8/30 - Week 4 ends and we are heading into flowering. Fed the first dose of 1/2 strength Fox Farms Soil schedule for week 5 today. 3rd feeding overall, all half strength.
8/29 - Alright, heading into flower, had some moisture / airflow issues with how damn bushy she'd gotten so had to chop some more on 8/28 evening. Rebounded nicely 8/29 and we've got a good amount of tops coming up now w/ some preflower starting. Looks like we're heading into flower properly now and should be stretching soon. Fed another round of Fox Farms soil week 4 last on 8/27.
8/26 - Been tying it down and adjusting daily, getting some good spread w/ a good # of bud sites coming up. Some stretch would be welcome to fill out the space a bit and get some room to work with. Don't want to chop too much leaf off as it's flipping to flower but it's crowded. Fed Fox Farm Soil Feed at half strength on 8/24.