Hello again good people. 🙏
Today is 4th week of vegetation. Everything goes really easy. All I have to do is just to water some time and also I have to top up the water in the humidifier once a day. She grows very fast, in one week she is over 10cm bigger. Sometimes, when I'm already looking into the tent I catch the stem in a few places and gently twist it to improve the condition of the plant. The wind of the mixing fan works the same way to strengthen the stem. I think it works like with people, when we move or exercise we feel better and our body works better. She looks so beutiful. And starts to smell very interesting. I think I will switch her to flowering in the next week. I want her at least twice bigger and bushy. 💪
Cheers 🙌
@GMSgrows, 🙏Thank you very much for a nice comment. With the experience I have gathered, the next crop, the second in my career, is much calmer. 😊I hope someone will one day learn something useful from my cultivation. 👊 Cheers 💪