What a great strain...definitely surprised me positively. Thank you Exotic Seeds for the opportunity to work with you trying this awsome plant.
It has a steady growth, kinda short and bushy like a lot of plants with strong indica traits
Very dense buds, big ones, fat and resinous. With a LOT of productions all-over the plant. So much thricome production it sparkles white.
Cuted it yesterday (17/12/2023) altough in my opinion it could have maturee for 1 more week.
Altough because of the huge problem I had to do it now This grow tent (specially the other plant growing side by side) had a mold issue, bud rot spreading fast. I must have lost about 5
65 grams of wet flower total on the Fat Banana.
When I cuted it 🍓 Strawberry Cola weighted 859 grams without the root ball. it has a lot of defoliation done alredy but I'll trim it 100% when dry.
This is it, thank you all of you growmies for watching this grow. See u guys on the next one.