1 plant was a runt out of the 2 seeds planted..same growing methods used for both plants so genetics are questionable. First plant 75% frosty with strong diesel and citrus aromas.
78 grams roughly 2.8 oz! Pretty happy with that as I’m looking for quality and potency and no longer quantity and quickness.
She has a good amount of frost and super pungent stank radiating off her.
Unfortunately for me I had issues with drying and at one point a few hours of 70% humidity which led to a few areas of mold…I threw away those buds and the rest are top notch..probably my most resinous plant harvested so far and strongest smelling. I also grew a runt which will give me less than an ounce now I know it’s just best to call quits on those stumpy odd growing plants and start fresh.
Lastly my humidity stayed at 52-56% and I should’ve harvested 1-2 days earlier so the buds are much drier/crispier than I’d like. I’m still trying to find a good drying location..one room had that low humidity and my grow room had way too high at 70..will figure it out eventually.
Also 200watt for lighting I can’t go back and change it.
Wow buddy!! super nice buds
What an amazing grow so far - good job and well done 🤝
Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱
Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩🌾