This plant grew an incredible 6” during the final stretch heading into the first true bloom week. She is turning into quite the monster and will probably outgrow the tent she’s in now. Since this is the 1st true bud week, the nutrients have been updated and (note) changed. This coming week I will defoliate and trim nodes/branches to create the desired bud sites and hopefully cola’s we all desire in a grow. Only time will show the outcome. Maintain ph at 6.24, lights at 75% power.
It takes big leaves to create big buds. It also takes light reaching every bud to produce and mature it out properly. Keeping a plant striped of these leaves will reduce bud production. Leaving them on will also reduce bud maturity. So the ideal is to know when to cut them off. When buds start to form they produce their own set of “water type” leaves, allow these to gain sufficient size to support photosynthesis without stunting the plant when striping the leaves. It’s a fine balance but easy to do, it takes patience and practice. Everyone was new at it at one time, we all learn, grow, and hopefully share that knowledge with other like minded enthusiasts openly. I have no secrets in any grows I do.
@@justsomedude420, thank you, the smoke is very smooth and flavorful. I did get quite a wasabi sinus clearing with it as well! Terps are strong and THC is high. 👍
If flowering times were a little shorter we'd definitely still have a cut or 2 bouncing around. My husband loves it too, the flavor is so unique ❤️🌱.. enjoy Smoq!
This stuff came out no joke man holy cow. I am going to add this to my pheno hunt for sure after seeing these photos! Can you give me a run down of the smoke experience after a full long cure ? Would this strain do well at dispensaries ?
@Still_Smoq, Thanks so much man. I will for sure be adding it in, The fact you have experience in and around dispensaries in legal states gives me a good idea of what you are comparing it to.
Gladly @LegacyMarketFarm, after 45 days definitely a berry flavor, not much diesel, smooth, high thc, the rush is warm body to head from first hit, after 3 hits the high is clear and sharp, lasting about and hour then settles down to a relaxing mellow buzz for another 2 hours or so. All buds (I grew) were dense, solid, crystal covered, thumb size dispensary grade. Drawn from my experiences in California and Seattle anyway. Hope this helps brother!