
Triton Biscutto Lime in the House

Approved by Seedstockers
9 months ago
Room Type
weeks 10
weeks 3
weeks 4
weeks 5-10, 12
Grow medium
Grow medium
00seeds2 - 00 KUSH
Triton Biscotto Lime
Growing it
Dense Buds: Our Triton Biscotto Lime has truly exceeded our expectations in the bud department. The buds have developed into compact, resinous nuggets that glisten with an otherworldly allure. When touched, they feel firm and weighty, a testament to their density and quality. Night and Day Delights: The experience of observing this plant during both day and night has been a joy. During the day, the buds showcase their impressive size and density, with an abundance of trichomes that shimmer in the sunlight. As night falls, the lime aroma becomes even more pronounced, creating a sensory journey that's truly delightful. Aroma Extravaganza: The aroma of our Triton Biscotto Lime has been a highlight of this entire journey. It's a citrusy symphony of lime that fills the air and tantalizes the senses. As we prepared for harvest, the scent became even more enchanting, foreshadowing the flavorful experience to come.
The Outcome
Week 13
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / mΒ²
g / plant
plant / mΒ²
watt / mΒ²
Tastes like
Feels like
45% Sativa 55% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry mouth

Medical effects

my best LED at the moment , just amazing
Commented by
DogDoctorOfficial DogDoctorOfficial
9 months ago
Growing as Expected: Our Triton Biscotto Lime has grown precisely as expected, if not better. The meticulous care we've provided, from defoliation to VPD optimization and nutrient management, has paid off in the form of exceptional bud development. The plant has remained healthy, vibrant, and productive throughout its lifecycle. Strain Insights: Triton Biscotto Lime is indeed a delight to cultivate. This hybrid strain combines the best of both worlds, offering a balance between the uplifting effects of sativa and the relaxation of indica. The lime aroma and flavor profile are not only enticing but also unique, making it a standout choice for growers looking to explore something special. Community Shout-Out: We extend our gratitude to the entire cannabis cultivation community for their support and shared knowledge. Your insights and experiences have been invaluable on this journey, and we're proud to be part of this passionate community. Sponsorship Appreciation: Our heartfelt thanks go out once again to Aptus Holland for their unwavering support and sponsorship. Their commitment to organic and sustainable cultivation has been instrumental in our success, and we're honored to be part of the #AptusGang family. In conclusion, the harvest of our Triton Biscotto Lime in the 13th week of flowering has been a truly delightful experience. The dense buds, captivating aromas, and overall growth of this strain have exceeded our expectations. It's a testament to the power of skilled cultivation and the wonders of nature. Dear fellow cultivators, let us celebrate this momentous occasion. May our Triton Biscotto Lime's harvest be abundant, her aroma enchanting, and her legacy an inspiration to us all. As we continue to explore the art of cultivation, may our gardens be filled with joy, abundance, and the camaraderie of our vibrant community. Stay tuned for more adventures in our garden, as we embark on new journeys and discover even more botanical marvels. Until next time, may your gardens thrive and your passion for cultivation never wane. Cheers to our Triton Biscotto Lime! and a Ginourmous Shout out to Seed Stokers on these creation, <3 <3 <3 DISCLAIMER - GD STILL NOT ALLOWING ME TO UPLOAD VIDEOS AND MANY OF THE PHOTOS, I WILL UPLOAD THEM ASAP THANK YOU AND NOT YELLING JUST CALLING ATTENTIONS TO WHY NO VIDEOS ON MY UPDATES im so sad with this <3 <3 <3 Growers Love everyone <3 <3 <3 Stay tuned smoke report will be released asap
Smoke review
Trimming Report: The Magic of the Trim Bag Trimming our Triton Biscotto Lime was an absolute breeze, thanks to the incredible efficiency of the Trim Bag. This innovative tool has revolutionized the trimming process, making it both effortless and efficient. Efficiency and Speed: The Trim Bag proved to be a game-changer. It quickly and effectively removed excess foliage and leaves, leaving behind only the pristine buds. This not only saved us a significant amount of time but also reduced the risk of damaging the delicate trichomes on the buds. Gentle on Trichomes: One of the most remarkable features of the Trim Bag is its gentleness on trichomes. It carefully separates the buds from the leaves, preserving the precious resin glands that coat our buds. As a result, our Triton Biscotto Lime remained super frosty, with trichomes intact and ready for the next step of the process. Smoke Report: A Frosty Delight Our Triton Biscotto Lime has truly lived up to its reputation as a frosty wonder. Here are some insights into the smoking experience: Appearance: The buds are a sight to behold, glistening with resinous trichomes. They have a dense and compact structure, a testament to their quality. Aroma and Flavor: When the buds are broken open, the room is filled with a zesty lime aroma that is nothing short of invigorating. The flavor is equally delightful, offering a harmonious blend of citrus and earthy notes with a hint of sweetness. Effects: The smoking experience is a journey of balanced effects. It starts with a cerebral uplift, inducing creativity and focus. This initial euphoria gradually transitions into a soothing body relaxation, making it an excellent choice for any time of day. Extraction Potential: Hot Plates and Low Temps Our Triton Biscotto Lime has proven to be an excellent candidate for extraction. Using hot plates with low temperatures, we've been able to extract the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes from this strain with remarkable success. Low-Temperature Extraction: Low-temperature extraction is essential to preserve the delicate terpenes and cannabinoids in the buds. It ensures that the final product is not only potent but also rich in flavor and aroma. Full Spectrum Extracts: The Triton Biscotto Lime has provided us with extracts that capture the essence of the strain. The terpene profiles are robust and reflect the lime aroma and flavor that we've come to love. In conclusion, the trimming process with the Trim Bag has been a revelation, simplifying and accelerating our post-harvest workflow while preserving the trichome-rich buds. Our Triton Biscotto Lime has been a delight to smoke, with its frosty appearance, zesty aroma, and balanced effects. Its exceptional performance in low-temperature extraction has further cemented its status as a versatile and prized strain. We extend our gratitude to the cannabis community for the knowledge and experiences shared along the way. This journey has been a testament to the passion and dedication of cultivators worldwide. As we continue to explore the endless possibilities of cannabis cultivation, may your gardens be filled with success, joy, and bountiful harvests. Here's to the Triton Biscotto Lime and the exciting adventures that lie ahead! Special Shout-Out to Seed Stockers: We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Seed Stockers for providing the exceptional genetics of our Triton Biscotto Lime. Without their dedication to quality and innovation, this remarkable journey wouldn't have been possible. Their commitment to producing top-notch cannabis strains has been instrumental in our success, and we're truly honored to have partnered with them. Seed Stockers, you've been an essential part of this adventure, and your genetics have played a pivotal role in our research. Your passion for cannabis cultivation shines through, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you in the future. Thank you for making this journey possible and for contributing to the ever-growing world of cannabis cultivation. Cheers to many more fruitful collaborations! Special Shout-Out to Grow Diaries: We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Grow Diaries for providing a platform to document and share our cannabis cultivation journey. Grow Diaries has been an invaluable resource, allowing us to connect with a passionate community of fellow cultivators, share our experiences, and learn from others. This platform has enabled us to showcase the remarkable progress of our Triton Biscotto Lime, from seed to harvest, and to receive valuable feedback and insights from the global cannabis cultivation community. Grow Diaries has played a significant role in fostering knowledge exchange and camaraderie among growers. To Grow Diaries, we say thank you for providing a space where growers like us can chronicle our successes and challenges, learn from each other, and celebrate the art of cultivation. Your dedication to the cultivation community is truly commendable, and we look forward to continuing our journey on this platform, sharing more adventures, and supporting fellow growers worldwide. Here's to the growth and prosperity of the cannabis cultivation community, with Grow Diaries at the forefront! Special Shout-Out to Aptus Holland: We are truly blessed and immensely grateful to Aptus Holland for their unwavering support and sponsorship. Aptus Holland has been the cornerstone of our success, providing us with the organic and sustainable cultivation products that have helped our Triton Biscotto Lime thrive from seed to harvest. Their commitment to excellence and dedication to the cultivation community have been instrumental in our achievements. Aptus Holland's innovative and high-quality products have consistently exceeded our expectations, allowing us to nurture our green beauty with the utmost care and precision. Aptus Holland, your sponsorship has not only supported our research but has also contributed to the advancement of sustainable and eco-friendly cultivation practices. We're honored to be part of the #AptusGang family and look forward to continuing this fruitful partnership in the future. To Aptus Holland, we say thank you for being an essential part of this journey, for believing in our vision, and for providing us with the tools and knowledge to succeed. Your commitment to the cannabis cultivation community is truly remarkable, and we are proud to be associated with your brand. Here's to a bright and sustainable future of cultivating excellence together! And last but not least We want to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the entire cannabis cultivation community and to each and every one of our followers. Your support, enthusiasm, and shared knowledge have been the driving force behind our journey with Triton Biscotto Lime. It's through this vibrant and passionate community that we've learned, grown, and thrived. Your feedback, insights, and camaraderie have been invaluable, inspiring us to push the boundaries of cultivation and share our experiences with the world. We're deeply touched by the connections we've made, the friendships we've formed, and the shared love for the art of cultivation. Your encouragement and engagement have been the fuel that kept our green beauty thriving. To our followers and the entire cultivation community, we say thank you for being a vital part of this adventure. Your presence has made all the difference, and we look forward to continuing this journey together, supporting one another, and celebrating the boundless potential of cannabis cultivation. Here's to a future filled with growth, learning, and shared success! DISCLAIMER - GD STILL NOT ALLOWING ME TO UPLOAD VIDEOS AND MANY OF THE PHOTOS, I WILL UPLOAD THEM ASAP THANK YOU AND NOT YELLING JUST CALLING ATTENTIONS TO WHY NO VIDEOS ON MY UPDATES im so sad with this <3 <3 <3 Growers Love everyone <3 <3 <3
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Show by Week
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LaFrenchCultureweek 13
Very nice review and diaries i have some Triton outdoor ! Wish you the best grow πŸ’š
Blubzweek 0
Nice my G Please upper your power sockets somehow atleast 30cm above ground thankyou.
@Blubz,thanks buddy, thas not a power socket , now you got me looking up for one hahahah that the heating metras , it was there just to help the seedlings <3 <3 <3 but thank you for caring my friend, truly <3 <3 <3 Growers Love and keep in touch <3 <3 <3
SlowpokeFuegobudweek 0
Dang cute. 🌱 Already baby model.
@SlowpokeFuegobud, hahaha and a cute af one <3 <3 <3 growers love sister thanks for always stopping by <3 <3 <3
XII_XII_MrGreenweek 7
You really write the nicest heartwarming stories my friend. I hope you and you're family are blessed πŸ™πŸΌ
@XII_XII_MrGreen, ohhh thank you my friend , like wise <3 <3 <3 in this case take some more love back with happy week wishes <3 <3 <3
@DogDoctorOfficial, you are really kind brotherπŸ˜ƒ you give me such good energy πŸ™πŸΌ thank you growmie and I hope you have a great weekend as wellπŸ’š
@XII_XII_MrGreen,ohhh thank you my friend and welcome back <3 <3 <3 hope to see you around more now, you growing some awesome genetics buddy <3 <3 <3 growers love my friend and have a wonderful weekend <3 <3 <3
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Ju_Bpsweek 0
Good luck with your grow πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎπŸŒ²
you the man @Ju_Bps, Thank buddy <3 <3 <3 Growers Love <3 <3 <3
mcflowweek 0
Good luck growingπŸ€
@mcflow, Thanks buddy <3 <3 <3
SlowpokeFuegobudweek 5
I like biscotto with my tea.. πŸ˜‹
@SlowpokeFuegobud, that sounds delicious my friend <3 <3 <3
HippyHemulenweek 13
Good diary again and enjoy smoke, sounds delicious! Khalifa genetics - Persian Prince had nice lime smell and taste if you like that! 😊
@HippyHemulen, ohh thank you my friend <3 <3 <3 sorry so late on the upates been having trouble updating stuff no idea why, hope gets back to normal asap lol growers love my friend and blessed day <3 <3 <3
Civicgrowsweek 13
Wow beautiful diary great job man πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’¨
@Civicgrows, ohhh thanks brother <3 <3 <3 so sad that GD is not allowing me to upload the videos lol saving them for wen i am able to do it so again <3 <3 <3 growers love my friend and thank you for stooping by <3 <3 <3
Qutroweek 8
Wow. It is always a pleasure to read your stories about your current grow. The garden looks amazing and can’t wait to see them in full bloom. Have a lovely day man.🌞🌱
thanks @Qutro, you always so kind <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 growers love my friend <3 <3 <3
Ju_Bpsweek 5
Nice canope doctor πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎπŸŒ²
@Ju_Bps, Thanks bother <3 <3 <3 growers love my friend <3 <3 <3
Cannabeast40week 13
Happy harvest looking great 😊
@Cannabeast40,she i a delight brother, a must try , seriously <3 <3 <3 Growers Love my friend <3 <3 <3
Ju_Bpsweek 13
Happy harvest buddy πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎπŸŒ²βœ‚οΈ
@Ju_Bps, thanks buddy <3 <3 <3 growers love <3 <3 <3
dtsproductionweek 13
One day, I'll get a setup like yours. How do you trim your buds, mate? They look so nice, perfectly trimmed πŸ‘
@dtsproduction, ohhh thank ou my friend , seriously , this time i used a trim bag but in general i do it by hand , growers love my friend and baby steeps you will get were ever you want
Qutroweek 13
Congrats on the chop. Those nugs look tasty. And what a diary again, was exciting throughout.πŸ’¨βœŒοΈπŸ»
@Qutro, ohhh thank you brother <3 <3 <3 that means a lot and yes they are tasty af actually <3 <3 <3 a yumie yumie yumie one <3 <3 <3 growers love my friend <3 <3 <3