Hi there friends,
We are online again over here, pfeew that was a long time no growing but sometimes sacrifices have to be made.
I have build up my old setting 2 tents with together a little less then 2 square meter and planted no less than 10 different strains. 9 pots are filled with Strawberry Banana from ETS.
Yeah i know what you're thinking now 'how the heck is he still having 10 different strains on less then 2 meter🤔🤔
8 of the strains are in the smaller tent 😆
And the the other bigger tent is almost completely full with SB, it was one of my very favorite that was in my mind for a long time after it was finished.
Glad to be back in this great community, some already wished me a welcome back that is a great feeling!
Thank you for reading if you came this far, and I hope to see you around.
Till next week🤙
Hey friend, I know the feeling when you just don't have the energy, take a break and just do what you can, we are happy to see what progress you have the time or energy to publish. 💚
@XII_XII_MrGreen, You too buddy, I just think we can all learn that life comes at us in waves, so instead of trying to control lifes weather and still the waves, we need to learn to surf them.
Look @ all those Lovely Sherbets together! Nice job👍 😍,
i am in love with mine😵 She is so majestic.. it almost breaks my heart when im gonna chop her 2morrow😘