First week of medusa 4/5.
I only sprayed the plant with regulsrr tap water. I will give the plants its first pH balanced water this week.
Since it has a short veg time, I will test giving it small amount of nutrients next week already. I will do this because 1: I want to see if feeding it nutrients can cause stress and force the plant to flower sooner than the 18 days it took for the other 3 medusa plants. And 2: I want to see if the extra nutrients in the seedling and veg stage will help create a bigger trained plant with more yield.
Topping will be done no doubt!
@Densko, love it man! Very uniform, low riders but a lot of bud sites. From what I have seen in other diary’s they finish gas as well. How are you finding them?
@nonick123, not long anymore! My drying tent is empty so I have space again to put her in. I did notice this phenotype required a bit more time since she was very big. Additionally, when looking at the trichomes, hardly any were amber. for me this tells me it is almost done! depending on your preferences.