Plants don’t look good… and this is where I stop giving a fuck. 13 weeks… nah. I’m growing tiny shits in a corner…. I’ve put less work on finessing bitches than these plants, whatever comes out it is what it is…. Just gonna use living soil and water once in a while on next “auto” run fuck that 3 months bullshit… I’ll wait 3 months for 3 pounds not this. Basically grow photos outside and grow autos inside. I’ve lost branches and major stems…. Dehumidifier ain’t hacking it cause east coast decided to act like it’s fall… my clone that I experimented on is growing fine OUTSIDE I didn’t even do nutn just poked him in the dirt and waved him good luck… maybe I’m over reacting and my plants just looking limp cause they going into their dying phase or maybe it’s not working out cause my dumbass bought 3 different strains that grow in different climates I’ll never know. In summary: grow autos with live soil inside or grow photos if ur growing outside with plenty of space
Been noticing wet spots on my leaves almost like a slug went thru but it’s not slimy, didn’t leave residue and dissipated fast. My Rh was relatively high that day and right after a feeding in the morning, is this the result of plant “perspiring” or something else? Thanks
leaves overlapping will do that. if you have a breeze, no problem as it dries fast. otherwise, de-congest so you don't have standing water lingering. bend or remove. always prefer to keep them.
Hey buddy - this looks AMAZING for your first grow - pretty well done :)
Slowly but finally coming to and end - have fun and good luck with your harvest
@Mosquito_Haarlem_Holland, Thanks bro, any advice on leaning seedlings? I’ve forgot my myco when I planted the seeds so I carefully excavated them and replanted. I guess I replanted them too shallow they all popped out with helmet head and because of it really stretchy. Now cookies gelato doing a “lean back”
Hey brother I struggle with same rh issue in flower on the east coast. I learned to time it so my plants are never in flower in July or August. I try to start a run in March and harvest in late may to early June and then start another run in mid August and harvest in Nov or December if I'm running photos. Heat and high rh suck in flower especially if your running more powerful lights that put out additional heat. A 200w light is also not enough for a 3x3 tent in flower imo. I run an 880 watt in a 5x5 and its perfect. Good luck!
@Canna96, great info thx man, yeah ima try not to be in flower during July and august. Sucks to hear about my light thought it’d be enough since that’s how they commercialized them. I’ve panicked prematurely lol gotta stop drinking and posting xD. Im thinking of bringing the tent inside the house from my garage for the last few weeks of flower.
Rh can be lowered by introducing an intake as well as leaving ur exhaust high. If u dont have an intake try leaving a flap open with a fan pointed at it. No smell early, moist is manageable with good airflow. Am new to this but had similar issues. Good luck!
@Monketh, First of all thanks for your sound advice brutha your right and I think I figured out my problem. I do leave my flaps open every morning after lights on but my fan isn’t near the flaps. Also I’m growing in my garage so I don’t get the benefit of my house hvac unit. It worked awesome during the colder periods cause all I needed was a heater but now with the change in temps and humidity it’s almost like it’s getting a greenhouse effect with the tent producing most of it. Basically my intake takes from the garage and my exhaust gives back to the garage and I’ve got a green house effect going on. I’ll try exhausting into the framework of the house.