She responded well with defoliation on 13 July 23, followed up with some minor bud or popcorn removal on July 20th. Her stretch this week slowed down to 3” and has began to shift only on bud production. Maintain ph at 6.24, lights at 75% power. Every week the nutrient schedule is changed and tweaked moving in “advance” of the maturity level of the plant.
I grow for personal smoke, satisfaction, and experience. Quality flower is all I am interested in. It will make a healthier plant to grow, easier to trim, more evenly to cure, dry, and preserve. In my opinion, smaller buds are less potent and only take way from the genetic potential of the better flowers throughout the plant. A greater loss for the small gain.
I pulled the plant out of the tent to make some light adjustments, so I took a picture from above, under different lighting conditions (non-LED).
@@justsomedude420, thank you, the smoke is very smooth and flavorful. I did get quite a wasabi sinus clearing with it as well! Terps are strong and THC is high. 👍
If flowering times were a little shorter we'd definitely still have a cut or 2 bouncing around. My husband loves it too, the flavor is so unique ❤️🌱.. enjoy Smoq!
This stuff came out no joke man holy cow. I am going to add this to my pheno hunt for sure after seeing these photos! Can you give me a run down of the smoke experience after a full long cure ? Would this strain do well at dispensaries ?
@Still_Smoq, Thanks so much man. I will for sure be adding it in, The fact you have experience in and around dispensaries in legal states gives me a good idea of what you are comparing it to.
Gladly @LegacyMarketFarm, after 45 days definitely a berry flavor, not much diesel, smooth, high thc, the rush is warm body to head from first hit, after 3 hits the high is clear and sharp, lasting about and hour then settles down to a relaxing mellow buzz for another 2 hours or so. All buds (I grew) were dense, solid, crystal covered, thumb size dispensary grade. Drawn from my experiences in California and Seattle anyway. Hope this helps brother!