Welcome to my Lemon Drizzle sponsored by Spider-Farmer & Barneysfarm with their New SE brand, (upgraded 2023 Spectrum) and 1 of 5 of Barneysfarm new Releases I was given.
Veg Days 2-9 Days 8-14 Week 2
Plant grew really well in week 2. Rapid growth, holding pace with the 1st weeks explosive growth. Her roots are amazing. And it'll be getting uppotted soon. Running on a Full compliment of Natural Line Plagron with others in their line. Will be adding everything they have, in their range of course. New "Power Buds" and Green Sensation, SR, and idk why but I added Terpinator. And, its not an ideal nutrient to use in a sensitive range where PH mistakes cause big issues. She did do good this week but, this is the last of good week. As Co2 growing with young plants is new to me. My co2 is too high and lux is too low, I've taken out Runtz and put GDP auto back at floor. And I've upped the Lux and Will be lowering the light for ripening for my plant and dropping co2 back to 800.
Thanks to all who viewed. And to Bella from Spider-Farmer for the opportunity to work with them. And for the 2nd Yr in a row. Barneysfarm have let me pick 5 of their new Releases. Highly appreciated, that also goes to all who stopped by to view, like, &/r comment. Thanks and I look forward to seen your work. Either way. Thanks again for stopping by.
@Whitey307, Thanks Pal. I have the Runtz. Will be running it soon. I did their Runtz X Layer Cake. And that has Lineage from that. So, you're in for a treat. Thanks for following. Look forward to seen yours
I have some problem like yuo, if the plant produce leaves with 3 punte, she is probbbaly light stress ti much light on babies vegetattion girl, she defende himself produce leaves with 3 punti. Its only a probability but i don t know.. Good luck with this Lemon drizzle!! I loving it! 👍😝😽😉🍀