed some chlorosis on a few leaves. That's why I'm going to start doing the 10% minimum. I'm waiting until they are real dry then I'll give everyone (but big blue) their 10%. I got run off from big blue just from like a gallon amd a half today. I hope my 2 minute video uploaded. It says it dis but u bet it didn't. I'm trying again and I'm at 12%. Let's see if my patience lasts. Looks like it doesn't want to upload 8/4 Thunderstorms and heavy rain all night. It's supposed to rain steadily all day. Plants werent drooped or blown around looking or anything after this storm and I only have minimal supports up. I defoliated anything that needed it. Just a few yellow leaves on the bottom interior. More like nitrogen deficiency. I am watering to frequently though. Im noticing some chlorosis (minor) on old far leaves. Could just be that the soil is getting depleted but "if the brown surrounds your plant is drowned" and I noticed a few leaves like that. Just a couple bit i know what to look for. I hate to say it but i think ive almost got things dialed in for this grow. I will need to put up further supports. These are some STRONG plants. I shook them all off today. The seemed to love the nutes. Plants looked way better this morning than I was expecting. I need to up my watering volume to 10% everytime. I DID fine more pillar damage when defoliating and a four lined plant bug mark on the purple punch in the ten. 8/5 It's not raining right now but it Rained all day and night. Plants really seemed to likecthise nutes. I'll up it to a quart next feed. I defoliated what needed it. Found my FIRST totally yellow leaf of the season. Big old interior leaf i must've missed earlier. Smell has greatly increased. Seeing that these plants seem to have no ill effect from all this water I feel more confident about my ability to fully water them their 10%. Especially since they are massive plants. I have one daln near 8ft and it's damn near as wide. Real good airflow. I think this is gonna be my year. I certainly hope so. I need to get rid of that fourlined plant big but more importantly I need to deal with pillars proactively so next nice night I'm going to treat with bt. Super proud of myself so far. 8/6 Didn't rain much yesterday. In fact I stepped out my door and the sun was fully visible and bright while rain poured down around me. It wad a cool experience but the plants dodnt get much for water. I checked the weight this morning (heavy) and shook off the plants and did my normal morning inspection. I news to remove a pallet so I have more room. Plants are really trying to flower. Next week I'm gonna yet them with a stronger dose of nutes. Last year this was about the time I lost my crop. Knock on wood but this is the healthiest crop I've ever had. I MAY apply BT tonight. Haven't decided yet. I'll keep the diary updated. UPDATE: Went over to check the plants that were WET and HEAVY this MORNING because of the windstorm. If dried the bags out completely. Everything but the 10 was drooping right over like before. Good thing I've got some pretty good intuition. I took two videos. I gave everything their 10% 2 gallons each and for each container plant. Plants were back up by the time I was done adding supports. 8/7 Sunny this morning. Plants looked good. Had to defoliate some dead leaves. I can't believe those grow bags dried out so fast yesterday! Its just the wind was so strong! Plants were right sideways! They got some syrong roots thats for sure. One of them (my canary) seemed light this morning! But we are getting an inch and a half of rain starting tonight into tomorrow so im not watering ANYTHING. I'm not sure what I'm going to do IF anything. I added to my supports. I COULD put EVERYTHING in the barn where we put heavy equipment. I'll probably at least bring a couple inside in case something horrible happens. Things arecreally doing good. Flowering up nice. Found a cicada on one yesterday. First time I've ever seen one. I'll update with what I decide to do. UPDATE. My canary seems a little light and is losing lots more leaves im not sure if it's because of the transition to flower but I assume that has something to do with it. Plants still have MORE than enough leaves. Found a couple pillars and killed them. Took a video. I have one blueberry cheese that I hope doesn't have a fungal infection as it's losing more leaves. But it takes more water and is greener and fuller up top. I think I'm just worried because of last year. I've done what I can gor the storm so let's see what happens if I NOTICE it get too bad I can bring some indoors.
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
2 years ago
162.56 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics Liquid Kool Bloom 0-10-10 0.651 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.651 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 2.604 mll
8/8 Rained all night. Still raining today and the forecast says it will continue throughout the day until midnight. It's come down heavy at times but for the most part it's a rain that plants like. Defoliated a couple leaves but nothing really needed it. Without a trellis or my tarps up the grow bags seem to dry out incredibly fast so I need to watch that. It's also "toughened" up the plant wants. I've seen them blowing straight sideways and they were fine. I do need to find that four lined plant bug and spray BT after the rain. Plants lovedcthe nutes. I might feed a little later today or tomorrow. I've got a few things to do but I'll keep this updated. Went over and defoliated ANYTHING that needed it and combed through every plant during a pause in the storm. Then I shook them all off and did a video. This is by far the healthiest crop I've grown! I think they can handle more nutes too so I'm going to up it next feed. Still seeing stptadoc chunks missing and random pillar damage. BT will handle it. It's just so minor I'm not even sure if it should be addressed that way. I've had pretty good luck just looking for them and picking them off. 8/9 Cannabis can grow an inch or two in a day and it definitely has been! The rain has finally stopped. I went and shook all my plants off. I'm going to check and see the last time I fed and try to get a feeding schedule created that won't cause lockout. That's been a problem in the past. I've defoliated a lot of leaves lately but EVERYTHING is looking amazing. Extremely healthy. I DO need to spray BT for the pillars and I need to move that one plant back. I keep forgetting to grab the little wheels I need to make a platform. There are other ways I could do it I guess. I'll keep this updated. No damage from the storm and I went through and defoliated before and after. Forgot to upload shit and now I'm back home with this shitty internet connection. I'm trying to upload this video but we'll see. It's at like 32%. I did a full workout and came back to find this at 77% lol. I need to remember to upload things when I'm not in the middle of the woods. UPDATE: Checked on things and did a video. Need to feed, apply bt and secure individual branches before flowering increases 8/10 LOOKS to be a beautiful day. Growbags are heavy as hell and wet on the bottom. I ALMOST fed today and I still might. The pp in the 10 seems to have leeched a lot of nutes. That and a giant blueberry cheese are the only places I'm seeing a deficiency and I want to keep it simply. I also need to put a trellis up apply BT. also if I'm going to move things around I've got to do it before I put up flowering supports. It's harder to move stuff when it's wet. I'll keep this updated. The girls look fantastic. UPDATE: Went and trellised two of my plants. I was going to feed today but decided to wait until the next time I water. I'm only seeing deficiencies on the phrple punch in the ten and the GIANT blueberry cheese that I watered the most. Bags were heavy as hell this morning but I bet I'll need to water tomorrow. We'll see. Hahaha wow. I'm trying to upload a video but even my tough as fuck plants might have some difficulty in torrential rains like this. Wow. That's all I can say. I'll either go check and shake them off tonight or if it keeps it up I'll wait until morning I guess. What a shit show 8/11 WOW. That's probably the hardest I've ever seen it rain. Got to the grow this morning and found NO damage. It's super sunny amd windy so the bags will probably dry out. I think it's suppised to rain again Sunday. I definitely haven't had to water that's for sure. Nothing was even bent over this morning. The blue cheese I didn't fim or top (I wanted to see gow it grew naturally) pop ka was bent down a little bit but not much considering the pounding it got. You can see on the videos. Since bags were saturated I didn't need to water before I fed. I fed 1.25 pints to every plant. I gave the fifty 2.5 pints and the purple punch in the 10 got closer to a pint. I want to start out slow with nutes as I'm nor seeing many deficiencies. I may fuck around today and put some more trellises up seeing this wind bur when flower comes I can just put my tarp up. I'll update as I go. UPDATE: WENT BACK OVER BECAUSE THE WIND WAS WHIPPING LIKE CRAZY AND TREES WERE DOWN. I SANITIZED ALL MY TRELLISING AND HORIZONTALLY TRELLISED TWO 10TH PLANETS IN FRONT AND VERYICAL TRELLISED THE THIRD. HORIZONTAL TRELLISED THE PURPL WE PUNCH IN THE 10 AND VERTICAL TRELLISED THE BLUE CHEESE IN THE 50 AND THE 10TH PLANET IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CAGE. GLAD I GOT THIS DONE. NOW I JUST NEED TO SPRAY BT AND I'LL FEEL CAUGHT UP. 8/12 Got my supports up and ready now I've just got to find the time to give the girls an application of BT. I've done a pretty good job with manual removal thus far. Bags are over watered. It's Rained so hard and so often that the bags have stayed drenched. Luckily this ridiculous wind has been drying my grow bags out relatively fast. I'm hoping that will be the case today. They're starting to dry out but it's supposed to rain tonight and I think tomorrow. Bright and sunny right now. These are some resilient plants. They seemed to like the liquid kool bloom. I noticed (barely noticeable but I was looking for it) a SLIGHT color change at the very TIPS of a few leaves on a plant but not enough to consider it burn. I will monitor but I think ive got a pretty good feeding regimen. I plan to use as little as I can get away with. I'll keep this updated. UPDATE: WENT TO CHECK ON PLANTS AS I GOT "THAT FEELING". EVERYTHING WAS LOOKING GREAT BUT THEN I WENT AND LIFTED MY DRY 22GALS OF SOIL AND COMPATED IT TO MY 20S AND LIKE I THOUGHT THE WIND HAD DRIED THEM OUT. I CANT BELIEVE HOW QUICK THEY DRY OUT. I GAVE EVERYTHING 1.5 GALLONS AT LEAST EXCEPT FOR THE 10 WHICH I GAVE A LITTLE LESS THAN A GALLON. I GAVE THE 50 A LITTLE OVER 2 GALLONS AND I DISNT NOTICE RUNOFF. I HAD MORE WATER MIXED UP IM THINKING I SHOULDVE GIVEN IT ANOTHER GALLON. OH WELL ITS SUPPISED TO RAIN A LITTLE TONIGHT AND THEN TOMORROW. I HAVEN'T WAYERED IN LIKE A WEEK SO I PROBABLY SHOULD'VE GIVEN THE WHOLE 2 GALLONS. THEY GOT DAMN CLOSE THOUGH. 8/13 Rained like hell last night. Oh course it did. Doesn't really matter though. I had to water. I thibk the last time "I" watered was lime a week ago. My bags were dry. Plants weren't drooping and they might've been ok but I've under-watered twice already to the point they drooped right over dead looking and I wasn't going to do that again. Plants seem to love the nutes I gave. Keeping the tarps off and allowing the wind through and having my bags on pallets has really saved me this year. Everyone else is bitching about the rain and lack of sun but things are going great for me knock on wood. I'm not 'in the ground' though so that probably has something to do with it. I just need to check my plants multiple times a day. These plants are getting massive. The cage is at least 8ft tall and the biggest one is about to the top now. Almost as wide too. 8/14 I forgot to write the entry but I uploaded some pics from this morning. They were wet from the storm but I went back over and took video that's like two and a half minutes plus I took some pictures. I pulled the cage out but I need to undue one of the lathes and pull it forward. I also need to apply BT. Plants seem to be aggressively flowering (some more than others) so it's a real exciting time. I went over this afternoon and everything looked fantastic. I'll try to upload a few pictures but the video will have to wait. Didn't rain today and my bags sry out quick so I'm sure they'll be fine even if it rains. I did notice that the two plants I watered most including the smallest container seem lighter in color. IT might hust be the transition to flower but u think I need to increase feed. On the 10th planet's they are green as can be and have that SLIGHT little almost unnoticeable part you really have to look for on the tips that means it's getting its nutes but it's not burnt. I believe I'm going to have to make feeding schedules for each strain
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 years ago
Has anybody had success using liquid kool bloom in place of tiger bloom? I mean still using big bloom and grow big but replacing tiger bloom with liquid cool bloom. I haven't been feeding much and my tigerbloom is old but this liquid kool bloom is new. Thoughts?
Feeding. Other
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BudBoutiqueanswered grow question 2 years ago
Liquid Kool Bloom vs. Tiger Bloom: - Nutrient Composition: Both Liquid Kool Bloom and Tiger Bloom are bloom enhancers, but they have slightly different nutrient compositions. Liquid Kool Bloom typically contains a higher phosphorus-to-potassium ratio, which can promote flower development. - Phosphorus Boost: Liquid Kool Bloom's higher phosphorus content makes it a suitable choice during the flowering stage when plants demand more phosphorus for robust bud formation. - Replacing Tiger Bloom: Since you're considering using Liquid Kool Bloom in place of Tiger Bloom, you can adapt your feeding schedule accordingly. Keep using Big Bloom and Grow Big for a well-rounded nutrient regimen. Points to Consider: - Compatibility: Ensure that Liquid Kool Bloom is compatible with the rest of your nutrient lineup, especially with Big Bloom and Grow Big. Check the manufacturer's guidelines for compatibility recommendations. - Transition: If you decide to switch from Tiger Bloom to Liquid Kool Bloom, gradually transition to avoid shocking the plants. Gradual changes can help plants adapt more smoothly. - Application Rates: Follow the recommended application rates for Liquid Kool Bloom as provided on the label. Adjust as needed based on plant response. - Monitor: Keep a close eye on your plants after the switch to ensure they respond positively to the new nutrient mix. Look for signs of improved flowering and overall health. Old Tiger Bloom: If your Tiger Bloom is old and might have degraded in quality, using Liquid Kool Bloom as a replacement could be a smart move. Fresh nutrients are generally more effective in promoting healthy plant growth. Switching to Liquid Kool Bloom while continuing to use Big Bloom and Grow Big can potentially support robust flowering and bud development. Remember that individual plant responses can vary, so closely monitor your plants' progress and adjust your regimen if needed. Have fun buddy
Week 19. Flowering
2 years ago
162.56 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics Liquid Kool Bloom 0-10-10 0.651 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.651 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
8/15 Yesterday the girls finally got some sun. They're flowering. Like crazy. I do need to do an application of BT once this rain stops. It just started up again. Went back over and things were dry. I decided to hold off watering until tomorrow when I feed. 8/16 Watered the 50 2 gallons, 10 1 gallon, and the rest about 1.5 gallons. I fed a pint to the ten, 2.5 pints to the 30 and 2.5 pints to the FIMMed bluecheese that looked hungry. This way I can tell if they can handle larger doses. I'd like to keep it as small and simple as possible. Gave me a fright this morning when a sheriff pulled in while I was feeding. He was on his way to a neighbors but it looked like he was just admiring things lol. I'm all legals there's no problem there. I put off spraying BT last night because dad had a couple ppl drinking and I didnt want to interact with them. Plus it was to early. The sun hadn't crested the barn yet. At least now u know what time to go spray. I'm finding some lady bugs and I killed my FIRST aphid of the season. I still have caterpillar holes in some leaves though so I might as well hit them with the BT (even though I actively hunt them). No one ever said growing cannabis is easy. Oh and my soil must be BANGING because I found some mushrooms growing in it and like a mycelium web which is awesome. 8/17 This was a quick morning due to an upcoming doctor's appointment. Removed some grass that had grown on the tar from spilt soil as it had diseases on it. I don't want that spreading to my plants. I have one blueberry cheese that I FIMed with four cola's that doesn't have as many leaves and has dropped a few leaves but looking at ot from the other side it doesnt look as open. I know that these girls are transitioning and this is the time I lose leaves. However some plants still seem totally green with no problems despite flowering. I'm wondering if it's a specific phenome thing. I also noticed that the caterpillars are still there and this morning would've been a great time to apply BT but I didn't have time and since I upped the feed I didnt want to do two things at once and have a problem and not know what it is. 8/18 Rained overnight. Plants were soaked. It's not raining now. Plants are definitely overwatered. I'm losing a few more leaves that are yellowing on the bottom interior of a couple plants. Some of it could be from the transition to flower ir the large amount of rain we've been getting. At least my drainage is really good. I need to pull the fence out and co soder cutting a pallet I. Half to better utilize space. I know I say this stuff all the time and I'm not sure it NEEDS to be done. What DOES need to be done sooner rather than later is to apply BT. I can see the damage from them. It's not bad but I want to avoid botrytis as much as possible so those pillars have got to go. Otherwise I've never had plants this healthy and it's been a real ahotty season. Boy those 10th planet's are all mice and green and healthy looking. I'm really looking forward to flowering these strains and see what they can do. I'm already greatly impressed with what I've experienced so far. UPDATE: Wasn't raining earlier then it Rained off and on but just a light steady rain that plants love but it's 3:30 now and it's pouring. Guess I won't be applying BT tonight. We need some sunshine but unfortunately I can't control the weather. Just sitting here thinking I was wondering about using Plant Doctor preventatively just due to the steady rain but I noticed mushrooms growing in my soil and since I haven't not9ced any type of fungal problem I'll revisit that idea another time. Polycarbonate roof or even some form clear plastic and a rough frame of pvc or extra lumber. Theoretically I believe I could move them all indoors for a little bit if need be but that would he a huge pain in the ass. Honestly I've got great drainage and my watering seems pretty good so I might be alright doing nothing. We shall see knock on wood. 8/19 Plants were soaked this A.M. I took a video and uploaded it (which takes forever). It's sunny though today and after the sun comes out after a period of rain the plants grow like crazy. Everything is flowering nicely. I think I can go to the end of October. I talked to a lady today that said she'd already harvested some of her peanut butter breath clones. It's my buddies mom and if you look back at one of my diaries NY mendo breath was done in September. These girls have a ways to go but the are explosively flowering which is good. It's easy to tell which strain is which. Pheno's vary but the flowers on the plants are easy to distinguish from one another. I've also never had plants stay this healthy green this long! Previously I'd have multiple pests, wpm and maybe septoria at this point. I think I've upped my game. Knock on wood. My worst problem now is worrying when to spray BT for the miner caterpillar problem. I have wasps, lady bugs and a shit ton of birds from the 3 bird feeders. I see them dart in and out of my cage. Chances are I'll spray BT tonight and take some pictures if it's nice out. 8/20 The sun is finally out. Bags are still heavy. Looks like it Rained again. I found caterpillar shit so I REALLY need to get that BT applied. I also saw minor damage to a budsite on a low hanging branch. Looks like those fucking earwigs bur I'm probably being paranoid. I also had to remove the rope that I was using to support "the big cheese" because with all this wind and rain it "rubbed" against the stem and caused an injury. I don't need that now anyway with the trellis up. Bids are developing rapidly and stacking up nicely. I have a couple plants that aren't as green as the others bit it may be do to all the rain we've been getting. I think I need to increase the volume of liquid i give my plants when I feed. Next feed I'll be doing at LEAST a quart. Due to my w8fes illness I haven't been able to spend as much time there as I should. No fungal stuff "YET". I have seen some leaves that show the plants have been over watered. Drainage is good though. I forgot to upload the video from this morning and it's uploading super slow so I'm gonna have to upload it tomorrow 8/21 Awesome. Went to town and left without going to my doctors appointment. Good job man. 👏 ANYWAY....My phone was dead when I went to town so I coukd only upload one video. I'll have to do the others later. I mixed up a batch of bt 1 tablespoon with half gallon of water (as that's what this hand mister holds. I went around the cage and sprayed every angle. Then I went to each individual plant and sprayed while spreaking the branches to make sure I got the interior. I used almost the entire half gallon so I'm hoping this will help. Bags were heavy but doesn't take them long to dry out. I'm wondering if the yellowing that is moving up (on the small purple punch and the one in the tote) is because they need more nutes, they're transitioning to flower and really stacking up or because they've been over watered with all this rain. Opinions are more than welcome. I'll check the girls tonight and if the are wet enough I'll feed and at a higher volume. If they aren't ill wait till they get their full water. MY WIFE WAS HAVING AN "MEDICAL PROBLEM AND SO ON THE WAY TO THE DOCTORS I CHECKED THE PLANTS. THE 10TH PKAMETS WRRE DROOPING. I QUICKLY MIXED UP ENOUGH TO FEED EVERYTHING AT LEAST A GALLON AND THEN GAVE THE ONES THAT WERE THE WORST LIKE AN EXTRA HALF GALLON. JUST ENOUGH TILL WE GET OUT OF THE ER THEN I'LL GIVE THEM THE OTHER HALF OF WATER AND ILL FEED THEM. AT LEAST MY WIFE IS OK. UPDATE: Took my wife to the hospital. They did a shit ton of nothing which is par for the course. However, luckily for me (yeah right) I got back early enough to give the plants another half gallon of water each and then I fed increasing the volume to 2.5 pints (upping the big bloom to 3 tsps per gallon) but I ran out of feed on the last plant. I only mixed up two gallons and it was super dark so thar one container plant will need to be fed tomorrow I guess. This is masterofsmeagal signing off to fucking FINALLY get stoned!
Used techniques
Week 20. Flowering
2 years ago
162.56 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics Liquid Kool Bloom 0-10-10 0.651 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.651 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
8/22 Defoliated what needed it.with all the rain I had to remove some yellow leaves. The container plants are affected the most as the wind drys those bags out in like a day. I'll have to check twice a day. Watered a gallon a plant yesterday before going to the hospital, then went back over after and gave everything at least another half gallon. I'm pretty sure everything got their 10%. Yesterday I upped the feeding regimen to 2.5 pints a plant. A little more on the ones that looked like they needed it most. I took some pretty good pictures. I hope that's not septoria on the leaf that I took a picture of in the fire pit. Glad I sprayed that BT. I'll have to keep up with it. I'm also considering an application of plant doctor just in case. I don't SEE anything fungal bur that would suck. Flowers arecexploding in growth. Just got a text from my father telling me how my plants are "budding big time" lol. I have the bamboo I need but there are still a few individual HUGE branches that will soon need more support. Update: Wife felt A LITTLE better so I went to check the girls around 6pm. I found my canary starting to droop. I'm not sure If I gave a full two gallons to everything yesterday. One or two may have only gotten one and a half. I compared the weight with the weight of a 22 gallon bag of dry soil and realized it was definately time to water even though only one plant was drooping they were all dry. It may have been okay to leave it but i've let them dry out far too often already so I made sure EVERY PLANT got it's 10% of water (except containers) and I watered slower. I don't see any negative effects from the B.T. but i'm noticing some older leaves turning yellow on a couple plants as this explosive flowering continues. I"m just going to continue monitoring it. I hope I did the right thing and watered. If it was going to rain tonight I might have held off but they were super light. I also took a video and some pictures but my wife is using my phone to listen to music and calm down so i'll need to upload those pictures and videos tomorrow. I finished my defoliation right before dark. Good night guys. I took a nice 3 minute te video this morning but it won't upload or send to anyone. UPDATE: BAGS HELD THERE WEIGHT!!! YES!! WE'LL GET A TINY BIT OF RAIN IF ANYTHING TONIGHT AND NOTHING TOMMOROW UNTIL THE NIGHT AND RAIN THE NEXT DAY SO ITS LOOKING PRETTY GOOD FOR MY WATERING. ID PREFER TO WATER IN MORNINGS BUT IVE HAD TO KINDA PLAY IT BY EAR. PLANTS LOOK AWESOME. IM SUPER EXCITED. SOME LEAVES ARE DROPPING BUT THAT'S TO BE EXPECTED. IT SEEMS LIKE BUDS DOUBLE IN SIZE ALMOST EVERYDAY!!! 8/23 Noticed damage on a lower branch that looks like earwig damage. I put sluggo plus pellets on the ground between the pallets but I don't think that will help much if they're in the soil. If they are there their aren't many. Or it could be some other pest. It's the very bottom branch that should've been pruned already anyway. Didn't water today as we are supposed to get an inch of rain between tonight and tomorrow. My canary was sagging but it was wet? The soil was definately heavier than the 22gallon bag I use to compare. It just dries out so fast in those bags. I'll check them throughout the day. Oh and I forgot that I only have the 3 10th planet's. I kept referring to another as a "different phenome" so i dug down and found the tag and it was a blueberry cheese. Since the light dep went bad almost half the garden is blueberry cheese. The flowers look much more saliva dominant then the tenth planet or the purple punch. The BIG CHEESE in the 50 in the back had really long saliva looking leaves which is much different than some of her sisters. Anyway things are still doing good. I hope the girls csn make it the day without water. I don't want to water a day before we get an inch of rain. It is sunny and 80 though so I'll play it by ear. UPDATE: STOPPED AT THE GROW AROUND ONE. MY CANARY LOOKED DROOPING. I BROUGHT THE VIDEO AND PICTURES TO MY COMMERCIAL BUDDY. I DIDN'T WANT TO WATER BECAUSE WE ARE GETTING A HALF IN OF RAIN TOMM AND ANOTHER HALF IN THAT NIGHT. WE WERE ON THE SAME PAGE AND FIGURED TO SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE AS TWO PLANTS WERE SUBSTANTIALLY LIGHTER THAN THE REST. THE CANARY GOT A GALLON. I USED ABOUT 8 GALLONS OF WATER. THE 50 GOT ABOUT A GALLON AS IT WAS DRY AND DROOPING. PROBABLY SHOULDVE GAVE IT MORE. I USED A SMALL WATER CAN TO WATER THIS TIME. THE BAGS WEREN'T SUPER LIGHT BUT THE BREEZE IS PICKING UP AND NOW IT SAYS NO RAIN UNTIL 6AM. I HOPE THIS WAS THE RIGHT DECISION. THEY PROBABLY WOULD'VE MADE IT. A COUPLE MIGHT'VE TOTALLY DRIED OUT AND DROOPY. I WANT TO AVOID THAT AS I DONT WANT TO STRESS THE PLANTS. THE BUDS ARE REALLY EXPLODING! IM LOVING THIS LIQUID KOOL BLOOM! OH, I FOUND ANOTHER APHID AN AND ANTS ON MY PLANTS. FOUND "WHAT LOOKS LIKE EARWIG DAMAGE" ON SMALL LOWER BRANCHES THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN PRUNED ALREADY. IM PLANNING TO GO AT NIGHT WITH A SPRAY BOTTLE AND ALCOHOL AND SEE IF THAT'S THE DEAL. IF NOT THE PILLARS JUST ATE A BUNCH OF BT. 8/24 It was pouring this morning so I just ran down and shook off my plants. Didnt take any pictures or do a video as it was raining pretty hard. IT is now 11am and the rain has stopped. I did not go at night to check for earwigs due to my wife needing me do to her medical illness. I've been through a lot this week. That's why I asked my buddy before I DID ANYTHING. It's a GOOD thing my bags dry out so tast but it means I REALLY need to keep on top of it. I'll make sure I get sleep and a decent meal and I'll check things out later on today. If I see cause for alarm I'll come back at night. I'll go over to shake things off anyway. UPDATE: Went over after the rain slowed and shook things off. The wind came up and I remembered I had a few plants that were only supported on the main stem. Those plants are strong as hell and have branches the diameter bigger than the main stalk of an indoor plant. Still, I used the fence and the stake that was securing the main stalk and made like a triangle of string attached to the fence and the garden stake. Essentially it just makes a large triangle of string (loose) around this strong compact plant so if the wind blows to hard during the storm it will give it some more support. That was my big purple punch. I added another stake to a blueberry cheese that I FIMed with those huge colas and made sure all the nail branches were tied up. I SHOULD go check for earwigs to tonight but I need sleep. If they're there, there aren't many. I think I used the correct "their's" lol I didn't mean to. I'm losing leaves that are turning yellow and falling off. I think a few may be hungry. I'll check the diary and feed again. I'll try my ph meter as well but I really don't trust it. Everything going in is good and when I phed the rainwater it was much lower. 8/25 RAINED ALL DAY OR MOST OF IT. FOR SOME REASON MY COMMENT IS GONE. 8/26 FED 3 GALLONS TO GARDEN EVERYBODY GOT 1.75 PINTS AT LEAST. Defoliated what needed it after the storm and fed three gallons to the garden of nutrient mix. Each plant got at least a powerade bottle (1.75 pints), the big cheese in the fifty got over two as did the two other 30s. I spread around what was left after and ended up with one powerade bottle of mix left. I should've just gave it to them but hindsight is 20/20. Some plants are yellowing up a little bit and it's climbing the plant. Sunny out today. Plants are exploding in flower and we've experienced some rain but it still concerns me. I'm also concerned about earwigs. Haven't seen any and actually (happily) found a couple aphids and ants. If the earwigs were bad there wouldn't be a single aphid around. I've seen ants on the plants so I'm sure there are some more aphids. The tiny branches that should've been pruned have damage that looks like previous years from earwigs. On one branch it looks like they chewed the stem of a secondary branch and it was just hanging there. I thought I killed all those bastards but if a couple got IN the grow bags it will be much harder to catch them. The damage isn't severe and it's on a branch I was going to prune anyway. It's just the point. They seem to love any plant with "blueberry" in it. They also seem to stay totally away from any thick indica buds though and prefer longer less dense buds. That's my take from dealing with earwigs for several seasons in a row. Even if present in small numbers I think I did enough so they won't have much of an impact even if they are there but I'm going to go check anyway. Boy things are looking good! UPDATE: Went back over and it seems like a bunch of leaves yellowed on my "big cheese." I hope it's not leaf septoria. I also found one piece of bedroom on the very bottom of a plant. Just shit I shouldve pruned but still. I noticed some ants and a few aphids as well. I'm going to have to watch the yellowing and consider using plant doctor preventatively in case of fungal. 8/27 After that increased feeding I defoliated a shit ton of yellow leaves. The big cheese has lost quite a few fan leaves. It's not just fan leaves though. It seems some newer growth yellows on that plant too. I have a couple blueberry cheese that may have septoria. Or it could be overwater with all this rain. Considering a treatment of plant doctor. Buds are EXPLODING in growth. UPDATE: Super sunny day spent in the E.R. Went back and checked the girls and they looked even BIGGER!!! I'm super stoked for this fall. Wondering if the leaves dropping from my big cheese is normal. I hope it's not fungal. If it is I have several products to treat it. I might throw a question up and see what ppl think. I've tried to upload this video three times!!! I hope it gets through this time. Won't go past 14% amd I've tried four times. It's a good video too! I'll upload tomorrow when I have better service. FINALLY! 8/28 Bags were wet and heavy as hell. It should be easy to tell when its time to water but my anxiety still fucks around with me. Showed my buddy a bunch of pictures and videos and addressed all my concerns. Mainly septoria. He doesn't think I've got it. He looked through everything and made me feel a lot better. Just senescence and maybe a little over watered from the rain. He said many growers cut the nitrogen right off at the stage of flower where some of my plants are at. That made me feel much better. The sun is out and it's upper 70s at 11. Plants are exploding in growth. Lighting was good this'll morning g so I took numerous photos and videos. I uploaded one but then I deleted all my large files which apparently included tge ones I did today. During my evening check up I'll take a couple more and upload them. Boy things are looking good. Knock on wood but this is looking like my best year ever! UPDATE: WENT OVER ROGHT BEDORE DARK TO CHECK THE GIRPS. DEFOLIATED A SHIT TON OF LEAVES. IT WAS LIKE 80 TODAY. BAGS ARE STILL HEAVY HAS HELL. BUDS ARE REALLY EXPLODING. THEY LOOK BIGGER TONIGHT THEN THEY DID THIS MORNING AND IM GETTING A REALLY NICE SWEEET SKUNKY SMELL. FOUND A COUOLE APHIDS AMD I COULD DUE TO CLEAN OUT THE INTERIOR OF SOME OF TGE PLANTS. I SHOULD ALSO DO ANOTHER APP OF BT. IVE NOTICED THAT I HAVE SOME PEST ISSUES. NOT BAD ONES BUT STILL.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 21. Flowering
2 years ago
162.56 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics Liquid Kool Bloom 0-10-10 0.977 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
8/29 Knowing I was going to have to yo to the hospital er again this morning with my wife I got up early and watered. We are supposed to get an inch of rain tomorrow but the bags were totally light. If I was going to be around I might've held off watering. Instead I watered everything one gallon and figured the rain will make up for the other 10 percent hopfully that will do it. 8/30 Rained overnight. Plants were soaked. Flowers are swelling. I defoliated a shit ton of yellow leaves the other day. I still don't think I have anything fungal but I'm keeping an eye u e out and am considering doing an application of plant doctor. We are suppised to get an inch of rain tonight and tomorrow I guess. My biddy said i shouod cover my plants because next week is going to be "great growing weather" but with the rain and then the sun it could be a recipe for disaster since I have some large flowers. I got my father's leaf blower running but it was leaking gas. Brought it to the repair shop and a buddy let me borrow his for thus storm. I and hit the plants with it this morning. It is super strong though. I need to be careful not to blow it right out of the bag!!! Or break branches. Of course after u left it started raining lightly. A nice rain that plants like but it's stopped. I'm wondering if I should go over and blast them again to keep them dry but I know it's going to rain off and on and it'd going to rain tonight. I'll check the weather and decide from there. So far things are going good. Still have some yellowing leaves and a few normal pests but that is to be expected. UPDATE: Stopped raining so I went over and shook off the plants then put the leaf blower to them. I made sure to get the interiors before I went and had shook things again by hand. Storage us low bur i took a video. Cant upload toll tomorrow. Buds are growing at an insane rate but im losing some fan leaves that just yellow and die. Im sure its senescence but its still wortisome. We are supposed to have a real good week of growing weather coming so I hope that doesn't change. I'll update tomorrow. That leafblower works awesome though. 8/31 Went over to an extremely sunny windy morning. I didn't even need to shake plants or use the leaf blower since I did it after it Rained last night. I'm worried the wind night dry my bags out today so I'll be sure to keep an eye on them. I defoliated a shit ton of leaves but apparently it's just senescence. I need to check the last time I fed. Trich development is going good. The smell was incredible this morning! Each strain has its own unique smell to it. We are supposed to have a real good week for growing so I'm looking forward to it. May do a preventative plant doctor app but I think it will be alright. I'll keep this updated. UPDATE: Went over around one and plants were bone dry. The wind was RIDICULOUS! I added a few individual stakes and tied a couple loose branches. I got my tarp out and considered covering the cagecto protect from the wind. However I didn't have time to sanitize if and they had already been through it all night and day alwuth no breakages. Plants are strong and supported well. At least I hope. Plus the tarp would block the rest of the direct sun the plants are getting right now. The wind looked like it dud its worst and the trellis and supports held. I did add extra supports higher up the plant to prevent breakages. Found a moth larvae (yellow) and squished him. Also found some aphids but a few lady bugs and three lady bugs larvae so I think I'll be OK. I am really excited for this year. Flowers are really exploding! FORGOT TO PUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. WATERED EVERYTHING TWO GALLONS EXCEPT THE 10. WHICH GOT ONE. 9/1 Forgot my phone on the daY I really needed it. It rained last night. The wind was the strongest i've seen in years. I would've tarped the cage but i couldn't find any of the bungee cords or zip ties. Probably good I didn't. No breaks. One plant had dark brown splotches ALL over the leaves! I picked them all off and took pictures and will consult my commercial buddy. I researched and asked a question on here. If it's septoria or something that could ruin my gorgeous garden I'd rather just junk the plant. It's big but it's the furthest behind flowering and I would not be heart broken if I had to get rid of that for the others. This week is supposed to be the best week we've had all summer so I'm expecting major growth. I'll update after conferring with other growers and making a decision. Looking online it seems like it could just be lack of nutes with the co dictionary we've been having. It IS time to feed and I haven't been feeding much. We'll see what he says. UPDATE: AFTER RESEARCH AND CONSULTING WITH OTHER CONMERCIAL GROWERS I BELIEVE THAT THIS IS A NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY. I READ THAT RAPID TEMP FLUCTUATIONS AND HIGH WINDS CAN EFFECT THINGS LIKE THIS. IT DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE SEPTORIA (WHICH I'M EXPERIENCED WITH). I WAS THINKING ABOUT DOING AN APPLICATION OF PLANT DOCTOR BUT SINCE IT WAS SO FEW DAYS DURING THESE CONDITIONS IM GOING TO WAIT AND MONITOR THE PLANT. I DEFOLIATED ANY LEAF THAT WAS SUSPECT. FOUND AND KILLED A BUD WORM. I THINK THEY ARE STILL DIEING FROM THE BT. IT WAS LIKE STRETCHING UP FROM THE TOG OF A BIG NUG LIKE, "HERE I AM COME OUT ME OUT OF MY AGONY." ALSO FOUND LADY BUGS AND BEETLES AND THEIR LARVAE. IVE SEEN TGE VERY LOWER SECONDARY BRANCHES GET STRIPPED ON A COUPLE PLANTS BUT THATS WHY I LEFT THEM THERE. IF THEIR ARE EARWIGS THEY CAN HAVECTHE SHIT THAT I WAS GOING TO LOLLIPOP ANYWAY BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY USUALLY GO FOR. THEY ARE DEFINATELY STRAIB DEPENDANT TOO. THEY LOVE ANYTHING BLUEBERRY BUT DONT TOUCH THE REST. MAYBE THERE IS JUST A COUPLE IN "THAT BAG". ILL HAVE TO GO AT NIGHT AND CHECK. IM EXCITED. MY FLOWERS ARE EXPLODING IN SIZE AND TRICHOME PRODUCTION. SEEIMG THAT I THINK THIS IS A NUTRIENT ISSUE AND MY FEEDING DAY WAS TODAY I FED EVERYTHING 1.75 PINTS OF NUTRIENT MIX TO EVERYTHING BUT THE 10 GALLON WHICH GOT LIKE 3/4 OF THE POWERADE BOTTLE. PLANTS SEEM HAPPY AFTER I FEED SO MAYBE I SHOULD UP THE FEEDING SCHEDULE. SINCE THE SOIL WAS ALREADY MOIST AND IT RAINED YESTERDAY I FED WITHOUT WATERING. HOPFULLY THAT WILL BE OKAY. I'VE DONE IT BEFORE. Went back over at six and WOW! After this nice sunny day buds have swollen. Plants seemed to love the nutes. I think the nutes in my soil are fairly depleted so I just needed to adjust my feeding schedule. I didn't notice anymore calcium deficiency looking spots and I had defoliated a lot of leaves. Super excited moving forward. Pistols are changing color on one 10th p phenome and retracting into buds. This is is the fun time. As long as I can avoid the rot. 9/2 Says it didn't rain last night but my plants are dripping wet. If course the leafblower kept dying so I had to shake everything by hand. Hope that's good enough. Gonna be real sunny. Bags still had some heft to them. I'll check them later. Found a few leaves with what looks like the calcium deficiency on the sane plant and I just removed them. I really don't think it's anything to worry about. I'll update later. UPDATE: Went back around 10 and everything looked good and was dry. Brought the leaf blower to be fixed. Should have it by the end of the day. Found and killed another pillar and some ants. Took a picture of a lady bug/beetle. This sunshine is making my buds explode!! I was thinking about checking again tonight but I think I can wait and water tomorrow. Bags are still fairly heavy. I did take another couple leaves off the plant that lopks like it might have a deficiency or something. The stalks are bigger than the bottom of a baseball bat. A couple almost like the fat end. Some 9f the best plants I've grown. I also took three short videos of a plant of each strain. Maybe if it's short it will upload quicker. Happy growing! UPDATE: I was back and forth today. I did some pruning and defoliation and then I noticed that my canary was light as hell. I waited until night and went back and had a couple starting to droop so i watered everything 2 gallons except the 10 and tub got 1. Everytime I see them it seems like they are bigger 9/3 Used the leaf blower this morning to get the dew off the buds. I shook them by hand before that. I'm noticing like a little army of lady bug larvae so any aphids I have are not going to be a problem. I have adults as well but is the babies that eat 10x what the adults do. I'm hoping they'll wipe put any bud worms. The weather is great this week all sunny. Making the buds explode in size and increasing terp production. This is the strongest smelling cannabis I've grown. Each strain. Has its own unique "funk" to it. Purple punch is really sweet and floral smelling. 10th planet is more gassy. I need to get some yellow sticky traps. I saw a couple fungus gnats on my canary. A late blooming blueberrycheese. It's the one that dries out the fastest but is more sativa leaning and drinks TONS of water. I have two that are that phenome. Losing yellow leaves but exploding with flowers. Noticed a couple more leaves with that calcium deficiency looking leaf. I just defoliated it. I'm really happy where I'm at right now. 9/4 Plants were covered in water this morning and the leaf blower wouldn't start. I shook everything off by hand. Each strain hasits own STRONG unique scent. One tenth planet phenome smells like bubble gum. I think I've got like two weeks and some of the flowers on ONE plant should be done. I'm planning to take the top half and then letting the bottom mature longer of its not whete I want it to be. The weather has been gorgeous. Sunny today. I'll need to water tonight I'm sure. UPDATE: WENT OVER AT 3PM AND PLANTS WERE DRY. WATERED EVERYTHING 2 GALLONS BIT THE 10 AND THE TUB. THEY GOT ONE. FLOWER DEVELOPMENT IS VISIBLE FROM MORNING TO NIGHT. I HAVE A TENTH PLANET THAT I BELIEVE WILL BE READY FOR HARVEST (AT LEAST THE TOPS) WITHIN A COUPLE WEEKS. PISTOLS ARE RETRACTING AND TURNING ORANGE ON THIS PHENOME AND RED ON THE OTHERS. I AM LOVING HOW THIS STRAIN LOOKS GROWING. I HAVE REAL HIGH HOPES FOR IT. I FAILED TOO MANY TIMES UPLOADING THE VIDEO AND PICTURES I TOOK SO ILL DO THAT TOMORROW. I CANT BELIEVE THE SWELKING GOING ON AND THE AROMA! THIS IS SUCH A WONDETFUL YLTIME OF YEAR. STILL FIND8NY SMALL SPOTS OF WHAT LOOKS LIKE CAL DEFICIENCY IN THAT ONE PLANT. IM STILL UNCERYAIN WHWT TO DO WITH THAT ONE.
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hey folks. I watered yesterday (my normal 10%), temp was 80 during the DAY yesterday but on my way to the grow this morning it wad 49 degrees. I found ONE plant with markings like the photo that seemingly appeared overnight. The wind was strong. Any ideas? Septoria? Conditions?
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Loserofthemonthanswered grow question a year ago
I've never seen this occur , but since you watered yesterday without having read anything else. I say it's a spill or it looks like one. It could also happen if some Kelp meal or some such were used to top dress and a little spilled and didn't get rinsed offrinsed off during watering, humic acid fulvic acid same thing.. just a guess. If it's just one area probably a decent guess.
Hashyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Don't worry it's not leaf septoria. Looks like phosphorus or potassium problem, I always get the 2 mixed up which is which. Your ph could be slightly out in your medium slowing down or blocking it from the nutrition it needs.
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 2 years ago
The plant is big, FF Big Bloom isn’t enough, you need a serious P-K Booster.
Week 22. Flowering
2 years ago
162.56 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics Liquid Kool Bloom 0-10-10 1.302 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
9/5 Beautiful weather. The smell is amazing. Much stronger than previous years. I watered everything 2 gallons yesterday with the exception of the 10 and the tub. Found a few moth larvae but I found many more lady bug larvae. Flowers are EXPLODING! I've got one pheno that I think will be done in two weeks. I'm close to the flowering time on that strain anyway amd I labeled flower late. I need to bring my loup and check trichs. Such an exciting time of year! Leaf blower started and I was able to blow off the entire garden. UPDATE: WENT OVER WITH THE TRICH SCOPE AND LOOKED AT THE 10TH PLANETS. VERY FROSTY! THEY HAVE SOME PLUMPING UP TO DO AND THE PISTLES NEED TO RETRACT A BIT MORE ON SOME OF THE FLOWERS. WE'RE GETTING CLOSE THOUGH. PISTLES ARE CHANGING IRANGE AND RED AND STRARTING TO RETRACT. BUDS ARE SWELLING (ON EVERYTHING). I DID NOTICE THAT THE PLANT WITH THOSE MARKINGS HAD SOME APHIDS ON IT. I HAVE A SHIT TON OF LADY BUGS/BEETLES AND THERE LARVAE. THEYVE BEEN DOING A GOOD JOB KEEPING THINGS IN CHECK. THAT AND MY CAGE IS BETWEEN TWO BIRD FEEDERS SO BIRDS ARE ALWAYS DARTING IN AND OUT SO I ASSUME THEYRE EATING SOMETHING. THIS IS BY FAR MY BEST YEAR SO FAR. PURPLE PUNCH HAS DENSE COLAS BIT LOTS OF PISTOLS STILL YELLOW REACHING UO TO FORM WHAT WILL BE MASSIVE COLAS. I THINK IM GOING TO HAVE TWO LITER COLA BOTTLE SIZED COLAS ON ONE PLANT. ILL BE SURPRISED IF I DIDNT. THERE ARE TWO PHENOMES OF THE BLUEBERRY CHEESE IT SEEMS. THREE ARE MUCH FURTHER ALONG THEN THE OTHER TWO. THOSE TOTHER TWO LOOK FAR MORE SATIVAISH. I'M SUPER EXCITED FOR THE NEXT COUPLE WEEKS! 9/6 Brought the trich scope over last night. Things are getting frosty and coming along quite nicely. The smell when I walk in the cage now is overwhelming. It's like getting hit in the face with a wet bud. I've been noticing more and more lady bug larvae. I noticed a bud worm and tried to find it again after I entered the cage and one if the large lady bug larvae was eating it! Debating whether or not to apply BT. Still have what looks like a calcium deficiency on that one plant but I lose less and less leaves each day. It soesnt have MANY more big fan leaves to keep dropping. Oh well. I'm keeping an eye on it and as long as it's not pests or fungal than whatever. That plant is flowering rapidly to catch up with her sisters. Since my return at growing cannabis I would say rhis has been my best yet. I am super proud with how things are going. If I can keep poo this up for another month I'll be golden. I plan to harvest the 10th planet's in stages (when ready). At least with the two up front and MAYBE the other. That way it would give a chance for the bottom that disnt get as much sun as the top to "catch up". I've do s rhis before with monster crops and it worked good. I plan on watering tonight. Leaves are turning yell8w and dieing on tje big cheese and the two purple punches in the back. I think that I've used most nutrients from my soil and what I'm putting back in isn't enough to cover their needs. When I fed the p.p. in the tub I could notice that it's leaves started greening right up. I'll check last feed and if I need to ill up the dosage. 10th planet doesn't really like a lot of nutes so I have to be careful. This is something lots have discovered. Exciting time! Had a stranger last night but nobody can get past the dog or the motion sensors or the cacophony of measures I've taken to secure my medicine. Not even sure it was a person but still. The fence is electrified at night so they can have fun trying. UPDATE: Sunny and like 85 all day. Went over around two and noticed a 10th planet slightly drooping. Everything was super light. I gave all the 20's 2 gallons the 30 on the grow bag got 2.5 the 30 in the tub got 1, the 10 got 1 and the 50 got 2. I then fed. Since the 10th planet's are a little further ahead I fed them a little different. I just removed the grow big since they are really green anyway and I also upped the liquid kool bloom to 1 tsp per gallon and fed a quart to everything. A little more for the 10th planet 30gal in the bag and the blueberry cheese in the fifty. The rest of the feed was the same as listed above. Seeing TONS of lady big larvae. Have to he careful when defoliating as I want them to stick around. 9/7 FED and watered yesterday. We've had some super hot weather lately. Hottest all summer. In the 80s-90s. Got a ladder and inspected buds. Found some bud rot on the purple punch. Sucks having to cut off the top of a cola but if I don't it will just spread. This purple punch still has long stigmas reaching up to form a solid cola on the branch. I know it's got a little ways to go. One of the 10th planet phenos on the other hand is looking close to done. Trichs are frosty and milky not much amber. Stigmas turned red and have retracted into the bud. I'm going to wait for this tester to dry and take it from there. We are supposed to get a few days of rain coming up. I don't want to risk all those beautiful ALMOST finished buds to bud rot. I may move it into the garage if we get a lot if rain. Let it have a few days of darkness. Or I could just open the door and it would still get sun and remain dry. This strain smells and looks SOOO good. I can't wait to try it. I'm going backbover to check all the tops. The blue cheese plants are HUGE! With HUGE buds. The trichs just aren't developed enough. It is super frosty but the flowers haven't taken on that swell. It's happening ob one plant and its looking like the colas will he like two liter soda bottles. The thing is that's an awful lot of room for mold. Oh well. That's how I grew them. One thing is for certain. After seeing what the pillars can do I can't rely on the lady bugs to get rid of them all. I'll be spraying BT tonight on everything but that early 10th planet phenome. UPDATE: INSTALLED MORE CAMS. I HAVE ONE 10TH PLANET THAT IS LOOKING PRETTY GOOD. REAL CLOSE. IM GOING TO SMOKE THE TESTER BUD FIRST BUT I THINK IM GOING TO HARVEST THE EARLY PHENOME IN PARTS. LOOKING AT THE WEATHER IT APPEARS WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SEVERAL DAYS OF RAIN. IF SO ILL TAKE THE TOP AND LET THE UNDER CANOPY DEVELOP MORE. ILL LEAVE THE OTHER TWO 10TH PLANETS THAT WERE MONSTER CROPPED AS THEY STILL HAVE SOME SWELLING TO DO. I LOOKED AT TRICHS WITH A JEWLERS LOUPE. I REALL MISS MY USB SCOPE. PURPLE PUNCH HAS THE BIGGEST FLOWERS BUT THE ARENY AS DEVELOPED. I NEED TO GET ANOTHER. ITS WORTJ EVERY PENNY. I GOT ON A LADDER AND CHECKED THE TOP COLAS FOR DAMAGE OR ROT. NOTHING SO FAR KNOCK ON WOOD. EACH PLANT HAS A UNIQUE SMELL BUT WHEN YOU ENTER THE GARDEN THE BLEND TOGETHER AND ITS LIKE GETTING HIT WITH A WET BUD IN TGE FACE. I SHOULD GO SPRAY EVERYTHING ELSE WITH BT TONIGHT. LADY BUGS CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH. 9/8 Cut some bud rot off a 10th planet and a purple punch. Definitely from pillars. Doesn't hurt that it's been 90 with 90rh. Thunderstorms are coming and it's gonna rain a few days. Plants will need water I'm sure. I tried some of the purple punch bud I cut off (after I dug all the rot out) and it was good! That plant still has white stigmas as and can go a lot longer. Trich scope says the 10th planet's are done. I'm taking the tops off two before the rain starts. I'll leave the one that's a LITTLE further behind and see what comes of it. Even the more sativa dominant blue cheese plants are frosting up quit nicely. I haven't been able to put up videos as my phone has been full and it wouldn't let me even TAKE a video. I need to spray bt tonight. I went through the garden this morning and despite all the lady bugs I found two more bud worms. I think taking the stuff that's done off those two plants is the smart thing to do. I should take all three and just leave the bottoms but I'll just go with the two. I'll update later after I figure out what I'm going to do. UPDATE: TOOK MOST OF THE 10TH PLANET AS IT WAS DONE. I WOULD'VE TAKEN ONE OF THE OTHER 10TH PLANETS BUT IT TOOK WAAAY TO LONG. WATERED EVERYTHING 2 GALLONS EXCEPT 1 FOR THE 10 AND TuB AND 2.5 FOR MY 10TH P IN THE 30. ILL HAVE TO FINISH AND UPLOAD THIS SHIT LATER. I DID A VIDEO. 9/9 Most of one 10th planet is hanging. Big yield. Looking at the trichs I think Im going to take the other one that looks done. If i did id do the same thing. I did with the other. Take the tops and allow the bottom to develop a little more. Smoked the tester bud and was pleasantl u surprised. Im not using that for acsmoke report. Purple punch and blue cheese both need more time bit are swelling like crazy. Colas should be two liter bottles. Worried about bud rot with buds that big. Thos morning four birds were perched on my cage. I see them dart in and out grabbing a snack. I have let my 'leafing' and general upkeep slip. My wife has been sick and I've been in the hospital with her. So I need to defoliate some things and I'd like to chop that other 10th planet and leave the biggest one a little longer. This one i think has reached diminishing returns or damb close. I don't know if the video uploaded. Havent been doing many because my phone was full and it wouldn't even open the camera. I never said I wad tech savvy. I'll keep this updated. Fucking video keeps resizing but won't fully upload and I've got 5g right now so it must be the site. Been at the hospital all day with 5g and can't upload videos. It's the site. 9/10 Wife was rushed to emergency surgery. Was in hospital all day yesterday. Was able to take the top half of the krber 10th planet that was done. I need to water but it's 100% chance of rain. If i don't make it out dadxwill have to do it. Boy this strain is pungent. BUDS are getting way bigger and trichs are piling on. It's been a great finishing season so far. This will be one of my best years. I'll take more pictures qnd videos as soon as I'm not in an emergency situation. I tried uploading the video again but it loads and then won't resize. It's super annoying and I'm now unable to upload videos. Great. UPDATE: GOT HOME AT LIKE 8. NOW I REALLY NEED AN ATTORNEY. NINE HOURS AT THE ER. FOUR OUT OF 7 DAYS. I DEFOLIATED DEAD LEAVES BUT IM WAY BEHIND. IVE GOT SOME TRIMMIMG TO DO. IM GLAD I PULLED THAT 10TH PLANET TOPS OFF THOSE 2 PLANTS BEFORE THIS RAIN. THE TRICHSCARE AMBER. ITS SO STICKY BUGS WILL LAND AND CANT TAKE OFF LOL. ILL GET SOME PICTURES OF SOME STUFF DRIED TOMORROW. PICS UPLOAD VIDEOS WONT. THEY WONT RESIZE. 9/11 Finally got some rain yesterday. Still need to apply BT. I've found some rot and just removed the whole bud. Also seeing some septoria on one plant. It's everywhere though and I don't change my clothes like I should. Having been in the ER for 9hrs 4 out of 7 days my plants were neglected. I defoliated dead and dieing leaves. Still don't know what that deficiency on the one plant is but it's still there. Doesn't effect the flowers though. I watered everything a gallon today since it's "supposed to rain." I fed everything lightly with a powerase bottle. TRIED UPLOADING A BUNCH OF PICTURES BUT WHEN IT GETS TO RESIZE IT DISAPPEARS. I smoked my tester 10th planet bud and WOW. Everything I could ask for in a cannabis strain. I'll wait to do a smoke report after I smoke the fully finished product and the other plants come down but I am super impressed! Looking at it through a scope is amazing as well. After i smoked that joint i had my dab ready but i didnt want to change how i was feeling so I held off. Granted tolerance is down due to all the hosputal visits but normally very high. Once this site is fixed I'll upload some points of things dry. I have more work to do 9/12 I've tried adding pictures and videos probably 50 times and as soon as they get uploaded they won't resize so I can't start a new week. I'll try uploading them here. Nope. I'll use another platform if you guys can't fix this. This is my best year and I can't upload shit! Raining like hell. Watered and fec yesterday. Everything got a piwerade bottle. Got a new electric Milwaukee leaf blower. Defoliated what needed it and came over to soaked buds. Purple punchvis the only one experiencing botrytis and i just cur the whole thing off. The other purple punches dont have any rot. Boy this is the strongest smelling cannabis ive grown and i cant even put up a picture. Washed 36 quart jars amd a few bigger one. Im looking into getting the bucket conversion fir storage. As soon as tge site is fixed ill put up my pictures and videos. Rain is expected for a few days. My other tenth planet looks ficking done too. Its not getting bud rot so im going to leave it. Its fucking huge. I had to tie up even the secondary or tertiary branches on some plants. Still no breaks though. Vertical trellis literally saved the day. 9/13 This site must be down. I can't upload any pictures or videos. I can't even start a new week. They upload but then they 'fail to load' or some message. This is the most important part. Anyway I shook everything then used the new electric leaf blower. I'm getting some bud rot on the purple punch in the 20. The biggest one. With this rain and the pillars I'm having to cut off more everyday. Rain today but after this rain lmore stuff will be coming down. That 10th planet is done done. I need to wait for the rain to stop and I'll chop the tops off that monster cropped plant. The blueberry cheese will be the last one done but the flowers are huge and covered in crystals. The BIG cheese is going to be a huge yield. I wish I coukd show you guys. Once they get this fixed ill update. Everything is going good though despite this rain. We have a hurricane coming but I could literally take everything NOW amd still have a BANGING harvest. All I've taken is the top of two 10th planet's and it's already the best I've ever done. Some of that plant is left to see if it improves but thats doubtful. I need to keep am eye on that one plant and I'm gonna ride this shit out. The electric leafblower works great. Of and I found some manners in a bud I removed from a purple punch due to bud rot. These plants are close though. Very close. STILL UNABLE TO POST PICTURES OR VIDEOS AS OF 2:30 9/14 Apparently this problem uploading pictures and videos is not just me. Its universal. I defol8at3d what needed it and checked in between the buds of cola for rot. I FOUND A bumblebee STUCK inside a big putmrple punch cola. He had broken a leg it looked like though amd he ended up falling. Those huge purple punch buds are rotting more everyday with this rain. It's only effecting one plant though. We are suppised to be getting a hurricane coming through. My tenth planet is DONE DONE but that purple punch plant needs to come down. No problems with the other purple punches or 10th planet which has nugs just as tight. Blue cheese has even BIGGER buds (had to stake THEM ALL) but since they aren't as dense I'm not getting any bud rot. Colas are tye size of a baseball batvor bigger and there is a lot of them. Best year ive ever had. I hope this site fixes soon. This is tge strongest smelling cannabis I have ever grown. Realistically i should take the other 10th planet's before the hurricane. As soon as shit dries out I'll be taking some more stiff before the hurricane. Those blue cheese have been through hell and are very resilient. I'm gonna let them ride the hurricane out I think. So sad I can't share my pictures or videos. Orrrrr my harvest report. COME ON GROW DIARIES
Used techniques
Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a year ago
Can't upload pictures or videos so I can't add a new week. Anyone else having problems uploading pictures or videos? They upload but after the resize it says failed to upload. Imon week 24
Other. Other
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question a year ago
Hey guys! Still not able to upload pictures. However when I use my phone (which is typically what I use anyway) it gives me the option to TAKE a picture right then and it uploads it to the site. It will give you the option and you select camera and you have to take a brand new picture right then. I know. It sucks. But at least I could start a new week. Hope this helps @2stones1bird @Roberts @Ezzyjaybruh @Hashy @Stork Hope this gets to you guys.
Week 23. Flowering
a year ago
162.56 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
91 %
16 °C
16 °C
7 °C
114 L
8 L
Nutrients 4
General hydroponics Liquid Kool Bloom 0-10-10 1.302 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
I'm lucky to have uploaded anything. I'll finish later. Hurricane is coming The date is 9/14 and i was FINALLY able to start a new week. I had to use the option to "take a photo" with my camera as opposed to uploading the pictures I have. I guess in the future I'll have to prepare pictures ahead of time. Or like stage them lol. Took the top half of the biggest 10th planet. It was done. The others I took the tops on have the bottoms already coming through the trellis nets with huge swollen buds. They were tiny before. I made the right choice. If need be I'll move plants into my garage. Heavy equipment fit in there. Can't move the 8ft "big cheese" in the 50 thats even wider than it is tall but I can move the ones I care about. I spent all day wet trimming those tops and taking down the dry stuff bucking and jarring buds and hanging up fresh stuff. One purple punch plant I just keep cutting bud rot off. I took a tester and it's not where i want it yet. It's bigger than the others but seems further behind in flower with less trichs? Hurricane has been downgraded to tropical storm and 90mph winds down to 50 which is manageable. I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket so this worked out amazing. Blue cheese just isn't ready yet. I mean it's huge but it's not done. It doesn't rot either. Knock on wood. The buds aren't as compact as these heavy indicas but "look" larger. Tomorrow I'll go back over (before the storm) and if that purple punch keeps just rotting I'm gonna chop it and maybe put it in with shit I'm gonna blast. As long as this Hurricane doesn't totally fuck me I'm gonna have my best year ever. I hope it misses. To everyone dealing with Hurricane Lee you are all in my thoughts and prayers. 9/15 Woke up sick as fuck. Hurricane is tonight. I've got some decisions to make. I need to chop one purple punch as it just keeps rotting more. Blueberry cheese is only a 7-8 week flower and says it's done end of September. I've been flowering WAAAAY longer and the buds are HUUUUGE. I need to look at it with the trich scope. I'm not worried about rot with those girls just heavy wet buds and branch3s snapping. The little purple punch and MAYBE one of the blue cheeses will go in the garage just to be safe. I think it's going to miss us. Or at least be downgraded and be a normal atorm like the ines ive already been through. Pretty sure the little purple punch is done anyway. The buds are rock hard. I could probably throw one through the window. It's been cold the last few days. More sun today before the hurricane. Now the question is do i want to get 3lbs of wet flower ready and transported the extractor or do I away until after the hurricane? I guess I'll make that determination after I go back and look things over. I'll remember to take pictures this time. It's the only way they will upload. Oh and I need better storage. I can't use 10 million jars. I'm getting some of the 5 gallon buckets that turn the bucket into a storage container. UPDATE: Storm has been downgraded. Apparently the rain will only be like an inch. I worked my nuts off today. That purple punch plant had way more rot. I harvested the tops off the purple punch that was rotting. Had to throw away a bunch but it wouldn't have made it through this storm. The purple punch in the ten has rock hard nugs. This morning I was checking it out and pulling buds away from the stalk on the huge colas and put of nowhere here comes a GIANT bumblebee stumbling out. I have no idea how he got that deep. I tried to help him. I got him on a different leaf (buds are super sticky) bur his leg was cockeyed and he eventually fell. I harvested most of the other 10th planet's too. I took ONE blue cheese bud. This strain doesn't seem to rot and the plants only need a couple weeks to be ideal. The MAY be ideal now and I'm just stupid. They are very large and only have a 7-8 week flower time that says outdoor they will finish be end of September. These are half my crop. I still nay bring in the 10 (purple punch) and o e of the blueberry cheese but I'm tired as fuck. If we just get an inch of rain I think tje plants will be fine. I staked everything that isn't vertically trellises. I still don't like the rain. An inchbof rain on buds bigger than a baseball bat isn't good. 9/16 Spent yesterday harvesting the tips of a purple punch and adding supports for the hurricane. Found a shit ton of budrot. Three separate times I separated it and found the bud worm. All tiny. A green one came out kind of aggressively at me. Anything that was close to any rot got discarded. These were some HUGE compact flowers. Had to add to supports this morning and it's still raining as of 1pm. The plants were going right sideways (or trying). It's 30mph sustained with 50mph gusts. We are pretty much over it though and as of a few hours ago I had no breakages (knock on wood) so I think in doing pretty good. Trichs on blue cheese looks great and tge buds are huge but the calyxs haven't changed from white. I took one blue cheese cola before the storm just in case something happened. It's an 7-8 week flowering strain and says it will be ready end of September. I couldve taken it but it looks like it needs a little more time and im gonna do my best to give it to her. The buds are big and frosty though. That strain is going to be a good producer. If it's made it through the weather last night then it can withstand the remnants. UPDATE: HOLY OL FUCK. RAIN STARTED COMING DOWN TODAY ALONG WITH THE 50MPH SUSTAINED WINDS. THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO DIE DOWN AFTER TONIGHT AND WE'LL HAVE GOOD WEATHER. WENT OVER TO FIND MY 30 GAL TUB TIPPED OVER. LUCKILY A STRING SUPPORT CAUGHT IT AND IT FELL INTO THE 2X4 SO IT WAS HELD UP ALTHOUGH THE CONTAINER WAS BALANCING ON ITS EDGE. MY BLUE CHEESE IN THE BACK WAS RIGHT SIDEWAYS. THE RAIN LOOSENED THE MEDIUM WHICH MADE THE BAMBIO SUPPORTS ALL BUT USELESS. LUCKILY THESE ARE STRONG PLANTS. I RAN STRING FROM THE BAMBOO TO THE STRUCTURE ITSELF TO "SUPPORT THE SUPPORTS. I ALSO HAD T9 TIE UP WHAT WASNT TIED. I ADDED THREE HORIZONTAL STRINGS IN THE BACK TO HOLD SOME IF THE WEIGHT AND HELP WITH THE WIND. THE BLUE CHEESE IN FRONT OF THE TARP HAD SUPPERED THE SAME FATE. LUCKILY I WAS ABLE TO "SUPPORT THE SUPPORTS" AND "TIE UPANY LOOSE ENDS. THE BIG CHEESE JUST CANT GO ANYWHERE. ONLY PROBLEM IS THE TOP TWP FEET AND IM NOT GETTING ON A WET LADDER IN A HURRICANE WITH WIND AND RAIN LIKE THIS. GLAD I TOOK A NICE COLA from the blue cheese just on case anything happens. Honestly though they've been through the worst. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice. I hope I made the right decision. 9/17 Hurricane has passed and its sunny with blue skies. Plants were dry when I went over this morning. Couldn't upload pictures as the internet is out and I still can't upload pictures the normal way. It's too bad I've got some good ones. I lost one branch high up on the big bluecheese and found a little bit more rot on that purple punch I took the tops off. It looks like we are going to have great finishing weather! This is by far the best cannabis I've grown. I tied up EVERY branch yesterday and added a ton more supports. Last evening when we were getting the 2-4in of rain i got that "feeling". My intuition has been on point. I got there and everything without a vertical trellis was hanging almost sideways. The garden stakes I was using for supports just bent over with the rain and the 50mph wind gusts and the 30mph sustained wind. I had to "support the supports"by anchoring them to the structure of the cage itself. If I hadn't done this and propped them back up the would've been uprooted. Things couldn't loon better than they do right now. I'm wicked lucky. I'll try to take some pictures and upload them later today. UPDATE: SUPER HOT DAY. NOTICED THAT ONE OF MY BLUE CHEESE WAS STARTING TO ROT AND IT WAS DAMN CLOSE TO DONE. PLUS ITS GOING TO RAIN TOMORROW. I WAS PLANNING ON THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW BUT I GOT MOST OF HER DOWN AND HUNG. I COULD'VE TAKEN A PURPLE PUNCH BUT I NEED TO MAKE SOME ROOM. PLUS THEY COULD GO A "LITTLE BIT LONGER" BUT THEY ARE ROCK HARD NUGS THAT LOOK DONE. HONESTLY IF I HAD THE MAN POWER ONE OF THE PURPLE PUNCHES WOULD'VE COME DOWN TODAY. THOSE TWO ARE EASY TO MOVE THOUGH SO EARLY TOMORROW MORNING ILL PUT THEM INSIDE. THE OTHERS CAN MANAGE WITH NO SIGNS OF ROT. IM WORKING AS FAST AS I CAN BUT I NEED TO TAKE THINGS DOWN IN STAGES. TOO MUCH WORK NOT ENOUGH TIME. AT LEAST I GOT SOME STRAINS THAT HAD DIFFERENT FINISHING TIMES. LUCKILY THOSE 10TH PLANETS REVEGGED AND WENT TO FLOWER EARLY. I CANT BELIEVE THE QUALITY OF FLOWER IM SEEING THIS EARLY. SAME WITH THE PURPLE PUNCH. ONE PLANT IS FURTHER BEHIND THAN THE OTHERS AND IT HAS MUCH LARGER BUDS. THE PURPLE PUNCH BUDS ARE HARD AS A ROCK. I GUARANTEE I COULD PITCH ONE OF THOSE THROUGH A WINDOW AND I THROW LIKE A GIRL. 9/18 I should be starting a new week but I might just keep going on this one since i cant add pictures or video. All I can do is take pictures "through the site" if I have internet and remember. It's a pain to have to stop working and have to immediately upload things. Purple punch could be taken now. Im going to let it ride until I run into problems. The blueberry cheese is huge. I'm planning to make concentrated with a lot of it. 9/19 I'm going to have to switch to another site next grow. I can't upload pictures in any way shape or form anymore. Say nothing about videos. I'm gonna finish on here and do a detailed harvest report and smoke report. If I can't get the video uploaded I'll do it somewhere else. Anyway I have a bunch of tenth planet I've been trimming and jarring. After the hurricane we got another storm with 2-4 in of rain. I'm one of the only people i know that's "minimally effected". I lost a branch but it was still hanging so i grabbed it so i really lost nothing. I tried to visually inspect every bud this morning. Found some rot but most places I found it a worm came out. That's good. At least it's not the weather that's causing some rot. Not much. Maybe a handful and it was just starting but I cut everything away from the starting rot. I specifically picked early flowering strains and am certainly glad I did. A few more days of sun and when what's drying is done I'll do a finally check if the trichs andvthen it's fucking timber. This has been one if the WORST seasons for growing in Maine yet somehow I've pulled in one of the best harvests I ever had. Both quality and quantity. 9/20 I definitely need to start a new week but I need to be IN the garden to do it as that's the only way I can take a picture. I've sampled early versions of all my strains and I am incredible pleased. I still am in trim jail with a full room but still have well over half still outside. Plant wise more if i went by weight. It's weird that the plant with the shortest flowering time is seeming to take the longest to totally mature. I COULD take it as bud rot has been prevalent and many people have lost there whole crop. I did have to take one of the cheeses. We are supposed to be getting a few nice days of sun after all that rain. I'm at least giving them that. I have two phenomes of purple punch that could be taken as well. All milky with some amber. One other phenome had much larger buds and I was losing buds to budrot so I took the tops and allowed the bottom to mature. That method had worked well for me so far. Then I get buds that are more well rounded and mature. I went up and checked whats drying. The rest of the 10th planet is ready to be jarred. I've been making progress getting it processed and put away. I need the room so I can bring more in. Found ONE bud that started to rot whete I'm drying so I chucked it. I carefully checked everything hanging and the plants outside for any indications of botrytis. I found a few spots outside 2 or 3 and removed them. I have two plants that I think I'm just going to send to the lab for extracts. I'll add some smaller flower to it. I'll update more at some point. I'll try to get pictures up but it's such a pain in the ass to upload it immediately when I've got all this work to do myself. Come on grow diaries! OH AND I HEAR THAT SOME LOCALS HAVE FOUND MY DIARY. IF SO THEN YOU KNOW WHO I AM. IF YOU DONT ASK AROUND. IM STAYIMG IN THAT CAMPER OUT BACK OF MY GROW EVERY NIGHT AND THOSE PLANTS ARE NEVER LEFT UNSUPERVISED. THERE ARE MANY CAMERAS BUT THATS JUST SO WE'LL HAVE EVIDENCE OR IF IM TAKING A SHIT AND SOMEONE SHOWS UP ILL KNOW. YOU KNOW THERE'S THREE WAYS OUT. THE GROWERS UNION HERE HAS IT SET UP THAT IF ANY OF US HIT OUR "ALARM" BUTTON WE ALL GET IT AND ALL THOSE WAYS OUT GET SHUT DOWN. ITS GREAT TO HAVE GOOD NEIGHBORS. THERE'S NO PROBLEM IF YOU WANT TO TAKE A LOOK AT MY DIARY AND SEE HOW IVE DONE BUT IF SOMEONE IS EXPECTING ON "SUCCESSFULLY" ROBBING ME THEY SHOULD PROBABLY PICK AN EASIER TARGET. ALSO ITS A FELONY TO STEAL MEDICAL MARIJUANA. 9/21 Continueing with the great weather. In that vein I'm letting the girls ride. Blue cheese I'd an end of September strain anyway. It's huge. I'll take some pictures before it comes down if it will upload and I'll have to do it the hard way. My drying spot is large and full. I'm in trim jail and the majority is still in the ground. I'm giving them a few more weeks of good weather. I'm inspecting multiple times a day for rot. Things are going good. Don't know how I'll do harvest reports without pictures lol. UPDATE: HARVESTED A BLUE CHEESE TONIGHT AND IM TIRED AS HELL. CAMPER MIGHT NOT BE BACK TONIGHT BUT IF NOT I'LL BE IN THE GAME ROOM ON WATCH. IN TRIM JAIL. TOOK DOWN EVERYTHING BUT IT GOT IMMEDIATELY REPLACED. I REALLY NEEF SOME HELP. I CANT BELIEVE I CANT UPLOAD PICTURES. IM HOPING I CAN AT LEAST DO MY GROW AND SMOKE REPORTS. IF NOT ILL DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE 9/22 I got the two purple punches in the back down AND the BIG cheese hanging. That thing took up most of the room. I'm still tired. I've got two full Plants that are totally ready and I'm planning on taking them today and bringing right to the lab for extracts. 3 to 5 lbs will get blasted. I've got a lot of work ahead of me but I can get it done. I'm plugging away and making significant progress. I'm hoping pictures and videos will be a thing again. Everyone has said this was the WORST growing season (which it did suck) but I've had my best harvest in over a decade both quality and quantity. This has been my best year. I'll update what I got done. 9/25 I've been in trim jail and working my nuts off. I harvested my 10th planet's in stages three different times. Still have two bottom plants of blueberry cheese and two FULL plants that I was planning to go straight to extracts. Thing is is that one of them looks super greasy. It's always the ones you least expect that turn out the best. I've taken pictures/videos and am very proud of myself this year. However I can't finish my harvest report on here without leaving pictures!! If it doesn't rectify soon I may just do a YouTube video on the harvest and strain review. Or find a different site. This was a horrible year for most but it was one of my best ever. Thanks everyone for stopping by. I'll update what I do with the final two full plants and I'll try to complete harvest reports and smoke reports. It really sucks that I can't upload pictures. 10/1 Everything's in. Bags are ready for extracts and both quantity and quality are tge best I've done. BUT @GROWDIARIES I CAN'T UPLOAD MY PICTURES SO I CANT DO A SMOKE REVIEW! ILL TRY ONE MORE TIME TO USE THE "CAMERA" FUNCTION TO TAKE A PICTURE BUT THAT WASNT WORKING EITHER. WHAT A DISSAPPOINTING END TO THE SEASON
Used techniques
Week 23. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This finished with large fluffy buds covered in trichs. The high is indicated leaning but by selectively harvesting I was able to get some buds that give me creativity and u let some amber for a more couch lock. This strain helps all my symptoms and is something I will certainly grow again. I didn't Rate 10 only because of room for improvement. EDIT: The different phenomes seem to have different effects. The later phenome (which was allowed to amber up a little more) has a more narcotic feel than the larger fluffy buds that promote that great sense of wellbeing. I am incredibly impressed. This strain has several different phenotypes. Most have certain traits but I'd say it's rare to get two plants identical. This strain has personality and every phenos a little different. But saying that each pheno brings something unique to the table. This strain thrived here and would I'm currently considering running it again next year. I'm waiting on results from a lab and I'll show yoy how it turned out being g professionally extracted. Huge plants.
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Spent 165 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Creative, Euphoric, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Insomnia, Stress
Medical effects
Berries, Cheese, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
There were two different phenotypes of this strain. One grew extremely large fluffy (medium dense) buds with a large amount of leaf. The yield was amazing. I don't weigh my weed but one plant filled a 5 gallon bucket. It was over 8ft tall and damb near as wide. This strain thrived through hurricanes, regular 50 temp swings and 50mph winds. Despite the horrible season this strain appeared to be mold proof. The other pheno grew tall and more sativa like with EXTREMELY dense buds with lots of calyxs. I don't have pictures of the other pheno as it's drying and I have to "take the picture for it to upload." OH and liquid kool bloom worked amazing.
Week 23. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This strain has everything you want in an Indica. The smell and taste are both amazing with a fruity, skunky, taste and smell. I got two different phenotypes from this strain abd both turned out great. One had larger fluffier buds with a HUGE yield and the two others had ROCK solid nugs that seemed to not shrink hardly at all once dry. This and the 10th planet I grew this year has been the best quality cannabis I believe I've ever grown. I can't upload new pictures unless it's immediate which is unfortunate but pictures really don't do it justice. This melts away anxiety, helps with pain stimulates appetite and can even help put me to sleep. The only complaint (and I wouldn't say it's even a complaint) is that I lost a few buds to botrytis with one pheno. However over half the time I found a moth larvae in it so that's more user error. The other times were after I selectively harvested the larger pheno thus "injurying" the plant. The other two seemed relatively resistant to molds and mildew. Resistant to pretty much everything. I had good supports but these plants withstood a hurricanecand 50mph winds. Living in Maine mold resistance is a must have. I only didn't rate top notch as I want to leave room for improvement but like I said. This and the 10thp are my best work so far.
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Spent 165 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Insomnia, Pain
Medical effects
Berries, Pine, Pungent

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Sorry I couldn't get better pictures but I'll try again tomorrow. This strain certainly deserves it. Very low leaf to bud ratio on this plant. Dark pink or orange stigmas retracted into the buds as they finished and one pheno had the densest nugs I've ever grown. This year realky showed me the difference of quality seeds compared to "local" clones. After a rainstorm on the large fluffier pheno I found a "trapped" bumblebee inside one of the massive colas. I had to help it out. It was literally "stuck" due to the resin. This strain had the most pleasant aroma that stuck with the finished product. Due to the small amount of leaf to bud ratio this plant was a breeze to trim. That being said I still don't have it ALL manicured up but I'm working on it. All plants seemed fairly pest resistant as well. If you enjoy indica strains (90/10) with short flowering times than this should certainly be on your "to grow list." Having these plants totally finish before October was very helpful. According to many local growers (both patients and commercial growers) this was "the worst year for growing cannabis in memory." I've had the best year I've had in decades (probably ever) both quality and quantity wise.
Week 23. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Strongest cannabis I've ever grown. Incredibly dank skunky piney and kinda dieselly. You definitely know you're in for a treat just by opening the jar. Incredible smell and taste. If someone custom designed a strain for me this would be it. I even stopped dabbing lately as this strain has been enough.
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Spent 165 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Euphoric, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Fruity, Pine, Pungent

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I rated this with top marks for a reason. Two pheno's were topped and fimmed while I left one to grow naturally to get a sense for the plants structure. I'll try to convert some pictures and upload them. This is the darkest smelliest most potent cannabis ive ever grown. I believe I have a new favorite strain. Having been able to selectively harvest two of the plants worked out amazing. After harvesting the nice milky tops, the smaller buds that I left were able to continue growing up through the horizontal trellis and gave me another FULL harvest! Plus I was able to take the late little buds around the size of a quarter (that were all purple with amber trichs) and I was able to harvest AGAIN for the 3rd time and froze a couple lbs wet to make extracts with. This strain was extremely resilient and I don't think I had one spot of botrytis. After harvesting the last two girls (for the third time lol) I noticed they got some powder mildew. That's okay though it was just stuff I wasn't expecting anyway and it went in the freezer. Strain came out just as advertised. Lime green flowers with bright red stigmas that retracted into the flower as it finished. One pheno turned purple towards the end of the season. Very low leaf to bud ratio with this strain. This was one of the worst seasons for growing cannabis but this strain excelled despite the 50 degree temperature swings, weeks of rain, hurricanes and 50mph winds. Not only that, they aren't kidding when they advertise this strain upward of 30% thc. I'll save the effects for the smoke report but this is certainly the STRONGEST cannabis i have ever grown. I am so proud of myself for growing cannabis of this quality. Quantity got me 18 jars and about a quarter of a tote. I'll save the rest for the smoke review. And I'll finish this later. After having had time to cure this strain only seemed to increase in potency. I saved a few lbs wet to freeze and extract. I kind of messed this run up. It still turned out 🔥. I'm used to working with dry material or trim. I think I pushed to hard when I tried to "wick" water away from the hash on the 25u square, I don't think I waited for it to dry long enough end then I didn't let the resin cool before I tried to separate the turkey bags. I left my anxiety meds at my father's and end up ripping the cellophane in 3 pieces. I ended up driving to get my meds with my hands looking like I stuck them in a peanut butter jar. When I made it back the material had cooled. I managed to scrap a ball off my hands. I was then able to dab up almost 100% of the resin! It came ripping up making a loud nose and I'd think I ripped it again. That being said I did lose a little on my hands and equipment. You live and learn I guess. Dry and wet are totally different. However this hash smells JUST LIKE the jars of cured weed. And like I previously said; "If I could design a strain specifically for me, this would probably be it."


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masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 172 years ago
Come on you guys 🙂. I have 880 views on this diary alone and I have five of them. All with WAAAY more views than this lol. Yet I only have like 570 something "likes". And I'm very thorough with pictures videos and indepth descriptions. Show your boy some love when you're passing through. How else are the amount of "likes" going to rise to the level where it improves my growing 🤔 ?How else do I become not only a master but a "grandmaster" or a "guru?" What level is next "Lord of Cannabis?" I think it says I'm an apprentice. I would say that description is spot on. I have a professional that is kind of mentoring me. I also would say I believe I will continue to improve but I will always remain a student. Always an apprentice, or practitioner. NEVER a master. When you think you've "mastered" something is when you have failed. Stoned ramblings.
Loserofthemonthcommenteda year ago
@masterofsmeagol, I don't think they even read or look at pics. It's just the same copy and pastee canned comment, like me, please love me, I never had a puppy, message on everything. I started growing outdoors this last year. I recently harvested some pretty modest autos that never saw a day with less than 100 degrees their whole life. Anyway I am following you now. I didn't start any outdoor diaries because I knew I would get lots of indoor advice. Seeya in Tha Funnies.
masterofsmeagolcommenteda year ago
@Loserofthemonth, thanks growmie. I'm super happy with it. And I definitely agree with you and that's why I made the post poking fun at that whole "like concept". It's pretty ridiculous. But they can have their likes and their quarter ounces while preaching from their soapbox something they just read from the latest YouTube sensation. Like you I've been here about the same amount of time and it was just an easier way to keep track of things then my normal notebook. In that time I too have seen some crazy shit but thats the internet for you.
Loserofthemonthcommenteda year ago
@masterofsmeagol, I didn't read the previous replies of others so this might be redundant. You seem to realize like myself that rating your expertice by the number of likes is a total joke. Over the 4 years I've been here I've seen most of the masters become such in a year or so. Because they spend all day fishing for likes and begging people to come check their shit. Most also give terrible, and extremely repetitive advice. It's fun, just don't take it all to serious. Nice grow for the great white north.
Show More (5)
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 02 years ago
16hrs post germination and I have 1 blueberry cheese that's cracked 4 of the purple punch have cracked and zero of the 10th planet have cracked. I was expecting those big thick 10th planet seeds to take longer anyway.
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 02 years ago
I should've taken pictures of each individual seed pack before I opened it bit hindsight is always 20/20.
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 72 years ago
I think I'm going to have to preface every grow question with I'M GROWING OUTDOORS lol. I was asking about a systemic fungicide and I was told I wouldn't need it because I should keep humidity ect. and everything totally consistent I don't need it and if I do it won't work. Well I'm in central Maine and WPM is a way of life here. Unfortunately I can't just dial down the humidity or the wind. However these are the healthiest plants I've had. I always got clones and had to treat numerous issues. Now I won't even go in a store if they sell clones
resimaxcommentedweek 02 years ago
happy growing
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@@resimax, thank you!
nonick123commentedweek 182 years ago
Espectacular jardín exterior amigo! Quizás un techo de policarbonato te ayudará con las lluvias, si son demasiadas
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@nonick123, thank you friend! If I get to much rain I may do that. Or I'll move them in a large building next to them. Chances are I probably won't do either lol.
Zeke420commentedweek 162 years ago
Looking great! Keep giving them the love and they will give it return. Have three 10th planets in the ground since May 9th here in Michigan. Great strain and great smoke.
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@Zeke420, Thank you! I've never smoked this strain so I'm looking forward to it. Happy growing!
Northern_Entcommentedweek 152 years ago
BT works great on the caterpillars and is food grade photodegradable organic pest control. I’d say you can likely get Safer’s BT at Canadian Tire next time you’re up from Maine if you can’t get it there.
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@Northern_Ent, Thank you! BT IS readily available here and IS in my cabinet. Chances are I'll be doing an application sooner rather than later. I've been doing the LESS is more approach this year. I just don't like spraying my plants with ANYTHING. I agree with you though. BT works great and I will be doing an application shortly. Thanks again! Happy growing!
Trichomie78commentedweek 32 years ago
Looking great!!! I’m 2 states to the west and looking forward to a good New England summer myself!!!! Will be dodging moose at the end of June for a fishing trip out of Portland.
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@Trichomie78, haha Then you know what I'm talking about! Enjoy your trip!
Trichomie78commented2 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, very familiar with the state. The captain taking us out is someone I commercial fished for while living in Portland in the 90’s. I’ve done some canoeing up by eagle lake and chamberlain to see some old abandoned train engines. It is like two worlds, Canada meets Massachusetts🤣
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@Trichomie78, Thanks man! You won't see many moose down in Portland I doubt though. This state is so strange. Southern Maine and Northern Maine are Luke two different worlds. Portland area is developed and oceanside while northern and central/northern Maine (like myself) are dense forests where some towns have numbers rather than names. I actually live in a town under 300 people. Good luck on you're fishing trip man! If you get a chance, take a guide and try the allagash or katahdin iron works. It's not salt water but if you want to get as far from civilization and back to nature their isn't anywhere better. The coastal fishing towns are awesome though. You'll have a blast.
Northern_Entcommentedweek 212 years ago
You might consider doing a foliar spray with lactic acid bacteria. They’re innocuous but out compete things you don’t want like fungus or mould. LAB is easy to make and takes about 10-15 days. Start with rice rinse water set aside in dark for a week, and then mix roughly 1 part liquid with 10 parts milk and set aside in dark for about a week. Dilute LAB serum in water and spray on leaves. Did this in 2021 grow season and it works. Seems like this is all there is to some commercial products based on data I’ve seen for what’s permissible here for commercial growing. Main thing is to allow airflow so defoliation in the understory is key. This year at home I also keep my plants off the lawn overnight so they don’t get so much humidity. Your plants might be wet in the morning because of dew, not rain. Good luck.
Loserofthemonthcommenteda year ago
@masterofsmeagol, I've been making lactobaccillus for years. Good stuff.
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@Northern_Ent, I agree that most commercial products can be made simply using the active ingredients. Saves a lot of money too. K bicarbonate for green cure, citric acid for green cleaner, Dr. Zymes is citric acid with oils as surfactants. I bought enough to make my own for years. Each packet was like $1.70 and will last me a long time. As for l.a.b.s that's something I'll have to try another time. I found a couple moth larvae this morning but by the time I got in the cage a lady bug larvae was munching on it! I've never used l.a.b S before so it's a new concept to me. Since I'm trying to keep this grow as simple as possible and considering how it's going I'm going to just stock to what I've been doing. Also I hardly have time to do what I'm doing now with my sick wife. Been to the er 3 times this week. Also my plants ate on asphalt, in grow bags, on pallets. That way I cut down on any dew I get. In the morning I hand awake them before i get out the leafblower. Thanks for stopping by! When I have more time and am not responding to crisis after crisis I may try something new. Thanks for the advice!
PapaNugscommentedweek 192 years ago
What a beast! Good luck with flower!
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@PapaNugs, Thanks man! I'm certainly going to need it with the weather lately.
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@PapaNugs, thanks brother I'm gonna need it! Thanks for the love! Happy growing!
TwinExoticscommentedweek 62 years ago
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@TwinExotics, thank you! Happy growing!
mcflowcommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck growing🍀
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@mcflow, thank you! You as well!
Northern_Entcommentedweek 92 years ago
I Know the feeling…good luck. 👍
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 62 years ago
I got contacted by a seed bank and was offered free seeds for a diary! I don't participate in SHIT and I lump all my strains together but I think I do a good job. Made me feel good to have a company send me expensive genetics. I even got tge strain I wanted!
medicinalguycommentedweek 62 years ago
Hey! Did you consider putting the lamp closer to the plants ? If you did you would have bushier fuller plants
medicinalguycommented2 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, very cool. I don’t think the stretching is caused by HPS, you can check my journal “pink lychee” you will see that my plants aren’t stretching although I use a HPS light. It’s probably more about light intensity. But since you have so many plants, maybe you need to put the lamp higher than me so you can cover a larger space. I saw that you got some free seeds. Congratulation. I will follow your grow to see the results.
masterofsmeagolcommented2 years ago
@medicinalguy, those are hps lights. They make the plant stretch more but "toughen" the stalks up. This is an outdoor grow. Plants are already being hardened off to go outside now in their forever homes which are fabric pots 20gals to 50gals.
TickleToastcommentedweek 202 years ago
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 23a year ago
I figured the picture thing out. I'm just not tech savvy. I keep to convert my pics to jpg or convert my camera to take jpg pictures. I may add some new pictures to these finished diaries as it has really ben a banner year for me.
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 23a year ago
Sorry about the pictures. I have to take them immediately and an unable to upload the pictures I planned too. I even staged some. I got "a" picture to upload and it was saved as a jpeg instead of whatever my phone saves it as. I'll try to fix this issue but until then I apologize for poor picture quality
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 22a year ago
I haven't been able to upload any pictures or videos for a while so I can't create a new week. I hope this gets rectified
the end.
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