The Gorilla Cookies was a late bloomer, but they are all happy and growing, i am at day 10 from the beginning of the germination, so i will call this week 2, day 1. First feeding with a couple drops of fish mix.
Hello LazyLama, nothing to worry about bro! But I would advice to give water more on the outside of the pots instead of so close to the plants.
When you do this the roots will have more acces to oxygen and the roots need to search for the water (cannabis plants love it). While searching for the water they develop a healthier and larger rootsystem.
Enjoy your grow! 😋
Do you count THIS, as day one of flowering? Cookies Gelato Auto, RQS, day 25... shitty spring. And if this is day one, do i have a chance for an OK yield? (30/40g?) Plant is about 26 cm tall.
They will throw some bud but no big harvest here. Usually when they show their pistols, their turning over. Full on flower will follow with autos in another week or so.
@LazyLama, pas mal comme technique mais je vais les laisser tranquille 😅 j'ai cultiver une cheese auto l'an dernier et ce sont sûrement ces enfants qui grandissent tout les trois ensemble dans le même pot !
@JamesBarre, essaye de mettre un sac poubelle dessus de 18h à 22h, ça peut déclencher la floraison au bout de deux semaines... c'est comme les passer en 12/12 mais en extérieur.
@LazyLama, oui on va tous attendre un peu 😅 et encore plus pour certains plans, je viens de me rendre compte que les 3 graines issu de la dernière récolte n'était pas vraiment des autofloraissante 😂 elles ont perdu de leur génétique ruderalis et la je sais pas comment ça va se finir vu la taille des plants !!
Ça grandit bien chez toi aussi ! Encore un peu de patience et tu goûteras le fruit de tes efforts 🤤 ta récolte ne sera pas énorme donc si tu lances une seconde session teste le LST sur quelques plants 👍
@JamesBarre, je tente une technique que j'ai vu, de faire flotter les graines 2 jours, et comme elle est photo, je vais bien la torturer en amont, donc ça me laisse un mois pour dégager de la place dans la serre! 😁 (j'ai mis une Stress Killer et 3 durban "sauvages", au cas où...🤣)
Hey boss! I’m growing Cookies Gelato as well! Mine is an Auto!
As for the plant not doing so well, over watering can cause clawing in the leaves and wilting. Look into it, and see if that matches your plant!
@LazyLama, young plants don’t have great root systems when they are young, so th eh can’t take too much water that way early. But they can take water through their leaves. In the future you could just try a foliage mist in the mornings when they are young but only water when the first inch or so of soil is dry :) you may have known that already just throwing it out for consideration though!
@CanuckTaughtMe, thanks for the advise, I have stopped watering for two days now, but the greenhouse is so moist, the soil is still wet... Tomorrow I am having some serious sun, finally I hope they will dry, and fix the issue.